Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1325: , become the hero of the world, become your own hero

The horn rang long, and thousands of horses rang in unison.

Under the leadership of the king, the knights marched forward.

Ryan was riding on the body of the Great Griffin Impris, and the morning light behind him shone on his long black hair. At this time, the Grey Knight Primarch, the King of Brittany, was not paying attention to the battlefield.

Even if the horses' hooves are thundering around, even if the steel forest marches together, even if the cries are endless.

Ryan's attention was not on the battlefield. In a trance, he was thinking about something.

Who is he? who I am?

Who am I? Am I the hard-working Chinese office worker in my previous life? I'm a stray picked up and adopted by Nord Lord Norman? I'm the Knights of Brittany? Or the Emperor's Grey Knight Primarch?

The iron cavalry went straight, with Ryan as the arrow, the Brittanian knights kept going forward.

In the past few years, I have played a lot of roles, Ryan laughed inwardly, he thought so, both mocking and helpless.

I was asked to play the role of the good sledgehammer of Nord, the valiant and fearless knight of the kingdom.

I was asked to play the role of the god-chosen champion and king of the fairy in the lake, enjoying my status in the name of the goddess, and fulfilling the obligations that the goddess gave me.

I was asked to be the Emperor's good son, the Primarch of the Grey Knights. I seized the opportunity to let the Emperor obtain the cosmic energy stored by the Old Sage. I did a lot according to his request, and of course, I also got a lot.

There are many other roles I played, such as the lover of the fairy in the lake, the husband of Suria, the partner of Veronica, the master of Orika, the protector of Teresa, the symbol of the chivalry, and so on.

Then what am I? Ryan was thinking about everything, but at this moment, Ryan was thinking over and over again, what the heck is he?

He is now in his fifties. Over the past fifty years, countless people and gods have given Ryan countless roles and asked him to play. Ryan worked very hard to play various roles, and the emperor gave him Strength, he will work hard to become a good son and a good tool person that the emperor hopes, the fairy in the lake chooses him to be the savior, he will work hard to save the world, and Surya chooses him to be her husband, and he will try his best to play a good husband, Belgar chose him as his brother, and he did everything in his power to help Belgar restore the Eight Peaks.

It can be said that Ryan has always lived for others. He is often the embodiment of the will of others. What others want him to do, he will do as much as possible and accept the reward with peace of mind. His behavior is often to meet the needs of others. For example, Britannia needed a radiant sun king, and he sat on it. For example, Malcador needed Ryan to find a way to unlock the chain of hatred, and Ryan also promised.

On the good side, Ryan is a good actor, on the bad side, he's a clown.

And what about Ryan himself? What did he really want to achieve?

In fact, his son Devon Hill has already said this. The only thing he can show his needs and desires is probably the only way he often speaks weird things based on fragmented memories, and his persistent pursuit of stockings.

From this point of view, I can still live out myself... Ryan thought about it, and he couldn't help but smile, at least on this point, at least on this point, the character named Ryan Macado is still strong of free will.

In the distance, a solid line of Nurgle's army gradually appeared in front of Ryan. Two entire rows of Chaos Warriors held halberds and aimed their halberds at the charging knight army.

This is why he suddenly collapsed on some things, and Ryan had more enlightenment at this time. For example, when Suria was making a private report with the emperor, he almost had a cold war with Suria, because he found out that her husband did not Acting well, for example, when Olika's ambition grew after she won the throne of the Pale Queen and came to talk about breaking up with him, his emotions couldn't help but panic and fear, because at this time he could no longer play a master, let's say The questioning of Tzeentch as Morgul also shakes Ryan's heart, as his role as a good son has serious problems.

Fortunately, these problems were finally resolved, and through Sanguinius' enlightenment and self-discipline, Ryan and Suria reached a reconciliation, and through Olika's regret and the lake fairy's consolation, Ryan and Olika Reluctantly, a new page has been opened. At the end of the Mogul incident, Malcador appeared in person, and exhausted his last strength to teach Ryan that everything is chained, and your destiny and your choice will only be It's up to you, all you have to do is think about the consequences and take responsibility.

So do I hate the role I'm playing now?

Ryan asked himself.

how is this possible? !

After Macado's teaching, what doubts does Ryan have about his position?

I love my role now, in front of people I am the radiant King of Knights, I am the Primarch of the Grey Knights that makes all Chaos Demons fear, I am the savior of the world, and in private I am the husband of the elf twin goddesses, super stockings control , King Terrier, I have one of the best harems in the world. Not only do I lack material things, but I also enjoy all the bliss. I revive the glory of Brittany. The nobles are loyal to me, and the army worships me. People admire me, isn't this what I want in my life, isn't this what I want in my life?

To play these roles, Ryan gave far less than he got.

If that's the case, what else could he be dissatisfied with? What is he still complaining about?

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell? Is this the truth?

The only difference is that no one pushed me, no one forced me, no one forced me, I went into **** myself, I chose my life now, I don't and shouldn't blame anyone because I it is me.

I am someone else's hero, but at the same time, I am my own hero!

I want to fight!

The Four Gods of Chaos, witness my power!

In an instant, Ryan finally reached a reconciliation with his former self.

"Charge!!!" In an instant, Ryan's thoughts returned to the battlefield in Brunswick. The king suddenly burst out laughing. He saw the extremely strong front of Nurgle's army and the Chaos Warriors with heavy armor and halberds. , he knew that the heavy cavalry was not incapable of rushing over the heavy infantry, but would certainly suffer staggering casualties.

"Concussion ray!" The Primarch gathered strength, and in the eyes of thousands of knights, my lord blasted a psionic ray that was nearly half thicker than the four people hugging the tree at the top of the spear! The thermal energy melt stream swept along the front row of Chaos Warriors, leaving only the figure of melting and struggling in the ultra-high temperature.

The Nurgle army was shocked, Ryan's strike melted hundreds of Chaos Warriors in the front row!

It's not over yet! Ryan shouted loudly, and three psychic storms mixed with gold and silver enveloped the three Nurgle legions. The king's power shocked the world, and the knights cheered and went forward.

"The forbidden power has been further opened up." Veronica controlled the flames from behind. Eight meteor boulders fell on the Nurgle army, splashing huge waves. The female speaker only felt that the magic wind had never been so violent. , Chaos, and... So refreshing, her magic power recovered extremely quickly, but so did the Nurgle wizards on the opposite side, the Fire Golem and the Nurgle Behemoth hugged each other and attacked with fists until one side fell.

"In the name of the lady, knights, go beyond!" Morgiana, the witch of the lake god, raised the holy grail of potion, the divine blessing shrouded the knights, and the raindrops of the heavy rain of Nurgle evaporated on the surface of the knight's armor and robe.

This is the power of the fairy in the lake!

The heavy cavalry charged like a giant hammer, and its kinetic energy was at its maximum. A dozen lances pointed forward, then twisted into a huge force, followed by a hundred times of violent slamming into the chest, and bursts of stench from behind. Blood waves.

The defensive shield wall built by the three brothers Grotte shattered, and the charging knights were like red-eyed bulls hitting the wooden fence, smashing everything to pieces, in the oath for the lady, for the knights. Under the promise of devotion, the knights stabbed their lances into the Yankees' guts, throats, black and rotten hearts, and the Pegasus knights fell from the air after the first charge, swept across the ground, and drank the Yankees' blood.

Chaos forces realized they were coming too late, they were desperate to squeeze through the broken gates into the city before the imminent carnage loomed, and now they tried to reverse direction to face the onslaught from the south. The ruthless offensive, the people who made preparations at that time were too few, and it was too late, the knights who formed the lance formation ran rampant and started their slaughter recklessly.

With eight thousand knights, Bethmond swept across the Chaos in the West, ready to take on the army of Gotrit-breathers and the great beastmen warlord the Illuminati and his army of Drakwald beastmen.

Lawn led the seven thousand knights to kill the three brothers of the maggot cavalry in the east, and the regent of the kingdom shouted the slogan for the goddess.

Ryan in the middle charged personally, and their enemy was the main force of Nurgle led by the three brothers Grote.

The attack of the Bretons was a huge problem for the three Grotte brothers, but it was not a devastating blow, because there were too many Nurgle troops outside the city, even if Ryan himself led it, Even with the witchcraft of Veronica and Morgiana, even with the artillery salvo from the rear, the heavy cavalry would have destroyed less than one-fifth of Nurgle's army in total, and at this time, the impact of the knights It's almost used up.

The hand-to-hand battle begins, the Iron Corps smashes the body of Nurgle, the lances pierce the fat arms, and the Plaguebringers are stabbed to death on blessed spears, or slashed by sharp swords like full-fledged boils. In the two halves, the torrential rain of Nurgle continued. Even Ryan's power could not resist Nurgle's divine might. The king of knights could only lift up my lord and raise a shield here to protect the safety of the charging knights.

The Brittanian knights, who had defeated nearly 60,000 Nurgle's army in a single charge, soon found themselves caught in the quagmire of war, so these brave men threw their broken lances and drew knight swords or knights from their waists. It is another weapon. The son of Brittany fought the enemy with his life in the rainstorm. Unfortunately, it is difficult for the knight sword to penetrate the armor of the warriors of Chaos. Chopped, basically not easy to die on the spot.

One wave of killing, wave after wave of charges, all this is not over yet. As the heavy cavalry opened up the situation, the Kislev cavalry, mule-horse infantry and Norsca dwarf brigade followed closely. with the knights into the battlefield.

"Esun Giant Bear!" Ice Queen Katarin raised her staff. Under the call of the Queen, an ice giant bear was called. General Zhukov pulled the reins of the war bear, and three hundred bear cavalry were ready. , followed by the aftermath of the charge of the knights, followed by the rangers and squire cavalry.

The elite infantry regiments of the major principalities also arrived, and the Young Guards and elite infantry regiments such as the Red Dragon Guard and the Unicorn Guard joined the Kislev Army on the battlefield.

"For..." Alaros' giant eagle could not withstand the erosion of Nurgle's heavy rain, the wood elf hero put on a poncho for himself, and the rangers followed Alaros to release arrows in the air, Alaros subconsciously wanted to Calling Queen Ariel's name, he suddenly remembered that the wizard queen he had served his whole life for was gone, and even the king of the forest, Orion, was gone, and the wood elves were now headless.

The sourness in his chest was almost indescribable, and Alaros could only roar: "For Lilith, for Athel Loren!"

"For Athel Loren!" The wood elves fought together with their heroes. In the distance, the Twilight sisters rode the forest dragon across the low sky, grabbed a group of Nurgle warriors to the sky and threw them down.

"In the name of Grimnir, and in the will of Gronni, the dwarves have entered the war today." The Norsca dwarf army Baldr-Crimson silently watched the scene in front of them. They lost their homes, but they did not Losing their faith, they lost their relatives, but they did not lose their comrades. Now that the Norsca dwarves are going to fight, their opponents are still these Yankees, who will never be killed and cleaned up.

But the dwarves are never afraid of the challenge, even if it leads to the demise of the Norscan dwarves.

This is the revenge from the dwarves, the heavy iron boots stepped into the mud, splashing a large pool of filthy juice.

Teams of soldiers on the hillside entered the battlefield. In the void, the fairy in the lake watched the scene in front of her and wept silently. The goddess spent a thousand years supporting and establishing the Knights of Brittany to fight the darkness. , She had already seen this scene of the end moment in countless prophecies, but when this scene really appeared, she could not help crying softly. As the hand-to-hand battle progressed, she could feel that there were several The Holy Grail Knight died in a glorious battle and returned to her kingdom of God, the beautiful ideal land.

They were all true heroes, they gave everything to save the world, they fought in the name of the goddess and gave their lives for her, and many more knights sacrificed their lives to fight in the rain and mud, except for glory and Faith, wanting to win a look back from the goddess also means paying the price of life.

Is all this really worth it?

The fairy in the lake didn't know that the goddess gave a lot to her followers, but her followers gave her even more.

"You are strange. You encourage humans to sacrifice, but cry for them. You always give the elves hope, but you lead the elf civil war and kill countless elves, and never feel ashamed for it." In the void, golden , the majestic and supreme figure approached, and the tone of the person who came was as cold as frost, but there was a rare trace of emotion.

"Because for the elves, everything is the cycle of fate." Lilith said to the person who came, she wiped away her tears, and a sad smile hung on her beautiful face: "You are too young, you don't understand, creator Rise from the darkness, and life follows him. Then the gods quarrel with each other, and the dark gods pour in from the wounds of the world, and the world cannot resist the burden of chaos, and finally collapses under the pressure, and the gods return to heaven The realm, waiting for the next rebirth, everything repeats itself, never ending."

"So you want to jump out of this cycle, you're trying to use humans?" The Lord of Humans said indifferently, he watched the charge, even as the knights slowed down, even though they had begun to suffer casualties, but what these brave men showed The spirit that came out made the Lord of Humans feel that his teachings had not been in vain. Ryan understood it, Suria understood it, and many people understood it. This is why human beings are destined to rule the galaxy.

"Yes, I used them." The fairy in the lake nodded, and she closed her eyes: "I envy the vitality of human beings. Although they are ignorant, they are brave and enterprising. Although their lives are short, they are brilliant and brilliant. When the first light of the birth of this world came here, I sometimes felt that I was not like an elf more like a human god, I tried to fight for this world as much as I could, if If I fail, I have no regrets.”

"You can choose to leave, few things can stop you." The Emperor remained calm.

"That's true, but if none of their gods are willing to stay and fight with them, why should I ask them to die for me?" said the fairy in the lake sadly.

"The thousand-year sacrifice of human knights has changed you." The Emperor finally nodded: "But you still have tasks to complete."

"Yes." The Fairy in the Lake took another look at the fierce battle outside Brunswick City with nostalgia, watching Ryan, who was surrounded by a group of Nurgle's chosen warriors, releasing flames and lightning to shatter everything, and watching the Alliance of Angels lead the way. Surya, who was advancing as a knight, knew that it was time for her to leave.

Because at the same time, on the Death Island at the base of the Maelstrom, the Phoenix King's army and the Tai's army had already assembled, and the final battle of the Maelstrom was about to start.

The goddess glanced at the emperor again, and with a flash of light, she disappeared in place.

The Emperor's phantom fluctuated slightly, and the human master thought for a long time: "If every human **** had her determination and execution ability, it would be great. Perhaps, there would not be so many things after that."

"But the fate of mankind is ultimately determined by mankind itself." The Lord of Humanity glanced at Ryan, who was fighting, and nodded with satisfaction. His figure gradually dissipated. This was just his projection. The Lord of Humanity would not, nor would he Can't interfere in this battle.

"Look at you, Ryan!"

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