Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 550: , the peak of life

Despite being warned by the fairy in the lake, Ryan ordered the coalition to camp and rest temporarily. The army was very tired after a long battle. Under such circumstances, it was not a big army to forcefully march to stop Mathewbard. The sensible and correct choice is to give more soldiers to the undead.

They need to take some time to rest and replenish their staff, and then set off north, or choose to travel from the south of Lyonnaise to Curona, or choose to pass from the Arden Forest through the castle of Artois, the former capital of the Duchy of Artois.

The army swept the battlefield where there was nothing worth scavenging, and Morgiana led a contingent of Lake God prophets chanting a spell to purify the corruption of Chaos.

Landuin's sacrifice opened up a new era for Mousillon, and even the most foolish serf could sense that the land was changing.

The swamps are gradually receding, large swamps are turning into lakes, and small swamps are turning into ponds.

The corruption that the Undead and Chaos brought to the land is fading away, the last gift of Randuin's burning soul.

In the afternoon, Ryan, Callard, Morgiana and several other dukes sat together to discuss what to do next.

The large pieces of cut wild boar were prepared and roasted on the fire by the squires of the knights. The squires of the knights skillfully used pepper and honey to taste the grilled meat. Lane sat in the center, and Morgiana sat on his left hand. Beside him, Bethmond sat on his right, and everyone ate and talked with wine.

"The casualties this time are not bad, generally less than 30%." Bethmond said first: "Although the war is very difficult, the casualties are acceptable."

Everyone nodded. The casualties of this war were barely within the tolerance of the Dukes, that is, although the process was very difficult, the most important tug-of-war and rout were not fought. had a head-to-head confrontation.

The toughest battles that followed were the ones overpowered by the Nurgle army.

So for the inexplicable victory in this war, Ryan and others didn't know what to say.

"Now our army is exhausted and supplies are difficult. If we go to rescue Curona, we will most likely be ambushed by the undead." Hagen, Duke of Giso Leaux was seriously injured in this war, and his helmet was damaged. Half of it was smashed, but fortunately, the stag took it back with a spear: "But Curona is the capital, and we have to save it again. Even if it is spring, we must mobilize the army!"

"That's right, we have to rescue the capital." François had no objection to this: "We can't let that black knight occupy our capital. It's been a thousand years since the country was established, and Curona has never been lost."

"Then the question is, does the black knight Matthew Bard think he is qualified to be king?" said Bodric, Duke of Boldero strangely: "I remember he was a ranger knight from Connet. That's all, he doesn't even have a duke title! He's not a member of the twelve first-generation Holy Grail Knights or their vassal families?"

"No, he is." Ryan said in a deep voice, "Mashbard has actually met the four conditions for being king. He won the title of Paladin because of a series of feats and lofty virtues when he was young."

"But his title of Duke of Musillon is self-proclaimed. We all know that you are the real Duke of Musillon who has been recognized by His Excellency Randuin!" Callard said with some dissatisfaction, the sanctuary powerhouse. Deliberately jumping up: "On this one, Matthew Bard can't be king!"

"He can, because even if he is not the Duke of Musillon, he still meets enough conditions." Ryan sneered: "Because he is the son of the Duke of Lawn! It's his illegitimate son! Now that Lawn's life and death are unknown, he is a laborer. En's illegitimate son rightfully has weak claims."

Ryan's understatement shocked everyone present.

"What? Matthew Bard is Lawn's son?!"

"No wonder, no wonder this once virtuous Ranger knight has fallen so thoroughly!"

"It's a bastard!"

"That's right! Lawn did have an illegitimate child, abandoned in the wild, and if that's the case, it all makes sense."

Everyone was whispering, and many people were speechless. After hearing this, the Duke of Berhemond shook his head again and again: "The family is unfortunate, the family is unfortunate! I know about this, when Louis ordered that child to be abandoned in the wilderness, I also advised him not to do that, but to send the child to the Empire, not to freeze, not to be hungry, but Louis insisted."

"Hehehe, the father abandoned his son, and after the son was adopted, he turned to seek revenge from his father. Not only did he have to kill his father, but he also inherited everything from his father. You humans are really kind and filial to your sons." Alaros, the wood elf lord who was listening, mocked. He said that he still intends to continue to ridicule the stupidity and backwardness of human beings. Ryan glared at him to indicate that it is none of your business.

"If this is the case, then Matthew Bard is indeed qualified to claim the throne." François opened his eyes, and the wise and tactical old man immediately realized the problem: "Because he, as Laurent The illegitimate son is of course a family member of the Duke of Connecticut family, and can legitimately claim the Duke title and the title of Regent of the Kingdom currently held by Lawn... The undead is playing a big game! I now suspect that Matthew Bard is in the adopted It's time to step into the plan of the undead!"

"It's useless for us to think so much now." Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Ryan shook his head: "I can't completely blame Lawn for this. He was also under pressure. Who wasn't young? It's the undead. Taking advantage of this abandoned child, we have no choice but to expose Matthew Bard's conspiracy and save the country."

"Curona is stationed with a large number of troops and a whole team of Holy Grail Knights. The city has high walls and thick walls and is equipped with a large number of defense weapons. Although Lawn has dispatched a lot of defenders, Matthew Bard wants to take Curona. It's easy." The lake **** witch Morgiana held the Holy Grail of Potion in her hand, her face was pale, apparently because she had consumed too much magic power in the previous battle: "So don't worry, everyone, please rest well and wait until the new conscription army arrives. , we immediately head to Curona to stop Matthew Bard's conspiracy!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in unison.

"Will Eslay assist us?" Ryan then asked while Alaros was still there.

"Esley will assist you until the undead are completely exorcised." Alaros-Hero nodded, but he said arrogantly: "But Esley also has a condition."

"Speak." Ryan sat still, and the wood elves obviously wouldn't help him without reason. The conditions were definitely there, it just depends on how to talk.

"A new observation station, close to the Arden Forest, covers an area of ​​five hectares, we can choose a place where no one is." Alaros offered the conditions of the wood elves: "We can help you monitor the movements of the beastmen in the Arden Forest. , you can also collect…”

"Collect amber, right?" Ryan said angrily: "I can promise you to build an observatory, but since you want to live in my territory, you must abide by my laws and regulations. You can't kidnap children and destroy them at will. Hunters who go into the forest to hunt can't hurt the people passing by nearby, can they do it?"

"Arden Forest is not Athel Loren, it is not our home at all." Alaros immediately retorted: "We just need to build a jungle cellar to store supplies, and build a root outlet for the World Tree to ensure that When 'Shadowvenger' Morgul appears, we can dispatch a large army quickly."

After speaking, Alaros said with some pride: "You need the help of Eslai, my friend Ryan, the wood elves can help you to disperse the corruption of this land quickly, as long as we guide the power of the oak tree of the era to purify this place, we don't need a few In a month's time, Mousillon, who has lost the source of his corruption, will be restored to the pomp of a thousand years ago, and Eslay will never lie."

"Well... If you can follow my rules, it's no problem to set aside a piece of land for you to build an observatory." This sentence really moved Ryan. The ability of the era oak to purify and corrode is unparalleled, and the most important thing is Yes, the wood elves do not purify this land by means of destruction, they only need to use amber to stimulate the power of the oak tree of the age and then sow the seeds here. In the time of Randuin, this place was once fertile and wild.

If it is replaced by human beings to do this, the whole land will be burned with fire and blessed salt, the land will be purified, and the land will be completely destroyed and can only be rebuilt.

"We promise to abide by your rules, then... the deal." Alaros stretched out his hand.

"make a deal."

…………I am the dividing line of the transaction with Green Chaos…………

In late April, Machubard marched toward Curona with an army of knights.

He proudly pulled the reins of his warhorse, wearing black cursed armor all over his body, and Matthew Bard, who was holding the serpent sword, without a helmet. He was humming the ancient hymn of the blood dragon family, and he was in a good mood.

Because at this point there is nothing to stop him from ascending the throne.

Lawn was seriously wounded and dying, his whereabouts unknown, and the army of the Northern Knights Road had fallen apart.

Carlos, the great devil of Tzeentch, has agreed to deal with Ryan, the army of the knights in the south has also been frustrated in the war, the Spire Palace has been recaptured, and Ryan has also been defeated by the devil army of Tzeentch. After getting the lion's lance, Chi Da Mo Carlos promised to completely defeat Ryan, so there is no need to worry about the possible attack of the southerners.

So Matthew Bard made a decisive decision and decided to lead the undead army to Curona, ready to take advantage of the chaos to become king.

He played his own banner and showed his identity. He publicly declared himself to be the orthodox heir to Laun, the legitimate successor to the title of Duke Mousillon, and he was qualified and deserved to be the King of Brittany. king.

And just as he imagined, Matthew Bard didn't have too much trouble with the source of his troops, because a large number of depressed and wicked rogue knights, robbers in the forest, rioting serfs and despicable killers flocked to his flag, Matthew Bard soon pulled up an entire army of the living and the undead.

More importantly, Matthew Bard has won the support of many Musillon nobles and the former Musillon nobles in the south of Leonese, and he has successfully convinced those former Musillon nobles who have been treated unequally for a long time. The source of all this is the injustice that the kingdom has done to them. For their own benefit, they must act. They believe that Mathubad is indeed the legitimate Duke of Musillon and can help them in their current predicament. , so these knights and nobles announced their response to send troops.

So these nobles sent troops one after another and gave way.

As the team continued to grow, Matthew Bard provoked his own royal battle.

The sunshine in early spring is so bright and moving, the scenery of birds and flowers is common in the wilderness, the snow begins to melt, and it is another spring, and Matthew Bard leads all the troops under his command to advance in the wild.

Along the way, those knight castles that were lined up either sent knights to join their team or they could not defend themselves behind closed doors. With the heavy losses of the Northern Knights Road army, no knight nobles dared to go out of the city to fight with this army.

Mathewbard did not attack these castles but passed by, because after all he wanted to be king and not destroy the country.

In this way, he successfully crossed Leonasay and drove into the Principality of Le-Angouran. This Principality with the coat of arms of the "Blue Sea Monster" Principality was already trembling in front of Matthew Bard, only some brave people. The champion knight or the kingdom knight sent a request to Matthew Bard for a championship match, and Musillon's viper also responded one by one.

Matthew Bard, who has completely integrated all the skills, strength, and experience of the Black Holy Grail Knight, is unmatched, and all the Breton knights who challenged him were killed on the spot. After passing the families and castles of those challengers, he generously said that if you are against me, then challenge me, and I will not refuse any challenge.

Also as Matthew Bard said, he did not have any behavior of burning, killing and looting along the way. He just sent out invitations to the championship showdown over and over again and defeated his His behavior soon gained his own people. 's approval.

It seems that Matthew Bard is really the one who has been treated unfairly. He just wants to get his things back. Under his leadership, Brittany can really usher in a new era.

The morale of the army soared, and speculators believed that Matthew Bard would become the new King of Brittany!

It took two weeks for Matthewbard and his army to gradually approach Curona, and in the army, the knights sang Matthewbard's new military song.

"The Sandnes River is turbulent, and the gray mountains are flying in clouds~"

"Dizzy world, I am independent, righteous indignation is burning blood~"

"The rich and powerful only know the proud family, and there are really few people among them who worry about the country~"


"The knights march under the blue sky, and the armies are united for justice!"

"There are millions of soldiers in the chest, and the iris feathers are scattered in death!"

"The sky is furious and the earth is shaking, and the roar is very loud!"

"Eternal robbery sleepers can't sleep, the new king is rising in the present!"

Matthew Bard rode on his undead warhorse. The afternoon sun was so dazzling. He looked around and saw that his legion covered the entire field. The soldiers all obeyed their orders and their own commands, and piece by piece of armor exuded a dazzling light under the reflection of the sun...

Curona is not far away, and the defenders of dozens of castles and towns have been frightened by Matthew Bard and dare not go out to fight. Every knight who dares to challenge himself has been defeated. Tens of thousands of troops are in hand, and they are far from the throne. Just one step away, the anxiety and irritability that had been suppressed by Ryan finally disappeared in Mathubard's chest.

For some reason, Matthew Bard only felt warm all over his body, and he could feel a sense of emptiness all over his body.

so hi! It feels like life has reached its peak!

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