Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1717: national hot topic

Chapter 1717: The topic of national hot discussion

How many people express their thoughts by joking.

However, how many can get a response?

At least Chen Shuyao didn't get a response.

Perhaps Chen Jianghai already knew, but he was acting stupid and unwilling to reveal this fact.

In this way, the embarrassment of the two can be avoided and they can always be friends.

Otherwise, the two might become strangers because of this.

Chen Shuyao also knew that such a joke could not be made too much.

Too much.

Too much joking is not good for either of them.

At the same time, it will also make Chen Jianghai look down on himself.

This is also not the result Chen Shuyao wants to get, she must guarantee her image in the eyes of Chen Jianghai.

Therefore, even if she was reluctant, she did not continue to do so.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuyao sighed slightly.

In this life, she and Chen Jianghai have no hope.

The best ending is to silently be Chen Jianghai's confidante and maintain the current state.

At this moment, the secretary came in from outside.

"Mr. Chen, the construction company has already contacted. Here are the drawings they provided."

Looking at the architectural drawings brought by the secretary, Chen Shuyao glanced slightly.

"Just follow this! Let them build it as soon as possible. I want to live in it by the end of the year."

Chen Shuyao showed her side of a strong woman, and instructed the secretary very simply.

Knowing Chen Shuyao's character, the secretary didn't dare to hesitate at all. He quickly took over the drawings, nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, I'll go get them to start work now."

Chen Shuyao waved her hand gently, indicating that the secretary can go out.

Not only to be a confidante, but also to be a neighbor, which will make her originally lonely heart more at ease!

When Chen Shuyao thought of this, her originally stiff face finally showed a gentle and slightly expectant smile.


At the end of March, the TV station aired a five-minute commercial.

The content of the ad is very simple, just some composite photos.

It stands to reason that such advertisements should not be paid attention to.

The result was quite the opposite.

These photos are really eye-catching.

The main content of this advertisement is about the pictures after the completion of the One Axis Twin Cities.

Coupled with the contagious and beautiful words of the deep male voice, this advertisement looks like an art film, beautiful and far-reaching.

After many people saw this advertisement, their first thought was to see the twin cities on one axis after completion.

This advertisement was made by Chen Jianghai with the help of Li Shuangyu.

After the advertisement was made, Chen Jianghai briefly read it and immediately asked Qiuhai's advertising department to reprocess it according to his own requirements.

In the advertisements produced by Li Shuangyu, the pictures are too ordinary.

Chen Jianghai's first reaction after seeing it was to replace it.

Otherwise, the advertising effect will be too poor.

Chen Jianghai asked Feng Zongxian to bring the architectural drawings, and according to the drawings, he gave P the pictures of the later period of One Axis and Two Cities.

Seeing the photos Chen Jianghai made, Feng Zongxian was frightened and stared at it for a while.

He did not expect that after the completion of the twin cities, it would be so beautiful.

Although the photos made by Chen Jianghai are a bit exaggerated, they are still depicted in accordance with architectural drawings.

Seeing these amazing photos, Feng Zongxian has more confidence in this project.

If the final appearance of One Axis and Two Cities is really the same as in the photos, then there is really nothing to worry about.

For the entire Linghai, this is definitely a project that greatly enhances the image, and itself can become a business card for publicity.

Feng Zongxian, who has watched the entire promo, now really wants to see the completion of One Axis and Two Cities as soon as possible.

Once the two cities on one axis are completed, it will definitely bring enough benefits to Linghai.

Thinking of this, Feng Zongxian was very excited.

In addition to being excited, Feng Zongxian was very grateful to Chen Jianghai.

If it weren't for Chen Jianghai, Linghai would never be where it is today.

Such a big project, Feng Zongxian must not dare to think about it.

To put it bluntly, without Chen Jianghai, there would be no twin cities.

Thinking of this, Feng Zongxian secretly made a decision in his heart.

After the completion of one axis and two cities, it will be a gift to Chen Jianghai.

This promotional video has caused quite a stir all over the country.

It is mainly the architectural style of one axis and two cities, which is really different from the current one.

Nowadays, domestic architectural styles are generally copied from foreign countries.

Or all Chinese.

One axis and two cities are a combination of Chinese and Western styles. The style is very unique. The classic and modern are perfectly integrated, giving people a new experience.

Whether you are Chinese or foreigners, you can find your favorite place here and fall in love with it.

This is very important for a building.

Only when people like it, the building has its own meaning.

On the other hand, if you build a very powerful building, but no one likes it, then the meaning of this building does not exist.

After all, architecture is for people, and if people don't like it, the building is a failure.

The popularity of One Axis and Two Cities made many people pay attention to Linghai.

Before that, many people knew that Linghai was entirely because of Chen Jianghai.

In recent years, Chen Jianghai's reputation in China can be said to be getting louder every day.

When many people pay attention to Chen Jianghai, they will naturally pay attention to Linghai.

Before that, they only knew that Linghai was the hometown of Chen Jianghai.

Another point is that Linghai has a certain historical background.

Other than that, there is nothing that can attract people's attention.

At this time, Linghai's geographical location was not very good, and its economic development was relatively backward.

A city without any features, naturally no one will pay attention to it.

The appearance of this promotional film let people know that Linghai is not only the hometown of Chen Jianghai.

At the same time, it is also a city with great potential for tourism development and a city with great expectations.

For a while, Linghai became a hot topic in the country.

After hearing the news, many people wanted to visit Linghai.

See if the twin cities under construction are as advertised.

See if this hometown of Chen is really outstanding.

After seeing such a situation, many foreign investors put their investment targets on Linghai.

They feel that Linghai is so popular that investing here is a good choice.

Even if the location of Linghai is a little worse, and the economy is relatively backward, but there are two cities in one axis, there is great potential here.

Investing in advance for these potentials has not yet developed in this place, and it will definitely not be a loss.

There is another point that attracts foreign investors, that is, Qiuhai Group, one of the world's top 500 companies, is also in Xijiang Province.

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