Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 568: , Chaos Wastes

The mortal world, the extreme north, the chaotic wasteland, the closest place to the true god.

Here, it is always covered with ice, snow and flames, the earth is sometimes frozen into a snow field, and sometimes magma is spewed from the ground in hot water. Every place here is strange. There are almost no animals and plants on the chaotic wasteland. only the eternal home and lair of innumerable, nameless and invisible monsters.

"The North is our past, and the North is our future."

- "Savior" Ludwig

Before the arrival of the ancient saints, the extreme north and the extreme south were both called the North Pole or the South Pole. This place was originally an extremely cold place, barren and inhabited, and the aborigines of the planet had never arrived here.

until the Old Ones come.

Long before the birth of the mortal race, the portals of the two poles were built by the Old Sages and their servants Slann, and the Old Sages were not creatures on this planet, they came from farther away.

The portal was established here, and the ancient saints came to this world one after another. The original purpose of the portal was to transport resources to other worlds in an instant and across dimensions. These portals built by alien technology are Huge, capable of transporting a large amount of resources at one time, it is said that the portal can accommodate a whole army of Old Sages at the same time.

After a short period of adaptation, the ancient sages established a network of spiritual veins, and then settled in this world. They let their pet demon toads help them carry out various experiments, and created lizards and skinks as demon toads helpers, they make big plans, always plotting something important.

In this way, thousands of years have passed.

Until one day, the ancient sage's mortal enemy came.

The Old Sage's machine was catastrophically damaged, things quickly became out of control, the portal began to collapse and fall apart, the Old Sage lost control of the portal and other worlds, and pure chaotic energy passed through the broken portal to the entire world. The world spread, and the creatures all over the world were mutated to varying degrees, and the first beastman was born at this time. Dimensional stones, the product of the solidification of primitive chaotic energy, landed everywhere in the world like a torrential rain, causing more disasters and mutant creatures. This is the proverbial catastrophe.

When the portal was finally completely destroyed by this disaster, the chaotic energy pouring out from the warp also completely changed the land of the two poles, creating a chaotic wasteland like eternal hell. The Old Ones also realized that their experimentation grounds, amusement parks, and later sanctuary worlds were beyond salvation, and fled the planet, never to return.

Everyone knows what happened next.

Now, the northern wasteland has become a nightmarish realm, where no mortal creatures can survive for long, they will be destroyed soon, or twisted and corrupted into something else, the cold here The whispers of the evil gods are hidden in the wind or hot wind. The will of the four gods of chaos extends above the wasteland of chaos. The echo of the warp reverberates in this land. In just a few minutes, a normal mortal can be brought to life. drive crazy.

However, his poisonous weed, my fairy grass.

The northern wasteland has never been what the low-level and ignorant southerners imagined. It is a desolate and dead land. On the contrary, the northern wasteland is a very lively place. Countless twisted and indescribable strange creatures run rampant here, chaos demons, Chaos evil beasts, dragon demons, chaos ogres, and beastmen roam in this playground, fighting each other in a never-ending war. These wars are neither for the glory of power nor for the plunder of survival, but only for the plans of the Four Gods that can never be understood. Every day, the wasteland trembles with gigantic conflict wars on a scale unmatched by even the most incredible battles of the Old World.

Likewise, the northern wasteland is a sacred place for barbarians to make pilgrimages.

After each barbarian is favored by the evil **** and becomes a warrior of chaos, most of them will go to the wasteland of chaos. In the eyes of the hypocritical and weak southerners, the corruption of chaos is terrible, the mutation of chaos is cursed, and the threat of chaos is a must The objects of elimination, these people only know how to sit still all day long, begging for the help of those false gods, and want to get rid of the shadow of chaos.

However, chaos remains forever. The northern barbarians regard the corruption and mutation of chaos as a blessing. In the long years, they have embraced the corruption and the power of chaos. They regard this mutation as a gift from the gods. Although not everyone can bear the blessing of Chaos, those Chaos warriors who cannot bear the favor of the evil **** will become Chaos Eggs, but even Chaos Eggs who have lost all their senses are considered "sacred things" in the eyes of barbarians.

Aspiring Huns, Mongolians, Kurgans, and Norsca will all make pilgrimages to the Chaos Wasteland, where endless challenges, killings and battles will never stop. This is a grand stage show. It was crowded with actors who wanted to appear on stage, and the evil spirits watched in the dark, watching it all quietly, and then looking for those objects that made them feel interesting.

For example, the former king of Scalins, "Red-Eyed" Egil-Steelbjorn, once killed countless powerful enemies in his "pilgrimage" for hundreds of years, and finally won the favor of Khorne, Become the champion selected by Khorne, if other Chaos warriors can survive in the Chaos Wasteland and return to their homeland, then they will enjoy endless glory in the singing and roar of their compatriots, and become the champion of Chaos that everyone envies.

At this moment, a traveler was slowly advancing on the chaotic wasteland. Behind him, followed by a chaotic heavy cavalry with about two hundred riders, all of them wearing very, very thick black chaotic full-body plate armor , riding the chaotic war horses like a nightmare, they are silent, not saying a word, even the praise of the four chaos gods is silent.

The traveler wears a set of full-body Chaos armor, with a huge cloak made of human skin and chaotic beast skin draped over his shoulders, and his seat rides a huge demon warhorse, its immortal body is made of sharp horns. Formed with fangs, bony plates, and corroded steel armor, their eyes burn with the fire of chaos.

"It's not here either." The traveler led the crowd to walk on the chaotic wasteland, and they swept all the way. All the enemies who dared to be their enemies were defeated by them. At this time, the traveler would only calmly ask for it. Either surrender or die.

The traveler and his subordinates have roamed this land for over a hundred years.

"Not here either." The traveler repeated this sentence.

His followers followed him, all silent, just waiting for his orders, and they would always follow him no matter what the traveler's goals were.

Because they firmly believe that only he can accomplish that sacred and great mission.

That is the ultimate goal of the true God.

The traveler's eyes showed a strange bright red, his eyes seemed to have no eyeballs, and some were just the fire of chaos burning in them, which only contained a kind of hatred.

Pure hatred.

This hatred needs no reason, no excuse, no mercy, and it burns day and night in the traveler's chest.

Even though his face is hidden under the helmet and cannot be seen clearly, his followers can feel the disgust and hatred of the mortal world in his tone at the same time,

But it is quite strange that the traveler is very calm, very calm, on the one hand, he hates to the point of madness, on the other hand, he is very calm, although he hates everything, he hates everything, but he never let Anger controlled his logic.

Because only the weak are controlled by anger, and he controls anger.

He had already chosen a bright and dignified avenue for his quest.

More than a hundred years have passed, and his journey of seeking the Tao is gradually coming to an end, but it is this ending that confuses him. The traveler has been cruising in the Chaos Wasteland for more than 20 years, and he has never found such a thing. clue.

"Bilak? Or, Kurgan?" whispered the traveler.

He stood there thinking for a while, then raised his head.


"Yes!" A group of Chaos Knights pulled the reins, and the galloping Chaos Warhorse obeyed their will, so they followed the traveler to an unseen distance.

A month later, the Kurgan prairie.

The traveler looks at the endless yellow grassland. Above the unpredictable gloomy sky, the terrifying chaotic wind is blowing this famous super prairie in the old world.

The traveler tries to recall the history of the Kurgan from his own knowledge.

The Kurgan Steppe was once a grazing holy land with lush grass and blue sky and white clouds. When the elf empire was colonizing the old world, some humans settled in Tyrell, Estalia and where the empire is now, accepting to become elves A vassal of the empire and established the ancient human wizarding empire.

But there are also some human beings who do not want to be the vassals of elves. They keep going north and north until they establish their own tribes near Norsca and the northern prairie, and live a life of fishing and hunting. They were once kind and humble, industrious and sincere.

until chaos comes.

Corruption always takes place unknowingly, these human nomads are gradually eroded by Chaos, their bodies are mutated, their minds are twisted, and the dark gods slowly begin to corrupt and enslave the minds of the northern human tribes. Those who did not yield to the dark gods have since fled the South, such as the Lady Kesler and the Ugol, who themselves were once tribes of the eastern steppe. Those who stayed ended up becoming more and more like a bunch of madmen who forsook the benefits of civilization and became followers of Chaos instead.

In the end, under the attention of all the people, an incomparably great name emerged from the distant and cold Scythia.

He is the "Whip of the World" Kurgan the Great.

His history was before the empires of ancient Aurora and Charlemagne. When the baby was born in the wasteland of Scythia, the sorcerers of the tribe made a prediction that this baby would enjoy all joy and all pain.

As time passed and the baby grew into a mighty rider and leader of the tribe, Emperor Kurgan had an insatiable desire to control the power and strength of the steppe and its people—he moved north, south, west and The winds of the east prayed, the earth, the sky and the rain, the day and the sun, the night and the moon... For this he plundered countless slaves and spoils to sacrifice to the spirits and gods. Emperor Kurgan is very powerful, but also very smart. He knows that the darkest gods in the northernmost are the most powerful, so in order to reach an agreement with the Chaos Gods, he abandoned the longevity he originally believed in. Emperor Kurgan swore He and the race he commands will serve the Dark Lord dutifully and never waver.

The Four Chaos Gods responded to his prayers, and the evil gods gave him endless power. In this way, Emperor Kurgan unified the entire northern prairie and the chaotic wasteland, and established the Kurgan Empire, which was a ferocious plunderer. A warlike empire of , agile cavalry, roaring monsters and wild mages.

When the Kurgan Empire was at its peak, the empire once stretched from the Roof of the World Mountains in the east, to the Dark Realm in the south, to the Chaos Wasteland in the north, and to the four northern islands of Nipen in the west. It was several times the size of the current empire. The tribe crawls at his feet, paying tribute in peacetime and sending troops in wartime.

However, the gifts of the evil gods are not without a price. Gradually, Emperor Kurgan's constant victories and wars made the four Chaos Gods feel dull and bored. After Emperor Kurgan enjoyed all the pleasures of the mortal world, they felt that they should He was rewarded for his gift and gave him endless pain.

So, just a few years after the establishment of the Kurgan Empire, the will of the Four Chaos Gods came to the world. They ignored the countless spoils, sacrifices and sacrifices of the Emperor Kurgan, and they cruelly took the Kurgan What Emperor Ergan cherished most—his only four sons were taken away by the Four Chaos After taking away his four sons, the Four Chaos Gods became silent and never again. Not answering his prayers.

Emperor Kurgan could only accept the "gift" of the Four Chaos Gods with tears, because this is the price of gaining power. The emperor who lost his heir is still powerful, but he can no longer stop the struggle for power and profit within the empire for the position of the heir. , A once incomparably powerful empire collapsed in civil strife and depravity. After participating in the last war, the Kurgan Emperor fell in battle, and the Kurgan Empire fell apart and was never the same as before.

After that, countless tribes rose up on the Kurgan steppe, and many tribal khans and chiefs claimed that they were the sons and orthodox heirs of the Kurgan Emperor.

Maybe what he wants is on the Kurgan steppe? The traveler rode a demon horse on a yellow and endless prairie. He thought carefully, maybe the true **** had performed a coronation ceremony on Emperor Kurgan at that time?

While the traveler was pondering how he might find clues about such a thing, he and his followers were surrounded by a cavalry of Kurgan marauders.

"Outsiders!" The Kurgan riders headed by him were very tall, at least 2.2 meters tall, and his whole body was filled with muscles. He shouted in Kurgan with a local accent: "You have two choose!"

"I'm looking for the last treasure." The traveler's answer was rather strange: "Maybe your khan can give me the answer? Who is your khan?"

"Our khan?!" the Kurgan rider shouted with pride.

"Listen to his name, outsider!"

"He is our great maggot king! The gluttonous master! The true successor of Emperor Kurgan!"

"He is Tamu Khan!"

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