Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 598: , visit Empire

The birth of a child is a big event. When he got the news, the first one who reacted was the current chief butler of Mousillon, Katzenberg. , and to celebrate the birth of his eldest son. Crazy Sand Literature Network

"Having a banquet is not the purpose. In this way, you can show the Duke your connections, your status, your control over the kingdom, and most importantly, you now have an heir." Katzenberg is very good at this suggestion. Heart, he even strongly asked Ryan to do a special case.

Ryan of course knew that from Katzenberg's point of view, he certainly hoped that everything would be big, because as a big housekeeper, this matter would give him a chance to show his hand, and from his Winford standpoint, Katzenberg was naturally very happy that her young lady gave birth to such a baby boy.

After thinking about it for a while, Ryan also felt that it was time to have a big game.

So, on the full moon of Devonhill, Ryan held a very grand feast in his Duke's Castle, swearing to the whole country his power and the birth of an heir.

Everyone understands the meaning of this, so at the full moon banquet, all the dukes of Brittany, including Hubard, the Duke of Carcassonne who rarely leaves the territory, also came to the banquet. The scene was once very spectacular. .

Even the former King John II, who has been imprisoned for many years, and Richard, who is still on the throne, have come. John II has white hair and dark age spots on his face. Tears welled up in the cloudy eyes of the deposed king. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times before being helped down by his valet. A small table was placed in the corner of the banquet for him to enjoy the food alone.

During the whole process, the fairy in the lake didn't even look at him or say a word.

Richard also took the initiative to toast Ryan with a glass of red wine. Even if the grudges over the years were written off, Richard also seemed to have aged a lot. He patted Ryan's arm lightly: "I will hand it over in the future. Here it is, this kingdom, I won't say anything else."

Ryan nodded silently.

In addition, the Empire, Estalia, Tyrell, Wood Elves and Karak-Breeze Castle all sent messengers to congratulate, and such a huge scene also let people see Ryan's strength.

In the middle of the banquet, Surya came out to meet everyone with Devon Hill in her arms. The female knight almost recovered after giving birth. material.

At this time, the female knights were faced with only congratulations and blessings. The noble ladies surrounded the female knights like stars and moon, and kept asking this question. Everyone knew what an heir meant.

The little baby Devonhill rarely cries. He always likes to look at the world with his eyes wide open. He has been raised for a month. The pink, tender, white and plump baby is very lovable, especially if he does not cry If he didn't make trouble, he would still scream a few times, and he already knew how to speak some basic languages, laughing or waving small fists from time to time. A group of noble ladies always burst into screams, and everyone was scrambling to hug him.

The child's godfather, Ryan, has already chosen for him, that is Calad Garamente, Count of Garamente in the Duchy of Bastogne, and the Holy Grail Knight will be the godfather of Devon Hill.

Callard is powerful, virtuous, of the right age, and has a good personal relationship with Ryan. Suria also fully agrees with Ryan's ideas, and when he learned that Ryan had chosen himself as Devon Hill's godfather, Callard was still very happy. Somewhat flattered, but he did not refuse, but accepted Ryan's request very seriously.

After the banquet, Fugan also led his men to leave. He had a lot of things to do, and it was impossible for him to stay here for a long time.

The Primarch's appearance in Brittany was indeed a sensation, and he is said to have received hundreds of books during this time.

Forgan was gone, but Ingrid, the Norsca woman, stayed.

This has to mention a major "accident" that happened a few days before the banquet.

At the banquet scene, the female Norsca came to the Holy Knight Alfred and deliberately provoked him.

"The hero who broke Musillon doesn't look like that. Look, you are half a head shorter than me!" The female barbarian who was 1.85 meters tall stood in front of Alfred.

"If this lady doesn't mind, I can immediately close the gap between us." Alfred is not to be outdone. The paladin commander is now a famous hero in the old world. His deeds have spread. Naturally began to have arrogance.

So the two sides found a place for a glorious duel.

In the end, there was no winner or loser. Alfred and Ingrid fought for a long time and couldn't decide, but the barbarians had a good time. Then, for some unknown reason, Alfred suddenly proposed to hire this guy. Female Norsca, the reason is that there is a need for such a legendary powerhouse in the church district. Ingrid saw that Alfred gave a good price and was very moved, and finally stayed after Fulgan agreed. .

After the banquet, there was a series of personnel transfers and arrangements. Ryan began to build a large number of workshops and new manors along the lower reaches of the Grismore River. The swamp of Mousillon has begun to fade away, and new places have been opened up. A large amount of farmland can be used for farming, and waves of serfs seeking opportunities were moved directly to Musilon by Ryan to reclaim new land.

It took several months for Ryan to finally lay out the entire industrial belt completely. Karak-Breeze Castle on the upper reaches of the Grismore River and the Angrond clan dwarves in the Blackrock stronghold can directly pass the river to the source. Ore and various materials are continuously transported downstream.

Surya also played a very important role in this, and the female knight's talents in internal affairs were fully displayed.

When the time came to November, Ryan officially signed the "Moussillon Old Territory Peace Agreement" with Adehad, the Duke of Leonasser, in the form of Duke Mousillon. Leone Said returned his southern land to Mou Xi again. Duke Long, in exchange for a huge military fund of 10,000 kronor, a large amount of food, and military assistance, which also means that this territory that has been ceded for five hundred years has returned to the Principality of Mousillon. embrace.

In addition to the return, there were rebellions. Since the nobles of Leonathay had already invaded the manor and land of Musilon's old territory, they constantly emphasized these territories when faced with whether to return to Leonathay or choose to accept the rule of Leon. They were legally acquired by themselves, requiring Ryan to accept their terms, guaranteeing their "independence" and "self-government."

Lane's answer is also very simple, either surrender, and surrender early can get "security", just like Count Doolin and Count Larot, you only need to be loyal and accept Lane's reforms, and surrender later is fine, although the land will be destroyed. Confiscated, nobility and knighthood can still be retained.

Either hit.

In the end, the war to suppress the rebellion was still carried out. The old guard and 3,000 troops led by the Meroving Baron Armand defeated the entire rebel army outside the city of Musilon, and more than 30 knights were deprived of their knight titles successively. and nobles, reduced to serfs.

The entire kingdom remained silent on Ryan's confiscated and deprived of so many knighthood titles. One is that Ryan's exploits are now world-renowned, and no one dares to oppose his will. Second, a rebellion has indeed occurred. The mercy, and finally the support of the Church of the Fairy in the Lake.

By the time the rebellion has been quelled, the time has come to winter.

The 2nd Lane's Backyard Turkey Banquet was held in the Lady's Court of Lane's Duke's Castle.

At the banquet, a resolution was passed on more rational allocation of Ryan's personal time, a resolution on how to ensure internal unity and unanimous external, and a vote on the admission of the head maid Sylvia.

The closing ceremony of the turkey banquet, with Surya speaking as the Duchess.

After the Winter Veil Festival and learning about everything, Ryan officially set off from Musillon as the Duke of Musillon, the god-chosen champion of the Fairy in the Lake, and the crown prince of the Knight Kingdom, and brought his family to visit the empire.

Kaiser Karl-Franz extended a warm welcome to the Lane family.

Emperor Karl-Franz invited Ryan to take a boat tour of the Rick River together, welcomed Ryan to visit his hometown again, and introduced Ryan to the terroir and architecture of Rickland.

The Duke of Lane said that he was very happy to have the opportunity to visit the Empire again, and to visit Brunswick, the hometown of Emperor Carl. It has beautiful scenery and a strong cultural and artistic atmosphere. Many major historical events have occurred in this fertile land of civilization, which has nurtured and cultivated a large number of heroes. , especially in the old world, a series of anti-chaos, anti-greenskin, anti-vampire wars have paid huge sacrifices and made important contributions, which are the pride of the empire and the people of the empire.

On the giant ship of the Rick Navy, while admiring the coastal scenery, Ryan and Emperor Karl Franz talked freely about the historical and cultural exchanges between the two countries and the unity and cooperation in fighting foreign enemies. Tania's consensus on deepening mutual trust and cooperation is unbreakable. Currently, both the Empire and Brittany are in a rare period of peace. Under the current situation, the two sides should deepen strategic cooperation, in order to protect the peace, tranquility and stability of the old world and the mortal world. Continue to contribute.

Emperor Karl-Franz expressed his approval for Duke Lane's views. The emperor said that the current pattern of the old world has undergone great changes, the eternal election of chaos in the north has been revealed, and the external risks and common challenges faced by the empire and Brittany have risen. Emperor Karl-Franz emphasized that no matter the past, present or future, the Empire and Brittany are good neighbors that cannot be moved and true partners that cannot be dismantled. stand together.

Emperor Karl-Franz emphasized that for win-win cooperation, mutual trust should always be the cornerstone, strengthen each other's strategic support, increase mutual support on issues involving each other's core interests, vigorously promote people-to-people bonds, and consolidate the public opinion foundation of friendship from generation to generation. All walks of life and localities of the two countries have strengthened exchanges and mutual learning, and jointly passed on the baton of friendship between the Empire and Britania from generation to generation.

The two sides agreed to deepen political mutual trust, strengthen strategic communication, increase mutual support, and issue a statement that the two countries should jointly address challenges in the field of strategic security, strengthen strategic coordination on regional security issues, and cooperate when necessary. Seriously say that the empire has persisted for two thousand years despite being surrounded by enemies on all sides. The knight brothers on the opposite side of the mountain will not sit idly by and watch our imperial brothers encounter difficulties. For our fellow human beings, the knights will do their best to support the imperial people and jointly fight for the resistance. Chaos invaded south and continued to work hard.

Under the talks between the Duke of Lane and Emperor Karl Franz, the relationship between the two countries has been elevated to an unprecedented new level.

Later, the Empire invited the Duke of Ryan to stay in Brunswick temporarily to watch the election of the next Royal Chief Wizard at the Imperial Academy of Wizards and Wizards to be held in January next year.

It was the end of December at this time, and Brunswick was still as prosperous and crowded as before. It snowed in the sky, and the snow was like cotton wool, covering the sky and covering the entire capital of the empire. every corner.

Lane and others naturally received the highest level of courtesy. Emperor Karl Franz arranged for Lane and his party to live in the Brunswick Royal Hotel and packed a whole floor.

Ryan brought not many people this time. Except for the two hundred old guards and some valet knights, he only brought his wife Suria, the maid Sylvia, the post maid Olika and the paladin commander. Alfred came to Brunswick, and for some reason, the female Norsca Ingrid also came.

"Dad! Dad, play with me!" Devonhill is crawling on the ground. The little baby is only five months old now, but he already knows how to stand and talk. The fluffy lance doll, half-crawling and half-walking unsteadily, came to Ryan: "Dad, look, lance!"

"Hey hey~" Ryan was very excited, and when the father picked up his son and turned around twice, he let him poke the lance doll on his minibus: "My dear son, give Dad a kiss. !"

"Don' I don't want a kiss from my father, I want a kiss from my mother!" Devonhill put his small hand on Ryan's face, pushed him away, and turned to look for his mother: "Mom ~”

"Hey! Mom is here!" Surya took over her son from Ryan with a smile. The female knight has now recovered her amazing beauty, and her face has a hint of mother's brilliance. She picked up German Hill, the little guy laughed "giggling" when he saw that it was his mother, but his appearance made the whole room seem a lot noisy.

"Master!" Olika fell on Ryan's back, and the dark elf maid obviously liked Devon Hill very much: "It's amazing."

I don't know why recently, Orika fell in love with leaning on Ryan's back. The dark elf maid didn't want to come out and show her face, but since it was Ryan's order, she came out. Occasionally walking on the street wearing face mask.

"Hehe~" Ryan said with a smile on his face, "Of course, that's my child."

"Dong dong dong~" At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the big room.

"I'll open the door!" Sylvia, the head maid who was sitting beside her, stood up and went to open the door.

The door of the room just opened, and a little boy about two or three years old who was wearing a black and gold silk gown of the imperial nobles rushed in. He had blond hair, neat features and beautiful appearance.

"May I ask who you are?" Before Sylvia could understand, the little boy stared at Ryan, and then immediately pointed to his nose and shouted, "It's dad! It's my dad, that's right! It feels like he's my dad. !"

After that, he rushed up and hugged Ryan's thigh: "Dad!"

What's the matter, Xi Daddy? Who is this child? Ryan was still a little puzzled, and the sound of high heels stepping on the carpet came from the door.

"Long time no see, Mr. Ryan~ Are you a father again?"

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