Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1729: Acting in a full set

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine chapters act as a full set

Mu Hongzhong's life is too dramatic.

When he was young, Mu Hongzhong could be said to be a poor boy.

Through my own efforts, I finally made my life rich, but I ended up in prison because of speculation.

If this is the case for ordinary people, they may collapse directly, and they don't even know how to live the rest of their lives.

But Mu Hongzhong obviously had a big heart. After he was released from prison, people didn't take it to heart at all.

After coming out of prison, Mu Hongzhong started to be a bad guy.

The exchange of canned food for an airplane may be the most glorious moment in Mu Hongzhong's life.

This incident can be said to have made Mu Hongzhong famous.

People from all over China also got to know Mu Hongzhong because of this incident.

Under the huge honor and praise, Mu Hongzhong began to lose himself step by step.

What he's going to do is getting bigger and bigger and more exaggerated.

The funds needed are also getting outrageous day by day.

Nande in Mu Hongzhong's hands could not provide enough funds at all.

In this wild age, there are many gray operations that can allow you to get a lot of money.

Mu Hongzhong used these loopholes to obtain a lot of funds for himself.

These illegal operations, of course, have to pay a price.

Chen Jianghai got up and walked in front of the huge glass window, looking at the scenery below, without speaking for a long time.

It's not what Chen Jianghai wants to see that things have developed to this point.

Chen Jianghai also knows that some things cannot be changed through his efforts.

Many things are still going on in accordance with the established trajectory of the previous life.

It can only be said that the torrent of historical development cannot be changed by Chen Jianghai alone.

He can indeed change the fate of himself and a small number of people through his own efforts.

But he still can't change the fate of most people, and he doesn't want to forcibly change anything.

Because Chen Jianghai knows very well that a person's ability is limited after all.

There is no need to be demanding about many things, just let it be, otherwise it will backfire.


On April 5th, Chen Jianghai specifically told Wang Shufen that he and Lin Wanqiu would not be at home for dinner tonight.

Wang Shufen couldn't help but asked curiously, "You two are not eating at home, where are you going to eat?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said in a half-joking tone: "Mom, Wan Qiu and I are still young, what's wrong with going out to play?"

Hearing her son say this, Wang Shufen couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I see, you want to be romantic with Wan Qiu, right?"

Hearing Wang Shufen say this, Chen Jianghai smiled: "Okay, mom, you still know the word romance."

Wang Shufen looked proud: "That's natural, I didn't watch this TV for nothing.

Well, regardless of how old your mother is, she can still keep up with the times! "

Seeing Wang Shufen's appearance, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing.

"Mom, why don't I tell Dad and let him take you out for romance?"

Chen Jianghai suddenly said something.

When Wang Shufen heard this, her face changed slightly, and she quickly waved her hand: "Forget it, I don't have the energy of your young people."

Hearing Wang Shufen's refusal, Chen Jianghai didn't say any more.

However, Chen Jianghai silently kept this matter in his heart.

He felt that he had time to talk to his father Chen Liye.

"Mom, don't tell Wanqiu first, I'm going to give her a surprise."

Chen Jianghai followed and warned.

Wang Shufen nodded immediately and said, "If you know, you can rest assured."

After explaining to his mother, Chen Jianghai went directly to Lin Wanqiu.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu was playing with Huanhuan and Lele on the lawn outside.

Seeing Chen Jianghai coming, Lin Wanqiu smiled.

"Why didn't you go to the company today?"

Lin Wanqiu asked with a smile while teasing her son.

Chen Jianghai pretended to be serious and said, "I have something to do tonight, and I want you to go out with me."

"What's wrong?

Is something wrong? "

Lin Wanqiu looked straight at Chen Jianghai and asked with concern.

Chen Jianghai shook his head: "It's not a big deal, just let you go out with me."

"What about Huanhuan and them?"

Lin Wanqiu was a little worried.

Chen Jianghai hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I have already told my parents that they will take the area today, and there is a nanny, no problem."

Seeing that Chen Jianghai had made arrangements, Lin Wanqiu didn't bother anymore.

"Jiang Hai, don't hide it from me.

Honestly, did something happen? "

Lin Wanqiu looked worried and looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly.

You know, Chen Jianghai had never spoken to her in such a serious tone before.

This strange attitude made Lin Wanqiu feel a little uneasy.

Chen Jianghai explained: "Don't think too much, just go to a party."

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Lin Wanqiu had a look of disbelief.

But if Chen Jianghai didn't want to say, Lin Wanqiu couldn't ask again.

It can be seen tonight that Chen Jianghai is not in a good mood.

If he asks again, it might make him feel even worse.

As his wife, Lin Wanqiu was naturally unwilling to do this.

"Well, let me tell mom first, if Lele urinates, she has to change her diaper."

As Lin Wanqiu spoke, she stood up.

Chen Jianghai nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, you can go talk to Mom!"

Seeing Lin Wanqiu leave, a smile appeared on Chen Jianghai's face.

Chen Jianghai was going to give Lin Wanqiu a surprise tonight, so of course she couldn't let her know in advance.

Otherwise there is no point.

Anyway, on Wang Shufen's side, he also explained it on purpose, so there won't be any problems.

In this way, in Lin Wanqiu's worry, the time soon came to night.

Chen Jianghai took Huanhuan to watch TV in the hall, and Lin Wanqiu went back upstairs to change clothes.

When Lin Wanqiu came down from the upstairs, everyone's attention was attracted at once.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu changed into the dress she bought in the United States before.

As soon as he appeared, it could be said that he attracted all the attention.

Seeing that their daughter-in-law was so beautiful, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen couldn't help but give their thumbs up, and praised Lin Wanqiu for a while.

It is really his luck that his son can marry such a beautiful wife.

Seeing Chen Jianghai still wearing casual clothes, Lin Wanqiu couldn't help reminding: "Jiang Hai, didn't you say you were going to the party?

It's too casual to wear! "

Chen Jianghai was a little It was obvious that Lin Wanqiu was worried by Bai Tian's attitude.

"Okay, I'll change my clothes too!"

Chen Jianghai stood up and said.

Acting is the whole set.

If Chen Jianghai doesn't cooperate, it will definitely make Lin Wanqiu feel that something is wrong.

Tonight's surprise, Chen Jianghai didn't want to disappoint Lin Wanqiu.

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