Chapter 3126 Real World 476

The two men started at the same time. When they were fighting, the audience under the audience expressed their opinions. The sects and families who sit on the high platform are watching quietly.

Bei Yuyu asked from the side: "Ink, do you think they will win?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the person next door heard it and made a sneer.

"The swordsmen are almost unable to hold on, the swordsman swords and swords are fierce, and there are not a few tricks, the swordsman will be defeated." There are people who are self-professional masters, but this is said to the companions, but around Everyone understands that he is ridiculing Xiao Moer.

Xiaomoer did not refute, and North Rain and even their group did not speak.

After a few breaths, there was a sudden reversal of the situation on the stage. It had been stepping back and the weak knifeman suddenly broke out. After the swordsman was consumed in the early stage, he was caught off guard when he broke out. He If you want to avoid it, how can the knifeman give him a chance and a hit?

There was a loud noise in the ‘嘭’, and the swordsman was kicked out of the ring.

The knifeman bowed his hand to the swordsman who fell under the stage, "conduct."

Only when the swordsman will win, the face becomes very exciting.

The second person came to the stage to challenge. When it was halfway through, Bei Yuyi asked the same question.

Xiaomoer stared at the number of two people on the stage, Shen Shendao, "The knifeman will win."

The man who guessed that the knifeman would lose was not convinced. This game is clearly that the knife is at a disadvantage in the whole process, the opponent is more than enough, the whole process is pressing him, so he loses and makes a joke.

"The knifeman is already at the end of the battle, this game will definitely lose. The previous game was his luck, but this time it can be different, the other party will be against it. He wants to attack is not so easy."

Xiao Moer did not refute, because any speech is not as convincing as the final result.

After a few minutes, the knifeman won, but the victory.

The face of the man changed a few times, and the people around him couldn’t help but look at the little ink.

Next, every time the results of Xiaomoer’s predictions were all told by him, when they came to the end, the people around them wanted to know the results and asked him.

"Little son, who will win this time?"

Someone asked, Xiao Moer’s well-behaved return: “Red Knight.”


Xiao Moer’s eyes were like the torch’s eyes on the two players on the stage. “Because the red man’s sword is soft, he is soft.”


"Why did the young man just win him?"


"Little Shaoxia, what happened to you, can you see it clearly?"

"See clearly. Just..."


The people onlookers all met Xiaomoer, and they felt that the child was amazing and his eyes were outstanding.

The commotion on their side naturally attracted a lot of attention from the various sects on the stage. Some people sent people to find out what was going on. The following people will tell the results after they have figured out the matter.

The heads and disciples of the various sects heard a child of five or six years old. They were proficient in learning martial arts, and their eyes were sinister. They could see through whoever wins the battle.

Seeing who wins and who is responsible, many of the highly respected gatekeepers, heads, and leaders can do it, but they are the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, and their eyes are naturally more accurate than others.

However, the other party is a child, which is different.

To say that this child's martial arts has reached their level, it is absolutely impossible. The only possibility is that he is talented.

(End of this chapter)

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