Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1380: , Enduring humiliation and bearing the burden of the eternal king, the battle o

In the air, Ryan was observing the battle situation. The rainbow bridge he made was not particularly stable due to the strong chaotic wind interference, but it was already very close to Middenheim at this time, riding his own great griffin Impuri s, Ryan observed the situation in the city.

He saw Emperor Karl Franz the Ascended and his Imperial Army rushed to the battlefield one step at a time. The Ascended Karl and the Eternal God Chosen Archain said something, but Archaen just shook his head, and the two sides immediately faced off for the championship. The Ascended Karl was defeated by the Eternal God's Choice Archaon, and was defeated. The giant hammer "Gail-Maraz Origin" composed of pure warp power in his hand succumbed to the power of the King Killer. , exploded into light and rain.

Archaen defeated the Ascended Karl, but not completely. The Metal Wind incarnate Galt and the Light Wind incarnate Tyrion rescued the Emperor of Heaven's Wind, and the three wind incarnations and their army moved towards. Fort Urick retreated, and Archaon tried to pursue but was stopped by the golden walls made by Gelt.

He saw a tidal wave of greenskins appearing near Middenheim, gushing out from all over the city, and countless Northlanders, including a small number of Middenheim residents and the army of the Incarnate Parliament, were caught by these The greenskins stepped under their feet, and on this night when the blades were dancing wildly, although the greenskins didn't quite know why they suddenly appeared here, it was undoubtedly a good place to fight. The greenskins and the greenskins would The heavily armored Chaos Warriors slashed to the ground, and the shoddy axes and machetes cut through the Chaos Warriors' seemingly indestructible plate armor, spitting out. The fiery new, furious Chaos Legion was knocked to the ground by the new greenskin army.



There were about 20,000 green-skinned troops sent over, most of them were orcs, and a few were ogre mercenaries and goblin cubs. Seeing that there were so many canned big men to open, The orcs were so excited that they slashed frantically. Many of the war knives in the hands of the orcs curled up after a few slashes, and they threw away their weapons and smashed the helmets of the Chaos Warriors with their fists.

In this greenskin army, there is an unquestionably elite unit. They are all heavily armored and armed with giant axes, and they still maintain amazing discipline on the crazy battlefield. Each of them is bigger than ordinary greenskins. Bigger, stronger and more waaagh, these dark skinned, disciplined guys followed by a bigger, **** orc warlord unmatched in strength, with broken teeth, the great axe in his hand scraped among the warriors of chaos A whirlwind, the sturdy shield array was torn apart like rags in front of it, and the headless bodies of the barbarian chiefs, chaos champions, evil gods and even the chaos lords from the north were kicked by the black orc warlords. Kai, those chaotic behemoths were smashed into eight pieces under the giant axe, and the blood became a stream.

Grimg-Ironhide, the great black orc warlord, the strongest among the greenskins, the strongest, largest and most waaagh greenskin warlord and ogre king, is in anger, it originally ended its long expedition to the Far East, is sitting Prepare for the next Destiny waaagh on the Throne of Darkness! As a result, it appeared here with its army inexplicably. Grimgor didn't like this. It was angry and the consequences were serious. Understand why to come back here, but none of that matters, what matters is that Grimgor never backs down from a fight!

"Grimg! Grimg!"

The surrounding black orcs shouted the name of Ironhide. They could feel that there was a powerful force on Grimg's body. This power would strengthen the black orcs with every slash of Ironhide. The body, split everything in half!

The new Destiny waaagh begins!

"Grimg! We drop super silver!"

"Grimg! Youyuan drops!"

In addition to the Orcs being crazy about Ironhide's bravery, ogres also joined the ranks of Ironhide. The ogre kingdom was conquered by Ironhide a few months ago. For these mostly ignorant ogres, war The purpose is just to enjoy the fun of fighting and bring rich food, and the iron satisfies them, and they fight for the iron.

Then a strange scene appeared. Within Middenheim, all the Allied forces of Order fought in desperation. Only greenskins, happy and proud, stepped into the battlefield. They didn't care about being injured, they didn't care about death, they didn't care about winning, they only care. Can you have a good fight.

"Grimg-Ironhide, that's him." Leman Russ looked at the appearance of the green-skinned warlord, and the wolf king's face was a little dignified: "You have to be careful, Ryan, I feel a mess on that guy's body. Ka's power, we have to deal with him first."

"No, let's ignore him, let him fight Chaos first." Ryan shook his head, rejecting Leman Russ' proposal. Greenskin was indeed very powerful when it first arrived on the battlefield, but after all, there were only 20,000 or 30,000 people. Archaen still has an army of 40,000 to 500,000 people outside the city, and nearly 200,000 people have entered Middenheim. No matter how strong the green skin is, it is impossible to really kill Chaos.

Sure enough, Archaon's lieutenants were first dazed by Grimgor's greenskin army, but these battle-experienced Chaos lords soon realized that the greenskins were indiscriminate against everyone. attacked, so they dragged Ironhide and let him slay Malekith's army of shadows.

"Tigeris' big curse doesn't seem to work!" Ryan immediately cursed when he saw this scene: "Why don't you send the iron sheet directly to Archaen's side?"

However, a shocking scene appeared. Ironhide defeated Malekith's shadow army and beat Malekith to the ground in a close-range 1v1 real man battle. Thinking that Malekith would take advantage of the fact that his mount could fly, the Eternal King of the Spirit suddenly knelt down on his knees and knelt in front of the iron.

Tiepi looked stunned by the scene in front of him. It stopped moving, as if asking something. Malekith immediately raised his head and tried to communicate with his actions and words. After Tiepi heard it, he stopped in Bengbu. The black orc warlord First of all, he laughed loudly, raised his axe and roared loudly, declaring his victory, but Malekith immediately gestured to emphasize something, and the iron face immediately turned gloomy, and then raised Malekith with his hands, indicating He leads the way.

"Maybe we can really survive." Looking at the incredible picture in front of him, Ryan said silently.

The Brittanian Army and the dwarves of the Eight Peaks arrived at the residential area of ​​Middenheim at this time, and the Sun King immediately ordered to rush to Fort Urick immediately.

It's going to be a life-or-death race, but it looks like something isn't going to make it happen to Ryan.

Slaanesh's Mightiest Sharashi - The Scourge!

Hagroth, the rain father of Nurgle!

Khorne's most powerful demon, Angrath!

There is also the World Eater Captain Karn-Betrayer and the fifty Chaos Chapters under their command, who have been waiting for Ryan for a long time!

Almost at the moment when the Ryan Army came, a great battle followed.

Leman Russ faced Sharashi-Mad Calamity, Diego faced Rain Father Hagros, and Ryan Malcador fought Angrath again.

The battle is getting more and more intense.

…………I am the dividing line in the race of life and death…………

Leaping from Seraphine, Malekith was left with less than two hundred elven warriors, no match for Grimgor's hard boys at all, but all determined to guard their king until Last minute.

After Malekith and Ironhide fought for twenty or thirty rounds, the Eternal King knew that he could not be Ironhide's opponent, and no matter what blessing the beast had received, it was too powerful now.

If it had been before, Malekith would have fled without hesitation and let their soldiers accept the end of death, because the weak are not entitled to survive.

But now is different. Now, Malekith is the eternal king. He knows that he is responsible for the rise and fall of the entire elf family, which makes the personality of the despicable and cruel witch king in the past and the personality of Prince Malekith, who was enthusiastic, brave and full of faith in the past. They collided, and fierce sparks erupted in Malekith's soul.

The arrival of Snorri-Whitebeard activated the power of the latter personality, Malekith's long-lost sense of honor and responsibility was awakened from the depths of his soul, he was no longer the Witch King, but the former Phoenix King General, ambassador of the Elven Empire to the dwarves, Prince Malekith! He won't let Snorri down again, no! never!

The selfish, cruel and sinister Witch-king left temporarily, Prince Malekith fell to the ground, and the Eternal King strode towards Grimg-Ironhide, who came up on his knees, his knees stained with blood in Middenheim. More than ten meters were drawn on the flagstone road. Malekith gracefully and swiftly slid all the way to his knees in front of the iron sheet, lowered his head, and laid his long sword flat, with the hilt facing the opponent.

At the moment when the axe was about to fall on Malekith's forehead, the Eternal King shouted in the loudest and bitterest voice in his life: "I surrender!!!"

"???" Grimg-Tiehide was stunned, the tip of the axe had almost touched Malekith's helmet, and Tiehide forced himself to stop, muttering: "I'm not mistaken. Pointy ears surrendered to me?"

"On behalf of myself, and the Elven Empire, I surrender to Grimgor and its boys," Malekith repeated.

Tiepi stopped directly in Bengbu, it confirmed it again, and then its lips curved into a smile, and the battle axe was held high above its head.

"Grimgor is the best!" it roared, turned its back to Malekith, and slammed into its breastplate with a steel glove.

The battle cry echoed through the ruins of Middenheim, prompting thousands of little cheers. The Greenskins of the Black Orcs chanted the name of the Warlord in unison.

"No, Grimgor is not the strongest!" Malekith shouted immediately, the Eternal King's voice interrupted Ironhide's joy, and it growled impatiently: "If Grimgor is not the strongest? Then Who is it?"

"I came to bring this city to defeat a spiky, bald-headed warboss!" Malekith said immediately: "This big warboss is the strongest and most waaagh, none of us can beat him, even Lian Ge Neither can Rimg!"

"Impossible! Grimg is the most powerful! Grimg is the most powerful!" Ironhide roared impatiently: "Other?"

"It's over there!" Malekith immediately pointed in Archain's direction: "I can show you the way, and Grimg will prove that he is the strongest!"

Ironhide was silent. For the black orc warlord, thinking is really a troublesome and unnecessary thing, but Ironhide had to think, and it was easy to come to a conclusion under the guidance of Malekith: "You bring I'm going? Pointy ears are weak!"

"So we won't steal your glory. We'll take every opportunity to prove that we are worthy of your rule." Malekith immediately pretended and hammered his chest with his sword: "Wow Ahhhh~"

The pointy ears made the greenskins happy now, and the iron heart wanted me to waaagh with a group of pointy-eared boys! Doesn't this just prove my Grimg's aaagh? This is really old waaagh!

So the black orc warlord helped Malekith up: "Come, take your boys, waaagh with me!"

There was a smile on Malekith's face behind the mask, he sacrificed his pride, but the hope of victory remained. Oaths to such races are worthless anyway. If these greenskins survived the next battle, he would find them to settle accounts.

First pretend to surrender to the greenskin, and then regret it later.

In an instant, Malekith seemed to have changed back to the former diplomatic ambassador, a diplomatic master who knew the way of doing things and thinking logic of every faction in the world. The Eternal King was proud of his talents and bitter at his failures.

The Eternal King can stretch and shrink!

Snowy, did you see that? The black orc super warboss iron in the east, the guy who has a whole chapter in your hatred book, is it cruel enough?

I am laughing with it!

As shameful as this is, I won't let you down again, Snowry, my brother.

Although the surrounding elf warriors cast contempt and condemnation at Malekith, they also know that there is no choice Under the order of Ironhide, this group of elven warriors keeps up with the green Pi's footsteps slayed towards where Archaen was.

Ironhide and its hard boys are still far away from Archaen for the time being. They may still have dozens of Chaos Chapters to deal with along the way. Eternal God's Choice does not need to consider the threat from the east for the time being. Archaen is annoyed to find that what seems to be something Everyone came to stop him.

The Eternal Emperor Setra has already killed. At this time, Settra is very aware of the threat of Archaen. Through Kap's exhortation, the great king knows what the eternal God chooses to do. Settra ordered that no matter the cost or loss, let his own With the Eagles leading the way, the funeral corps of Khemri and the Royal Chariot Guards personally followed the charge of Setra.

This reckless charge resulted in devastating losses to the Nicohara army.

When Setra approached Archaon about two hundred horses away, there were less than twenty of the hundred Eagles left.

When Settra was about a hundred horses away from Archaon, the royal chariot guards fell in front of the halberds and shield walls of the Chaos God's Chosen Warriors.

When Settra was about fifty horses away from Archaon, the prince of the tomb, the great kings of the tomb, and the funeral priests personally joined the fight.

In the distance, when there are still twenty horses away, the bright light of the sun **** burst out from the blade of Petra's blessing, burning the souls of the warriors of Chaos, the brooch on Setra's chest, from the gods of Nicohara The powerful blessing of Usilian, the **** of the underworld, helped him evade all magical attacks.

"The eternal choice of the dark false gods! Setra is here!" The solemn declaration of the Immortal Emperor entered Archain's ears: "Or surrender, or die!"

The Eternal God picked up the Kingslayer impatiently.

The dead want to die again?

Satisfy you!

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