Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 184: , Father's Iron Fist

The face of the Ascended Primarch was first surprised, then shocked, then shaken. Magnus saw the figure filled with countless traces and lights, and the Demon Primarch couldn't help but take two steps back.

Surrounded by countless forbidden troops, the emperor's glory spread across the sky.

The machines roared, the flags were high, and the divine power belonging to the emperor's supremacy enveloped the entire battlefield. The golden fighter jets swooped across the entire battlefield. The evil demons fell one after another. There was only one-sided slaughter.

There are also Sisters of Silence, the natural nemesis of these Thousand Sons wizards. With their existence, the Thousand Sons' spells will no longer be able to play any role, and the spells will disappear before they touch the nuns.

The Custodians rushed straight into the crowd of Scarlet Warriors like yellow lightning, and each of their attacks was like an ancient **** of war reappearing in the world, harvesting the heads of the rebel legion.

Only the Emperor stretched out his hand to signal everyone to get out of the way, and the face of the Lord of Humans was indifferent, but also with a kind of anger that hated him: "Magnus?"

The Red Son at this time was no longer what the Emperor remembered in the past.

In the Emperor's memory, the last time he saw Magnus, the Primarch of the XV Legion was wearing golden power armor, holding a long sword, and wearing down and dazzling patterns, he always He looked at himself with a curious look, like a studious child.

Magnus' stupid actions screwed everything up. If it weren't for him, I would have completed the Tao, and the Imperial Army would not have been fighting demons in the Tao for 10,000 years, from 10,000 people to a thousand people.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have been so weak against Horus that he was seriously wounded without making up his mind, and finally sat on the Golden Throne for 10,000 years.

"Father? The Emperor? The Carrion God squatting on the Golden Throne?" Shockingly, Magnus only swayed a little, and then burst into even greater anger: "Are you alive? After doing so many stupid things, you're still alive? Why didn't you get stabbed to death by Horus?"

Magnus' mouth spewed vicious words, and every word of his turned into crystals and sprinkled on the ground of the moon.

The crazy words of the Demon Primarch aroused the anger of all the human armies on the entire battlefield. Many Imperial Guards stared at the Demon Primarch with hateful eyes. As long as the Emperor gave an order, the Imperial Guard would swarm and tear Magnus apart. into pieces.

However, all the Custodians, Sisters of Silent, Space Marines, Mechanical Guardians, and Dreadnoughts saw the Emperor raise his hand, indicating that everyone should not trouble Magnus for the time being, and resolve Magnus' problems first. army.

"Five meters tall, with big horns and wings on its back, um, and powerful witchcraft, a world of demons, this is the reward for rape." The emperor's face was like a thousand years of mysterious ice, he couldn't see any How much anger, but full of an indignant sigh: "But even **** can't help you, look at your children, they all have something left."

The Primarch of the Thirteenth Legion, Robert Guilliman, was fighting at the forefront. Where his greatsword passed, one after another, empty helmets, fell on the surface of the moon, floating lazily. , Except for the broken power armor, the scarlet warriors have nothing left, and the armor is empty.

Embrace Chaos and bring mutation. The corruption of Chaos has completely distorted the souls and bodies of the former Thousand Sons Space Marines. In order to save this mutation, Ahriman, the number one wizard under Magnus, controlled the pollution of Chaos through the "Scarlet Letter". , but most of the Chaos Space Marines have also become empty shells - the body is turned into dust, and the soul is imprisoned in the armor for eternity, becoming a puppet.

Magnus raised his blade, and the Primarch's eyes were full of unparalleled fury, one blinded eye seemed to be burning with hatred, and the other was staring intently. The calm Emperor, he only felt the blood welling up in his head, his voice was fast and urgent, like a bolt gun spewing out continuously: "Why are you so calm? Tell me, father? Why are you so calm? ? You brought my children to the brink of destruction, and you proclaimed the truth of our rebellion with your own hands!"

"What do you want me to do? What can I do? Am I going to sit back and watch my legion mutate and die? Or will I be caught as a traitor?"

Holding the flaming greatsword in his hand, the Emperor shook his head indifferently: "Your stupidity made your end, Magnus."

"No! It's not my stupidity, it's your stupidity!" Magnus retorted the Emperor's words loudly, the demon primarch looking like a hysterical rabid dog: "I admit that my immature summons destroyed the Your plan, but I'm thinking of you too, how about you? The great **** emperor? The lord of mankind? You didn't heed my warnings. Look at what you've done?!"

"You asked your wolf dog to come to my planet with his wolf son and grandson to catch me, yes, I did make a mistake, I admit my mistake, I closed the defense system, opened the fleet, I accept your Judgment, but you ask Ruth, ask his cubs, what did they do?"

"Massacre! Absolute slaughter, Ruth and his army slaughtered my homeworld, slaughtered every Thousand Sons warriors they saw, and slaughtered every living thing they saw!"

"Why? Father, I ask you, why? I have given up my resistance, I have accepted your judgment, why do you still order Ruth to do this, aren't we all your children? Why?! !!"

Hearing Magnus' accusation, Roboute-Guilliman sighed, his face was full of sadness, half of the former brothers rebelled, but most of them had their own difficulties.

Thinking like this, Guilliman's hand didn't stop, and more than a dozen Chaos Space Marines were chopped into pieces by him.

Except for the evil, no traitor will successfully retreat today.

"...Russ has been deceived. Under the trick of the traitor, he has been deceived. He thinks that you have completely fallen." The emperor's words were still cold. To Magnus's disappointment, the face of the Lord of Humanity Always lacking remorse, on the contrary, the Emperor calmly looked at Magnus's appearance after his ascension: "Look at your current appearance, Magnus, do you think you are qualified to say this?"

Greater anger and madness poured into Magnus' heart, the demon primarch roared furiously, one eye projected endless hatred, and the five-meter-tall demon primarch spread its wings and swept across the battle field. Fly straight towards the Emperor.

On the battlefield of the moon, the Thousand Sons are retreating, the human army with the Emperor and Guilliman is too extravagant, and the traitors are smashed by the chaotic blades one by one and turned into scum.

Magnus seemed to turn a blind eye to all this. The demon primarch had almost forgotten everything under his fury. He raised his blade towards the supreme figure, and the hot lava splashed from the Emperor's feet. Warp flames covered the Emperor's tall frame.

But the filthy energy couldn't hurt the Emperor at all, and the Lord of Humans only shattered Magnus's entire efforts with a single thought.

"Father! You owe me an answer, and I need an explanation! Why? Why!!!" Magnus charged straight at the Emperor, his Wandering Staff raised high, telling his son's anger.

The figure of the giant beast swept down the sky with a thunderous force, the blade of the demon primarch was unbelievably fast, and the tip of the whistling blade appeared in front of the Emperor almost instantly.

The Emperor stepped back, calmly dodging the blow, leaving nothing but a burst of sorcery energy and sparks in the icy Void.

"Don't you want an explanation, Magnus?" The Emperor finally raised his head, his brows furrowed, his left hand holding his saber, his right hand clenched into a fist, and there was no emotional fluctuation in his tone: " Don't worry, this is for you."

The stars trembled, the earth trembled, the incomparable energy was gathering in the Emperor's right fist, and the multicolored streamer was propagating all over the Emperor's body, and then it was gradually transformed into a huge golden power.

No one can describe the power of this punch, dazzling white light, the emperor's iron fist like a cannonball across the void on the surface of the moon, containing the power of thunder and imprinting on Magnus' scarlet face.

The entire surface of the moon trembled under the power of the Lord of Men.

"Boom!!!" Magnus' face was sunk deeply, and the Demon Primarch was beaten so much that he couldn't even scream, the red face rolled and formed waves, and the inside of his mouth flew. Two **** front teeth emerged.

"Ahhhh! Ahhh!" The demon primarch was knocked out and rolled several times on the desolate ground of the moon's surface, but the Emperor did not give his betrayed son any breathing room, his sword blade Slashing Magnus' chest, every blow of his iron fist left a fatal scar on Magnus' body.

"Oh! Ah!!" Only Magnus' screams were left on the battlefield.

"Be smart." The Emperor's blade pierced Magnus' chest.

"Being willing to fall." The Emperor's iron fist hit Magnus in the face again, and the nose of the Demon Primarch was smashed, and the blood he bleed out formed strange mushrooms on the desolate lunar ground.

"Being humble." The Emperor's psionic energy burned Magnus' soul, and the wailing of the Demon Primarch could not be heard.

The demons and Chaos Space Marines of the battlefield had been wiped out, and what remained was a one-sided beating, with Magnus powerless against his father.

Fist to flesh, sword and sword pierced through the body, Magnus' entire face had no good place, the armor under his body was smashed by the emperor, and the anger from his father burned all over the surface of the moon and all the human armies. heart.

This is the wrath of the Lord of Men, this is his wrath against Magnus.

The Demon Primarch was beaten by his own father so that he didn't have a good tooth in his mouth, and the severe pain was unbearable even for Magnus.

Finally, Magnus, who was beaten with blood, lost his strength to resist, and he fell to the ground in the distance. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Demon Primarch barely distanced himself from his father. The bruises and blood stasis on his face, and two long nosebleeds from his crooked nose, the Emperor did not pursue him any more. Instead, the reborn father raised his fist.

His mood looked much better: "Magnus, do you have anything else to say?"

The Demon Primarch was surrounded by countless human armies, the wizards of the Thousand Sons had long since turned to dust under Guilliman's rage, and now Magnus was helpless, the Demon Primarch laughed suddenly, and he addressed the Emperor. The most vicious curse: "Father, do you think you won? My omnipotent father, didn't you realize that an unprecedented fleet is coming here?"

What? Guilliman's eyes widened, but the Emperor signaled everyone to calm down. The Lord of Humanity nodded: "Yes, Magnus, are you still counting on someone to rescue you? Who are you counting on? Abaddon?"

After speaking, the Emperor raised his hand.

In the warp, a giant warp storm was launched under the mind of the Lord of Humanity, and the entire chaotic interstellar fleet heading towards the holy Terra was instantly involved in the warp storm, crushed and turned into smoke.

The Emperor's wrath burns across the galaxy.

"Now, no one is here to save you." The Emperor raised his flaming sword.

"You are next."


On the top of the stars, the golden light is dazzling. In a huge forbidden warship, the Emperor and Guilliman are facing each other. On one side of the cabin, the soul and energy of Magnus, the red son, are imprisoned in a device. This device consists of Composed of black unknown substances and countless cables, it can be seen that the Demon Primarch is not reconciled to the fate of his failure, but he is powerless to his current situation.

Kaul, the great sage of the Mechanicum, approached from behind: "My Majesty, the technology you brought back is stable enough and performs well in the specific use process. I think it is necessary to continue to develop it."

The Emperor nodded, Guilliman seemed to have some illusions, he seemed to see his father smiling: "Father, what is this?"

"This is the instrument used to seal the Star God recorded by the Old Sage." The Emperor replied casually: "At present, this is a very practical technology, and perhaps Kaur can be used to a greater extent after improvement."

Guilliman didn't understand technology, but the Ultramarine Primarch didn't bother about this either. He looked at Magnus's pained appearance with some and continued to ask: "Is it really possible? Change Magnus back to what he was?"

"Okay, we have completed this experiment with Angron, Angron... After recovery, he seems to be living a very happy life with your brother... Fortunately, he still remembers himself as a warrior." The Emperor's tone was full of With an unidentified taste: "Trust me, Guilliman, one day, your long as you are still alive, everyone will be reunited again."

"I look forward to that day, Father." Guilliman's eyes were full of eagerness and hope. "So what shall we do next?"

"You will be the Regent of the Empire again, my son." The Emperor glanced at Guilliman. "I will stay with Terra and continue to complete the great inventions that I failed to complete."

"Father, do you mean... Dao?"

"Well, from how the ancient sage's technology has the technology of repairing the Dao under the influence of the warp, it turns out that even after millions of years, the ancient sage's technology is still ahead of us in many aspects, and I will continue my unfinished work. Plan, but it’s okay, Guilliman, you can enter the Throne Room and ask for my help at any time if you have any questions. I will also leave the palace to support you when necessary. I don’t need to sit on the Golden Throne for a long time, especially With this guy."

Having said that, the Emperor and Guilliman both set their sights on Magnus who was locked up, and Kaul, the great sage standing behind them, suddenly felt that their previous gazes were not well-meaning.

"The most urgent task is to quickly send Magnus over there for your brother to purify."

"Are you interested in taking a trip with me when it's all done? Guilliman?"

"Of course, my father."

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