Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 48 Cupping

Good brother, don't touch there, oh, it hurts~

As a guest, you will bully Cai'er. Do you want others to do the same~

That's right, guest, you are the worst, and we want it too~

Why are you in a hurry? Come one by one. I will have worse tricks later. Do you want to see them? I will let whoever calls my brother-in-law first come first.


. . . . . . .

As soon as Zinu walked to Luo Yan's door, she heard the frolics coming from inside the house. The faint smile on her face suddenly solidified. Her hair was covered with black lines, which made Luo Yan speechless. She had just talked to those merchants. After drinking, he can’t wait to find a woman, so he’s not afraid of dying on a woman’s belly.

Listening to the frolicking in the house, it seemed that there were not five or six women.

Zi Nu felt that she needed to retract her previous evaluation.

This guy must be the reincarnation of a pervert deep down, and this is definitely not a disguise.

She has seen lustful ones before, but never such an outrageous one.


Zi Nu breathed out gently, put a faint smile on her face again, prepared herself mentally, knocked on the door with her hand, and called softly: Excuse me for disturbing the guest's enjoyment.

As the purple girl's voice entered the room, the frolic in the room instantly froze.


After a while, the door was opened by Qingqing, and at the same time, the scene inside the room came into Zinu's sight.


The beautiful purple girl blinked, a little surprised that the scene in the room was different from what she thought.

Because at this moment Luo Yan was cupping Cai'er, who was in great shape, surrounded by her sisters, which didn't match the absurd scene she expected at all.

Zi Nu looked at Cai'er's fair and tight back covered with jade cups for drinking tea, and a look of confusion appeared in her beautiful eyes.

What is this?

Is this what Cai'er and Qingqing are talking about?

What kind of game is this guest playing? I wonder if I can explain it to the little girl.

Zi Nu looked at this scene, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, then fell on Luo Yan and asked.

She has received professional training and rarely expressed her emotions, anger, and doubts in the past.

But Luo Yan is too outrageous.

Refreshing Zi Nu's world view again and again.

Just when Zi Nu thought he was that kind of person, the next moment, Zi Nu realized that she was wrong, and then after a while, she realized that she was wrong again.

Sister Zi, my brother-in-law is teaching us cupping.

A slightly younger girl explained to the purple girl with a smile on her face.

Although it was only a short period of time, the girl had obviously fallen in love with this funny and handsome older brother.

He has a good figure, talks funny, treats others gently, and is a little bit naughty~

But just after she finished speaking, Zi Nu looked over with a somewhat ferocious look: Girl, why are you talking! Who is your brother-in-law! !

The girl obviously realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she immediately blushed and hid behind the other sisters.

The other sisters also hurriedly covered their mouths and chuckled, looking at Zi Nu narrowly.

Would you like to try it, boss lady? This is a technique from my hometown. It can remove dampness and cold, and can excellently regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body. You are the one who opened Zilanxuan. If it were any other place, I would not teach them this. A technique.

Luo Yan looked at Zi Nu who was standing at the door. He was not afraid that Zi Nu would cause trouble for him because of what happened before, and smiled.

At the same time, he looked at Zi Nu with admiring eyes.

At this moment, Zi Nu has taken off her heavy makeup, revealing her clear and beautiful face, which is even more glamorous.

Her skin is as beautiful as snow, and her eyebrows are as delicate as black.

Her temperament is gentle and charming, like a caring big sister, making people feel safer.

The devilish figure with convex front and back, paired with the purple tight gauze dress, perfectly outlines the graceful curves.

The legs that had taken off the stockings were fair and slender.

The moist red lips are like attractive red fruits, not too thin nor too thick, with a touch of curvature, adding a touch of playfulness to the charm.

Luo Yan suspected that Zi Nu was here to tempt him to break the precept, and wanted to take away his current boyhood.

Removing dampness and dispelling cold? In addition to knowing how to make money as a merchant, the customer also knows medical skills?

The purple girl's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she asked curiously. At the same time, she carefully looked at the cupping that the other party was talking about.

Zi Nu also knows a little bit about medical skills.

This cupping technique is very similar to one of the techniques in the medical book Fifty-Two Prescriptions for Diseases.

It is recorded in his medical skills: Male hemorrhoids are located next to the orifice. The big ones are like dates and the small ones are like pits. They should be removed with small horns, such as two buckets of rice. . . .

The recording method is to use a small animal horn to suck and pull out.

Luo Yan uses a jade cup. . . .

This gave Zi Nu an urge to complain.

Fortunately, she is an elegant woman and does not use foul language casually.

I know a little bit about it. In fact, in addition to medicine, astronomy and geography, national governance, agriculture, teaching and educating people, chess, calligraphy and painting, leading troops in war, eating, drinking, gambling, etc., I know a little bit about everything.

Hearing this, Luo Yan chuckled.

When modern people come to ancient times, there is nothing they don’t understand.

Not to mention a short Douyin video.

Rely on these short videos.

As long as others can raise the topic, Luo Yan feels that he can brag about it.

It’s impossible to master it, but it’s easy to play.

After all, in this era, no one will talk to you about advanced mathematics, right~

Zi Nu just looked at Luo Yan blowing, watching him blowing seriously and confidently, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

In this world, only Luo Yan can claim to know everything.

“The guests are really talented~”

The purple girl glanced at Luo Yan and said in a coquettish and angry tone.

Don't do this, I'm going to pull out my gun if you keep doing this!

Luo Yan felt that Zi Nu was mocking him for bragging, but there was obviously no way to prove such a thing.

This is the same as a woman doubting whether you can do it.

If you don't go into battle in person, relying on your mouth alone is too pale and weak. Well, of course, it's not impossible if you have a good mouth.

Luo Yan didn't explain, and continued to admire the beauty of Zi Nu.

Some women are just beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Luo Yan felt that he was not a covetous woman's body. He liked to look at beautiful women, mainly to feel happy.

If you want to live to ninety-nine, you must be in a happy mood.

If you are angry every day, you will not live long.

Wang Situ has experience in this.

You all get out.

Zi Nu met Luo Yan's unabashed gaze, glanced at the sisters around her with her beautiful eyes, and said softly.


As Zi Nu spoke, the girls around also nodded obediently. In the past, they could fool around, but when Zi Nu becomes serious, she will always be the only owner of Zi Lan Xuan, and Wei Zhuang can only be counted as half. After all, Wei Zhuang has never Get in touch with them more, even martial arts are taught by Zi Nu.

The girls still respect and love Zi Nu because she gave them a stable place in troubled times.

In this short time, Luo Yan also helped Cai'er remove the jade cup.

Guest, go to bed early.

Cai'er glanced at Luo Yan with some reluctance. After all, Luo Yan was really unforgettable in some aspects.

It's a pity that the man is the man Zi Zi is targeting, and she doesn't dare to act recklessly.

Qing Qing rolled her eyes at Cai'er and helped her get dressed. The two finally walked out and slowly closed the door at the same time.

Suddenly, Zi Nu and Luo Yan were left in the room.

Luo Yan was a little hesitant now. If Zi Nu insisted later, he would give it to him or not. The warning from Jing Salamander was still echoing in his mind, making it difficult to choose~

Men are so difficult sometimes.

Thanks in advance to the friends who gave tips this week, I'm afraid I forgot, _daring (thank you, boss, touch me), you are a shocking guest in the world (big boss loves you), the evil king's ghost plan (love, compare my heart) ), I just love Yiyi Diandian (I love you), Meteor Crossing 4 (I have seen all the rewards from the boss, thank you), Mainbreak (Thank you, boss), the number of words is not enough, I will post it first, Triumph of the Land Reclamation, Mo Xiao Consumption, the teacher's acg, the sky is immortal, Fat Tiger takes a plane, the legend of 2001, passing by every day..., Wang Ningxi, Zhipan, and some can't be seen, but I still thank you, there are records in the background, thank you

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