Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 469: , the big plan

"You are the Old One," Mazda Moody said calmly as he looked at the Lord of Humanity standing before him.

"..." The Emperor surprisingly did not refute this time, he just stood there calmly.

"But you are not the ancient sage we expected, you are not our master." Lord Demon Toad shook his head again and again: "You are just an unlikely Messiah."

An unlikely Messiah? Forgan frowned, what was Mazda Moody talking about?

"...It doesn't matter what I am." The Emperor opened his mouth, and he had no intention of defending: "But I think we need to communicate."

"Come in with me, young old sage." There was no expression on Mochan's face.

The giant pyramid opens its gates to the lord of men...

In the ancient and deep ancient pyramid, the magic toad Mazda Moody raised his holy seat, and it looked up at the magical and brilliant ancient pyramid, the sun stone tablet, the moon stone tablet, and remained silent.

The emperor's eyes were placed in the clear pool.

Under the pond, is the pattern of stars.

In the dark galaxy, a black rift divides the entire galaxy in half.

A human with a crown of laurels on his head and a "U" symbol on his shoulders held a long sword burning with golden flames, announcing his return.

"Robot Guilliman?" Fulgan was a little unbelievable at first, but then he saw the figure of Inani, the Eldar God of Death, in the mural at the bottom of the pool.

If his father didn't come back because of Ryan's efforts, Guilliman would also be resurrected because of the power of the Eldar Death God?

The Emperor's Children's Primarch was thinking.

"Young Old Sage, what did you want to do when you came back to this world?" Mazda Moody didn't care what the Emperor would do, and even to a certain extent, his words lacked even basic respect. : "What can you do for the big plan?"

"Your plan?" The Emperor frowned, he seemed to be used to the indifference of the Demon Toad.

These creatures are servants created by the Old Sages, and they are the true cold-blooded species.

What is a cold blooded species?

If they are useful, they will stay, if they are not, they will be discarded. If they have orders, they will be executed. They never consider human feelings or relationships. All of its existence is to complete the "big plan" left by the ancient sage, and everything does not conform to the big plan. everything must be destroyed.

To this end, the servants of these ancient saints have spent tens of thousands of years.

So why execute the "big plan"? What does it mean to complete the "big plan"?

That's not something these cold-blooded species need to consider. As long as they complete the big plan, they will form an alliance if they need to, and they will fight if they need to go to war. They won't show mercy because they once fought side by side, and they won't give up the alliance because they used to be mortal enemies.

"The big plan is our mission. When the Stargate is destroyed and our master leaves, the mission to protect this world falls to us. This is the will of the Old Sage, and we should implement it." Mazda Moody said The voice is very slow, and it can feel the power behind the creation, which is enough to illuminate the entire galaxy: "You have inherited the legacy of the Old Sage."

"What's the big plan?" The Emperor's answer sounded unanswerable.

Mazda Moody did not answer.

In fact, after tens of thousands of years of discussions, the Shilans have not yet received a unified answer to the grand plan. Many of the prophecy tablets left by the Old Sage are ambiguous, and each Shilan has his own opinion.

And the Old Sage who really knew what the big plan was all had left, and the first generation of Shilan had all died in battle.

Behind the three words on the surface are countless psychic communications. The Demon Toad is using terrifying power to communicate with the Lord of Humans. It seems to be completely unafraid of the Emperor's power, or rather, it doesn't care.

No one knows what the Emperor and Mazda Moody said.

After a long time, Mazda Moody spoke again: "If what you say is true, young old sage, this will be a matter of note. After leaving the ancient sage's guidance for tens of thousands of years, no one can Decipher for us those ancient slates and technology that has been shelved."

"If you servants of the Old Sage allow me, I can decipher the contents of those slates for you, and I can retrieve and analyze those lost technologies for you." The Emperor's cold eyes exuded a fierce light: "This is not a request , this is a requirement."

After coming into contact with the mind of the Demon Toad, the Lord of Humanity already understands how much sacrifice these children of order have made to fight against evil.

The Lizardmen Legion of the millions is now a small silhouette of its former glory, and now the Great Guardian relies on the hundreds of Slanns to spend all their vitality and energy to maintain themselves, who have fixed themselves in the obelisk and Above the pyramid, the great guardian continues with his own life.

However, this is not without cost. Slan is a creation made by the ancient sage. Without the guidance of the ancient sage, they will not reproduce. Although they are immortal, frequent wars and the invasion of demons still make the Slan race gradually wither.

But they are still insisting, they don't know why they should guard, why they should pay everything to fight the Chaos Demon, but they always insist, because this is the order of the Old Sage.

In a way, they resembled the Emperor sitting on the Golden Throne.

This does not prevent the Emperor from seizing the technology and knowledge left by the Old Sage, but after understanding all this, he is willing to give these poor and respectable creatures some space, because Chaos is the mortal enemy of both sides.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, not to mention that the Emperor's resurrection comes from the legacy of the Old Ones.

In a way, this is also a transaction.

"Not enough, our master's legacy is not what you imagined to be replaced by shared knowledge." Lord Demon Toad shook his head: "In ten thousand years of sleep and thinking, I have understood a lot, if you are unwilling to stay and We fight against a strong enemy together, and we will not surrender what I have in my hands, even if you destroy us."

"My heir will stay." The Emperor set his eyes on Fulgrim: "He will lead the human army to fight alongside you."

"Not enough." Mazda Moody still shook his head: "That's the owner's legacy."

"I can re-sanctify your polluted hatching pools." The Emperor offered a second condition.

"Not enough." The Demon Toad Lord still shook his head, but its attitude has loosened: "If this is the case, we can only allow you to view the three pyramid chambers."

Fulgrim was calm on the surface, but his heart was already filled with doubts and incomprehensions, and he thought that the servants of these Old Sages were really stubborn.

The Emperor seemed to notice the change in Fulgan's mood, and a simple psionic message ordered him to calm down.

"The son of the Old Sage is indeed a very powerful existence, but he is not invincible. His stay can only give us a little more chance of winning the war against the eternal mortal enemy. This is far from enough... As for human beings, they are too young and too simple, many It was naive at the time and highly susceptible to the corruption of Chaos. I have so far believed that the most important reason for failing to complete the big plan is precisely because these young races were not exterminated, resulting in Chaos having a large number of minions available." Gold. The Holy See was slowly placed on the altar inside the pyramid, and Mazda Moody's words were very slow: "You need to impress me with more things, young old saint, this is my duty and mine Mission, I will use everything I have to accomplish until the big plan is realized."

"It's really sad." Fulgan spoke, and he sarcastically said: "But you still don't understand what the real big plan is."

"Child of the Old Sage, you are also part of the big plan. The master has already seen through everything. The four sons of the Old Sage are living in this world. You are like the faint order of light in the endless chaos, purple, red, silver and blue. Color." Mazda Moody continued: "It's not enough, it's not enough."

The emperor's eyes were fixed on the demon toad, and he was thinking about the gains and losses.

Due to the effects of the Eternal Warp Storm, the Lord of Humans is largely unable to teleport armies, and even the Emperor suspects that nothing can pass through the Warp Storm to the world without navigating the Warp Storm with his own strength.

No wonder the Ancient Saints chose this world as a playground, a testing ground, and a final refuge.

The last legacy of the Old Sage must not be obtained by Chaos!

After thinking again and again, the Emperor decided to open his last trump card.

The Lord of Humanity stood in front of the Demon Toad, spit out a few words on the noble face of endless light and miracles.

For the first time, the Demon Toad Lord showed a surprised expression, and it looked up in disbelief.

But the emperor nodded calmly, the conditions have been said, it depends on whether the other party accepts it.

If the other party does not accept it, then he can only choose to risk being discovered by Chaos and do it himself.

The atmosphere was in a state of anxiety. In the huge pyramid of the City of the Sun, on top of dozens of clear pools and long staircases, covered with various sacred runes and ancient imprints, the pictures on the ceiling Under the moss-covered picture, the Emperor, Fulgrim, and the Demon Toad sitting on the Golden Throne fell silent.

In an instant, hundreds of communications went back and forth within the Holy Council, and every sleeping Slann received Mazda Moody's communications and gave his own echo.

Consciousness gradually returned to the body, leaving the big lord Demon Toad with a painful choice. Reason told him that the inheritance of the master could not be given to these young races, but reason told him that this might be one of the few things that could prevent the end of the moment. There are many possibilities, the origin of the other party is unknown, and there is a mystery. When Mazda Moody closed his eyes and let his soul shuttle in the shadows of the chaos world and the material world, it could perceive that the person in front of him was full of The icy sun with Symmetra.

The greatest and wisest minds that exist in the world are trying to figure out the pros and cons of this, and Mazda Moody's magical powers amused even the Emperor, who has rarely seen such pure and Powerful, non-Chaos-influenced magical creatures.

After a long time, maybe a minute, an hour or even a whole day, Mazda Moody finally nodded: "This is an offer we cannot refuse, young Old Sage, but we must see you fulfill your promise."

Negotiations were successful.

The New World, Lustria, the first of the cities, the first city, the first place where the Old Ones arrived, Itaza, the Great Pyramid.

The bright and pure light of Symmeun unlocked the complex combination lock composed of technology and magic on the gate of the pyramid. Under the guidance of Mazda Moody, the Emperor and Fulgrim walked up the long staircase one after another, the creation of the Old Sage. So magical, countless empty corridors and vertical passages lead to the very top of the Great Pyramid.

On the side of the road, the golden ancient sacred stone tablets depict the portraits of the lizardmen gods. Their appearances are similar to the demon toads, but they are obviously powerful and brave. The head **** is called the sun **** Kotaigo. A **** bathed in brilliance, representing the sun or the power of the sun, and the main **** of the lizard people's beliefs.

Then there is the serpent **** Sotek, the new **** born in the millennium war between the lizardmen and the Skaven, who represents blood and vengeance, and the will to destroy the horned rat.

Fulgrim's long white hair was windless and automatic, and he suddenly felt that the snake **** on the slate was watching him. It was a deep sense of identification and joy, but when he wanted to see Sotigo's portrait clearly , the other party seems to have disappeared.

This feeling of being chosen

The door to the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and it was a vertical upward passage. Mazda Moody repelled the temple guards who had come to protect it. It turned and motioned for the Emperor and Fulgrim to come before the pedestal.

On the pedestal sits a dead carrion.

Venerable Crocker, the guardian of Itaza, the Lizardman's first Demon Toad Priest, the most powerful and greatest Demon Toad Priest, he and his first generation colleagues assisted the Old Sage to transform the world, and they also built the two poles It is also a portal to teach elves to learn magic. It is said that its mission is destined to witness the last moment of the universe. Crocker left the most tragic sacrifice in the cataclysm, but its indomitable soul is still obsessed with the world, becoming the first holy skeleton priest.

Crocker's face is obscured by the golden funeral mask, it can no longer communicate, but its soul can interact with the material world, and its power can oscillate the air to create a voice like a distant echo, the former peak glory has collapsed, but The remaining candles in the wind are also enough to destroy its enemies. In a critical moment, its soul will return to the real world in the master's undead will, and help the lizard people win another victory through its own power.

After the defense of Itaza ended at Crook's great sacrifice, the Lizardmen worked hard to collect every small fragment of the remains, spliced ​​together with reverence and wrapped in resin-soaked oiled paper.

Since then, the first Lizardman holy skeleton priest was born, and many dead toads were also treated in this way. The lizardmen discovered that these demon toads are so powerful that even after the body dies, the soul is still obsessed with the world, and these ancient relics will once again formulate a great plan to make up the world.

This mummy sits so quietly at the top of the great It looks completely dead, dead in every sense, but still lodges above its decaying flesh With its soul, its spirit still watches the world.

It once watched how the Old Ones created new races, it once watched how the Old Ones built so many glorious cities in Lustria, it once watched dozens of Chaos Legions and hundreds of Chaos Demons besieging together Itaza, too, will watch the destruction of this world, and when the final hour comes, Kroc's unyielding will and undead soul will use up the last shreds of their waning strength to protect the creation of the Old Ones.

The Emperor nodded lightly, and he could feel a similar sacrifice in the mummy's body, these noble beings who sacrificed themselves for protection at all costs, just like him.

The cold heart of the Lord of Humanity will not be touched by Crocker's sacrifice, but he still agrees with Crocker's dedication, which makes him start his own actions.

The golden radiance began to emerge from the body of the Lord of Humans, and the supreme power completely wrapped the secret room at the top of the pyramid, and a straight golden light was ejected from the emperor's heart and injected into the body of the holy corpse priest who had been dead for thousands of years.

That is the unique power of the Emperor,

Gradually, under Fagan's doubts and Mazda Moody's expectant gaze, the head of the remains under the golden funeral mask, the two white jade eyes inlaid with yellow topaz, gleamed.

Inside this holy corpse, something happened.

Slowly, the arms of the holy corpse were raised, and the mummy who should have died opened his mouth and spit out an ancient language. This power comes from outside the universe, and contains the power of hope of the origin of the universe. The holy power of creation emerged in him.

"For... a big plan!"

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