Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 51: , Ike's help

"No! Sir! The witch told us to see no one else today!" There were still guys in the inn who were in charge of watching the scene. Although there were only two people, they tried their best to block the entrance of the stairs, but they would not let Ike go up.

"My friend is in critical condition, please do me a favor, thank you!" Ike was obviously very anxious and forced to rush up.

The paladins, travelers and Ryan in the hall were all stunned, wondering what kind of game this was.

It's a bit exciting~ Ryan wanted to watch the play, but when Ike saw that he couldn't get up, he suddenly pulled out his long sword: "Then I can only say sorry!"

What answered him was the sound of a group of people pulling their swords out of their sheaths.

The development of things was not as Ike thought. The result of force deterrence was that all the paladins sitting in the hall drew their swords, and the paladins, who were jealous of evil, would not watch the wandering knight use force.

The paladins had just unsheathed their swords, and the inn owner was in a hurry. He quickly gave his buddy a look. The buddy sneaked out of the hotel door knowingly, and then the boss ran out from behind the bar, begging grandpa and grandma to ask the paladins Put down your weapons: "Please put away your weapons! Please put away your weapons! Mr. Paladins! Please don't use force in my shop, please? Please!"

"But it's his sword that came out first, we're helping you!" A young paladin stood up, a little exasperated: "Why don't you stop him and stop us?"

"I just want to stop you, you self-asserting guys!" Who knew that the innkeeper was also furious, he said rudely: "If you fight, my shop will be destroyed! Enough! If you still want to Shit, I don't accept you paladins staying in hotels, okay? You go to other hotels!"

"I&%¥#!" The paladin scolded a few words in his mouth. He didn't retract his sword, nor did he go up to stop it. He was stuck there and didn't know what to do. Most of the paladins felt the same as him. I wanted to help out of good intentions, but I was treated as a bad person, so I felt aggrieved.

Ryan pouted when he saw this, thinking that order really makes people stupid, and these paladins don't see where they are? If you really want to fight, the hotel owner's shop is still open? Can you still open it?

It's no wonder that those merchants and shopkeepers hate paladins, especially young paladins. These guys who have been educated to "punish evil and promote goodness" all day long are the easiest to get on with their blood. After a beating and killing, they feel that justice is achieved When he stretched it out, he walked away, leaving behind a mess and the face of the shopkeeper who wanted to cry without tears.

The poor people like paladins the most, especially the tenants and the workers who work for the merchants. Whenever paladins appear, justice will be done. In order not to mess with paladins, shopkeepers or nobles usually treat paladins. The treatment will be better. This is an unwritten tacit agreement. The Church of Justice and the lords and nobles have agreed to never intervene in the affairs of the nobles or taxation. In response, the lords and nobles will try their best to ensure that there will be no "Tiao people" because of tax or military service and other things stop the street to complain, so that the paladins are in a dilemma.

The Justice Church was still a small church during the Great Disaster. If it hadn’t been for the rising Charlemagne, the Justice Church would never have developed into the current No. 1 church in the mainland. The Empire and the Justice Church supported each other, with clear responsibilities and inseparable responsibilities. This is also the only church that allows the emperor to directly command his own paladins and knights. It is said that if it weren't for the desperate efforts of the Archbishop of the Church of Justice Vukmar Beckmann, the emperor Karl Franz Friedrich was electing the emperor. It is very likely that he will lose to his uncle Josef Friedrich.

"No, you can't go up!" The guards in the store also unsheathed their weapons. One of them used a sword and the other used a gun. They were tall and strong, with big arms and round waists, and they were not good at it. The innkeeper came up and first bowed to show that he had no malicious intentions. , and then said in a negotiating tone: "Ms. Dietlinde said that no one is allowed to disturb her unless..."

"Unless anything, tell me quickly!" Seeing a group of paladins in the hall, Ike said anxiously, knowing that it was impossible to break in by force.

"Unless the white wolf knight is willing to lead people up." The boss pointed to Ryan, who was sitting by the side watching the play.

"??!!" Ryan thought to himself, why did this thing turn around and withdraw back to me.

Only then did Ike realize that Ryan was also sitting in the hall. He quickly came to Ryan, ignoring the threatening eyes of the paladins: "Mr. Ryan!"

"What should come is always hiding." Ryan complained, and Alfred, who was sitting opposite him, laughed, and the White Wolf Knight took the initiative to take over: "What is it, please explain in detail? ?"

Then, Ryan nodded to the Templar Frode who led the team. Frode gave an order. The paladins put away their long swords and sat down one after another. The innkeeper was relieved.

"Mr. Ryan, do you remember when we fought side by side? The battle with the Beastman that night?" Ike was still anxious.

"Of course, your performance is memorable." Ryan remembered that Ike did show something, fighting desperately and destroying several horned beasts.

"The wandering knight who fought side by side with us that day was called Goodson, do you remember?" Ike was very anxious, feeling like there was a fire on the chair, and was restless: "He was injured, very badly, and it started last night. Dizziness, body heat, and the whole person twitches..."

"It's tetanus!" Ryan immediately realized the symptoms of the wandering knight. The beastman's guns and weapons were always smeared with feces and dirt, and if he was cut by him, there was a high possibility that the wound would get infected! Therefore, the disinfection of wounds is very important. Not everyone is as psychic as Ryan, and is immune to all diseases.

"Yes! It's tetanus!" Ike was very anxious, his face was burning with anger.

Tetanus was almost an incurable disease in the Middle Ages of Ryan's world. After getting it, there is no other outcome than waiting for death. Everyone talks about it, and there is a part of the reason why humans are so afraid of beastmen.

In this world of swords and magic, tetanus cannot be considered incurable, but it is not easy to find a cure for tetanus. The technique "Life Regeneration" is also fine, but this price is obviously not affordable for wandering knights. There are not many small lords who can easily get hundreds of gold coins, and high-level mages or big nobles are about the same.

Then it's a potion or magic, but Ryan knows that the Garland Council knows how to prepare a high-level magic potion called "healing potion", which restores the health of the drinker immediately. In addition, the potency negates all poisons and damage in the body, and also reduces magical damage. Unlike other potions, Healing Potions have no duration, and their effects persist until the drinker is injured again.

"Then you want to ask Ms. Dieterind for a healing potion? But she has already said that she will not see anyone else today." Ryan's expression was not enthusiastic. He didn't think Ike could get the money. The price of the healing potion was astonishing, and he remembered the friendship price that Dietlinde offered him: 80 gold coins a bottle.

For example, the pre-tax income of an ordinary tenant in the Nord Kingdom is about eight to ten gold dinars a year, so you can roughly know the value of eighty gold coins.

Seeing that things never turned around, Ike clenched his fists. He knew that some things couldn't be done.

"Please, please introduce me for the sake of us fighting side by side! Mr. Ryan!" Ike suddenly pleaded loudly to Ryan in front of everyone, and then bowed deeply.

"??????" The scene was quiet, the hotel owner stopped his actions, the guests stopped the knives and forks in their hands, and even the staff stopped washing the dishes.

All eyes in the entire hotel lobby were on Ryan.

The paladins all looked at Ryan, wondering what the Knight of the White Wolf, who was famous throughout the kingdom, would do?

The other guests also looked at Ryan, and after this roar, they also knew who this young knight of the kingdom was.

The innkeeper and others were also waiting for Ryan's response.

This man! Ryan suddenly realized what Ike was doing.

This kid is forcing me! ?

The reputation of a knight is very important, especially for a young knight like Ryan. Reputation is invisible and intangible, but it is indeed a manifestation of a person's influence. The level of prestige affects all aspects of a person. and social status.

For example, for a knight, prestige and strength are very important hard indicators, and prestige is especially above strength.

Take Ryan as an example. As a knight of the kingdom for eight years, Ryan has achieved outstanding military exploits. He first killed Gore the "fang" and then killed the doomsday bull Taus. He is well-known in the Nord Kingdom, even in the Empire and Brittany. There are many people who have heard his name. In this case, if the court invites him to be a lord, or the Nord king decrees that he will be divided into a piece of land, most of the nobles will not have any objection, because in their It seemed that Ryan should have been one of them long ago.

But what if the prestige is not enough?

So even if King Nord wants to forcibly confer a certain person as a lord, or even a knight, he will be opposed by all the big and small nobles in this country from top to bottom, especially those low-level nobles and the knights who are being compiled. In this case, not only will the canonization fail, but the prestige of the king will be completely destroyed.

So Ike is forcing the palace.

Having fought side by side is a unique kind of human feeling among knights. This is usually mentioned. According to the established practice, Ryan should help, because he himself is the beneficiary of this rule.

Ryan's face changed slightly. After all, no knight wants to make fun of his reputation, especially since he has huge goals in the future, he needs to cherish his feathers even more.

"Okay, since we fought side by side, I'll take you to see Ms. Dieterinde." Lane finally nodded, Ike was relieved, and Alfred, who was sitting opposite Lane, also Showed a happy expression.

"Fu. Let's go together!" Ryan motioned for his childhood friend to follow.

"Okay~" Alfred jumped up from his seat and walked upstairs with Ryan. Ike quickly followed.

Going up the stairs, wearing plate armor, Alfred with a shield behind him stepped on the stairs and made a creaking sound, which made people worry about whether he would crush the wooden stairs. Ryan saw this. Tucao: "A'Fu, do you stay in this tin can every day?"

"Uh, it's basically like this, I'm used to it." Alfred sneered when he heard the words, he reached out and touched the back of his head: "I was not used to it a few years ago, and after a long time, I occasionally took it off. I feel completely empty all over my body.”

"..." Ryan rolled his eyes. The Church of Justice is strong and financially strong, so all the paladins of the church are basically equipped with breastplates and chain mail. As long as advanced paladins like Alfred, You can get a complete set of plate armor, and the paladins generally don’t take off the plate armor when they go out. Over time, people on the mainland gave the paladins a nickname – tin cans.

Ryan thought it was quite impressive.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ryan, this wasn't my intention, but Goodson's injury was really serious, and I had no choice but to do this." Ike knew that his behavior annoyed Ryan, so he quickly apologized.

Ryan suddenly stopped walking upstairs, then turned around: "Mr. Ike, please tell me the truth, okay?"

Ike's heart suddenly burst, and some handsome faces quickly put smiles on their faces: "What the truth, I don't understand."

"Enough, stop pretending, you tell me, when we were attacked by the beastmen that night, the beastmen just appeared, and Goodson dressed up to meet the enemy. You must know the inside story, right?"

"..." Ike stopped talking.

"Since you don't want to tell me the truth, there's no need for me to introduce you to Ms. Dietlinde, right?" Ryan stood still.

"You don't keep your word, Mr. Ryan..." Ike swallowed and said with difficulty Oh, at this time you say I'm not keeping your word? Ryan's face was very cold, and the three of them stood at the corner of the stairs like this, the oil lamp on the wall emitting a faint flame.

The position he chose was very good. From the hall, the three of them had disappeared behind the corner, but Lane was stuck in the middle of the corridor, so Ike could never go up through him to find the two congresswomen Garland.

If he can't agree, he can take Ike down now, no one will know what happened, or whether Ike still wants to use force, hehe, attacking the kingdom knight is a serious crime, it can be killed immediately, completely legal.

Well, you are allowed to force me, but I am not allowed to force you?

Alfred immediately sensed the deep meaning of Ryan's words, and the paladin immediately realized that the appearance of the Beastmen must have something to do with being well-dressed, so he also reached out and held the hilt at his waist, motioning himself to stand on Ryan's side. this side.

Long silence.

Ike's face was red for a while, and white for a while. He knew that this paladin's full body plate armor could not be taken down for a while, let alone Ryan, and when everything was over, Goodson would definitely be helpless.

The wandering knight was in great pain, and his eyes seemed to beg Ryan not to pursue it any further.

But Ryan's expression was as cold as frost, and he always looked at the wandering knight lightly.

If you don't tell what happened at the time, Goodson will just die.

If you want to use force here, then the two of us can take you down as soon as possible.

Finally, Ike spoke, and his expression was ashamed and shameless.

"That night, Goodson and the others called me out to discuss something."

"The discussion is about the ownership of... Sea Heart Stone..."

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