Chapter 1739 Happy Games

Jin Changan stood up directly, rubbed his hands eagerly and said, "Jiang Hai, let's inquire now to see what the situation of the second-tier league in Pingshan City is like."

Seeing Jin Changan's eager appearance, Chen Jianghai quickly pulled him back.

"Brother Jin, don't worry, you'll be busy with this thing after dinner, it's not too short of a while."

Regarding Chen Jianghai's invitation, the two did not refuse, and stayed for dinner directly.

Chen Jianghai was able to invite them to dinner at home, which was enough to see that his attitude towards the two was no different from before.

This is a very happy thing in the eyes of the two of them.

After eating, Jin Changan and Li Detian left in a hurry.

It didn't take long for all the news about the Second Division to come out.

There are a total of three teams participating in the second division of the Pingshan side.

They are the football team of the Municipal Sports Commission, the football team of Xijiang University, and the football team of the Education Bureau.

Among the three football teams, the most powerful is naturally the Municipal Sports Commission football team.

After all, he was born in a professional class, which is relatively more professional.

Every year in the competition, the champion is the Municipal Sports Commission football team.

As for the other two teams, they are purely running with them, and their presence is extremely low.

After Chen Jianghai knew about this situation, he didn't say a word, and directly asked Jin Changan and the others to sign the football team of the Municipal Sports Commission.

At that time, change the name and go to the competition in the name of Qiuhai.

The price of signing a second-tier team is very low, and 200,000 yuan is enough.

Such a price, in Chen Jianghai's view, is really cost-effective.

After the contract was signed, Chen Jianghai asked Jin Changan and the others to spend some money to find a better head coach.

The lower limit of a football team is to see the level of the head coach.

As for the upper limit, it depends on the overall strength of the players.

After explaining this matter, Chen Jianghai ignored the football team.

Jin Changan and Li Detian are so keen on this matter, coupled with their ability to handle affairs, they will definitely handle this matter well.


After more than two months of preparation, the game company belonging to Qiuhai was officially established.

The name of this company is Joy, given by Chen Jianghai.

The game is naturally made to make people happy, which is an expectation of Chen Jianghai.

At the same time, this is also the nickname of Huanhuan and Lele.

Chen Jianghai named the company after their sister and brother, which is naturally an expression of love.

The establishment of Happy Games means that the game elements of Qiuhai before are now all stripped out.

Liu Jianming became the general manager of this company. It can be said that under one person, more than ten thousand people.

In Qiuhai, the position of the head of the branch and the group is the same.

But as everyone knows, there is a big difference. "

As the head of the group, there is also a vice president, who is in charge of the president.

Not to mention that Chen Jianghai is there every day, so he is naturally frightened when he does things.

Especially some time ago, Chen Jianghai opened a few people in one breath, which was like beating everyone.

On the other hand, the general manager of the branch company is like a local emperor.

As long as Chen Jianghai is not there, the entire company must listen to him alone, which is a comfort.

There is no need to say much about the difference here.

Qiu Hai's other ministers were also envious when they saw this situation.

Liu Jianming became the leader of the branch, and an idea came to them.

Will they be the next lucky ones?

If Qiuhai continues to develop, will color TV and refrigerator departments set up a separate company?

In this case, will they, like Liu Jianming, become the boss of a company and have their own real estate?

When they thought of this, they were extremely excited.

But they knew very well that it was not that easy.

Liu Jianming dared to mention this matter in front of so many people. It was really a good time to find it, and he also accumulated enough qualifications to be recognized by Chen Jianghai.

More importantly, games really have little to do with Qiuhai's main business.

If it is to be separated from Qiuhai, it can be regarded as a reason.

Items such as refrigerators and color TVs are all within the scope of the home appliance industry, which is the most fundamental business of Qiuhai Group.

If you want to strip them out, then Chen Jianghai must bring it up.

Otherwise it is absolutely difficult.

If Chen Jianghai took the initiative to propose it, it would be justifiable.

But if they mentioned it themselves, it was definitely not a good thing.

It is likely to be rejected outright.

You must know that the entire Qiuhai is firmly held by Chen Jianghai, and he is an absolute dictator.

Within the entire group, apart from Chen Jianghai, there is simply no room for the second voice.

If they do this, they are challenging Chen Jianghai's bottom line.

No one in Qiuhai dared to do this.

They can now have such status and income, which is all given by Chen Jianghai.

If you have an inch, it is ungrateful.

For ungrateful people, Chen Jianghai has never had a good face.

On the contrary, those who have always followed Chen Jianghai and never complained have been reused.

Speaking of which, there is still a big gap between Qiuhai's executives and other companies.

Except for Yue Hongsheng, who is highly educated, the others are not highly educated.

In this case, Chen Jianghai never said that he would make a substitution.

Jin Zhijiang and the others all know that Chen Jianghai trusts them.

Otherwise, with their ability, they will definitely not be able to sit in their current position.

In other companies, the first batch of heroes of the company are basically in the second-tier position.

There are very few people who can continue to stay at the top.

And here in Qiuhai, basically the high-level has not changed much.

It can also be seen from this point that Chen Jianghai is a very nostalgic person.

Otherwise, Jin Zhijiang and the others would not be able to sit in the position of minister.

It is precisely because of this that everyone dare not mention the separation of the family.

Chen Jianghai may agree to break up the family.

But how to be a good family, they don't have much knowledge in their hearts.

If this company doesn't work, will there be any face to return to the company in the future?

The recent Liu Jianming can be said to be proud of the spring breeze, as cool as he wants.

The Happy Game Company was finally established, and he became Qiuhai's first employee to become the CEO.

In Liu Jianming's view, this is like a dream.

He didn't even think that he would one day get to this point.

Liu Jianming knew very well that Chen Jianghai gave him all of this.

Only by following Chen Jianghai all the time can he maintain his current status.

If he left Chen Jianghai, Liu Jianming would be nothing.

And there is no boss like Chen Jianghai, who fully trusts the employees below and gives such great power.

So there is absolutely nothing wrong with following Chen Jianghai honestly.

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