Chapter 2998 Real World 348

"If I stayed here, they wouldn't get the best time. Perhaps, the next moment they were infected with smallpox."

"So, I will know that all of you who have not infected with smallpox will be brought together. In this way, I can reunite the time, give more people a vaccination, and help more people."

"If you want to get vaccinated, you will go to Ganzhou. I will vaccinate everyone for free."

The village head followed and said: "Mrs. Wood is right. Now the entire Luzhou government needs Mrs. Wood, we can't trap her here."

Later, several old people in the family also expressed their position, and this matter was settled.

Those who want to follow them to the Shuzhou government tomorrow will start with them in the morning.

On the same day, Bei Yuyu flew a pigeon to a book in Luzhou.

Lei Yuxi saw that she would go to Ganzhou immediately and told Fang Zhifu about it.

Fang Zhifu is very happy, but she is waiting for her.

When Gu Fanzhi found Fang Zhifu, he just saw what he and Zhou Yushi were talking about and he was very happy.

"What are the two adults talking about, so happy?" Gu Fanzhi came forward.

Fang Zhifu slightly converges on some smiles. After seeing that there is such awkward relationship between him and Gu Ruran, Gu Ruran is also a man of hatred in the second family. Naturally, he can’t talk too much about the second home in front of Gu Fanzhi. .

Zhou Yushi smiled and said: "Mrs. Tomorrow will come to Ganzhou. I heard that her method of preventing smallpox has been successful. This time, I am preparing to vaccinate all the people who have never had smallpox."

"Inoculation?" Gu Fanzhi has never heard of this word.

Fang Zhifu explained: "Inoculation is the name against the method of smallpox."

"Oh, it’s a strange name."

Zhou Yushi said with a smile: "The name is strange, as long as it is useful. If this method is really feasible, it is the blessing of the Southern Tang Dynasty. When the time comes, the old man must play the court and ask for her."

"It is still too early to say this. No one knows what vaccination really has that effect."

Fang Zhifu wants to refute, but because he is a prince, his official position is low and he does not dare to talk.

Zhou Yushi is different. He said directly: "The four halls are right, we can see it tomorrow. This time she also brought eleven successful people."

The news about the North Rain 棠 tomorrow meeting in Zhangzhou City spread quickly in the city, and even the patients in the quarantine were informed by the mouth of the servant.

Everyone is talking about the northern rain, talking about her inoculation method to prevent smallpox, even the people in the quarantine are no exception.

"Do you say that the two masters really become? Those people are really not afraid of smallpox?" Some people can't help but ask questions. After all, smallpox is one of the most ferocious and plague plagues among all the plagues.

As the supporter of the north rain, it is naturally unconditional trust.

"When did you see the second home fooling you?"

"Isn't it. Since the second family said so, it must be wrong."

"I have not heard that there are eleven people in Shantou Village who have succeeded. People are there, and there are still mistakes."

"Yes, yes. Don't worry about it."

Suddenly, in this kind of discussion, some people said with regret: "If this is the case, the people in Zhangzhou City will be saved. Hey, why the second home is not here soon."

(End of this chapter)

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