Chapter 1770 is too backward

Now those well-known foreign companies have released new products, and all kinds of performance are extremely superior. When they celebrate with each other, they will naturally choose electrical appliances from foreign companies, even if they are more expensive.

As for Qiuhai's products, they have always looked down on them.

Before the domestic electrical appliances, they said that the technology is not good.

Now that the technology has come up, they will say that the quality is not good.

When the quality gets better, they will say that the appearance is not good.

When these are no problem, they will still feel that the brand is not good.

In a word, all domestic brands are inferior to foreign brands.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Huaxia was indeed inferior to foreign companies in the field of electrical appliances, and many products were dumped for a few streets, and there was no comparison.

This point, even Chen Jianghai himself has to admit.

After these years of development, Huaxia's electrical appliance industry has made great progress.

In particular, the appearance of the catfish in Qiuhai has made China's electrical appliance industry grow rapidly and has the ability to fight against foreign companies.

It is a pity that this step has not changed the views of some people.

It can only be said that some people have been kneeling for too long and really can't stand up.

For these people, Chen Jianghai is very despised.

The world is developing rapidly, but these people are still stagnant and unwilling to really open their eyes to see the world.

It can only be said that these people are quite pitiful on the spiritual level, and at the same time they are somewhat hopeless.

About this matter, there was a lot of uproar in the country soon.

Many people are worried about whether Qiuhai can survive this difficulty.

At this time, Qiuhai is not facing competition from national brands.

The old-fashioned foreign company, the world's top 500, is the label of Qiuhai's opponent this time, and it can be said that it is not weak.

Everyone knows that winning this war is definitely not an easy thing.

After Yue Hongsheng knew about this, he immediately came to Chen Jianghai.

Foreign companies are aggressive, and Yue Hongsheng feels that Qiuhai must prepare in advance.

"Mr. Chen, these foreign companies are not good this time, we can't take it lightly."

Yue Hongsheng looked at Chen Jianghai solemnly and said.

Chen Jianghai smiled lightly and asked with a relaxed expression, "What?

Scared? "

Seeing Chen Jianghai's smile, Yue Hongsheng could only admire in his heart.

In this case, the one who can still laugh, I am afraid that there is also Chen Jianghai.

If this is an ordinary enterprise, if it encounters an opponent like a foreign company, even if it is not uneasy, it is inevitable to worry. How can it be so easy?


What's more, Qiu Hai's opponent is now the world's top 500.

To get through this level, the difficulty here can be imagined.

"Mr. Chen, I won't be afraid."

Yue Hongsheng shook his head with a very serious expression and replied, "Qiuhai has gone through so much, we will not fall down easily.

Chen Jianghai was very satisfied with what Yue Hongsheng said, he nodded and said:

"As long as you have confidence, you have nothing to fear.

These foreign companies will never want to overthrow Qiuhai with a few new products, right?

It's just wishful thinking! "

"They have new products, don't we have Qiuhai?

! "

What Chen Jianghai said was sonorous and powerful and full of confidence.

Over the years, Chen Jianghai's investment in research and development has scared many people to death.

So much money was spent, and naturally there was a lot to gain.

Qiuhai has not released any new products this year.

The fact that new products have not come out does not mean that Qiuhai has no new technologies.

In fact, Qiuhai's current products undergo some iterations every year.

The technology of many products has actually been replaced one after another.

However, Qiuhai does not update all at once, but updates some technologies for each product at a time interval.

The technology has been updated, but in terms of price, there has not been much increase.

The money and time spent in the past, of course, have also paid off handsomely.

In Qiuhai's hand, he is holding a lot of new technologies that have not yet been released.

Chen Jianghai's idea is very simple. When there are no competitors, Qiuhai's products will have a small update every year to maintain their superiority among their peers.

Once an opponent appears, then according to the strength of the opponent, decide how much to update the product.

The opponent's strength this time is not weak, Qiu Hai naturally wants to show his real strength to fight against it.

Chen Jianghai directly waved: "Since they have released new products, we will also release them."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll do it now!"

Yue Hongsheng said excitedly.

In terms of technology, Huaxia has suffered too much.

Now that Qiuhai can be so hard-hearted, it is normal for Yue Hongsheng, who is the big housekeeper, to be excited.

Such a thing, Yue Hongsheng had thought about in his dream, but he never thought that it would finally be realized today.

Qiuhai's competition with foreign companies relies on technology and hard power.

I believe that the autumn sea this time will set an example for all of China.

Who said that China's enterprises do not have technology?

Who said that Huaxia's companies are inferior to foreign companies?

Who said that China's enterprises can't rise?

This time, let Qiuhai teach everyone a good lesson!

When the Chinese people were still talking about it, Qiu Hai immediately shot.

All new products were unveiled on the same day.

Looking at these products, Chinese people are excited, happy, and tearful. Of course, a small number of people are amazed and questioned.

When foreign companies release new products, most of them are still worried about Qiuhai.

Now it seems that their worries are completely superfluous.

Qiuhai did not disappoint them.

Being able to do this is enough to prove that Qiuhai still has a certain status in the hearts of many Chinese people.

The current Qiuhai can be said to be a banner of national enterprises.

For a while, the whole country is closely watching.

Nowadays, Qiuhai is very popular in China.

It encountered challenges and naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Most people support Qiuhai.

While supporting Qiuhai, they were somewhat pessimistic.

In fact, based on past experience, Huaxia's national brands are often vulnerable and completely defeated when faced with the impact of foreign brands.

Although Qiuhai's strength is, in the face of such challenges, it is really worrying for the future if so many big international brands unite.

Although they are reluctant to admit it, in the hearts of almost all Chinese people, the products of foreign companies often mean advanced technology.

If Qiuhai wants to beat them technically, it seems unlikely.

Even if Qiuhai develops well and achieves impressive results, they cannot let them let go of their timidity towards foreign-funded enterprises.

It can only be said that in the past few years in China, it was too backward in all aspects.

This kind of backwardness does not refer to just one field, but to backwardness in all aspects.

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