Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1715: Shop around for a bargain

Chapter 1715 Shop around for a price

"Mr. Chen, I received a cover letter from a foreign R&D team, and I couldn't make up my mind for a while."

Qiu Shuyi said quickly.

Regarding this matter, Qiu Shuyi had already approached Yue Hongsheng before.

Yue Hongsheng clearly knows that Chen Jianghai attaches great importance to research and development now, and he has also changed his thinking and is quite supportive.

It was mainly the conditions put forward by the other party that Yue Hongsheng didn't know how to deal with it.

In this case, it is naturally the safest to let Chen Jianghai make the decision.

That's why he asked Qiu Shuyi to come directly to Chen Jianghai to seek answers.

"What is the main research and development of their team?"

Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows and asked.

Qiu Shuyi quickly replied, "Mr. Chen, they are developing chips."

Hearing this answer, Chen Jianghai stood up directly and asked impatiently, "Which company does the other party belong to?"

"Mr. Chen, they didn't say their names, they just said that their company's current LCD chip shipments rank third in the world."

Qiu Shuyi replied.

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly.

As long as the other party has strength, he Chen Jianghai is not worried about spending money, and is willing to spend money.

Spending money and not doing it well is the worst.

"What kind of treatment do they want?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

Qiu Shuyi hesitated for a moment, then said, "Mr. Chen, I don't think their sincerity is enough."

After initial contact, Qiu Shuyi finally came to a conclusion from the attitude and information of the other party.

All in all, the R&D team really wanted to change jobs, but they didn't necessarily choose Qiuhai.

The reason why they sent job search emails to Qiu Shuyi was simply to see what kind of conditions Qiuhai would give.

To put it bluntly, it is necessary to shop around and get a bargain.

Hearing such a situation, Chen Jianghai frowned directly.

Qiu Shuyi continued: "Mr. Chen, finally they asked us to quote a price, and they will cooperate with us if it is suitable."

Chen Jianghai did not speak, and began to think about how to do this.

If the R&D team really wants to change jobs, Chen Jianghai will definitely be willing to pay a big price.

For technicians, Chen Jianghai has never been stingy.

Especially for such a team, if they can really earn income, it is definitely a huge wealth for Qiu Hai.

Now the other party's attitude is ambiguous, so Chen Jianghai's price is not easy to come out.

If it is too low, the other party will definitely not agree.

But if it exceeds too much, Chen Jianghai doesn't want to be the big head.

Chen Jianghai earned his money, not the wind.

Even if this team is really strong, Chen Jianghai would be impossible to agree to the price.

"Xiao Qiu, what do you think?"

Chen Jianghai looked up at Qiu Shuyi, wanting to hear what she meant.

Qiu Shuyi said directly: "I think you can make a price first and see how they react."

Chen Jianghai frowned and thought for a while, then made a decision.

"In terms of price, it will be 30% higher than the market price.

I have one condition though, that they must sign a nondisclosure agreement. "

Chen Jianghai said decisively.

Chen Jianghai is willing to recruit this research team in order to develop his own technology, and not to be strangled on some key technologies.

As for the price, Chen Jianghai feels that it is completely negotiable.

People come with technology. If they are not satisfied with the price, they will definitely not be willing to work in Qiuhai.

But the necessary measures, Chen Jianghai also has to take.

As the saying goes, people who are not of our race will have different hearts.

These research teams are all foreigners, and Chen Jianghai will not trust them too much.

Only when the contract is in place will this research team be afraid.

If there is no confidentiality agreement, then the research team will run away with the research results, and Chen Jianghai will definitely lose blood.

After receiving Chen Jianghai's instructions, Qiu Shuyi immediately went to dock.

Now everyone in the company knows that Chen Jianghai attaches great importance to research and development.

Chen Jianghai may not pay much attention to other things.

When it comes to research and development, Chen Jianghai will definitely take care of it himself.

If there is such a research and development team to join, it will definitely be even more powerful for Qiuhai.

By that time, the chip technology will improve, and Qiuhai's weakness will really disappear.


At this time, Yan Hecheng, far away in the capital, was a little irritable.

Wahaha, which he invested in, is still in a price war with Jiamei.

But now, Yan Hecheng couldn't hold it anymore.

It's really too much money to burn every day.

Even killing Yan Hecheng did not expect that Jiamei would be so strong.

In the past few months, all the money Yan Hecheng invested in Wahaha has been burned up.

You know, that is tens of millions of real money!

Now it's good, after just a few months, it's gone.

When he first heard the news, Yan Hecheng almost fainted.

This money can be said to be his entire net worth.

If he loses in the competition for homeownership, the money is his pension.

Now, these pensions have been burned directly, so how can he accept it?


He felt like his heart was bleeding.

The reason why Yan Hecheng invests in Wahaha is because he wants to block Chen Jianghai.

Of course, Yan Hecheng was not the kind of person who was purely emotional.

In his opinion, Wahaha has just cooperated with Danone, and there is definitely no shortage of funds.

He invested money in it just to give Wahaha enough confidence.

When Wahaha has confidence, it will fight to the end with Jiamei, and then completely defeat Jiamei and become the final winner.

At that time, not only will he not lose the money he invested, but he will be able to make huge profits back.

The current result completely exceeded Yan Hecheng's expectations.

During this time, what he cared most about was actually the news of PHS.

As for Wahaha, he didn't pay attention at all.

In his opinion, Wahaha will have to work hard for a while to get results.

And the longer it drags on, the more disgusting Chen Jianghai will be.

This is the result he most likes to see.

It's just that hope is beautiful, but reality is so cruel.

The accident came so suddenly that Yan Hecheng, who was unprepared, didn't know how to accept it for a while.

In this case, Yan Hecheng immediately called Zong Daming.

For this matter Zong Daming must give him a reasonable explanation.

Yan Hecheng even suspected that Zong Daming was not digging some kind of trap to trap him, right?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to burn so much money in such a short period of time?


Thinking about the money he lost now, he was heartbroken.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Zong Daming's tired and hoarse voice came.

This period of time was a very difficult period for Zong Daming, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old.

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