Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1757: To climb higher, you have to take risks

Chapter 1757 If you want to climb higher, you must dare to take risks

"Yongping, according to your approach, the future development of Eastern Communications will not be too bad."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's evaluation, a smile appeared on Duan Yongping's mouth.

Chen Jianghai did not completely deny his opinion, which means that he was not wrong before.

What makes Duan Yongping curious is, does Chen Jianghai have better suggestions?

Duan Yongping said quickly, "Mr. Chen, I don't understand what you mean."

Chen Jianghai looked at Duan Yongping and said with a smile, "I hope that the future Oriental Communications can be like Qiuhai, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Duan Yongping couldn't help widening his eyes, obviously a little surprised.

He obviously did not expect that Chen Jianghai would have such high expectations for Eastern Communications.

One of the world's top 500 companies, Huaxia is now a company like Qiuhai.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jianghai would have the same expectations for Eastern Communications.

Although Duan Yongping also has high expectations for the Oriental Communications he controls, he absolutely dare not expect to become a super enterprise like the Fortune 500.

For Eastern Communications, Duan Yongping has only one idea, that is to become the leader of the domestic mobile phone industry.

The further goal is to become a competitive relationship with those big international brands.

The foundation of Eastern Communications is still too thin, and Duan Yongping dare not have excessive expectations.

Now it seems that Duan Yongping's courage is still a little small.

The goal set by Chen Jianghai was not so easy to accomplish.

In Duan Yongping's view, what Eastern Telecom needs to do now is to develop and become strong in China first.

In this way, we can think about how to develop internationally in the future.

If you want to develop strong, the pioneer is the best way for Eastern Communications.

"Mr. Chen, it is not easy to achieve this goal."

Duan Yongping said with a very solemn expression.

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai said calmly, "Why, don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Duan Yongping said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Chen, it's not that I have no confidence in myself, but the opponent is too strong, I dare not think about it."

In response to such an answer, Chen Jianghai nodded: "Eastern Communications wants to become the world's top 500, just relying on a pioneer V2 is unrealistic."

Duan Yongping became more and more confused about Chen Jianghai's statement.

Hearing what Chen Jianghai meant, he seemed to have thought of a feasible method.

"Mr. Chen, I think so too."

Duan Yongping also simply expressed his thoughts, "We can continue to improve the Pioneer series, isn't this problem solved?"

The current Pioneer V1 has established a firm foothold in the market.

Duan Yongping feels that the upcoming Pioneer V2 will definitely bring him a surprise.

In this case, the pioneers can continue to develop V3 and V4, and then they will always be at the forefront of the market and continue to make huge profits.

Relying on this pioneer, Eastern Communications can completely compete with foreign capital.

As for China's domestic, if you want to compete with Eastern Communications, you really can't find a few opponents.

In this way, the strength and influence of Eastern Communications will increase day by day.

However, what Chen Jianghai means now seems to have no great idea about continuing to develop pioneers.

This makes Duan Yongping really incomprehensible.

Chen Jianghai just smiled, and then said to him: "Yongping, you have to take a long-term perspective. It is impossible for Eastern Communications to only have a pioneer mobile phone in the future."

Duan Yongping's mouth was wide open at this time, he did not expect Chen Jianghai to say this.

In Duan Yongping's view, if a company has such a successful mobile phone, it is already a very powerful thing.

As far as Duan Yongping is concerned, he is very satisfied to be able to design a mobile phone like the Forerunner V2.

On the other hand, Chen Jianghai was obviously not satisfied with this.

What Chen Jianghai thinks is that the future Oriental Communication will have a variety of different models of mobile phones.

Duan Yongping pondered for a while, and then said with some concern: "Mr. Chen, will there be some risks here?"

Oriental Communication has a successful mobile phone, enough to disdain the crowd.

Why spend money on risky attempts?

It is not easy to make a successful mobile phone.

Time, money, opportunity are all indispensable.

In this case, Duan Yongping felt that Chen Jianghai might have gambling elements in it.

If we win, then Eastern Communications will develop rapidly.

But if it loses, then the development of Eastern Communications may stagnate.

As far as Xiangjiang is concerned, Duan Yongping felt that Chen Jianghai should be more stable.

Because at this stage, Eastern Communications only needs to play steadily and earn profits, and it does not need to take this risk.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said lightly: "Yongping, opportunities and risks have always coexisted.

If we want to climb higher, we have to take risks. "

"Mr. Chen, in your opinion, are the pioneers not successful enough?"

Duan Yongping did not agree with Chen Jianghai's words and couldn't help asking.

In his view, the pioneers have already made a name for themselves in the market, and as long as they develop step by step, the future can be expected.

Chen Jianghai's current attitude shows that he does not want to do this.

Chen Jianghai replied with a smile: "The pioneers have been successful enough, so successful that we don't need to spend more energy on it."

"Now that our first mover has a firm foothold in the market, it just needs to remain stable."

"As for pioneering things, it should be left to other products to do."

Chen Jianghai's thinking is very clear, the next focus of Oriental Communication is to develop the Android system.

As long as the Android system is done, Eastern Communication will definitely occupy a very favorable position in the future mobile phone competition.

Forerunner is equivalent to an entry-level mobile phone, and what it can do for Eastern Communications is limited after all.

In Chen Jianghai's eyes, the Android system is the trump card of Oriental Communications in the future.

If the pioneers continue to invest, in Chen Jianghai's view, it is a waste of time and money, and there is absolutely no need for this.

The upper limit of this mobile phone has already been placed here, and it is impossible to improve it too much, so of course, there is no need to continue to spend energy to do useless work.

Even by the most critical eye, the Forerunner, as an advanced mobile phone of this era, is quite good, almost impeccable.

However From the perspective of Chen Jianghai, if this phone wants to compete with the smartphones of later generations, it is not enough.

The reason why Chen Jianghai did not build the Android system at the beginning was naturally because of time.

At this time, the Android system has not been developed yet.

It is a bit unrealistic for Eastern Communication to start developing the Android system by itself.

After all, as a layman, Chen Jianghai's understanding of the Android system is actually only a little bit of fur.

Professional things should be done by professional people.

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