Qin Official

Chapter 715 The evil person on your side

Actually, there is a better way!

After leaving Zhangtai Palace and returning to the mansion, Master Fusu closed his eyes for a long time and suddenly said this.

A hundred battles a day, this is the relationship between emperor and ministers that Qin Shihuang wanted Fusu to understand. Everything is only about interests and there is no trust at all.

It's not wrong to think about it. Everyone has their own interests. The title is designed to satisfy the desires of the courtiers. They go up one level and let them run around like hounds for a few bones.

A wise monarch will control it, just as Wang Jian once complained: As a great king and general, you will not be granted a title for your merits.

Therefore, when the old ministers got to Chehou, almost half of their bodies were buried in the ground. They were relieved of military power by the emperor and returned to the court to take care of their old age. They did not pose a threat to the emperor.

But after all, there are only a limited number of 20th-level nobility. There were too many wars in the Qin Dynasty. Although the promotion was slow, the young Wei, Meng, and Li, accumulated over time, and after one battle after another, it was time for them to be granted the title of Chehou.

Unlike Wang Jian, the three of them are all young and cannot resign naturally. They can only check and balance each other. Young people like Heifu should be put under house arrest by a high-level official like a guard against thieves, in case they can't be restrained. , can only kill.

Otherwise, he might be tempted to spy on the treasure, or even repeat the story of Tian's generation of Qi.

But after Fusu thought for a long time, he felt that this was not the best solution!

It's better to open up than to block!

Fusu was deeply influenced by Confucianism and Mohism. After reading historical records, he felt that there was a best example of how to deal with the relationship between monarchs and heroes in history:

King Wu of Zhou also never hid the Taigong, Zhougong, Zhaogong and other meritorious officials in the snow or even killed them. Instead of detaining them in the court and growing old and gloomy, why not let them out and split the soil to seal the territory!?

If this idea was known to Qin Shihuang, he would definitely rebuke it, because it was contrary to the Qin Dynasty's insistence on abolishing feudalism and establishing counties and counties, but Fusu had his own opinion.

Confucian scholars once advocated to him to restore Zhou rites, especially the feudalism of the Zhou Dynasty, and to establish descendants, so Fanping royal family, Shen Ming assisted the prime minister, so Yuyi Duke Dynasty.

But Fusu felt that the effect was not good. Zhou Gong ruled the world and established seventy-one kingdoms. There were fifty-three people named Ji alone. But if you look at the melee in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, you will understand that the princes named Ji are not necessarily more loyal than those with other surnames. The first person to offend the majesty of Emperor Zhou was Ji Zhengguo!

But he didn't think that the Zhou Dynasty's enfeoffment was useless.

My father only saw that the enfeoffment caused the princes to divide and fight for hundreds of years, but he didn't see that the enfeoffment also allowed Zongzhou to expand from a mere state to nine states!

The reason why the Zhou Dynasty's enfeoffment became a bad policy is that the successive Zhou kings enfeoffed all the land in Shandong except Luoyang, which caused the princes to continue to expand and grow. Eventually, the branches became larger than the trunk, and this was the reason why the rites and music collapsed later.

Therefore, Fusu’s ideal enfeoffment was precisely what Chunyu Yue recently proposed: “Prefectures and counties at home, feudalism overseas!”

First of all, it is necessary to change the rank of military merit. Above the chief concubine, the Marquis of Guannei and the Marquis of Che should be cancelled, and changed to the fifth rank: Gonghou Bozinan.

Subsequently, outside of Kyushu, the newly acquired lands in the past ten years: Lingnan, Minyue, Xiyu, Hexi, Haidong, and Shuofang can all be divided up by splitting the soil and fields!

As an emperor, you can be arbitrary, but you cannot be selfish!

Fusu was not a selfish person. He believed that instead of keeping all the land in the hands of the imperial court and increasing the burden on the Central Plains, it was better to divide the uncontrollable border areas.

For example, if Heifu is granted the title of Lingnan, Li Xin is granted the title of Hexi, Mengtian is granted the title of Shuofang, and the Wang family is granted the title of border lord, all the younger brothers are granted the title of duke in the Western Regions, Southwest Yi, and Haidong. It's a lot, but one city per person is enough...

In this way, it will not affect the unification of counties and counties in the Central Plains, and can properly place the children of meritorious officials. When the desires of the princes are satisfied, the military meritorious ministers don't have to worry about them snooping on the treasures. Even if there are any, they are out of reach, and there are even more disciples named Ying who will harass them.

As the central dynasty has established its borders, the wars in remote areas have also been calmed down. As for the border princes to conquer the barbarians and unite the people, that is their own business, and the imperial court will not help.

Built and walking on the stars, all around the world, radiating and gathering according to the fate of the wheel; together they are together for the pilgrimage, and when they are separated they are the defenders and defenders of the city... Isn't it the way for the king and his ministers to be harmonious?

Fusu was excited about his future plans, but then he shook his head and sighed.

Since that thing failed to happen, all this is just a thought.

The only thing that is certain is that if he, Fusu, becomes the second emperor one day, he will definitely change Qin Shihuang's policies beyond recognition, or even overthrow them completely!

After Fusu returned to the mansion, the mastermind Dong Gong asked him to shield the people around him, with a solemn look on his face.

Sir, a secret message from the Marquis of Changnan has arrived!

Dong Gong did not get the letter because the messenger insisted that he must see Fusu himself before he could present the letter.

Fusu had no choice but to meet him in person.

The person who brought the letter was called Ji Ying, a member of the Heifu Township Party. He looked like a skinny monkey. He looked around in the mansion like a not-so-honest person.

Fusu couldn't understand why the Marquis of Changnan would let such a person take risks at such a critical moment.

Duke Dong asked Ji Ying: Guanzhong is under martial law and it is not easy to get in and out. How did you get in?

Ji Ying smiled mysteriously: Don't worry, I've been a postal supervisor for many years. I'm in charge of the traffic of cars and ships, and the verification of talismans. It's easy to forge them. There are some ways to sneak into the customs, and no one knows about it.

In fact, he came from Sichuan, and went to Chen Cang and Du Ting. He used a false identity to hide in the caravan, and avoided Ba Qiao, who was more strictly interrogated.

After entering Xianyang, Ji Ying also heard the rumor that the one who destroyed Qin was evil. When he went to the Changnan Marquis Mansion and found that it was being monitored, he was even more shocked! Fortunately, he finally found a way and sneaked into Zhang Cang's mansion. He even communicated with his mistress Ye through a small polu who traveled between the two mansions in the name of learning Chinese characters, and then came here again... …

After the carefully hidden letter was presented to Fusu, Fusu slowly opened the twine and cut off the seemingly intact ink pad on it...

Speaking of which, Fusu and Heifu have not seen each other for more than two years. The last time they met was after the conquest of Haidong. The two of them took a boat to Jieshi to present prisoners to Qin Shihuang. On the boat, Fusu and Heifu had a drink. , and complained to him: For the soldiers, the song Dongshan best suits our state of mind.

But in the end, under Heifu's persuasion, Fusu changed Dongshan, which expressed the soldiers' homesickness and farewell, into Jianghan, which eulogized the rulers when he was singing triumphant songs.

For me, Marquis Changnan is indeed a good teacher and helpful friend...

With this feeling, Fusu opened Heifu's letter.

My eldest son, I sincerely welcome you, Mr. Hei, if you dare to pay me your respects again...

It's the handwriting of Marquis Changnan.

Fusu was still cautious and asked someone to take out the letters he had exchanged with Heifu a few years ago and compare them, so he was not suspected.

On the first day of the first lunar month of the thirty-seventh year, Mr. Hei saw a shooting star suddenly appear last night, and he couldn't help but feel confused.

When the country is about to be in chaos, there will be disasters. However, the disasters of Qin are not in the four borders, but within the Xiaoqiang.

The ancients said that three people make a tiger, and Zeng Zi kills people. Today, Hei Fu is not as wise as Zeng Shen, and His Majesty's loyal ministers are not as trustworthy as Zeng Shen's mother. There are more than three people who doubt Hei Fu. Hei Fu may have been living outside for a long time, and someone If you slander me, your Majesty will be thrown into a tree. There are treacherous and evil people on the left and right of you. Therefore, I dare not speak to Your Majesty what I say from the bottom of my heart. If the treacherous and sycophant detects it, I can only say it to the young master.

After reading this, Fusu thought to himself: The Marquis of Changnan expected it to be true. Someone was indeed plotting secretly to frame him. It's a pity that my father knew the loyalty of the Marquis of Changnan, but he still wanted to go south to take back his military power.

But who is the evil person on your side that Heifu calls?

This is what Fusu wants to know most. He always feels that there is a force cooperating with those warlocks who are afraid of the world being unstable, and setting up a conspiracy against Heifu.

The evil man on your side is called Zhao Gao, and the more unpredictable minister is called Li Si!

Fusu was quite surprised: Zhao Gao, Li Si?

This was someone he had never thought of. So, were these two people behind the Lu Ao Tianshu incident?

Looking further down, Heifu’s words are even more shocking:

It is really a trivial matter for those people to slander Hei Fu, but they are afraid that they will cause chaos and want to harm the young master. Once the mountains collapse, they will usurp power and issue edicts. The young master must be on guard! If something happens, the southern army and the northern army, Hei Fu and General Meng will We are all willing to follow the master's rule and bring peace to the world. We can all go and get it, but we must not sit back and wait for death!

After reading, Fusu sighed: This is the warning given to Fusu by the Marquis of Changnan, my good teacher and friend!

There is almost nothing left of the temple, and he even thought of being framed. But after all, this letter was sent more than a month ago. The Marquis of Changnan didn't know that so many big things happened in the court!

Qin Shihuang began to replace generals in a drastic way, and even wanted to go south to take over Heifu's military power. He might actually kill him, but Meng Tian returned to Xianyang and served as a guard...

Seeing the sun setting in the west, Fusu asked someone to take Ji Ying down to rest. He thought hard:

What do you mean when you side with evil people and try to harm me with edicts? Zhao Gao and Li Si, do you have such courage?

His eyes narrowed sharply: Unless it's...that thing?

Before Fusu could call someone, his confidant Shao Ping knocked on the door.

Sir, something happened to the Mo family!

What are you talking about? The Mo wanted to escape the palace and assassinate His Majesty, but was arrested by Lang Wei!?

The person who came to deliver the news was still Meng Tianfang, the clan brother of Meng Tian and Meng Yi. He briefly explained the matter.

It turns out that since last year, Qin Shi Huang began to keep his whereabouts mysterious, and where he lived every night became a secret. Thunder suddenly startled, the palace chariot passed by, and the wind was heard in the distance, but he didn't know where it was. His palace chariot was wandering in the corridor, and except for the most trusted people, even the prime minister, no one knew where it was. The ministers received decisions in Xianyang Palace and occasionally in Zhangtai Palace.

But tonight, when Qin Shihuang moved to another palace, an assassin tried to sneak into a remote corner of the palace by using ingenious equipment. However, he was caught by the patrolling Lang Wei and one of them was killed on the spot. The remaining two assassins wanted to escape, jumped from the high wall, and fell into the straw pile under the wall...

In the end, only one person successfully completed this operation and escaped. The other person accidentally broke his leg. After being caught by Lang Wei, his identity was found out: he was actually a Mohist disciple named Zhao Yin!

This was a big deal. Qin Shihuang immediately ordered Wei Wei Meng Tian to arrest all the Mo family members, and at the same time ordered Wei Wei Meng Yi to torture Zhao Yin. Finally, Zhao Yin couldn't stand it anymore and revealed that the person who instructed them to form a clique to assassinate the emperor was none other than Zhao Yin. Tang Duo, the second in command of the Mohist family.

Although Tang Duo has run away, he has been the young master's staff and retainer for many years. Meng Tingwei is afraid that this matter will be expanded by someone with intentions and implicated in the young master, so he specially asked me to report the news!

Just as he was talking, there were sounds of shouting and screaming outside. It was the guards arresting people in the city. Sure enough, something big had happened.

Meng Tianfang said hurriedly: Right now, the whole of Xianyang is in search of trouble. I'm afraid Tang Duo won't be able to escape for long. I hope you can find a way to clear the suspicion!

These ink masters really succeed more than they fail!

Duke Dong was also very anxious and said quickly: Master, do you want to enter the palace immediately and make a statement to His Majesty?

From the moment Mengtian was put into the room, Fusu had been silent, shaking his head and nodding. At this time, Dong Gong urged him, but he did not move.


Dong Gong, Shaoping and Meng Tianfang screamed several times before Fusu came back to his senses.

He looked at everyone, sighed, and said with a wry smile:

What if I say that the main messenger behind Tang Duo and those Mohists is indeed me!?

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