Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1355: , Lustria Blitz!

After the final preparations, the Skaven Underground Thirteen Empires are ready for the biggest and final attack on Lustria in history.

This war is called the Great Crusade of Lustria. For this reason, the Pestilon clan, the Plague Clan, has made long preparations. While other Skaven families are attacking from all directions, the Plague Clan is dormant and ready to go. , All the troops were gathered, ready to invade Lustria and give the Lizardmen a fatal blow.

The network of underground tunnels that traverse the world has been reopened, and the tunnels have been re-widened to accommodate large-scale troop movements and the transportation of large quantities of equipment.

In the three years from 2522 to 2525 of the imperial calendar, the plague clan army gradually converged into a huge brown river on the jungle land at the southern end of Lustria near the southern desert.

The vast majority of this seemingly endless army are the robe-clad zealots of the Pestillon family, followed closely by the family's slave-affiliated clan warriors.

These plague monks have exhausted all the power of the family in the South, and all the fortresses of the House of Pestillon are empty.

Even in order to forge weapons, the huge cauldrons and furnaces used to make those deadly plagues have been dismantled. For this reason, the Plague Clan has built thirteen large workbenches on the front line. The dismantled war machines pass through the workbenches on the front line. Reassembled to provide strong support for the army. A large number of slave rats formed a torrent, and they carried a variety of pollutants and toxic substances. Of course, the slave rats also played the role of porters.

After the attack on Lustria, as the top priority of the plan of the Thirteenth Council of the Skaven, the Horned Rat ordered that all clans must mobilize 10% of their military strength and 10% of their supplies to support the war. , so all of Skaven's great families joined the crusade, whether they liked it or not.

The commander of the army has thus become the focus that all the clan warlords are trying to compete for. Originally, the Council of Thirteen favored Lord Skook, the right claw of the Plague Clan, to serve as the commander of the three armies. The council of thirteen did not trust this right claw very much, because for the plague clan, it was a wave of drag and drop, while for other clans, 10% of the military strength + 10% of the supplies Nor can it be consumed casually.

In the end, after many discussions, Negrich, the suzerain of the plague clan, personally served as the head coach of the three armies of the plague army.

Negridge is a bloated and legendary warlord of the Skaven, whose name is no longer known, because each suzerain will inherit the name they have passed down from generation to generation at the moment of becoming the lord of the plague clan - Neg Richie, it is not only members of the Yaosheng family, but also leaves a corruption mark on their bodies and souls.

If the recognition of this generation of Negrich comes from, then there is no doubt that its mount Belios, which is a mutant mouse shrouded in plague, rides on a huge mutant mouse Negrich So fond of all corruption, its plague aura can inflict great fear on foes.

It hates all its enemies and is fanatical and devout. With the blessing of the Horned Rat, as long as Negrich lives, the Ratmen around him will not die.

The Council of Thirteen had a very careful plan.

The code name for this war plan is called A-Soul, and the slave rats call it "One Soul", and the core of this plan is "Blitzkrieg".

First of all, the Skaven army will assemble near the three major temple cities of the Lizardmen, namely the first city of Itaza, the moon city of Taranxlan, the misty city of Silan Wupek, and all the rat people who played in the battle. They are all hidden under the cover of powerful spells, and by the hands of the Grey Prophets, they provide a subtle identity disguise for those Rat people.

Even in those filled labyrinthine tunnels those mad plague monks went straight to their filthy rituals. They recited the cursed psalm from the Book of Suffering, while the plague censer that had been prepared was heating the whole iron furnace, and the bubbles rising from it contained all the filth of this world.

This is how the blitzkrieg plan of the Skaven was launched. Negridge personally inspected each plague incense burner to ensure that the blessing of the horned rat could penetrate into the body of each Skaven. Dissatisfied plague incense burners will let the mouse who is responsible for boiling it personally join this pot of things that are constantly boiling, and melt into their own creations.

Most Skaven people have a certain immunity to this plague. After all, many middle clan mice and slave mice responsible for handling errands have been exposed to the poisonous smoke of the plague for a long time. However, there are still many Ska. The Wen clan could not stand the terrifying power in it, and even the storm rats of other clans succumbed to the latest and most terrifying plague of the plague clan.

But remove the hapless ones, and most of the rest of the Ratmen have gained new strength from the filthy air, and a new life from this unclean steam.

One of the most noteworthy is the plague created by the Skaven from the experimental field in the Far East Indy. In this magical place, in the face of the plague spread by the Skaven, they started with nothing. Don't do it, let the plague mutate rapidly, which makes the plague clan pick up three or four hundred times mutated strains from the gods of the Indians. Negrich named it "Hengjia", which will be used to deal with lizards. Man's weapon.

The poisonous plague smoke emitted from the "Hengjia" incense burner constantly stimulated the spirits of the rat people, causing them to be in a state of excitement. The Rat People howled, baring their fangs, excited about the upcoming general attack. But the signal to attack has not yet been sent, and Negridge signaled that all the Ratmen must wait and wait for the opportunity.

And when the opportunity is ripe, we must wait for the movement of the evil moon Moth Ribu.

This time came soon. On the other side of the world, a total of 169 gray prophets from the Council of Thirteen began to cast spells at the same time, chanting the incantation of the Horned Rat. With the failure of the maelstrom, the Council of Thirteen and the gray prophets began to cast spells at the same time. He also untied the shackles of magic, and slowly extended this powerful magic power, just like slowly rolling out tendrils, and then the Rat Man began to pull Xie Yue closer to the world.

The mortals all over the world saw in horror that the evil moon Moslib was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting closer and closer to the earth, especially the creatures of Lustria, when the green light illuminated the whole of Lustria. Lin Hai, the lizard people kept running to tell each other, ready to fight.

The Great Venerable Crocker encountered this scene in the revelation of the ancient sage. Under its leadership, hundreds of demon toads in the major temple cities worked together, and six hundred lasers were shot from the pyramid of the ancient sage, and bombarded at the same time. On the surface of Xie Yue Mosslib, the spiritual power that can move mountains and reclaim the sea is now being used to prevent the upcoming cataclysm, to calm the surging tide of magic, and to stop the unnatural The light continued to spread.

In the south, Lord Crocker is the node, and in the north, Lord Mazda-Moody is the node. The demon toads work together to resist the approach of the evil moon. The two forces work at the same time. The thirteen-member council of the Skaven Together with the 169 gray prophets, the two sides began to confront each other. Of course, the power of the demon toads is stronger than that of the Thirteen-Man Council, but the entire Xie Moon Moslib is a large piece of super-dimensional stone, and the Thirteen-Man Council can enjoy Absorbed the power of the dimensional stone and turned it into his own, so the two sides were evenly matched from the beginning. The Great Venerable Crocker frantically extracted the power from the spiritual network and pushed the evil moon. The old devil toad knew very well the Skaven rat. Whatever man wanted to do, it only had time to order all the lizardmen cities to prepare for battle, and then led all the demon toads into this pure power fight.

Seizing this opportunity, the Skaven poured out from the ground and began their general attack.

In the trails in the rainforest, in the filthy rivers, in the underground outlets, under the towering mountains, the torrents of Skaven almost drowned the entire southern and northern Lustria rainforests, and the plagues in filthy robes. The monks devoted all their enthusiasm and passion to serving the Horned Rat.

In the name of the horned rat, the Pestillon family spread a plague of disease on Lustria.

"The Great Holy War! This is a glorious moment for us in Pestilon!"

"For the Council of Thirteen, for the Horned Rat!"

"Rats, Negrich needs you, follow the suzerain and conquer Lustcia!"

"Supreme hegemony is today, Pestilon! Pestilon!"

"Sheng Jiaran, Sheng Jiaran is Sheng Jiaran!"

"Everyone is a good person!"

This time, the Skaven Rats are surprisingly united, and there is no previous chaos. According to the established plan, they first launched a fierce attack on the moon city of Taranxlan, and the plague lord Colchis led the attack. , which unexpectedly allowed the army to directly attack the walls of the City of the Moon.

The first three waves of offensive were immediately detected and destroyed by the Lizardmen, but the Skaven didn't care about the loss of the slave rats. Standing on the city wall of the city of the moon, the ratmen behind were finally able to step on the corpses of their predecessors and slowly climb the magnificent city wall of the city of the moon, and until the sixth wave of ratmen reinforcements were sent to the city wall, right. The attack on the city gate also began.

A huge plague censer was loaded on a siege vehicle and rolled out, and then two, three, the huge plague censer was filled with the ultimate poison "Hengka" imported from India, staring at the lizardmen's javelin , blowing arrows, and the magic bombardment of the Skink Priests, the plague censer opened to the gate of the constellation gate. The city gate, which had been strengthened by long-term magic blessings, was originally shining with stars, but with the fall of the censer, the main gate The metallic luster on it was gradually tainted and worn away by the Plague Forge. In other places, both the Silver Moon Gate and the Black Onyx Gate were immediately breached by the Rat Man, and the defending army seemed a little vulnerable.

In more than a dozen places, the city defenses of the Moon City were declared disintegrated. The tidal rat people passed through the city wall, or entered the city from the collapsed gate. The powerful plague "Hengjia" swept across the battlefield. Under the blessing of Hengjia, the Skaven rat people became more and more crazy. Falling into a state of extreme frenzy, they screamed and rushed into the defensive line of the lizardmen with a thunderous momentum, slashing and slashing indiscriminately.

The lizard people formed a sturdy line of defense by lizard warriors against the rat tide. Those long spears, rusted machetes, and obsidian sticks slammed into each other in the air and collided violently in the air. Moon Shield.

At the beginning, the Skaven could not fight against the strong and powerful lizardmen warriors. They rushed up after wave after wave, but were repelled after wave after wave. The morale of the Skaven was not high, and it was easy to encounter Setbacks are shaken, but today I don't know if it is because of the blessing of the Horned Rat, the personal supervision of the Sect Master Negridge, or the blessing of the power of "Hengjia", not only did the Skaven Rat people not experience a rapid defeat on this day, but instead It's a battle of agility versus strength, a battle of mad rage and cold-blooded savagery.

Time and time again, the Skaven fell short of the Lizardmen's defenses, but even if the corpses filled the avenues of Moon City, the Skaven were able to assemble more troops to attack the Lizardmen's defenses.

In the end, without Slann's support, the inevitable outcome still happened, and the lizardmen were forced to keep retreating. The broad stone paths of the City of the Moon were covered with slick blood.

It looks like the Skaven tactics are close to success.

This is the power of the blitzkrieg. The goal of the Skaven was not to completely defeat the city defenders from the very beginning. The essence of the blitz was never here. The place is to attack the ancient holy pyramid and the hatching pool of the lizardmen immediately after breaking through the defense line.

Attacking the Ancient Holy Pyramid and killing the comatose Slan inside will make the lizardmen headless. Destroying the hatching pool will directly shock the lizardmen's ability to mobilize and send troops, and lose all mobilization ability before Slan can sanctify it again. , paralyzed all the fighting power of the Lizardmen in one fell swoop.

If the plan goes on like this, the fall of Moon City is only a matter of time.

However, when the Skaven quickly defeated the defenders of Moon City, all the way to the Great Pyramid and all the way to the Hatching Pool, a brand new army stood in their way.

The number of people in this group is not large, there are only about a hundred people, but each of them is wearing a full set of armor and purple-gold armor branded with the ancient sage runes. Ge Shenli's war spear, and in the other hand he holds a huge sword that even the Lord of Disaster fears, looming in the fire of the phoenix.

The man's appearance is unparalleled and elegant, even the humblest mouse can feel his handsome and handsome, only to see him standing on the avenue alone, his long silver hair fluttering in the wind, he did not even look directly at the person in front of him. Instead, the Skaven was talking to a blond, blue-eyed, and familiar knight: "There are two main points of breaking the blitzkrieg, one is called counter-assault, that is, when the opponent's powerful assault force arrives When the charge is at its limit, its flanks will become very weak, and if we can organize a strong counter-assault force to flank from the flanks to carry out pincer attacks, we can form a very deadly counterattack."

"Yes." Julius and the Phoenix Guards listened to the Primarch's personal instruction.

"The second, that is the great strategic depth. You see, the Skaven has broken through the eight lines of defense of the Lizardmen in a row, and its strength has reached its peak, and its power has declined." Fugen said nonchalantly: "Now , it's our turn to go into battle, Phoenix Guards, follow me and charge!"

"Son of the Emperor, kill the enemy of the father!"

On the other side, the Skaven who attacked the hatching pool of Moon City also encountered a powerful enemy attacking from the side.

The imperial witch hunter Hertwig van Hale is leading an elite squad of silver bullets waiting to be seen.

The wood elf wanderer Carona, the daughter of Araloth's rangers, is ready.

The rotor-bombing helicopter team of the dwarf engineer at Haimenguan took off successively. The rotor-bomber headed by him was covered with sulphur explosives prepared by Fugan himself. The Nochet Bomber Joins the Battlefield!

Of course, also includes the Archmage from Arabi, the Sultan of the Sea, the Golden Mage and his own army, the Yenicheri Legion. From a distance, the Yanicherry in the hat can be seen as a brilliant army. The military band is playing an ancient battle song. Tin sticks, trumpets, drums, recorders, gongs, drums, and trumpets are playing together. Weird song.

"How much is a weak jasmine flower, how much is a beautiful drop of Mori flower~"

The Golden Master Karim stepped into the battlefield and signaled the army to prepare for battle. The Yenicheri shouted loudly. Many elite guards carried large and exquisitely crafted copper pots. The generals held spoons made of obsidian. , gave an inspiring speech.

The lizardmen were indeed stunned by the blitzkrieg of the Skaven at the beginning. According to the news, the city of mist, the city of the moon, and the city of the first were besieged at the same time, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the Slann. , and the Demon Toads headed by Lord Crocker are still trying their best to resist the coming of the evil moon, the lizardmen are in chaos, and even the Ash Legion is a bit unexpected, they thought that the Skaven would focus on attacking the sun City.

But that's okay, because Legion Commander Fulgrim is here! Forgan carefully analyzed a series of war plans and common tactics of the Skaven, especially after the Skaven raid on Estalia, raid on Tyrell, raid on Carcassonne, raid on Nur , Fugan judged that the Skaven Skaven fight against Lustria is very likely to be an old trick-Blitz quickly destroys the key cities of the Lizardmen, cuts off the spiritual network, destroys the hatching pool, kills Slan, and completely paralyzes The organizational structure and mobilization of the Lizardmen.

Among the cities, the weakest defense is the City of the Moon.

Very well, let me, Fulgan, personally teach my stupid brother and two stupid nephews how to break the Blitz!

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