Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 660: , Night of the Holy Grail

It was getting dark, and the old guards also finished their training all day. They would eat dinner first. After dinner every day, they would have a period of free time to read, take a walk, and do some physical exercise. Or you can take a walk around the neighborhood, usually just get back to the barracks before curfew time.

The old guards were given two days off every ten days, and there were also statutory holidays. The cultures of Brittany and the Empire were relatively close. Instead of "Charlemagne's Ascension" and "Urik the Wolf God", the "Day of the Holy Grail" and "The Day of the Fairy of the Lake" were replaced.

There are only ten days of holidays throughout the year. The annual Winter Veil holiday is generally three to five days. How to put them depends on the lord. Ryan generally gives the soldiers four days.

Seeing that it was almost time, Ryan also finished a bowl of beef stew with potatoes. He stood up and said to Morgiana, "Let's go, where are we going to spend the night?"

Morgiana's eyes lit up after hearing Ryan's words, and the witch of the lake **** said tentatively, "Aren't you going back to the Duke's Castle at night?"

"Suria asked me to accompany you more." Ryan coughed: "She said we've been to the empire for too long."

"Then... okay." Morgiana didn't hesitate, she agreed almost immediately: "Let me decide where to go?"

"Hmm." Ryan nodded with a smile, and he shrugged: "I listen to you."

"Then let's go to the Holy Grail." Morgiana made a decision without hesitation.

"Okay." Ryan said nothing.

Morgiana sat on the unicorn Hilfern, Ryan rode on the pure-blooded elf war horse Grape, Grape snorted at Hilfern and hooked the horse's hoof, very arrogant.

Hilfern released a light directly from the shining single horn, the grape was startled, it jumped away quickly, watching the light directly bombarded a small hole on the floor, the grape swallowed A saliva, no longer dare to molest unicorns.

"Don't do this, Hilfarne." Morgiana quickly reached out and stroked Hilfarne's back, the unicorn gradually calmed down, and Ryan quickly pulled the reins of the grapes.

A pure-blood elf warhorse can live for a hundred or two hundred years, and a powerful pure-blood elf warhorse can live longer.

The two of them walked along the street. The city of Jien was very lively at night. People came and went. There was still a lot of light on the street. Some restaurants and taverns were still open. Many free people had just returned from get off work in the workshop. They will not rest immediately when they go home. Some freedmen will go to the bar for a drink, and some will simply go home after dinner.

This is how business opportunities appear. As long as there is demand, there will be a market. Now, there have been many small vendors who specialize in food like the previous store owners, and merchants who are responsible for delivery and sales. Sometimes, as long as you work hard, you can make money.

"Eight Peaks Mountain." Morgiana took the initiative to provoke the topic: "So, after you ascend the throne, you plan to go on an expedition to Eight Peaks Mountain with King Belgar-Hammer to help him regain the ancestor's territory?"

"King Bellegar has helped us a lot in a series of wars, including the entire industrial belt along the Chinon River, which was built by our dwarf brothers." Ryan sighed while pulling the reins of the grapes. He said: "Bellegar has paid a lot for us, and we naturally have to give it back."

"The virtue of chivalry is to keep promises. This is the lady's teaching." Morgiana nodded, she was not surprised that Ryan was going to send troops: "How do you plan to fulfill your promise and send troops yourself?"

"That's right, I will send troops in person. After I ascend the throne, I will launch a new holy war of knighthood, with the goal of Mount Eight Peaks." Ryan briefly stated his plan: "At that time, all knights in the country will join the expedition. team."

"Do we need to mobilize such a large force?" Morgiana thought thoughtfully, and she put forward her opinion politely: "King Bellegar has contracted the construction of the entire industrial belt along the Chalon River in recent years, and the vast majority of the entire kingdom has Most of the water conservancy projects and the promotion of agricultural implements also occupy the Blackstone stronghold and the two mountain fortresses of Oka Mountain. Is this not enough? In fact, Ford, Duke of Montfort, has filed a lawsuit against me and the Kingdom Court more than once. He believes that It's not a good idea to outsource the entire construction of the kingdom's water conservancy projects and industrial belt to the dwarves of the Angrond clan, and it will put the kingdom's own craftsmen out of work."

"Oh, I understand why Ford said that." Ryan sneered, and he said disdainfully, "Because before, the Duchy of Montfort had the best craftsmen in the kingdom, and he wanted to get a share of these projects. He didn't get it, of course he knew that the craftsmen of the Duchy of Montfort were not as good as the engineers and dwarven craftsmen of the Angrond clan, so he kept coming to you and Lawn to complain, Morgiana, Tell me how you dealt with it?"

"I said this is not something I should manage, and I asked them to find the regent you appointed, Lawn-Leo Cornwall." Morgiana naturally also knew exactly what the Duke of Montfort was.

To put it simply, Duke Ford didn't really want to "protect the craftsman".

"What about Raun?" Ryan was very interested.

"Lawn said that since Duke Ford is confident, he can block the honor of the Duke of Montfort's house and let the craftsmen under him compare with the dwarves, who's craftsmanship is better." Morgiana said indifferently: "He will invite a few The Holy Grail Knight came to notarize, and since Lawn said so, Duke Ford has not dared to mention it again."

"Haha, Lawn has also learned." Ryan laughed, he nodded again and again: "It seems that it is not a bad idea to make Lawn the regent of the kingdom. He has always been able to handle these things very well. After I succeeded to the throne, let him be Continue to serve as the regent of the kingdom, and I can just free up my hands to do other things."

After a while, the tavern in the center of the town, the Holy Grail Praise arrived, this tavern may be the most advanced tavern in southern Brittany, not only several floors high, but also filled with many knights from southern Brittany The nobles already have many big businessmen. Most of them taste wine in it carefully, and then chat about recent current affairs. The first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the box, and the third to fifth floors are the accommodation.

Lane not only remembered that when he first came to Brittany, his immediate boss, the Marquis of Connery-Ascot, left the winery to him, but took everything with him, he also wanted to take the whole wine. Building the estate into a resort-like place turned out to be unfeasible at all, and then he wanted to push the wines from his own winery, but even after marrying Suria and receiving instruction from Winford's professional wine masters, The wines produced in their own wineries are second-class at most.

However, this bar also has its own core competitiveness, which is the "Ladies' Collection" wine made by the fairy in the lake.

In order to avoid causing a stir and being entangled, Ryan and Morgiana entered the tavern from another entrance through the VIP passage. They quickly asked the prophet of the lake **** who was in charge of the operation to arrange the room. Ryan and Morgiana were on the second floor first. Sitting down in the box, the waiter served two glasses of wine, a steak, and a cod steak for dinner for two.

"The dwarf king's obsession with the Eight Peaks is far beyond imagination." Morgiana ate dinner gracefully, and she and Ryan continued the topic of Bellegar: "In the past few years, he has been involved in all the engineering contracts in the kingdom. He made a lot of money, but it's rare to see him spend on a large scale."

"That's because Belgar used all the money he earned to pay off his debts." Ryan complained, "Morgiana, do you know how much debt Belgar owes?"

"Want to hear about it." Morgiana was cutting cod steaks with a silver knife and fork in her hands.

"Old world, all the dwarven kingdoms, he is probably only the dwarves of Dulong City in the northernmost Norsca Mountains who have not borrowed money, food or people. Besides, he has borrowed all the dwarf kingdoms. After reading it again, he still owes a lot of debts, including the fact that he once hired the ogre tribe and refused to pay it back, including that he once sought the support of the border princes, and in the end, all the horses were lost, and he fled alone."

"..." Morgiana's face changed slightly, and her hand holding the knife and fork was slightly forceful: "Then how can you be sure that Belgar won't rely on your debt? I mean, how can you guarantee that he won't? What about you?"

"Bellegar is a master of siege tactics, but he obviously has a problem with his strategy." Ryan did not answer Morgiana's question directly, he continued: "Last time, he attacked the Eight Peaks for the third time. All the mercenaries and entourages have a total of 8,000 people, and according to his estimate, there are at least a hundred thousand greenskins in the Eight Peaks Mountain, and the total number of Skaven people underground is even more incalculable."

"Even so, he still wants to fight?" Morgiana was speechless at Bellegar.

"Yeah, Belgar still has to fight, that's what he said, he said that the dwarf warriors of their Angrond clan are all one-hundred, greenskins and rats, and it's no problem to destroy them." Ryan said with a smile: "So I'll say that in terms of siege, Bellegar is a real tactician, but in strategy, Bellegar is a younger brother, he can never wait, never has patience, as long as he gathers a team of a certain size The army, he was full of thoughts about setting off immediately to recover his ancestor's territory. If he hadn't failed three times in a row, he would have tossed away the last little capital of the Angronde clan, and he wouldn't have learned his lesson and rested in peace for the time being. and develop for a while.”

Morgiana frowned when she heard this. She was actually a little reluctant to go to the Eight Peaks when she heard this, but considering the virtues and commitment of chivalry, she would not say anything to stop her. The witch of the lake **** carefully used a knife and fork. Cut a small piece of cod meat and said to Ryan: "Try this, Ryan, although it's not as delicious as what I made, but you don't just eat meat, ah~~"

"Ah~m~" Ryan stretched out his head and accepted Morgiana's feeding: "It's really not as good as you, Morgiana."

"Come on, this broccoli tastes good too." Morgiana was very happy, and the Lake God Witch was sweet in her heart. She stretched out her fork again and put a broccoli into Ryan's mouth: "Ah~"

"Hmm." Ryan had to be fed again. He was a little embarrassed, thinking that I'm in my thirties, and I want to do this.

You take one bite, I take one bite. The dinner ended quickly. After the meal, Morgiana cast a spell at the door of the box. She moved to Ryan's side, got into the man's arms and sat on the side. The two of them enjoyed the light of warm feeling.

"Recently, the price of grain has fluctuated very strangely in the market, and the price has been rising slowly." Morgiana leaned on Ryan's shoulder, she felt that her whole body was limp, and she had no strength at all: "And pork, pork Prices have skyrocketed recently, and many people are complaining that they can’t afford pork anymore.”

"Hehe~" Ryan held Morgiana in his arms, and he said helplessly: "It's normal for food prices to rise sharply, because of the previous trade agreement, Imperial Wesson is importing food from us, Tamuko Khan's invasion ended the whole season of winter wheat sowing in Wessenland, and in addition to the grains from Rikland and Ivey, Emilia also imported from us on a large scale."

"As for why the price of pork has skyrocketed, it has something to do with Bellegar." Lane continued: "Dwarves have a famous festival in the twelfth month of each year, called the Barrel Festival, on this day, all the wine barrels must drink. Light, which means the disappearance of bad luck, Belgar also planned a huge ancestor ritual, and he seemed to want to summon the heroic spirits of the ancestors through this ritual, so that they could return to the world to fight, and this ritual ceremony The most important thing is to gather enough dwarves to eat and drink at the ritual ceremony. Buying thousands of pigs, hundreds of goats, the supply of pork becomes tight and the price naturally goes up.”

"I see." Morgiana closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Actually, at this time, everyone is coveting the wealth buried in the depths of the Eight Peaks. The Angland clan buried and sealed dozens of mines before withdrawing from the Eight Peaks. Treasures, and in the Angrande Ancestor Hall located in the deepest part of the Eight Peaks Mountain, there are thousands of rune armors alone. Only Belgar knows how to open it." Ryan continued: "Now, even if Belgar doesn't want to recover the Eight Peaks, it won't work."

Morgiana nodded, and the witch of the lake **** understood that the current situation had turned a creditor into a shareholder, and Bellegar did not want to send troops? Even the knights and nobles of Brittany refused to agree! The wealth that is enough to shock the world in the Eight Peaks is waiting for everyone, and many knights are gearing up, waiting for Belgar and Ryan to send troops!

The knights also want to make a fortune, especially in this kind of situation where the teacher is famous and the fame and fortune are both once-in-a-lifetime!

"Moreover, there are more treasures in the Eight Peaks than that." Ryan turned his attention to the first floor of the Hall of Praise of the Holy Grail.

The hero of the Wood Elves, Lord of the Glades of Tathien, Alaros-Hero was walking in through the door with two Wanderers, who sat down and ordered a few glasses of brandy and roasted bear paws.

"Deep in the hall of the dwarf ancestors in Bafeng Mountain, there is a gem that fascinates elves. Perhaps, we can use this to hire an army of wood elves."

"This platinum diamond is called the 'Silmarillion,' and it is the love of a elf's life."

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