Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 594: , Return of Morgiana

Before the dark elf turned out to ask, Morgiana's voice came in from the door of the room: "Ryan, are you busy?"

There were only three people who dared to enter Ryan's room without knocking on the door, and one of them was Morgiana. Crazy Sand Literature Network

Today's Lake God witch is wearing a pure embroidered knee-length skirt with white curtains and a purple ribbon around her waist. Mogiana's cool and gorgeous face appears from the door, and her enchanting and slender materials are fully exposed. Since it is the midsummer season, Mogiana's It is relatively rare not to wear that kind of long skirt that reaches the ankle. Under the knee-length skirt is a beautiful calf that is as clean as jade. There is no stockings on the beautiful feet, but simply a pair of high-heeled sandals with a buckle strap.

"Click-click~" Morgiana's voice moved from far to near: "Is it bothering you?"

"I'm thinking about something." Ryan showed his head from the documents on the table, and he smiled: "There's nothing particularly important, welcome back, Morgiana, how is the Corona thing going?"

Seeing Ryan smiling at herself, Morgiana's slightly wrinkled eyebrows stretched out. When she was with Ryan in private, she always felt relaxed and happy. The Lake God Witch only felt that the irritability that had plagued her recently disappeared. , pulled a chair easily and sat down beside Ryan, Morgiana tidied up her skirt: "Generally speaking, Lawn has recovered his health, and he began to carry out his duties as regent, because you did not pursue it. Responsibility, so the knights and nobles in the north are relieved."

"Also, Richard has stepped down from the position of Duke of Le-Angoulan, and it is Taubert, Richard's nephew who takes over the title of Duke of Le-Angoulan." Morgianna continued, her golden Her long hair fell from her shoulders, smelling of irises.

"Very good." Ryan didn't say much about this. Obviously, the traditional knights and nobles in the north had bowed their heads, and Richard did not pass on the title of Duke of Le-Angoulan to his grandson William, but to his grandson William. Taubert, Ben also explained his attitude.

"Theodoric, Duke of Berleone, has completed his sentence. He found me and hoped that I could convey his apology on my behalf." Morgiana said the second point: "As for Fiona, he admits his mistake and is willing to Continue to close, he expresses his unconditional obedience to your reforms, but hopes that you will lend a helping hand to his current plight in Berleon."

"Hmph, this is called unconditional?" Ryan shook his head, the old guy was very cunning. At this critical moment, he started to jump left and right again, and he couldn't tell that this guy was still a firm supporter of Raun.

At the critical moment when Ryan is about to succeed to the throne, it is really not easy to care about Theodoric. Since he is willing to obey completely, Ryan is too lazy to bargain with him anymore.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ryan and Morgiana sat together and carefully discussed the next things.

"The allegations against the late Duke of Aldereld for selling rations to raise army funds have been received by me and the Kingdom Court." Morgiana paused, then immediately began to say the next thing: "But as you know , the founding twelve first-generation Holy Grail Knight families do not accept any charges other than treason and blasphemy, and secondly, the Duke of Alderel is dead, and the succeeding Duke of Adaihad said that he did not know about it... Leona Sai is facing a lot of problems now, there is too much rain this year, and the grain harvest is also facing a failure.

Natural disaster, Ryan hugged his hands, shaking his head with a wry smile.

Historically, the late stage of a regime often begins with natural disasters, leading many people to mistakenly believe that the collapse of the regime is due to natural disasters. In fact, it is not.

What really made things uncontrollable was due to the collapse of the state's financial capacity and the weakening of the responsiveness of the ruling system. At this time, natural disasters were the last straw that crushed the country.

Once a natural disaster is encountered but cannot respond and respond quickly, it will immediately be the three brothers of famine, plague, and rebellion.

On the contrary, as long as the regime is able to deal with it, natural disasters pose no threat.

Therefore, Leonathay could do nothing to the rebellious serfs, so Ryan, who had money, food and people, just took over for half a month and completely quelled the rebellion in the south of Leonathay.

"At least part of it should be spit out!" Ryan said dissatisfiedly: "I immediately wrote to Duke Adaihad, I didn't ask the nobles of Leonathay to pay back all the food they swallowed, but at least a quarter of the food was taken out. One, hand it over to the church, and the church will distribute it to the serfs! If you don’t agree, then don’t expect our support in the future!”

Morgiana nodded, and she immediately ordered the dark elf: "Do you hear? Why don't you write it down?"

Damn it! This woman! Consider yourself a mistress? Orika, who was wearing a black-and-white maid outfit and white suspender stockings, felt quite unhappy, which was also reflected on her face. She smiled and said, "Morgiana, do you have no hands yourself? Or are you illiterate?"

This sentence blocked Morgiana's slender golden eyebrows raised, her blue eyes stared directly at the smiling dark elf, one hand clenched the Holy Grail of potion, and the surging magic like the ocean began to flow in Her week surging: "Dark Elf, don't think you are Ryan's post maid, I won't clean you up!"

She remembered what happened at Winter Veil.

"Oh? Try it." The dark elf was upset, and she smiled even sweeter: "You think you can beat me with that cup?"

One second, the room was still talking about internal affairs in a serious manner, and the next second, a duel seemed to be about to break out.

"Olica!" Ryan could only reluctantly say to stop: "We are talking about business!"

"...Hmph~" The dark elf nodded unhappily. She thought to herself that this woman didn't come to you with an excuse to talk about business all day long, and then she went to another place while chatting.

During this period of time, since Teresa and Veronica had both retreated and practiced, and Suria was pregnant again, the dark elves had always dominated Ryan alone. As a result, now that this woman came back, the dark elves were naturally unhappy.

Stabilizing Orika, Ryan immediately took Morgiana's hand and held her hand to signal her to calm down.

When Ryan held his hand and felt the amount from his big hand, Morgiana immediately blushed and became soft, unable to express any anger. She stretched out her jade fingers and drew on Ryan's palm. a number.


The muscles in Ryan's face twitched.

The Duke could only nod his head to show that he understood.

The topic was interrupted like this, and if he wanted to continue it, it would be messed up. Ryan simply moved on to the next thing: "Morgiana, I need your help, I want to get a group of people from the church."

"No problem, we will send someone to help you." Morgiana held Ryan's hand, and the witch of the lake **** nodded. They had discussed this matter for a long time.

Lane was about to start preparing to build his own bureaucracy.

To build a bureaucracy, you must seek the help of the church.

Even the nobles can't do this.

Understand naturally.

Therefore, Lane can only choose to seek help from the Lake Fairy Church, because the Lake Fairy Church is his die-hard supporter, especially in recent years, due to Lane's successful reform, the Lake Fairy Church has received tithes and donations from nobles and businessmen. With huge financial income, many free people have begun to take pride in donating food and coins to the Lake Fairy Church, because it makes them feel that they have contributed to the country.

Relying on the increased income, the Lake Fairy Church has more wealth to cultivate more talents, providing more possibilities for Lane's reform.

What is even more commendable is that the Church of the Fairy in the Lake has always remained relatively clean and efficient.

Then, it is also a church organization, why is the Church of the Fairy in the Lake not as highly bureaucratic as the empire after thousands of years of development?

you know.

No way, although Britania's administrative capabilities are far behind compared to the empire on the opposite side of the mountain, it is far superior in terms of church management~

After discussing this, Ryan and Morgiana chatted again about the industrial belt along the river in Musillon.

In fact, the technology of hydraulic stamping in Britannia to produce plate armor and weapons is very mature, because it copied the high elves, and many of the technology levels in the heyday of the elf empire have not caught up with humans now.

Ryan intends to do the same as the Empire in this regard, integrating the technology of dwarves and high elves to create new and better weapons and equipment, and then make batches of knights.

There are not many people who can discuss all kinds of chores after Surya is pregnant. Taking advantage of Morgiana's return, Ryan simply discussed with her and set a lot of decision-making and reform directions.

Before I knew it, by the time everything was discussed, it was already night.

"Morgiana, are you staying with me at night? Or do you want to live in the tower?" Ryan thought that he had said it long enough.

"I'll be with you at night." Morgiana said very confidently, with a faint smile on her beautiful face: "Or do you have other arrangements?"

"Uh... No." Ryan also smiled, he gently pulled Morgiana, and the duke whispered in the ear of the lake **** witch: "I miss your cooking, Morgiana."

The lake **** witch's blue eyes radiated amazing brilliance: "Just want to eat the food I made?"

"We can have dinner, Morgiana, and then we can..." Ryan decided to take the initiative, what's the point of being passive? He is a duke, and he will become a king in the future. How can he hold the highest power if Morgiana is not completely dealt with?

"Then, it depends on your performance." Sure enough, the witch of the lake **** was very satisfied with Ryan's answer: "Just the two of us, not the dark elf!"

"Okay, just the two of us." Ryan nodded with a smile.

…………I am the dividing line between the two of us…………

Six hours later, late at night, in the castle master bedroom, the air conditioner was turned on.

On the soft sofa chair, Morgiana, who was wearing a silk nightgown with velvety arcs, was flushed and leaned lazily against Ryan's chest, like a fish blowing bubbles, while Ryan was gently sighing. He hugged her and let her sit on his lap.

The two enjoyed the peace after the storm.

"Are you really planning to send five hundred children to study in Nur?" Morgiana gently stretched out her arms and put her arms around Ryan's neck, and a pair of crystal jade feet wrapped in white velvet stockings under her skirt gently swayed back and forth, the **** of the lake. The witch's heart was very good, and she asked casually, "Aren't you worried that they will encounter problems?"

"What problems can I encounter?" Ryan let out a sigh of relief. He and Morgiana hadn't seen each other for more than a month, and she became more troublesome.

"For example...they couldn't finish their studies, or they didn't want to come back after finishing their studies?" Morgiana was still a little worried about Ryan's study abroad plan, and the witch of the Lake God raised her concerns: "They are too young."

Morgiana did not expressly object to Lane's study abroad plan, and the great nobles of Brittany sometimes sent their children to study in the empire. She was worried that these serf children would have limited qualifications, or would they simply I stayed in the empire and didn't plan to come back.

"Don't care so much, Morgiana, five hundred people, it's impossible for all of them to be successful, but as long as half of them can complete their studies, it is a great achievement." Ryan smiled: "Their family is here, and besides, They all have a great sense of identity and mission here, and they also admire me. Maybe a few people do want to stay in Nur, but they must be very Will they adapt to life? Nur It is the largest industrial center and academic center in the old world." Morgiana was still a little confused, Ryan paid 8,000 kronor and Amelia to negotiate with Emilia to send five hundred children to Nur. The Fairy Church can also be cultivated!

"It is inevitable to have some discomfort in life." Ryan complained after listening to it: "Do I still need to inform Emilia and arrange three companions for each Brittanian international student? Then let Nu How many Brittanian slang for the professors and officers at the University of Ur and the Noor Academy of Guns to learn a few slang words for these children?"

"Pfft~hahaha~" Morgiana was amused by Ryan, the witch of the lake **** couldn't help snickering, being with Ryan was always so fun and relaxing, as long as she was with him, Morgiana felt that she Heart becomes good.

Seeing Lane say this, Morgiana knew that he had made up his mind, and stopped talking about this issue: "Well, since you said so, let's do it like this."


With the return of Morgiana and the quelling of the rebellion, Ryan was finally able to get a little relief from the extremely heavy internal affairs, because the lake **** witch, as the spokesperson of the fairy in the lake in the mortal world, can help Ryan handle government affairs and reduce his burden.

However, the valet and maids in the castle sometimes discuss, that is, Duke Ryan, who has been freed from the heavy internal affairs, occasionally seems to show a more tired look than before, but Morgiana is always blushing. Feeling refreshed and skin improved.

This is really strange.

The time came to mid-August, and Surya's due date was getting closer.

At this time, Fulgan and Angron finally arrived at Ryan's territory after a trek.

"Brother Forgan, Brother Angron, you are finally here!"

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