Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 80 80 Noah's Ark of Light Together.

Chapter 80 80· “Noah’s Ark of Light Together.”

October 20, 2024, Eastern Time, 4:33 pm - there are still eleven days until the era of natural disasters comes.

The time for Flying Eagle at this time is three o'clock in the evening.

The heavily guarded Hexagonal Palace is brightly lit.

In other words, in the coming time, the lights here will not go out until they are completely destroyed.

Chris, who had just concluded another high-level but extremely secretive meeting—even the president of the House of Representatives and the president of the Supreme Council could not participate or even knew about it.

Dragging his slightly tired body, he returned to his office.

He saw his right-hand man, Emil Boy, the deputy leader of the Flying Eagle, who had been promoted by himself and who was most likely to ascend to his position if he was no longer around. He was already waiting for him inside.

At this moment, he was sitting in the guest seat, browsing his tablet. When he heard the door open, he immediately stood up and greeted Chris:

Mr. Chris, is the meeting over?

Seeing that Boyi was there, Chris motioned to his secretary to stay outside the door before walking in alone.

it's over.

He nodded, sat on his armchair, turned half a circle, rubbed his eyebrows, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Looking at your current state, the outcome of the meeting seems not to be good?

Boy asked in a low voice.

Yes, those old guys from Mutualism and Guangming are stubborn and arrogant. They can't say no to the ideas I put forward. That's it. Instead, they have made many requests to me. Or they are no longer requests, but requests. .”

Chris opened his eyes, a little annoyed.

They... after all, their power is still overwhelming, and they don't seem to be particularly panicked about the Era of Natural Disasters, are they? Boy asked cautiously.

So. Chris nodded, I had to keep it a secret from you before, but now, it's okay to talk about it.

“Both organizations, Mutual Aid and Light, appeared together with the birth of our country, and they are born together with the country.

Among them, when the Illuminati was born, even before the establishment of our Flying Eagle, under hundreds of years of layout, they took root as firmly as oak trees in the Flying Eagle.

As far as I know, there are not many of them, but everyone who is qualified to join is standing at the top of the powerful.

Over the course of hundreds of years, they have accumulated unimaginable wealth. Their resources and connections are beyond imagination. Their few members are enough to shake up the world.

I heard that the last guy who sat in my position was a member of the Freemasonry, and he was only a member with a very low status in the association.

In their eyes, we people are really nothing.

If in a normal era, if they wanted to, if some members only took a little action, I would probably be accused of some crimes and forced to step down.

It's just that I didn't bother to interfere until I had irreconcilable conflicts with them.

But if they only had wealth, then it would almost be reduced to a handful of loess now, but what they had was never limited to that.

They also have concerns about the future.

These old people have always been afraid of death, and some of them are theists. They are always worried that one day, the so-called God will send down a divine punishment that will destroy the world and destroy the world like in the Bible.

So they prepared Noah's Ark, which they have been building and improving for hundreds of years, striving to preserve the most essential fire of mankind-that is, themselves.

Whether it’s mutual aid or light, they all have their own ‘Noah’s Ark’.

Although I don't know where it was built specifically, and it doesn't necessarily look like a ship. It could be a bunker or a manor.

But they must have used the most luxurious and top-notch technology to build it, and stored enough supplies for at least thirty years in it, as well as a self-sufficient semi-circulatory system.

Therefore, they can take their private armed forces and move into Noah's Ark at any time. The era of natural disasters is not a huge threat to them - at least for the four months that have been predicted so far.

So they didn't really care about what I planned to do or what Feiying would do in the future. They didn't intend to help me, and they didn't even want to discuss it with me.

The only thing they are interested in is probably the strange stone. They think it is a gift from God in addition to punishment, in order to lead mankind towards evolution.

After the fourth month I brought this up and I would try to collect this for them, their attitude got a little better.

Boyi was slightly silent. He had heard of these two organizations, and also knew that countless flying eagles and even world dignitaries were eager to join these two ancient organizations.

But he didn't expect that this organization would be so huge that it would completely surpass the leader of the Flying Eagle.

Is that what they're asking for? Boy asked.

Of course not, who can say for sure what will happen in four months?

What they asked for was for us to provide some supplies and at the same time send military planes to pick up their members scattered around the world back to Flying Eagle. They also wanted me to block and disable the Denver Airport and completely transfer the ownership of the airport to them. .

Let them build a large bilateral Noah's Ark together.

Airport? Mr. Chris! The airport is very useful now, not to mention the Denver Airport with its huge bunker system? Didn't we originally plan to build this place into a large shelter? Boy said immediately excitedly.

What's more, people are already suspicious of this airport. Wouldn't the current ban make it more likely to cause chaos?

The bunker system under the Denver Airport is the same as but different from the Noah's Ark of the two organizations. The purpose of its existence is to protect the powerful people if there is any internal turmoil within the Flying Eagle, such as a terrorist attack or earthquake. You can take refuge here.

It was originally kept secret, but due to the surprisingly high cost and lengthy construction period, the difference between the final effect and the original result was too great——

It occupies a huge area of ​​3,500 acres, but the main building is small. In addition, it is only 6 miles away from another airport. It is built in a wind outlet, which is not conducive to aircraft takeoff and landing. Therefore, the public discovered some clues.

“I know that I agreed to the supplies and picking up members, because it’s not really a big deal.

As for the airport, I didn't accept it, and their purpose didn't seem to be really this.

After I tried to offer another piece of land as a bargaining chip, they agreed. ” Chris responded.

Did we get anything? Boy asked in a low voice without any hope.

As long as it does not harm their interests, they will provide support for our plan. I have no expectations for support. What I essentially want to win is that they will not oppose us.

Secondly, I got two tickets for you and me. If you want, you can now transfer your family to their Noah's Ark - but for the sake of confidentiality, they can't come out again.

Chris said with a slightly helpless smile.

Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Chris. Boy bowed his head sincerely and said, But I don't have high expectations for Noah's Ark - even if we join them, we can only be the lowest stepping stone.

I believe that whether it is for us to have a higher status and voice in the future, we must lead the Flying Eagle through the era of natural disasters.

I understand what you mean, Boy. Chris smiled, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes overlapped, and his eyes shone: My thoughts are actually similar to yours. After this meeting, after all their hands were withdrawn, All results will become our exclusive bargaining chips...

We can even try to completely overthrow mutualism and light, and let the flying eagle completely become our flying eagle.

I'm looking forward to that day. Boy said with some enthusiasm.

Well, the two problems of mutual aid and light have been initially resolved. Boy, you are holding the meeting on my behalf today. Please tell me the situation.

Chris looked away, continued to rub his temples, closed his eyes and asked:

What's the situation like in Feiying regarding the evacuation operation in Dongguo?

It's a pity, Mr. Chris, they went unexpectedly smoothly. Boy sighed, The evacuation is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Even I am curious how they deployed so many aircraft. Mr. Chris, I feel that we need to re-evaluate their military strength. It is different from what I expected.

It's not that it needs to be re-evaluated, but that you have misjudged it yourself. Chris sighed, Why do you think I want to target Dongguo so much? It's because of their military strength and the possibility of threatening our world hegemony.

Some of them like to photograph aircraft carriers as small yachts, release completely wrong national intelligence through TV networks, mislead us, and make us misestimate their military strength.

There is a naval general named Zhang among the Dongren. He is called the bureau chief by the Dongren. He never tells the truth. He has been blacklisted by the Intelligence Department.

If you really want to know Dong's military strength, go to the intelligence department. There are several rooms filled with paper documents.

Then Chris seemed to think of something angry and funny:

What's even more outrageous about Dongguo is that they themselves don't know how much military potential they have.

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