Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1713: strangest place

Chapter 1713 The most bizarre place

Chen Jianghai not only has ideas, but also knows a lot of ways.

It can be said that state-owned enterprises at this time in the previous life have tried all kinds of methods in terms of reform.

Among them, there are tricks, and of course there are tricks.

"First and foremost, that is to have priorities."

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

Feng Zongxian didn't speak, he looked at Chen Jianghai expectantly, waiting for his next words.

Chen Jianghai continued: "In my opinion, for a profitable state-owned enterprise, the reform plan can be put in the back, and the pace is slowed down a bit, so there is no need to worry too much."

"And for those state-owned enterprises with poor returns, or even on the verge of bankruptcy, this is what needs to be reformed the most, because it is impossible to change."

Chen Jianghai's remarks, a little bit of meaning to wake up the dreamer, completely opened Feng Zongxian's mind.

After all, the state-owned enterprises with poor performance in Linghai are only a small number.

Once the target of the reform has been determined, the workload will be reduced a lot, and it can be done in more detail to avoid too many mistakes.

"Yes, yes, Jiang Hai, I'm really confused, I can't understand such a simple thing."

Feng Zongxian laughed a little to himself.

For this, Chen Jianghai thinks it has little to do with Feng Zongxian.

This reform has a premise, that is, the country retreats and the people advance.

Many people are stumped by this premise. Naturally, this reform is not easy to carry out.

Those state-owned enterprises that operate well naturally cannot be easily reformed.

In other words, these state-owned enterprises are not in a hurry to be reformed.

These state-owned enterprises have already achieved results, and if they continue to do so, the results will certainly not be much worse.

Even if the benefits are not good in the future, there is no rush to change it again.

In the final analysis, the main body of this reform is those state-owned enterprises that have poor performance and have seriously delayed their retreat.

Those with good benefits do not need reform at all, and the status quo can be maintained for the time being.

For this point, Feng Zongxian nodded in agreement: "Jiang Hai, you are right, with the beginning, the next thing will be easy."

At this time, Feng Zongxian finally had a clue about how to reform.

"Jiang Hai, I know what to do next."

After saying that, he just stood up.

From Feng Zongxian's point of view, Chen Jianghai can provide him with an idea and let him find the right direction is already very powerful.

The next thing, you have to slowly explore and practice step by step.

He did not expect to find a specific reform plan directly from Chen Jianghai, because he felt that it was simply not realistic.

Seeing Feng Zongxian's anxious look, Chen Jianghai quickly stopped him: "Wait, Feng Shi, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Feng Zongxian frowned slightly and said, "Do you have any other ideas?"

In the following years, there has been no national reform plan for the state to advance and the private to retreat.

This can be said to be the most bizarre aspect of this reform.

According to the idea of ​​​​crossing the river by feeling the stones, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers, creatively found a variety of reform methods, and appeared dozens of ways to quantify property rights.

What Chen Jianghai will talk about next is several representative methods.

He hopes to help Feng Zongxian, and at the same time, through Feng Zongxian, he will completely open up the thinking for the reform of state-owned enterprises, so that the reform of state-owned enterprises in this life will be less detours.

The first is the management MBO.

Entrepreneurs are allowed to purchase the shares of the enterprises they manage, some of which are fully funded, and some are given a percentage of dry shares.

This first method is very easy to understand, and in some enterprises, some people are already brewing this model, and Chen Jianghai does not have too much explanation.

The second is the curve MBO.

A new company is funded by the management, and then various operations or recapitalization relationships occur with the original company, and finally the equity is obtained by the curve.

In this second way, the most famous case belongs to the restructuring of Yuemei Group.

This is a rural collectively-owned enterprise founded in 1968 and reorganized into a joint-stock company in 1992.

In the last life, the privatization of Guangdong and the United States started in 1999.

The initial approach was to convert a certain percentage into shares and distribute them to operators on the basis of quantifying net assets.

In December of 2000, Yuemei Holdings signed an agreement with a company invested by US Trust.

The former will transfer its more than 70 million legal person shares to the latter at a price of 3 yuan per share, and the purchase amount is 210 million yuan.

After the transfer, Meituo Investment became the largest shareholder of Yuemei.

And this company is controlled by the senior management of Yuemei Group.

Among them, the chairman alone owns 25% of the shares, and the shareholding ratio is extremely high.

The third option is employee stock ownership.

Establish an employee stock ownership meeting to quantify the company's assets in place in the form of full stock ownership.

Among them, the management will get the largest proportion of shares.

This method is most used in the deep city of Lingnan.

At that time, Shenzhen City issued a special document, requiring state-owned enterprises in the city to fully implement the employee stock ownership system.

These three models are the most used in the reform of state-owned enterprises in China.

As for other quantifications of investment attraction and value-added quantification, they have all been researched by people in this era.

It is no exaggeration to say that the methods for enterprise reform in this era are really numerous and too numerous to enumerate.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's measures for enterprise reform, Feng Zongxian stood there with his eyes wide open.

He really did not expect that Chen Jianghai could provide so many methods.

At the beginning, Feng Zongxian thought that Chen Jianghai could give him a direction or idea, even if it was a worthwhile trip.

But now it's better, Chen Jianghai came up with five or six methods at once, and let Feng Zongxian choose at will.

You must know that the state has just issued an order for the reform of state-owned enterprises, and many people are discussing and exploring.

But Chen Jianghai was better, and gave these eye-catching methods in one breath.

Feng Zongxian feels that these methods are very mature and have strong practicality.

It's not something that was researched by stumbling and stumbling, but the kind that can be used as soon as it is taken out.

"Jiang Hai, why did you come up with so many ways?"

Feng Zongxian came back to his senses after a long time, and in addition to being amazed, he expressed his incomprehension.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and explained in a calm tone: "I'm an enterprise, so I know more about this than you."

For Chen Jianghai's answer, Feng Zongxian nodded in approval.

The reform of state-owned enterprises is, in the final analysis, the reform of enterprises.

It's not surprising that Chen Jianghai is so good at being an enterprise that he can come up with such methods.

From Chen Jianghai can get so many reform ideas, Feng Zongxian can be said to be satisfied.

"Jiang Hai, thank you so much, I'll go back to work first, I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free."

Feng Zongxian stood up here and said impatiently.

Before I came, Zhongxian had a headache for this state-owned enterprise reform.

Now after some exchanges with Chen Jianghai, there is a direction and a method, and he must start as soon as possible, so he doesn't want to stay for a moment.

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said with a smile: "Feng Shi, I still have something to say, are you sure you want to leave?"

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