Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 452: , and caught another traitor

Morgiana's room is of course the best room in the monastery, but the things inside are very simple, it is exactly the same as Lane's tent, a shop, a cabinet, and a wooden table that has been somewhat decayed. Candles, obviously Morgiana was writing, a quill in the inkwell. Crazy Sand Literature Network

A black magic book that has been purified by Morgiana's magical powers of the lake nymphs, the book is sealed in holy water and held in place with some kind of magic spell, the cover of the book says Heinrich-Kaim Le, obviously this is Kemmler's magic book or work notes, Ryan looked at it with interest, but he didn't intend to delve into it: "I thought you would go to the victory banquet, my lord."

The bright golden silk-like hair fell from Morgiana's shoulders. When the Lake God Witch saw Lane coming in, she cast a spell on the door of the room. Hearing Lane's words, the Lake God Witch frowned and her tone was very cold. : "If I was there, could they celebrate like that?"

"...It seems too." Ryan thought for a moment, and he smiled helplessly. Morgiana was right. Francois could celebrate with his subordinates, but once Morgiana appeared, the atmosphere would definitely turn cold. .

"The wine you serve smells so heavy..." The lake **** witch had a look of disgust on her goose-egg-like face. She motioned to Ryan to sit down: "Forget it, this big win is very good, very good, sit down."

"Well, what's the matter?" Ryan also knew that he had a big drink, so he sat down directly and said straight to the point.

Morgiana first glanced in the direction of the door, then checked the window, and after confirming that there was no problem, the coldness on her face gradually melted away. stiletto high heels, she relaxed her watch slightly, sat on her bunk, and took off the high heels: "I have something to ask your opinion, Ryan, on the question of Theodoric's mitigation, you What's your opinion?"

A pair of curvy calves were exposed under the long skirt. Mogiana was wearing colored stockings today. The small feet of a pair of stockings were slightly stretched forward. His jade feet were wrapped in silk stockings, like white jade polished by tulle, with pink nail polish on his toenails, neatly close together, and swaying gently in front of Ryan's eyes.

Ryan touched his chin, he thought for a moment and said, "So, you plan to reduce the punishment to Duke Theodoric?"

"There must be some reductions. In any case, Theodoric played an exemplary role in this war. This is not his war, but he still participates in the war. The war does not require him to rush in personally, but he I still tried my best to attack Kemmler and almost died in battle." Morgiana said to Ryan, "Yu Yuli, I have to say something."

"So... acquitted?" Ryan said with a smile.

"That's not true, but I plan to let him continue to think behind closed doors for one to two years. After the expiration, he can return to the Duchy of Berleon and continue to be his duke. Rules are rules." Morgiana sat on the soft bunk , asked, "What's your opinion?"

"Duke Theodoric's support is generally speculative, but we can't deny his efforts. His personal morality is one thing, and his bravery in war is another." Ryan After thinking about it for a while, he still said, "If that's the case, then the suspended sentence is fine for two years."

"However, the knights of the kingdom still have a huge prejudice against Theodoric. After the judgment of Theodoric, many knights in the Duchy of Berleon expressed dissatisfaction with my judgment, and some dukes also thought that Theodoric deserves a heavier punishment and should even abdicate." Morgiana expressed her concerns, obviously, public opinion did not stand on the side of reducing the punishment, and many people thought that if Theodore was released like this Rick, sooner or later he will do it again.

Ryan shook his head: "Morgiana, you can't think like that."

He took the initiative to reach out and took Morgiana's little hand, and explained the problem to her.

Rules are rules. The witch of the lake **** asked Duke Theodoric to go to the monastery in Bastogne to think behind closed doors. On the one hand, it kept him away from his original life and political whirlpool, which was a kind of protection, and on the other hand, it also reminded him and atonement. Also a punishment.

Whether Theodoric himself really regretted this omission is not discussed, and Ryan doubted that he did not, but his act of atonement was successful and worthy of admiration, which was in line with the spirit of sacrifice and honor in the chivalry.

He managed to turn the tide of the battle and was nearly hacked to death by Gul, risking his life to lead the charge in order to atone for his sin.

That's what Theodoric wanted, and he did, so Morgiana would have to consider relief.

Lane had seen many "Judge Yun" in his previous life. When he saw a certain case, he came to a "Yun Judgment" filled with righteous indignation. Opening his mouth was the death penalty, and what he saw was the death penalty.

Or it is all kinds of excuses and excuses in the name of extrajudicial grace and mercy, and they can't wait to be acquitted.

Every time I look at him, I find it ridiculous. This is more of a mistake than what a certain country used to believe in samurai. The light apology is over, and the heavy one is simply cut to the stomach.

So is that justice?

Hehe, that's venting.

"So...then I understand, let's judge according to this." Morgiana nodded, and she continued: "Second question, do you really intend to hand over the Blackrock stronghold to those dwarves?"

"Is there any other way?" Ryan smiled. "Or are you willing to continue to let vampires take over? Or greenskin?"

"How about we garrison the Blackstone stronghold?" Morgiana also felt a headache.

"How to garrison? Three hundred troops? Every time you need to transport a thousand people's rations? Can three hundred people hold such a large stronghold under the attack of greenskins and robbers?" Ryan shook his head: "For now, let Baylor It's better for Jia and his people to have a stronghold than for us to forcibly occupy a mountain castle."

"Since you insist, let's do it this way." Morgiana obviously has her own ideas on this issue, but the witch of the lake **** chose to back down this time: "What would the dwarves want from the kingdom?"

"Food." Ryan folded his arms and leaned back on the back of the chair: "The main problem is food. The dwarves have a lot of food, and the food production in the mountains is low. Belgar has planned to write a letter to call all his clansmen to reunite at the Blackstone stronghold. , to resume production, the main problem is food."

"The problem of food is easy to solve, just trade." Morgiana immediately raised a new question: "Besides, we also need to respond to his call to launch a war of chivalry... When is he going to be ready? ?"

"At least until he gathers all his clansmen, completes training and reorganization, builds enough weapons, and prepares for the expedition." Ryan smiled: "In this battle, Francois and I's army also paid for it. It's not a small price, let's take a break for two or three years."

"Well, I see. Tell me when you think the time is right. I will issue a knighthood war order to the entire country in the name of a lady, calling on the knights to join the expedition to the Eight Peaks. The dwarves help this time. The knights will surely reciprocate for us." Morgiana saw that several things had been discussed, and she began to focus on other things: "It smells so bad, you go take a bath first. Come again, I will accompany you tonight."

"But..." Ryan's face was a little tangled, he knew it.

"Nothing, go wash yourself and come back, I'll wait for you here." The Lake God witch saw that Ryan was still a little hesitant and tangled, her face flushed red, and she put her ear in Ryan's ear and said, "You weren't before. Say you want to try again with me... I've already washed up, let's go."

"Oh oh oh!" A green light appeared in Ryan's eyes.

…………I am the dividing line with green eyes…………

After a day of rest, the Knights Road army began to return.

"Brother Ryan... Sometimes we dwarves really envy that humans can ride horses." Bellegar, the king of the Eight Peaks, sat on the front of the carriage, sipping Bagman beer, and said to Ryan who was beside him: "Because of some well-known The reason, we had a very hard time riding the ride."

"Hehehe~" With a smile on his face, Ryan, who had a red face and a happy look, responded casually: "I heard when I was in the empire that the earliest dwarves and the humans of Aiwei get along well with each other. Well, because the dwarves need cavalry, and the people of Ivey need weapons and armor."

"That's right, before Charlemagne established his empire, several dwarven clans located in the Roof of the World and the Black Mountains had already had trade with humans. The people in Ivy at that time were called the Bri classical people. The temperament of the people is as straightforward and sincere as the dwarves. Aiweiling is a great plain that is rich in food and high-quality horses. However, if I want to say, the quality of Aiweiling's horses is still very different than your war horses... In short, Since then, dwarves and humans have had relatively reliable trade relations, we need human food and cavalry, and humans need our weapons and armor." Belgar was very happy, and he took the opportunity to say: "I want to rebuild Blackstone. Stronghold, we need a lot of food support, I will leave this to you."

"We will support you with some food first, and when everything is on track, our trade will solve the problem of food." Ryan nodded, this is negotiating conditions.

"We still need some people, and at the same time my clan needs you to provide a lot of carriages, food, and fresh vegetables." Bellegar continued: "In return, we will help you train qualified engineers and craftsmen... Can learn Learn as much as you can."


Outside the carriage, Ryan and Bellegar were bargaining. Inside the carriage, the witch of the lake **** and Veronica were lying on the rickety little one. Morgiana was flushed and buried her head in the pillow. , unable to move.

Veronica is also in a similar state, and Witch Garland has fallen asleep.

Morgiana gritted her teeth secretly, thinking that Ryan, the bastard, didn't know how to be gentle, and excitedly tossed her to death, so that she could only lie on her stomach now, unable to move.

On the other hand, the witch of the lake **** was refreshed, her face was radiant, her face was supple, she felt the soft blankets and cushions, and she felt very satisfied.

Morgiana's magic power has gradually recovered, and her next step must be to find the Holy Grail of Elixir, and her power will be completely returned.

Now is the time to hibernate, waiting for the moment.

The army continued on its way back.

At the same time, beyond the endless warp storm, the main material universe, the sacred Terra, the palace, the throne room.

Still the familiar crackling of ozone and the sound of various cable currents, Magnus, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons, sitting on the Golden Throne, was reading a book, and he read and laughed endlessly.

"Citizen! The Emperor needs you!"

"Serving the Empire is a supreme honor!"

"The Emperor knows everything! The Emperor is watching!"

"Only death is the end of duty!"

"It is better to die for the sake of it than to live for it!"

"Know the heresy, kill the heresy!"

"Obey without hesitation!"

"Fear Shakes Faith!"

"True Imperial citizens never doubt!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ~" Magnus's mad laughes returned in the entire throne hall ~ ~ Until a idea hit his mind, Magnus screamed , he shouted complainingly: "Father! Isn't this a good thing that **** did? What are you beating me for?"

Not far from the Golden Throne, a demon prince was sealed in an instrument used to seal the Star God. The Lord of Humanity and the Raven Guard Primarch Clarkson checked the stability of the instrument and heard Magnus' call. , the Emperor did not respond, Clarkson turned his head and shouted at Magnus: "Shut up...Magnus, if you don't want me to put what I did on Lorgar in yours Repeat the words above."

"Humph! Damn Clarkson, albinos, you know you're threatening me!" Magnus's voice was much lower, and he continued to read the book stubbornly, chanting: "Luo Jia's problem is not with me. Likewise, he's much easier to deal with."

Prior to this, the Emperor led an army and Ravens to guard Primarch Clarkson, and launched a surprise attack on the Eye of Terror, with the aim of retrieving the betrayed and fallen Word Bearer Primarch Lorgar.

This process went smoothly beyond imagination. Luo Jia was greatly surprised to see Clarkson appearing in front of him. Afterwards, the Primarch of the Word Bearers was beaten in public by the Raven Guard Primarch in front of all his descendants. With the strength to fight back, Luo Jia, who was knocked out, was directly dragged out of the Eye of Fear and locked in the instrument of the Ancient Sage Sealed Star God.

"Father, what should we do next? To this traitor?" Clarkson hesitated for a while, then asked, "Jonson is fighting at Armageddon, and Guilliman is on the Imperial Expedition."

"Come with me, go to Ryan and purify Lorgar." The Emperor was silent for a while, and some sparks flashed in his eyes: "By the way, it's time to see Ryan's wife and contact the servants of the Old Sage. Forgan."


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