Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1742: supply on demand

Chapter 1742 Supply if there is demand

Later, Liu Jianming shared his knowledge of online games on the spot.

After Chen Jianghai heard it, he knew that Liu Jianming was basically a layman in this regard.

As for the specific operation of the online game company, Liu Jianming must not be very clear.

Regarding this point, Chen Jianghai is not very worried.

As long as Liu Jianming follows the goals he has set, there will be basically no major problems.

"It seems that you don't know much about online games."

Chen Jianghai commented.

For this evaluation, Liu Jianming is not ashamed.

What Chen Jianghai said was the truth. He really didn't know much about this.

Liu Jianming nodded quickly: "Mr. Chen, all I know is the furthest thing, I will study it well when I go back."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "What do you think of the development prospects of online games?"

Regarding this question, Liu Jianming's answer is quite satisfactory.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know much about other places.

But I have really inquired about this one in the country. "

Liu Jianming said immediately.

Chen Jianghai immediately became interested and came to listen.

"The most famous online game in China should be "Xing Xing Xing"."

"But the data of this game is not very bright, and it can even be said to be a bit bleak."

"The entire Chinese online game should be in an embryonic state."

"I think if you develop online games in China, the effect will definitely not be very good."

"The current network environment in China does not support the large-scale development of online games."

Chen Jianghai naturally agrees with Liu Jianming's point of view.

It will take at least two thousand years for domestic online games to develop.

At that time, a large number of Korean PC games entered the Chinese market, which can be said to occupy half of the country.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Jianghai asked Liu Jianming to acquire those game companies in Korea in advance.

At that time, Chen Youfu became the richest man in China because of the game Legend.

Such an opportunity to make money, Chen Jianghai will naturally not let it flow away easily.

For the domestic game market, Liu Jianming's analysis is still in place.

Chen Jianghai continued to ask, "If you had to choose, where would you put your eyes on?"

"Mr. Chen, I think Gaoli is a good choice."

Liu Jianming said directly: "Our game company headquarters can be located in Korea."

"Korea's online game market can be said to have emerged."

"As long as we can get a foothold there, then we can radiate to the perimeter."

Chen Jianghai is really surprised now, he didn't expect Liu Jianming to think of this level.

What Liu Jianming just said is exactly Chen Jianghai's positioning for Happy Game Company.

The main purpose of this game company started by Chen Jianghai is to make money from foreigners.

As for domestic, Chen Jianghai wants to change the game atmosphere here.

The online game market of Huaxia in the previous life was completely kryptonite games.

Chen Jianghai didn't want to see such a situation.

He wants to make several conscience games, so that those game lovers can enjoy it.

As for making money, it can be placed abroad.

"Jianming, it seems that he is really attentive."

Chen Jianghai gave a thumbs up.

After being praised by Chen Jianghai, Liu Jianming was also full of joy, but he still said modestly:

"Mr. Chen, this is what I should do!"

"Then have you ever thought about how fast online games will develop when home computers become popular?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

For such a problem, Liu Jianming naturally did not think about it.

In other words, with his current vision and knowledge, it is not enough to think that far.

Liu Jianming was not embarrassed, and directly admitted that he hadn't thought about it so much.

For Liu Jianming's frankness, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and did not blame him.

For the online game industry, most people in China must not know what kind of trend will be in the future.

Even Chen Youfu, who became the richest man in China through games, doesn't know how he became the richest man.

A game can actually create the richest man in the country.

From this point, you can see the gold-absorbing ability of a game.

Strange to say.

At the beginning, games like Legend and Fantasy Westward Journey gained a lot of fans in China.

With the passage of time and the development of technology, the quality of games in China is getting lower and lower.

This strange phenomenon can be said to be incomprehensible to many people.

It is clear that Huaxia has a large game group, but there are no manufacturers that can make good games.

Take the game Fantasy Westward Journey as an example, the pig farm relied on this game to get out of the circle.

Twenty years later, this is the only game that pig farms can handle.

In the past two decades, the pig farm has developed many online games.

However, none of the game's achievements can reach the height of Fantasy Westward Journey.

More people play games, game companies make more money, and the games they make are not as good as they used to be.

This strange phenomenon can be said to be very common in China's game circle.

After all, the game atmosphere originated from Huaxia was wrong from the beginning.

When playing games in Western countries, the pursuit is to explore the fun in the process of gaming.

But what is the purpose of Chinese people playing games?

Just to find their own existence in the game.

Simply put, it's for coercion.

Just for this point, the purpose of many people playing games is not to play games in the first place.

Otherwise, in the previous life, Huaxia's game boosting and selling gold would not be so rampant.

Originally, playing games was for relaxation, but some people made it into a career by playing it abruptly.

It can only be said that there is demand and supply.

Why so many people take games as a profession is naturally because there is a demand in the market.

Some are for the level, some are for the equipment.

To give a simple example, take World of Warcraft, the most popular game in the world.

In this game, the only place to spend money is to point cards.

In China, the game has completely changed.

Gold group, gold master all appeared in such a game.

A good game, it was just being played into a job.

Among the entire Huaxia player group, most of them are like this.

What they enjoy is not the fun brought by the, but the kind of adoration brought to them by the players in the game.

It is precisely because of this that the amount of money that many people spend on games in a year is simply astronomical.

There are even some people whose monthly salary is only 2,000 or 3,000. They even ran to take out loans to recharge the game to buy equipment. In the end, they became heavily in debt and their life became a piece of shit.

In later generations, it can be said that this happened frequently.

At that time, Chen Jianghai could not understand why these people would do this.

It was only later that I learned that it was actually vanity.

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