Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1751: I don't know if I don't listen, I'm scared when I hear it

Chapter 1751 I don't know if I don't listen, I'm startled when I hear it

Chen Jianghai's remarks made Li Shuangyu ponder.

At first, Li Shuangyu thought that what Chen Jianghai said was just a slogan.

Now it seems that Chen Jianghai is justified. After some careful thinking and inference, it is not empty words at all.

The weakest place in China right now, the countryside is definitely the only answer.

There is a lack of education, medical care and other conditions, not to mention the economy.

China has a vast territory, and 70% of it is rural.

To develop rural areas, the human and material resources required here are too much.

It is precisely because of this that the country will focus on developing the urban economy first.

Such an approach is similar to the liberation of the whole country during the Anti-Japanese War.

What was implemented in the past was that the countryside encircled the city, but now it is the city that drives the countryside.

Both can be said to be an epoch-making idea.

Chen Jianghai really admires the person who can come up with this kind of strategy.

Chen Jianghai clearly knows that such an economic strategy is extremely correct.

The only thing that makes Chen Jianghai a little regretful is that rural development is still too slow.

From the millennium to 2020 in the previous life, the countryside has undergone earth-shaking changes.

But it is somewhat unrealistic to really say that everyone will become wealthy.

Chen Jianghai wanted this matter to be taken seriously in advance and to make some preparations earlier.

In this way, the economic development of the countryside may be better than in the previous life.

Li Shuangyu said with admiration: "Mr. Chen, I didn't expect you to fund Chenjia Village, and there is such a meaning."

"I'm from Chenjia Village, and it's right to help the village develop."

Chen Jianghai said modestly.

Li Shuangyu couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Chen, do you think other villages can develop with the model of Chenjia Village?"

Hearing this question, Chen Jianghai smiled and answered patiently: "Actually, the situation in each village is different. Naturally, the same method cannot be used. We must adapt to local conditions and formulate different plans according to different conditions."


A week later, Chen Jianghai's interview program was broadcast.

According to CCTV's original plan, the documentary will take some time to be released.

However, after hearing Chen Jianghai's views on rural development, CCTV's leadership hurriedly convened a special meeting.

After some heated discussions, everyone unanimously decided that the documentary must be released as soon as possible.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to spread Chen Jianghai's views to more people.

A person who can be the director of CCTV naturally has a political sensitivity that is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Chen Jianghai's views may affect many things in the future in his opinion.

Even now, there may be some impact.

Moreover, this influence is very positive, and even has a guiding role for agricultural and rural work in some places.

In this case, the sooner it is released, the better.

After all, China's rural development is indeed relatively backward now.

If the state can take it seriously and give it a little support, the rural economy can develop better.

Compared with urban construction, the current rural areas are far behind.

With just a little bit of support, they can get off the ground right away, and it's easy to get great results.

In this way, this news can get enough attention from CCTV.

CCTV's ability to produce such a program has surpassed other TV stations in terms of level.

In this way, CCTV's position in the country will be more stable.

The **** decides the head, and CCTV has done a good thing by doing so.

But on the other hand, CCTV is ultimately to increase its own attention.

Otherwise it wouldn't be so diligent.

At that time, if this policy is really down, the benefits will definitely be indispensable.

If the above can really pay attention, then the development trend of rural areas will definitely get better and better.

As long as this trend can be maintained, maybe while developing the urban economy, the rural economy can also develop slowly.

This is absolutely only good for Huaxia, not bad.

Taking this into account, CCTV naturally hopes that the show will be launched as soon as possible.

As long as this view is recognized and promoted, CCTV can be considered a hero.

Sure enough, the show attracted a lot of attention as soon as it was launched.

CCTV's ratings on this day also rose sharply, and the rise was extremely gratifying.

At the beginning, the people who paid the most attention to this show was naturally Chenjiacun.

You know, Chenjia Village a few years ago was just a poor village with meager income.

Now after just a few years of development, it has transformed itself into a wealthy small farm.

Everyone in the village put on new clothes, lived in a new house, and lived a life they could never have imagined before.

This can be said to be the envy of most people in the country.

In today's China, 70 percent are farmers, and they naturally hope that their lives will get better and better.

This program broadcast by CCTV can be said to have just hit their hearts.

They wondered if they could find a way to make themselves rich from this show.

After watching for a while, they found out that Qiuhai's boss Chen Jianghai also appeared on the show.

In this case, those who didn't care about this show before will also pay attention.

Chen Jianghai is now the well-deserved number one entrepreneur in China, and many people regard him as an idol.

I am afraid that only Chen Jianghai can do this from scratch on the land of China.

Since Qiuhai's development, Chen Jianghai has become more and more low-key, and he is rarely seen on TV, let alone giving interviews like he is now.

For those admirers of Chen Jianghai, it is undoubtedly very helpless.

They are really eager to see what their idols are doing.

This show gave them a chance.

Those admirers of Chen Jianghai naturally want to see what Chen Jianghai will say on this show.

As a result, I didn't know, I was startled when I heard it.

I didn't expect Chen Jianghai to have such a view on rural development.

Moreover, it seems that in-depth investigation and research have been carried out, not as simple as casual remarks, but also a set of extremely mature viewpoints, which have a guiding role.

Everyone thinks that what Chen Jianghai said is quite If the rural areas cannot develop, how can China's economy be rejuvenated?

This is simply a joke.

Only when all aspects develop together can China's economy be completely rejuvenated.

Just simply develop the urban economy, then Huaxia still has a long way to go from the real revival.

Chen Jianghai is now throwing such a situation into the public eye.

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