Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 544: , reinforcements beyond imagination

Book Page Collection Catalog Setting Daytime 567. Chapter 544, Reinforcement beyond imagination (Second more tickets!)

2020-10-28 Author: Emperor Han Dynasty

Chapter 544, Unexpected reinforcements (the second is asking for tickets!)

PS: This update is the update on the 26th, so that I don't owe more, please emphasize.

"Beep~" the horn sounded through Musilon's swamp.

The first to appear were hordes of war eagle archers. These elven archers riding on huge war eagles rushed into the battlefield first. These warriors who were only born for hunting pulled their bowstrings and shot precisely the chaos demons that were raging on the swamp. , the sharp arrow with the power of star fire immediately began to burn once it pierced into the demon's body.

The huge war eagles spread their wings, they swooped and glide down from the sky, beat the body of the Chaos Demon, and brought these terrifying things huge damage!

Immediately afterwards, a large group of woodland cavalry from Athel Loren burst into the battlefield from the forest.

"Lord of the Woodland, Queen Ariel's Chosen Champion, Alaros is here!" The wood elf hero, Alaros-The Brave joined the battle wielding his spear, shouting his name, and the rest of the The giant war eagle spread its wings and swooped down from the sky like a cannonball!

He has found his goal! That is the Tzeentch sorcerer who is commanding the formation of Tzeentch demons!

"For Lilith's love! I sentence you to death!" Alaros was in high spirits. The wood elf hero was full of glory and vigor all over his body. His golden hair fluttered in the wind. He got up from the war eagle. Raised the spear in his hand.

The Tzeentch wizard immediately found Alaros riding a war eagle. The Tzeentch wizard with two sharp horns on his head and a third eye on his forehead screamed, and it immediately wanted to cast a spell to resist.

The falcon tamed by Alaros flew at high speed, it pecked at the face of the latter Tzeentch wizard, pulled out his eyeballs, and brutally interrupted his spellcasting. Before he had time to turn around or raise his staff to parry, Araloth's spear had pierced his chest.

"Eisley! Go!" The war eagle took off again, and Alaros proudly announced his victory, and he immediately looked for the next trophy dedicated to Lilith!

Hundreds of sword dancers rushed out of the forest again. The followers of Loic, the **** of deceit, also started their own battles. The war dancers danced beautiful dance steps and gracefully slaughtered their enemies one by one. However, on the battlefield, war dancers are deadly warriors. They pass over the chaos demons, and then kill the demons one by one on the move. The waves of war dancers can even evade the attacks of Tzeentch magic. The dancers gracefully and gracefully surround the enemy, and in this face-to-face, many Chaos demons have been cut to pieces.

This is not over yet, the horn of the wood elves king Orion continues.

The entire Tzeentch Demon Army trembled under the sound of the forest king's horn, and immediately after the sound of the horn, the sound of horns began to rise one after another from the forest, and all the mortals felt their blood boil.

The fatigue disappeared for a while, and Belgar, the king of the Eight Peaks, raised his hammer and shouted happily: "Ah! Valaya's cape! My grandfather's beard! Pointy ears! Pointy ears are here to support us. !"

With thundering hoofs, the wild cavalry of the King of the Woods came.

"Let the wild hunting begin!" In the depths of the forest, the king of wood elves with a height of more than three meters appeared, and the voice of the king of the forest rumbled, low but loud: "We can't sit back and watch chaos destroy our neighbors. !"

"For Athel Loren!"


"go ahead!!!"

The wild cavalry joined the battle under the leadership of Orion. The guards of these forest kings swept across the battlefield, crushing the bodies of the Chaos Demons. There is nothing more glorious than going on a wild hunt with Orion.

Even the forest spirits of Athel Loren joined the war. The tree people more than ten meters high roared and rushed into the battlefield. They used their feet, hands, and their own roots to destroy the terrifying and powerful demons with their own hands. .

The King of the Forest used his mighty power to destroy the Chaos Demon, and the spear of Kunos in his hand was a **** mess. The spear ripped apart the bodies of the four Chaos Demons like slicing flesh.

Behind him, the dragon-riding Twilight sisters also appeared, each of them riding a forest dragon, and the dragon's breath drowned the array of Chaos Demons.

Orion, the king of the forest, will join the hunt today!

Carlos Tzeentch was feeling troubled, and something caught his attention as the Fate Weaver was about to chant a spell to unleash a spell of mass destruction.

A dazzling green light lit up from the depths of the forest, and a green knight appeared from the depths of the forest. He killed two demons with one sword. He was wearing a strange green armor with ivy wrapped around it, rushing all the way. , no Chaos demon can resist the blade of the Blade of Pain.

The guardian of the kingdom of knights, the ultimate defender of the good way, the embodiment of the eight virtues of knights, the green knight also appeared.

"It's the Green Knight!"

"His Royal Highness the Green Knight has helped us!"

The knights of Brittany saw the appearance of the Green Knights, and they began to regroup and prepare for the final battle.

"It's finally here!" Ryan wiped the blood on his face with his hands, and he growled, "Great!"

"Have you sought the support of the Wood Elves?" Morgiana panted. The Lake God Witch looked a little unhappy. Her beautiful long golden hair was already wet with sweat. There were two nosebleeds from the nostrils and there was no time to wipe it.

"This is the only reinforcement we can seek in a short period of time!" Ryan looked serious: "You understand, Morgiana."

The Lake God Witch's face was not very good-looking, she still nodded and had no objection. Although Morgiana hated wood elves very much, as of now, there was no other choice. Although the Lake God Witch had a bad temper, it was a critical moment. Knowing that the bigger picture is still a priority.

"Ah ah ah!" After speaking, Ryan slammed the ground with his fist, and he stood up enduring the pain.

Large drops of blood fell on the swamp, causing ripples. Ryan wiped his face with his hands. His hands were covered in blood. He could feel a burning pain in his face and chest. .

But he couldn't stop, because Ryan keenly found that even if the wood elves joined the war, and even if the green knight appeared to fight against the chaos demon, the Tzeentch demon army was still not defeated.

Such is the power of the Chaos Demons, and mortals can never imagine what they are up against.

The Tzeentch Demon must be defeated!

"Karad, are you dead?" Ryan climbed up hard, staggering.

"It's not dead yet!" Callard was already bleeding all over at this time, and Tzeentch's attack caused a lot of trauma to him, but after hearing Ryan's call, Callard still gritted his teeth and tried to get up: "I can still ……fighting!"

"Very good!" Ryan spat, his face only filled with anger and hatred: "We must defeat the Tzeentch Demon, and if you still have a little power, you must use it!"

"Oh!" Callard nodded, he understood.

"Lord Bethmond?"

"I've already prepared it, Kid Ryan!" Berhemonde was full of fighting spirit, and he said humorously, "Don't you back down in the middle of it?"

Ryan smiled when he heard the words.

That's right, mortals don't need a so-called shelter at all, as long as they keep moving forward.

As long as it doesn't stop, the road will continue to extend...

Ryan held up the Nemesis, Griffin Imperius flew to his side, and Callard turned on his horse.

They are ready to keep fighting.

At this time, Carlos, the Weaver of Fate, had already started a duel with Olaine, the king of the forest.

At this moment, Orion was surprised by the power of Tzeentch Demon. The King of the Forest could not defeat the Fate Weaver alone, and even faintly fell into the disadvantage.

The battle between the spear of Kunos and the scepter of witchcraft seems to be reflected in the warp. The spear pierced through the demon armor of the Weaver of Fate, and the howls of Carlos are endless, but Orion's body is also covered with witchcraft flames. and witchcraft scepters.

"Hmm!" The king of the forest clenched the spear of Kunos, and the enemy in front of him was much more powerful than the sanctuary beastman "Shadowman" Morgul. Orion could feel Carlos's almost endless power. The chaotic energy and the incomparably fierce offensive made him take a few steps back in a row.

It is still early spring, and Orion has just been resurrected from the Oak of Ages, and his divine power has not yet reached its peak, but he knows that he must support Britannia, otherwise Athel Loren will become the dead and the rule of Chaos. This is what the Wood Elves can't bear. The Eslays are used to the peaceful years, but they never shy away from war.

Despite the unavoidable sacrifice, Eslay will always fight to defend his homeland!

As the battle continued, the Weaver of Fate laughed at the forest king's self-control, seeing that the other party was the mortal incarnation of Kunos, the hunter god, the elf **** king.

But so what?

Perhaps in the midsummer season, Orion could defeat himself, but now it is early spring, and his divine power is not enough to fight against him.

How can a mortal false **** have the ability to fight against the great true god?

The cry of the griffin from far to near interrupted the thinking of the Weaver of Fate, and Ryan's roar followed.

"Don't stop!!!"

The goddess of nemesis and the witchcraft scepter clashed, sparking a stream of sparks,

At the same time, the Green Knight also appeared in front of Tzeentch, and the King of Green Eyes stared at Carlos coldly: "Go back to your country, devil, this is not a place where you can be cruel."

"Heh!" Carlos's two heads let out sharp laughter, and it teleported to the rear of the Tzeentch Demon Army.

This move exceeded everyone's expectations, and in the next scene, everyone felt extremely heavy pressure.

Because just behind Carlos, the portals of the three Chaos Domains were opened one after another.

More Tzeentch demons are entering the mortal world continuously, and the blue demon tsunami gradually drowns the coalition army and the army of the wood elves. Even if the wood elves and the green knights join the battlefield, the mortals still cannot escape the fate of failure.

"Destroy everything! Praise Saint Tzeentch!" The Destiny Weaver hid behind the demon army, with a strong sneer on its two faces: "Your efforts are destined to be useless, the Lord of Change is enjoying your Breathe, the master has sent more reinforcements for me, humble and backward mortals, you give up embracing the true civilization, your end is already doomed, the master of destiny controls everything, and this victory is at your fingertips!"

At this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred. Among the three portals opened by Carlos, two of them suddenly exploded, and the huge air wave blew up thousands of Tzeentch demons on the spot.

"What?" The Fate Weaver looked behind him angrily.

The portal had turned green, and a disgusting stench was emerging from the portal. Then, thousands of Nurgle demons appeared, and hundreds of Nurglings were carrying an alchemy utensil. The giant sedan chair was filled with flasks of boiling bubbly and strange-smelling liquid and sacks full of experimental objects. The Nurglings stepped high on the carpets they carried, and there were countless others around them carrying the sedan chairs.

The greatest demon under Nurgle, the father of the plague, Ku-Gath, emerged from the portal, his **** body covered with all kinds of festering abscesses, festering, and rotten wounds. Behind him, the most powerful demon army under Nurgle, the plague demon army, entered the battlefield.

"Cu-Gaz?" Carlos shouted sharply: "It's you?!"

"Giggle~" Gaz, the largest magic library under Nurgle's seat, let out a dull laugh. He took out a large amount of Nurgle soup from the cauldron beside him and stuffed it into his mouth: "Carlos, We meet again!"

"What are you doing here?!"

"Stop, you!" The first demon under Nurgle raised the great sword in his hand: "This is, master, yes, order, you, don't think about it, gather everything, don't think about it! Kind father, it's not allowed!"

After finishing speaking, Ku-Gaz did not give Carlos a chance to continue talking. It took advantage of Carlos not to pay attention, and immediately ordered: "Children, destroy the Tzeentch Legion, for the love of a loving father!"

"Idiot! Since you are looking for death, I will satisfy you!" The Fate Weaver was so angry that the two birds' heads smoked, and he immediately ordered all the Tzeentch demons under his command to return to fight against the plague legion!

With an order from Carlos, the Tzeentch army left the battle line so quickly that the coalition forces couldn't catch up. All the Tzeentch demons who were fighting with the coalition forces turned around and quickly abandoned the entire battlefield.

"For the kind father!" The Nurgle Plague Legion went to war directly with the Tzeentch Eternal Legion. For a time, the entire swamp was filled with figures of the Tzeentch Demons and the Nurgle Demons fighting each other. Tens of thousands of demons were fighting each other. .

The Weaver of Fate stabbed the Plague Father with holes all over his body with his witchcraft scepter, and the Plague Greatsword in Ku-Gath slashed Carlos to pieces.

A coalition of humans, dwarves, and wood elves was left to stare blankly at this magical scene.

Ryan: "???"

Bellegar: "???"

Orion: "??????"

"What's the situation?" Bethmond looked confused: "Why did they fight?"

"Don't care! Let's withdraw first!" Ryan immediately ordered: "Take this opportunity, let's hurry to the tomb of Randuin!"

"Only by awakening Randuin's heroic spirit and completely cutting off the root of Musilon's corruption can we have a chance of winning!"

"Retreat! Retreat!!!"

Surprised or not, surprised or not?

(End of this chapter)

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Warhammer Throne Chapter 567. Reinforcement beyond imagination

2020-10-28 Author: Emperor Han Dynasty

Chapter 544, Unexpected reinforcements (the second is asking for tickets!)

PS: This update is the update on the 26th, so that I don't owe more, please emphasize.

"Beep~" the horn sounded through Musilon's swamp.

The first to appear were hordes of war eagle archers. These elven archers riding on huge war eagles rushed into the battlefield first. These warriors who were only born for hunting pulled their bowstrings and shot precisely the chaos demons that were raging on the swamp. , the sharp arrow with the power of star fire immediately began to burn once it pierced into the demon's body.

The huge war eagles spread their wings, they swooped and glide down from the sky, beat the body of the Chaos Demon, and brought these terrifying things huge damage!

Immediately afterwards, a large group of woodland cavalry from Athel Loren burst into the battlefield from the forest.

"Lord of the Woodland, Queen Ariel's Chosen Champion, Alaros is here!" The wood elf hero, Alaros-The Brave joined the battle wielding his spear, shouting his name, and the rest of the The giant war eagle spread its wings and swooped down from the sky like a cannonball!

He has found his goal! That is the Tzeentch sorcerer who is commanding the formation of Tzeentch demons!

"For Lilith's love! I sentence you to death!" Alaros was in high spirits. The wood elf hero was full of glory and vigor all over his body. His golden hair fluttered in the wind. He got up from the war eagle. Raised the spear in his hand.

The Tzeentch wizard immediately found Alaros riding a war eagle. The Tzeentch wizard with two sharp horns on his head and a third eye on his forehead screamed, and it immediately wanted to cast a spell to resist.

The falcon tamed by Alaros flew at high speed, it pecked at the face of the latter Tzeentch wizard, pulled out his eyeballs, and brutally interrupted his spellcasting. Before he had time to turn around or raise his staff to parry, Araloth's spear had pierced his chest.

"Eisley! Go!" The war eagle took off again, and Alaros proudly announced his victory, and he immediately looked for the next trophy dedicated to Lilith!

Hundreds of sword dancers rushed out of the forest again. The followers of Loic, the **** of deceit, also started their own battles. The war dancers danced beautiful dance steps and gracefully slaughtered their enemies one by one. However, on the battlefield, war dancers are deadly warriors. They pass over the chaos demons, and then kill the demons one by one on the move. The waves of war dancers can even evade the attacks of Tzeentch magic. The dancers gracefully and gracefully surround the enemy, and in this face-to-face, many Chaos demons have been cut to pieces.

This is not over yet, the horn of the wood elves king Orion continues.

The entire Tzeentch Demon Army trembled under the sound of the forest king's horn, and immediately after the sound of the horn, the sound of horns began to rise one after another from the forest, and all the mortals felt their blood boil.

The fatigue disappeared for a while, and Belgar, the king of the Eight Peaks, raised his hammer and shouted happily: "Ah! Valaya's cape! My grandfather's beard! Pointy ears! Pointy ears are here to support us. !"

With thundering hoofs, the wild cavalry of the King of the Woods came.

"Let the wild hunting begin!" In the depths of the forest, the king of wood elves with a height of more than three meters appeared, and the voice of the king of the forest rumbled, low but loud: "We can't sit back and watch chaos destroy our neighbors. !"

"For Athel Loren!"


"go ahead!!!"

The wild cavalry joined the battle under the leadership of Orion. The guards of these forest kings swept across the battlefield, crushing the bodies of the Chaos Demons. There is nothing more glorious than going on a wild hunt with Orion.

Even the forest spirits of Athel Loren joined the war. The tree people more than ten meters high roared and rushed into the battlefield. They used their feet, hands, and their own roots to destroy the terrifying and powerful demons with their own hands. .

The King of the Forest used his mighty power to destroy the Chaos Demon, and the spear of Kunos in his hand was a **** mess. The spear ripped apart the bodies of the four Chaos Demons like slicing flesh.

Behind him, the dragon-riding Twilight sisters also appeared, each of them riding a forest dragon, and the dragon's breath drowned the array of Chaos Demons.

Orion, the king of the forest, will join the hunt today!

Carlos Tzeentch was feeling troubled, and something caught his attention as the Fate Weaver was about to chant a spell to unleash a spell of mass destruction.

A dazzling green light lit up from the depths of the forest, and a green knight appeared from the depths of the forest. He killed two demons with one sword. He was wearing a strange green armor with ivy wrapped around it, rushing all the way. , no Chaos demon can resist the blade of the Blade of Pain.

The guardian of the kingdom of knights, the ultimate defender of the good way, the embodiment of the eight virtues of knights, the green knight also appeared.

"It's the Green Knight!"

"His Royal Highness the Green Knight has helped us!"

The knights of Brittany saw the appearance of the Green Knights, and they began to regroup and prepare for the final battle.

"It's finally here!" Ryan wiped the blood on his face with his hands, and he growled, "Great!"

"Have you sought the support of the Wood Elves?" Morgiana panted. The Lake God Witch looked a little unhappy. Her beautiful long golden hair was already wet with sweat. There were two nosebleeds from the nostrils and there was no time to wipe it.

"This is the only reinforcement we can seek in a short period of time!" Ryan looked serious: "You understand, Morgiana."

The Lake God Witch's face was not very good-looking, she still nodded and had no objection. Although Morgiana hated wood elves very much, as of now, there was no other choice. Although the Lake God Witch had a bad temper, it was a critical moment. Knowing that the bigger picture is still a priority.

"Ah ah ah!" After speaking, Ryan slammed the ground with his fist, and he stood up enduring the pain.

Large drops of blood fell on the swamp, causing ripples. Ryan wiped his face with his hands. His hands were covered in blood. He could feel a burning pain in his face and chest. .

But he couldn't stop, because Ryan keenly found that even if the wood elves joined the war, and even if the green knight appeared to fight against the chaos demon, the Tzeentch demon army was still not defeated.

Such is the power of the Chaos Demons, and mortals can never imagine what they are up against.

The Tzeentch Demon must be defeated!

"Karad, are you dead?" Ryan climbed up hard, staggering.

"It's not dead yet!" Callard was already bleeding all over at this time, and Tzeentch's attack caused a lot of trauma to him, but after hearing Ryan's call, Callard still gritted his teeth and tried to get up: "I can still ……fighting!"

"Very good!" Ryan spat, his face only filled with anger and hatred: "We must defeat the Tzeentch Demon, and if you still have a little power, you must use it!"

"Oh!" Callard nodded, he understood.

"Lord Bethmond?"

"I've already prepared it, Kid Ryan!" Berhemonde was full of fighting spirit, and he said humorously, "Don't you back down in the middle of it?"

Ryan smiled when he heard the words.

That's right, mortals don't need a so-called shelter at all, as long as they keep moving forward.

As long as it doesn't stop, the road will continue to extend...

Ryan held up the Nemesis, Griffin Imperius flew to his side, and Callard turned on his horse.

They are ready to keep fighting.

At this time, Carlos, the Weaver of Fate, had already started a duel with Olaine, the king of the forest.

At this moment, Orion was surprised by the power of Tzeentch Demon. The King of the Forest could not defeat the Fate Weaver alone, and even faintly fell into the disadvantage.

The battle between the spear of Kunos and the scepter of witchcraft seems to be reflected in the warp. The spear pierced through the demon armor of the Weaver of Fate, and the howls of Carlos are endless, but Orion's body is also covered with witchcraft flames. and witchcraft scepters.

"Hmm!" The king of the forest clenched the spear of Kunos, and the enemy in front of him was much more powerful than the sanctuary beastman "Shadowman" Morgul. Orion could feel Carlos's almost endless power. The chaotic energy and the incomparably fierce offensive made him take a few steps back in a row.

It is still early spring, and Orion has just been resurrected from the Oak of Ages, and his divine power has not yet reached its peak, but he knows that he must support Britannia, otherwise Athel Loren will become the dead and the rule of Chaos. This is what the Wood Elves can't bear. The Eslays are used to the peaceful years, but they never shy away from war.

Despite the unavoidable sacrifice, Eslay will always fight to defend his homeland!

As the battle continued, the Weaver of Fate laughed at the forest king's self-control, seeing that the other party was the mortal incarnation of Kunos, the hunter god, the elf **** king.

But so what?

Perhaps in the midsummer season, Orion could defeat himself, but now it is early spring, and his divine power is not enough to fight against him.

How can a mortal false **** have the ability to fight against the great true god?

The cry of the griffin from far to near interrupted the thinking of the Weaver of Fate, and Ryan's roar followed.

"Don't stop!!!"

The goddess of nemesis and the witchcraft scepter clashed, sparking a stream of sparks,

At the same time, the Green Knight also appeared in front of Tzeentch, and the King of Green Eyes stared at Carlos coldly: "Go back to your country, devil, this is not a place where you can be cruel."

"Heh!" Carlos's two heads let out sharp laughter, and it teleported to the rear of the Tzeentch Demon Army.

This move exceeded everyone's expectations, and in the next scene, everyone felt extremely heavy pressure.

Because just behind Carlos, the portals of the three Chaos Domains were opened one after another.

More Tzeentch demons are entering the mortal world continuously, and the blue demon tsunami gradually drowns the coalition army and the army of the wood elves. Even if the wood elves and the green knights join the battlefield, the mortals still cannot escape the fate of failure.

"Destroy everything! Praise Saint Tzeentch!" The Destiny Weaver hid behind the demon army, with a strong sneer on its two faces: "Your efforts are destined to be useless, the Lord of Change is enjoying your Breathe, the master has sent more reinforcements for me, humble and backward mortals, you give up embracing the true civilization, your end is already doomed, the master of destiny controls everything, and this victory is at your fingertips!"

At this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred. Among the three portals opened by Carlos, two of them suddenly exploded, and the huge air wave blew up thousands of Tzeentch demons on the spot.

"What?" The Fate Weaver looked behind him angrily.

The portal had turned green, and a disgusting stench was emerging from the portal. Then, thousands of Nurgle demons appeared, and hundreds of Nurglings were carrying an alchemy utensil. The giant sedan chair was filled with flasks of boiling bubbly and strange-smelling liquid and sacks full of experimental objects. The Nurglings stepped high on the carpets they carried, and there were countless others around them carrying the sedan chairs.

The greatest demon under Nurgle, the father of the plague, Ku-Gath, emerged from the portal, his **** body covered with all kinds of festering abscesses, festering, and rotten wounds. Behind him, the most powerful demon army under Nurgle, the plague demon army, entered the battlefield.

"Cu-Gaz?" Carlos shouted sharply: "It's you?!"

"Giggle~" Gaz, the largest magic library under Nurgle's seat, let out a dull laugh. He took out a large amount of Nurgle soup from the cauldron beside him and stuffed it into his mouth: "Carlos, We meet again!"

"What are you doing here?!"

" you!" The first demon under Nurgle raised the great sword in his hand: "This is, master, yes, order, you, don't think about it, collect everything, don't think about it! Kindness! Father, it is not allowed!"

After finishing speaking, Ku-Gaz did not give Carlos a chance to continue talking. It took advantage of Carlos not to pay attention, and immediately ordered: "Children, destroy the Tzeentch Legion, for the love of a loving father!"

"Idiot! Since you are looking for death, I will satisfy you!" The Fate Weaver was so angry that the two birds' heads smoked, and he immediately ordered all the Tzeentch demons under his command to return to fight against the plague legion!

With an order from Carlos, the Tzeentch army left the battle line so quickly that the coalition forces couldn't catch up. All the Tzeentch demons who were fighting with the coalition forces turned around and quickly abandoned the entire battlefield.

"For the kind father!" The Nurgle Plague Legion went to war directly with the Tzeentch Eternal Legion. For a time, the entire swamp was filled with figures of the Tzeentch Demons and the Nurgle Demons fighting each other. Tens of thousands of demons were fighting each other. .

The Weaver of Fate stabbed the Plague Father with holes all over his body with his witchcraft scepter, and the Plague Greatsword in Ku-Gath slashed Carlos to pieces.

A coalition of humans, dwarves, and wood elves was left to stare blankly at this magical scene.

Ryan: "???"

Bellegar: "???"

Orion: "??????"

"What's the situation?" Bethmond looked confused: "Why did they fight?"

"Don't care! Let's withdraw first!" Ryan immediately ordered: "Take this opportunity, let's hurry to the tomb of Randuin!"

"Only by awakening Randuin's heroic spirit and completely cutting off the root of Musilon's corruption can we have a chance of winning!"

"Retreat! Retreat!!!"

Surprised or not, surprised or not?

(End of this chapter)

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