Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1372: , the final battle!

   Chapter 1371, the final battle!

   "Ryan, I'm not questioning your military plan, but I think I have to stress that we won't have any chance of winning this way."

At the military meeting of the incarnation council, Karl Franz, the upgrader, looked at Ryan's military plan, and he couldn't help saying: "The quality and quantity of the Chaos army is much higher than ours, and we will only be beaten by the quantity of the Chaos army. down."

   "Yes, it's almost impossible to win this way." Malekith also shook his head. No matter what deal the Eternal King made with Ryan, he was a very good strategist himself.

   "Boy Ryan, we probably need a new plan." Thorgreen also disagreed: "We can't win at this rate."

   There was an embarrassing silence in the Incarnation Council.

  What is Ryan's military plan?

   is a five-line attack, attacking the Chaos Army from four directions of Middenheim at the same time.

In the eyes of most people, this battle plan is really inexplicable. Even if Vlad's army of the dead and the 20,000 troops of the dwarves are fully calculated, the order coalition can fight only more than 200,000, and Archaen alone is destroying the world. There are millions of people in the army, not to mention a part of the Skaven Skaven army. Although the quality of the Skaven Skaven army is not very good, there are still hundreds of thousands of Skaven. Among them are the Eshin clan and the army. Many elite troops of the Morde clan.

   "We don't need to defeat all the Chaos Army." Ryan motioned for everyone to stop temporarily and listened to him: "There are only two goals in this war. If one of them is completed, we will be able to win."

"First of all, according to Lilith's prophecy, we all know that there is an instrument located deep in the central mountain range, underground in Middenheim, which is the legacy of the Old Sage." Lane pointed his finger on Middenheim: "If We can gather all the eight winds incarnations, activate the instrument to close the world's north and south portals, then without the blessing of the Chaos Wind, the Chaos Army will collapse without a fight."

   "Alternatively, there is a second option. As we all know, the anchor of the Chaos Army in the mortal world is to choose Archaen himself as the eternal god. If we can defeat Archaen himself, then the Chaos Army will also collapse completely."

"Two goals, we only need to complete one of them, and we will be able to win this war." Ryan arranged the task: "But considering the strength of Archaen himself and the strength of the Chaos Army under his command, we still need to complete the first One goal comes first."

   "Very well, since this is the problem." On the side of the dwarves, the butcher king Agrim Iron Fist raised his hand: "Why didn't you set off early to Middenheim to start the instrument? Do you have to wait until such a limit?"

   Everyone's eyes were focused on Agrim Iron Fist, especially Lilith, Vlad, Malekith and the others, who looked at the Butcher King with the same eyes as a fool.

  Agrim-Tekken suddenly realized that everyone seemed to be waiting for him, the incarnation of the wind of fire. He was late, and there were only six winds left. How to activate the instrument?

  The Butcher King couldn't help blushing and coughed twice, as if nothing happened.

"There are two other reasons. If we come to Middenheim early, one is that the logistical pressure is huge, and it is difficult to supply large military supplies near Middenheim for a long time. Divine Selection is very likely to give up concentrating on Middenheim and divide troops to attack the cities and villages in the southern part of the empire that have not yet been occupied. When the enemy's millions of troops are dispersed, it will be really difficult." Ryan played a dwarf for the dwarf. Rounding the field, he continued: "As for the last incarnation of the Wind of the Beast, Tigris."

The Lord of Wisdom of the High Elf and the Supreme Archmage of the Magistrates Council of Hosbaita, Tegris, stood up: "I will work with the archmage of Hosbaita to use the power of Lilith to transform the wind of the eighth wind into the wind of the beast. Summoned with his army, we can't provide you with magical help until the ceremony is successful, and please note that the incarnation of the wind of the beast does not necessarily want to be our friend, if he is an enemy, please defeat him first ."

   "Everyone, is there anything else you don't understand?" Ryan then asked.

Now everyone has no opinion, only Vlad raised his hand, and the Death Monarch questioned: "So, how should the battle sequence be arranged? In my opinion, although all of you here are friends who protect the world, but In actual war, we may have difficulty overcoming the influence of each other, such as the Sun King, your presence will make my servants wilt, and we are better separated."

"Yes, we must separate." Ryan agreed with Vlad's opinion, he smiled: "Don't worry, I know that if the Empire, Brittany, and the dwarves still have a lot of foundation to fight side by side, then life It is probably difficult for the dead and the dead to keep a pace, and the proficiency of the elves and dwarves in coordinated combat, I guess it is not too high, right?"

  Eternal King Malekith and Supreme King Thorgreen subconsciously turned their eyes to each other when they heard these words. After looking at each other for a second, they immediately turned their heads away, and each snorted coldly.

   Don't fight with pointed ears (shorty)!

  Finally, five battle sequences were formed under Ryan's orders:

  The Imperial Front is headed by the Heavenly Wind incarnate Karl and the Metal Wind incarnate Geert, covering most of the Imperial Army, a small number of Brittany Pegasus Knights, and most of the Kislev Army.

The Sylvanian Front was headed by Vlad, the wind of death, and covered all the undead armies, including Arkhan's Legion of Tomb Kings and Luther-Haken's army of undead pirates. Nefrata was also captured. Forced to fight, she and her Lahmian Sisterhood will provide magical help and a morale boost.

The elf front army, with the incarnation of the wind of shadow Malekis as its commander, covered all elven armies. In addition to the armies of high elves, dark elves, and wood elves, Elari Li also summoned a group of ancient treemen, the Excalibur Tree King, Dursu, one of the three ancient treemen, was willing to participate in the war. The ancient treeman finally woke up from the madness after his contact with Ela Ruili. Dursu knew that the world was heading for destruction, so he decided to participate in the war. .

The    dwarf front was commanded by the supreme king Thorgrim and the flame wind incarnation of the butcher king Agrim, and the wood elf cavalry of Alaros and several knights of the empire were transferred to the dwarves to provide assistance with mobile power.

The Brittanian Front is commanded by Sun King Ryan. In addition to the main force of Brittany, the Eight Peaks Mountain Dwarves, led by Bellegar, are mixed with the Brittanian Army. Both sides are old friends, so it is natural for them to cooperate in combat. There was no pressure, and at the same time Noor's artillery was willing to help the Bretons, Bellegar didn't like Thorgrin very much, and he preferred to fight with his brother Ryan.

That night, the Allied Forces Camp of Order in the Dracowald Forest took the time to rest and cook. Every soldier had a full meal and was covered with dry food. The wizards released magic to hide the smoke, and the dwarves checked. War Machine, Ryan and others are still making final calculations after assigning the tasks.

   "After the rest, we will attack at four in the morning." Ryan ordered the battle time, and everyone nodded. At this time, no one was interested in talking anymore, so they dispersed and waited for the final battle.

  Lion stood silently in the camp, the surrounding black forest had been cut down, his iron boots stepped on the thick fallen leaves, and the gray knight primarch was silent.

"What are you thinking, dear?" The figure of the fairy in the lake approached, Lilith hugged Ryan from behind, the goddess's warm and watery breath spread out, like a soft breeze, blowing the curtain of Ryan's heart: " At this time, what are you still thinking about?"

"I heard the call of the source of chaos." Ryan smiled bitterly. He reached out and held the jade hand of the fairy in the lake on his waist, feeling the tenderness like a beautiful suet jade, and the grey knight primarch could feel the deepest subspace. Echoes from here.

   "Is it the Four Gods of Chaos? Are they tempting you?" The fairy in the lake was puzzled.

"No, it's not the four gods of chaos, you know, ma'am, the warp is not equal to the realm of chaos, and the realm of chaos is not equal to the four gods of chaos." Ryan sighed: "Something has been calling me, I don't know what it is What, but He is obviously the supreme being of a higher dimension, and He told me that He has a lot of knowledge to share with me, and He has a lot of things for me to know."

"Knowledge doesn't always bring benefits, dear." The fairy in the lake hesitated for a few seconds, and the **** of the moon whispered in Ryan's ear: "I inherited the knowledge of Asuryan, and he used to be there When exploring the deepest part of the warp, I have seen a higher-dimensional, indescribable existence, but that is not something we should touch at present."

   "Maybe, maybe not." Ryan raised his hand.

The silver flame is burning, which symbolizes pure subspace psionic energy. This bright psionic light has accompanied Ryan for a long time. The blue eyes of the fairy in the lake stared at this psychic fire, feeling its on the warmth.

But five minutes later, the silver flames began to change, and the bright color on the surface began to fade. Inside, the dark and lightless things gradually broke free and devoured everything. It was not darkness, but distortion, which The distortion that devoured everything, even the light could not leave.

  Only a circle of golden flames around the thing can tell its shape.

   "This is?" The fairy in the lake stared at the new power in Ryan's hands, and the God of the Moon felt some indescribable fear.

   "This is nothing." The strange power faded, and Ryan smiled: "It's time to rest."

   That night, three in the morning.

Before the formation of the army of order, more than 200,000 troops were formed, and the Grand Marshal Ryan rode the Great Griffin Imperius and slowly passed in front of the formation: "Humans, elves, dwarves, and the dead! Our time No more, please listen to me!"

  Everything has become so quiet, there is nothing in the black forest, only the stars above the night sky, the dark clouds with the appearance of the four gods of chaos appear from time to time, and the constantly emerging aurora witnesses everything.

  Old Guards, Rick Guards, Griffon Knights, Phoenix Guards, Nagarond Black Guards, Holy Grail Knights, Avalon Guards, Nagashza Guards... One by one, the legendary troops waited with bated breath.

Ascended Carl, Galt, Malekith, Ella Ruili, Sol Green, Leman Russ, Diego, Vlad... Heroes who have left deep names in the history of the world have different expressions. different.

   In the distance is the Chaos Army Camp, thousands of tents, camps coiled like the intestines of animals, countless giant beasts, and black smoke that almost covered the sky.

The soldiers of the Coalition of Order did not lack courage, but the scene in front of them made them nervous. Everyone's expressions were very serious. Only the dwarf butchers under Agrim Iron Fist laughed. These butchers laughed. Having lost too many family and friends in a series of wars, all they hope for is death, and what makes them unsatisfied at the thought of seeking a heroic death on such a glorious battlefield of?

  Spears, halberds, long swords, battle axes, and war hammers gleamed in the reflection of the starlight, and Ryan was proud to see that no one's face was shaken, everyone was just a little nervous.

  With such warriors, the world will not perish.

   Such a beautiful planet, such a beautiful world, how should it perish?

   He decided to say something.

   "Brothers, compatriots, and mortals who fought for the world, I am so happy that we stand here today, and I am so happy to see you all come together and fight for the world!"

   "I see the tension in your eyes, I see your fear, just like me, fear!"

   "Many of us know that chaos is eternal! Mortals are fragile, chaos is powerful!"

   "Yes, we all know!" Ryan's loud voice echoed in the forest, and the primarch laughed: "This is an eternal war, and we have little chance of winning!"

"Victory is always short-lived. Each of our victories has only brought the world back a little bit from the brink of extinction. Each of our victories has only made our lives a little bit insignificant in the dark and cold years. continuation!"

   "We know very well that one day, mortals will lose their courage! Our congregation will betray each other, and will be defeated!"

   "But, definitely not today!" Ryan roared.

   "One Chaos will swallow everything, and the whole world will be scorched by the invasion of darkness!"

   "But, by no means today!"

   "Today, let's take up arms and fight for our world, for our home!"

   "I, Ryan Macado, will fight with you all for the best in the world!"

   "Take out your weapon and tell Chaos, it's definitely not today, it's not!!!"

  The army of order boils.

In the middle of the night, outside the city of Middenheim, in the Chaos army camp, under the colorful aurora, in the camp of the Kurgans, the Yankees were sleeping soundly. The armies of the world sent Karl the Ascended and his imperial army.

   Lightning pierced the sky, meteors fell to the ground, and a loud horn sounded from the end of the horizon, and the whole Middenheim area fell into a frenzy.

   The Battle of Middenheim, the Battle of the Worlds, has officially begun.

   The last few chapters, everyone!



   (end of this chapter)

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