Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 532: , everything is Tzeentch's conspiracy

The small victory at Richard's Plains initially rejoiced Lawn and his army, and everyone thought it was only a matter of time before the capture of Richard's Castle, since the knights could defeat the undead army head-on, so long as Matthew Bard's undead army is willing to fight the knights in the wild, defeat the undead, and recover Musillon is only a matter of time. Crazy Sand Literature Network

However, the situation made Raun miscalculated. After the initial defeat, Matthew Bard gave up the decisive battle with Raun. On the contrary, Musilon's viper sent a lot of blood knights and black holy grail knights to attack the northern knight road army behind. The supply line established by Lawn was attacked by a series of attacks. When Lawn sought a decisive battle with Matthew Bard, Matthew Bard retreated. When Lawn wanted to attack Richard Castle, Matthew Bard attacked Lawn's supply line again, and sent vampires to corrupt and incite the refugees to riot.

After harassing each other for a few days, both sides were in a difficult position, with Matthew Bard's raiding team suffering heavy losses, and the combined forces of the Empire and Brittany exhausted from the harassment.

Richard Castle has been unable to be captured for a long time, and this war seems to have entered a stalemate stage. Both Lawn and Matthew Bard are seeking a decisive opportunity in their own favor.

Raun was in a hurry, because what he was most afraid of was that Matthew Bard chose to give up the decisive battle with himself and retreated into Musilon City to defend himself. If he wanted to conquer Musilon, he had to wipe out the main force of the undead army here.

However, Matthew Bard did not give Lawn a chance for a decisive battle. Repeated attacks on the supply line not only made Lawn devastated, but also made his previous small victory on Richard's Plain meaningless. The knights of Brittany are not weak, but it is impossible for a person to outrun the undead.

But compared to Lawn, Mathubard was actually more anxious.

Obviously, Mahubad can retreat back to Musillon City, but if he retreats, he will lose his prestige. His rule in Musilon is already unstable, and he must not retreat at this critical moment.

However, the Spire Palace has been lost. Mathewbard knows that Ryan's army is temporarily exhausted and insufficient in numbers, and is unable to advance. He is currently recuperating and waiting for subsequent reinforcements and material deployment. If he can't defeat Lawn's army here, he really wants to go to Ryan. Take your breath away, what he has to face is a double attack! According to Musilon's remaining undead army at this time, Mathubad is no longer capable of fighting on both sides.

As for the supply line that attacked Ryan, Matthew Bard really didn't think about it... This is really because Ryan's supply line was transporting supplies from the forest trails in the Sharon Forest, and Ryan sent a team of the Sharon Forest Patrol Battalion and the Wood Elves. The team ranger "Green Wind" is responsible for the security of the supply line. Vampires are very disadvantaged in fighting in the forest, and the rangers can attack directly outside the line of sight.

Furthermore, vampires always have an ominous sense of fear in the Sharon Forest, which goes without saying.

Since then, the two sides have fallen into a deadlock and dilemma, and both are looking for their own solutions.

Surprisingly, Matthew Bard began to become more depressed and silent. He often shut himself in the tent all day without any movement, and whenever he came out of the tent, various The whimsy and bold plans can always amaze other vampires, and because of this, the two armies have never been able to truly decide the outcome.

But even so, the situation facing the undead army is getting more and more difficult. In the face of the powerful firepower of the imperial reinforcements, Richard Castle was almost blown into ruins, and the two sides fought on the wreckage of the castle several times.

Before you know it, March has arrived.

Warp, Chaos Realm, Odd Labyrinth.

The strange crystal labyrinth sits on the endless rainbow plateau; it seems to pass through all the demon realms, alternating crystal passages of each color that turn and cross in the strange realm, infiltrating other through conspiracy and lies. The secret passage of the evil god's territory connects the ever-changing Chaos Realm into one.

There are no demons in the crystal labyrinth, the hallucinatory passages of the labyrinth are sufficient to deter intruders not controlled by the most powerful mental imagination, and the glittering corridors reflect not only light, but hope, pain, dreams and nightmares. The Crystal Labyrinth is more than a single-lens reflex, it distorts, divides the goals and aspirations of the interloper, transforming them into madness and despair, controlled by a strange unconscious plan, the crystal labyrinth is constantly moving and reorganizing, every winding path, turn and dead end. It's all a momentary whim of the Lord of Fate. Those who are lost in the labyrinth are lost forever, their minds shaken by the repetition of their failures, and their dreams shattered.

And now, the great Lord of Destiny, Lord of Changes, Messenger of Hope, Strategist of Deceit, Supreme Eagle, Lord of Devious Ways, Heavenly Venerate of Qingbao, King of Eagles is sitting in his fortress of despair, one of the Four Gods of Chaos The Qi is located here.

Qi is the most bizarre of the Four Chaos Gods, and his skin is covered with constantly changing faces that squinted and mocked those who dared to look at them. When Chi speaks, the faces repeat his words in nuanced tones and provide a note that calls into question the original words to fool the listener. Chi's shrunken faces come from his unshaped torso, so he The head and body are one. Two sweeping horns danced above Qi's burning eyes, and mysterious flames erupted at the ends of the spin.

Qi is the sect of ever-changing, the founder of the fate of the universe, the great counselor, he has great joy in conspiracy and other political activities, and prefers cunning to power, cāo) control more than violence, no Qi's plan is simple , and indeed often contradicts itself, because it desires only perpetual deceit and conspiracy.

In Qi's view, the lives of mortals are always very addicted to conspiracy and full of variables, living their ordinary lives in a certain way without realizing how many flaws and contradictions there are in their souls, Qi can't bear to dabble in the mortal world, sometimes as part of the big game against his brothers evil spirits, more often to meet his own needs to secretly control, tamper and control, Qi won't disdain to damage his hands in noisy In war, though he prefers to win battles through cunning and destructive sorcery over brute force.

Now, the evil **** is watching the battles in the mortal world with great interest. The violent fluctuations of the black knight Matthew Bard have aroused great interest in the evil god. This evil **** has obtained a lot of spiritual food, and it gradually recovered from the accident at the beginning.

Qi likes change, he likes change, Lane's reform of this country has made Qi gain a lot of energy, Qi doesn't care whether the change is good or bad, for this evil god, as long as it is change, Qi can be changed from mortals. A large amount of warp energy is obtained from the thread and used for its own use.

So when a united nation is strong, Chi will always be eager to break it down and divide it to extract enormous energy from it, but what about when a divided nation is in civil strife? On the contrary, Qi will find ways to guide powerful mortals to help him unify. Perhaps after the mortal kingdom is unified, it will form a strong resistance to Chaos, but Qi does not care.

Because as long as it changes, Qi can gain energy.

Perhaps the best way to fight against Qi is to be eternal, by maintaining a state so that Qi can't absorb any energy, and Qi will indeed be limited because of this situation. However, if you do this, Qi's old enemy, the father of decay, Na Nurgle will benefit from it, because Nurgle likes things that are eternal, and Nurgle's realm will be balanced by constant decay and new birth, and mortals will be unchanged, and Nurgle will gain strength.

In short, no matter what mortals do, one side will benefit from Chi and Nurgle, just like whether mortals are fighting or resting, Khorne and Slaanesh will always benefit, and the existence of the Four Chaos Gods is the thread of mankind. On the other hand, as long as there are living beings, chaos will never disappear.

This is why mortals need to believe in gods, because when mortals keep shouting the name of their belief in gods, their energy will flow more to where the gods they believe in, so as to avoid adding too much food to the chaotic evil gods.

If most of the energy of the revolution and the wave of fanaticism led by Ryan went to the fairy in the lake so that Qi could not eat enough, then the change of the black knight Matthew Bard allowed Qi to open a spiritual treasure trove, which the Lord of Changes can enjoy. To savor the taste of Matthew Bard's infinite despair and the rise of hope.

I know that the plan that I have been brewing for many years is about to be implemented.

Everything is a strange conspiracy. From a thousand years ago, Landuin, one of the first twelve Holy Grail Knights, was the victim of the conspiracy. Another successful experiment, the two first-generation Holy Grail Knights finally turned against each other because of territorial disputes and personal affairs, which made Qi extremely happy, and then the land of Musilon began to degenerate and corrupt.

Qi hides in the dark and observes all this with satisfaction and feels the great energy provided by this land, cāo) despite his fate, it is precisely the tragedy of Mousillon that is caused by it.

So did the Mad Duke Meroving, and so did the Dole Tower incident.

Everything is a conspiracy.

Now, the time for this plan has come to fruition. Before Matthew Bard was unclear, the black knight's spirit and body had already suffered a strange corruption. The countless whimsical ideas he thought were all bestowed by the evil god. , Qi is corrupting Musilon's serpent unknowingly, and it has its own plans.

Chaos has nothing that cannot be corrupted.

Qi wants to take back the crown of the Duke of Musillon and his lance of the indestructible lake in Musillon of Landuin. These two holy relics have stored energy for thousands of years. All holy relics twelve lances given by the fairy of the lake.

"Carlos." The Lord of Destiny said towards his seat.

A Chaos Great Demon whispered, its appearance was abnormally old, hunched and shriveled, its originally huge wings shrunk into short stumps, its two heads shrugged, and when it heard the master's topic, it Move forward immediately.

It is the first Chaos Demon under the strange seat, Carlos the Weaver of Fate.

"I'll leave it to you this time." Qi's voice was full of interest and playfulness: "Don't let your master down!"

"I will send you the most powerful Eternal Legion of the Magic Army!"

"I see, Master."

With the order of the Lord of Destiny, the most powerful army of strange demons slowly drove out of the crystal maze. Thousands of pink dreads, screamers flying all over the sky, and strange fire demons spitting colorful flames. , cunning and changeable ghosts, loud screaming portents and dozens of chariots of strange fire, led by Carlos, the creator of fate, rolled away toward the mortal world.

"For, Lord of Changes!"

"For Sheng Qi!"

…………I am the dividing line of praise and wonder…………

At night, the camp of the undead army, the tent of the central army.

The black knight, Musillon's viper, Matthew Bard is sleeping here.

Yesterday, Matthew Bard also led a black knight to try to attack Lawn's supply line, but Lawn has learned his lesson after being attacked many times. He led a team of Kingdom Knights and Imperial Musket Battalion to ambush the supply line, Massive damage to Matthew Bard and his Black Knights.

Matthew Bard was shot in the body by a musket, and he was slightly wounded and forced to retreat.

The unfavorable situation on the battlefield made him toss and turn and couldn't sleep. When he thought of the predicament that Mousillon was facing, Matthew Bard was anxious because of it. He reached out and stroked the gun hole on his shoulder. will lose.

He can't lose! He wants revenge! He wants to uncover the plot of Bichi in the lake!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Matthew Bard roared, he slammed the board hard, a big hole was smashed out of the sturdy board, and he was thinking carefully about how to break the game.

The letter bearing the ring of the Duke of Theodoric has been sent to the Brittanian camp, but the plan cannot be carried out so quickly, because the real Duke of Theodoric is still in custody for the time being In Bastogne's Lake Fairy Monastery, if he wants to leave the monastery, he needs to apply and convene people to come to the front line. If the plan starts immediately, it is bound to arouse the suspicion of several dukes.

So Matthew Bard had to endure this period of time, but he couldn't hold it anymore. Lawn's offensive was getting more and more ferocious, and the other party was eager to fight him.

How to do? He can't retreat, and he can't fight decisively. There's not much time left for him. If he can't defeat Lawn's army quickly, he'll be really relieved when the army of the Knights of the Peak Palace, Lane's, In a desperate situation.

In the wild thoughts, Matthew Bard gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, he came to a crystal maze.

In the center of the labyrinth, hidden from those who did not have the crazy insight to find it, stands a majestic fortress of impossibility. Pink and blue flames from the fortress's core twist and spew out from the twinned spires and towers. These exist for only a palpitating time, then flicker away and be replaced by a more frantic building. Doors, windows, and entrance door openings yawned open like hungry mouths, then closed abruptly the next moment, blocking all entrances.

"Where is it?" Mathubard asked curiously.

A two-headed strange bird flew from the sky and was whispering towards Matthew Bard: "Mortal, you need my help!"


"Yes, you need me, you need the power of the Lord of Changes to help you through this difficult time."

"No! I know what you are, and I will not accept your help!" Matthew Bard immediately recognized what the other party was, and he immediately retorted: "Never!"

"No no no, young mortals, we just want to make a deal, we can get what we want, you can get rid of your predicament, and we will get what we want, after it's done, you're still your mush Duke Long, we have no contact with you anymore." The two-headed monster bird whispered bewitchingly.

Matthewbard wanted to rebut, but something in his mind prevented him from doing so, and thinking of his predicament and the scars on his face, he said ghostly, "I won't trust you! Never."

"But... let's talk about it, what do you want?"

"We can help you... deal with Ryan Malcado!"

"So... what's the price?" Fu Pin Chinese

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