Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1324: , follow the king and break through the darkness!



The sound of the horn from the south spread into the city.


The ancient horn sounded from far to near.

The imperial troops still in the **** battle in Brunswick couldn't help but turn their attention to the south.

The Nurgle army outside the city, the three Grote brothers also set their sights on the south.

Even Festus, the champion of Nurgle's Chosen who was planning to defeat Cemetery Rose and executed Frederick in the city, turned his eyes to the south.

It's a pity that in the heavy rain, you can't see anything, and the rain is so loud that you can't hear anything clearly.

However, the sound of the horn reminded Festus that the Nurgle Champion of God's Choice remembered the current priority given to him by the loving father, which was to destroy the Great Shrine of Sharia in Brunswick. The punishment for Leah's repentance (?) is Nurgle's priority, above all else.

Salia, the goddess of mercy, has two main temples, the largest in Brittany, which has gradually declined since the archbishop was kidnapped and sacrificed by Arkhan, and now the largest main temple is located in Brunswick, Nurgle hates weddings In return, the loving father will completely destroy the main temple of Sharia!

Look at the enemy in front of you, a high-level death-type wizard in the sanctuary, the natural enemy of life (referring to Nurgle), a dragon, and the son of the sun who is holding rune fangs and howling like a little tiger, Faith Tusi knew that it would take some time for him to win them, and the Nurgle God's Choice champion finally spat in disdain, and he waved for the Nurgle demons to rush up, while he stepped back, it's time to help the loving father: " Uncle Ga!"

"Fei Zi!" Kugas was carrying six steam tanks, a team of Nuer armored troops, three Hellstorm Rockets, two Hellstorm Rapid Fire Cannons, a Bright Magician, four Battle Mages, and two Battle Priests , two teams of Nuer musketeers, and the attack of the two Grey Knight veterans, Nurgle's chief demon is too large, it is too conspicuous.

The figure is too big, let alone the elite of the Nuer Iron Armored Army, even an ordinary imperial militiaman with a gun, it is difficult to hit it.

"Uncle Ga, let's retreat, we won't earn ten thousand here!" Festus motioned to retreat.

"Okay, Uncle Ga listens to you, and will never do anything for face, it doesn't matter if you earn or not!" Kugas was really numb, especially the silver bullets of the Nuer Iron Armored Army, which were either filled with mercury or After being soaked in holy water, it hurt a little, but Nurgle gave it special power, but it was not used here!

"Yes, just be happy!" Kugas slammed Pétain into a house with a punch, and then slapped Fuxi into the ground with a slap.

The two guys from Figa immediately retreated and took the Nurgle Legion towards the middle of the wealthy area in the south of the city, leaving behind a large group of low-level Nurgle demons.

As soon as these two guys withdrew, the pressure on the Nuer army dropped by several levels, and more reinforcements had arrived.

Cemetery Rose climbed up, and the top dean of Amethyst Academy said to Frederick, "You'd better hope that your father brought someone there."

"If not?" Frederick was still recalling the fear just now. He is now only a legendary powerhouse, and Festus is close to a demigod. The huge gap made the baron know that he still There is a long way to go.

"Then we will all die here today." Elspeth made a cold joke, and then she confirmed the injury of the crimson dragon: "Leave it to me here."

"Okay!" More Nuer troops approached from behind with swords, shields and halberds in hand. Frederick no longer hesitated. He nodded and rushed to the castle. After confirming that the Nurgle demons in the nearby block had temporarily retreated, Tyre Commander Beatz ordered the gates opened.

"Frey! My son, are you alright!" Emilia hurried over to hug her son, and the Imperial Countess said in shock, "Did you hear the sound of the horn? Is your father here?"

"I don't know, the rain is so heavy that I can't hear clearly!" Frederick was dirty, and the baron shook his head.

"Tirpitz! Here comes the telescope!" Emilia immediately became as ferocious as a lioness, and she screamed, "Quick!"

"I saw some queues, my Countess, two or three thousand people... and horses, Countess, I saw horses!" Tirpitz came to the top window of the castle with a Seiko monocular, across the heavy rain look.

"Yes, Commander Tirpitz is right." Frederick also took a few glances, and the baron nodded: "It's a horse, but it's too small, I can't see it clearly."

"Is that Zanek's reinforcements?" Outside the city, Otto, the eldest brother of the three Grote brothers, shouted in the torrential rain, "Second brother, can you see clearly?"

"I think it's Zan Aike's reinforcements. According to the time, they should arrive!" The second brother Ezerac nodded desperately: "Yes, they must have arrived~"

"But it could also be the Sun King Ryan and his chivalrous knight crusade!" Otto shouted.

Azerac stopped talking, only the third brother Gurit didn't care.



"Pray to our kind old father and ask him what is coming." Otto roared.

"It's Breton!"

On the city wall, Marshal Rick Heilberg also heard the sound of the horn. The old coach was ecstatic. He slapped the wall with force. The Rick guards under his command tried to take out the binoculars to see, but Heilberg was excited. Without pausing: "No need, I said no need, that's the horn of the Bretons I was stationed on the border for a few years I listened to it every day I know better than all of you what that is No need Then look, it's the Bretons and they're here!"

All the imperial troops on the city wall burst into excited roars, and the Bretons finally arrived!

"It's from Breton." Outside the city, after a short prayer, the second brother Ezerac immediately turned a fat house and criticized his face: "The Bretons are here."

"Oh, bad." Big brother Otto shook his head again and again: "Damn, Zanek lost, but don't worry for the time being, the Brittanian army is still on Moslib at this time, and we still have time to break through. The **** gate."

"The city gate?" Ezerak shook his head: "The city gate is too strong, our siege weapons cannot destroy it."

"It can't be destroyed?" Otto smiled. He pointed to the Rick Guard flag on the city gate. The huge imperial flag swayed back and forth erratically in the unnatural gust of wind, and hung on the flagpole in tatters. The high-hanging griffin pattern fluctuated with the wind, firming their confidence: "My brother?"

"Understood." Ezerac clenched his staff tightly, the bells on it rang non-stop, and the golden light on the Rick's Guard flag flashed, as if he was fighting against something, but in just a few seconds, in Nurgle Under the heavy rain, the golden light went out, the green flames exploded from the military flag, and the flaming flag fragments scattered in the panic and helpless screams of the imperial soldiers.

It wasn't over yet. Immediately afterwards, a row of military flags on the city wall caught fire, and the imperial army was in chaos.

"The gate?" Otto then locked his gaze on the gate. The 6-meter-high city gate was covered with criss-crossing iron fences instead of the usual oak. It may be able to withstand military incursions for a short time, or even magical attacks, but it can't resist them all at once, nor is it that great of power.

The gate had stood there for so long, and so few people could reach it, that Nurgle had reason to be proud of his child.

The thought of the mortals still clinging to every battlement and tower, their furious determination to persevere, made Otto smirk: "Of course, the gate."

The gigantic ram, branded with the holy symbol of Nurgle, advanced under the leadership of seven blind river trolls, the top of the gigantic ram was the face of the Father of Plague, whose antlers reflected the light of the plague, A green fire was burning in his mouth, and the giant city hammer was slowly advancing in the rainstorm, and the surrounding Yankees shouted "Nurgle! Nurgle! Nurgle!", as if they were ringing for the city death knell.

The three Groot brothers originally hoped to consume more strength of the defenders through the heavy rain of Nurgle, but now it is too late, the horn is getting closer and closer, they must hurry.

"Break it!"

...... I broke its dividing line......

The light of the sun stubbornly penetrated the clouds. In the south of the city, at the exit of the Rickwald Forest, one person and one horse took the lead out of the forest and jumped into the border of the swampy plain in Brunswick. The crown of Tania, with the artifact spear on my back, my lord is here, with the goddess of nemesis hanging on the waist, wearing the gray knight master-class Seiko power full-body plate armor, and the eight peak mountain dwarf artifact hanging on the chest - the heart of the mountain and the fairy in the lake Artifact - Lilith's Heart.

The pure-blooded elf warhorse under the seat raised its front hooves high, snorted and neighed excitedly.

It was pouring rain in Brunswick not far away, but the sun was shining directly above the head of the person who came, and even the dark clouds faded under his power.

Dozens of vague figures soon appeared beside the knight. The strong wind blew across the plain, and the dozens of vague figures had all turned into entities, and everyone exuded an incomparably sharp aura. There is no need for any doubt, they are all knights who have experienced hundreds of battles and are not afraid of death, warriors who only appear in legends.

They were wearing gorgeous and bright armor, holding majestic weapons, standing upright like javelins, guarding the king's side, the hidden power that was about to come out had broken through Yun Xiao, reached the sky, followed behind them for three whole days. Ten thousand heavy cavalry slowly joined the battlefield, followed by the Kislev cavalry, mule-horse infantry, dwarf infantry phalanx, wood elves phalanx, and finally the Free People's Army.

With the appearance of the leading horse, the horn sounded from far to near, and the Nurgle army outside the city felt great pressure.

Of course, this lineup is too star-studded - beat Sigwald's knight queen Surya, lake **** witch Morgiana, red dragon duke Berhemond, beat Kemmler twice -François of Heinrich, Raun the Regent of both wisdom and courage, Callard, the brave and blood-shattering old world, Grassroots Marshal Raymond, Tsar Katarin, Zhukov, the famous general of Kislev, Twilight the wood elf Sisters, Tathian Woodland Lord Araloth the Brave, Norsca Dwarf Lord Baldur Crimson, Sorceress Guild Speaker Veronica, and Kaldor Diego, who joined halfway through but shocked the world .

Two hundred Holy Grail Knights followed.

Which of these people is not a famous person, which is not a hero with illustrious military exploits.

But now there is no one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the leader, the knight standing proudly at the forefront of the 30,000 cavalry. As the sun shines on him, everything about him is shrouded in a halo.

Ryan Malcador stretched out his hand to signal the knights to stop. His face was calm and his brows were slightly wrinkled. Within his sight, Brunswick was burning, and at least seventy black smoke rose from the east and south walls. Nurgle's army was as numerous as sea water, and it was like a swamp forest covered with reptiles. During the rainstorm, the walls of the city walls were lit up with fire, like sails in the wind, jumping and undulating above the towering rocks, and in the strong wind and torrential rain. Spreading around under the impetus of , poisonous plague flowers cling to once-bright giant sculptures, and the light of magic echoes the evil moon of Mothleb.

Brunswick is like an island in a storm, a rock under a tsunami.

The flag of the iris fluttered, the flag of the lion glowed in the sun, the icon of the fairies in the lake always exuded a holy light, the knights saw the force of destruction come with their own eyes, they saw the heart of the empire was burning, the gate of the city Shaped out of shape by the gigantic battering ram, many had never seen an enemy so large, and at least half of the Crusaders had never left Brittany, they couldn't help holding their breath.

"Line up." Until Ryan's calm voice sounded, everyone woke up like a dream, the knights urgently and quickly assembled an army, and the knights of all the principalities are now mixed together. On this day, they are not from Leonassai or Musillon. , Winfords, Bolderos, Carcassonnes or other duchies, all of them are Bretons.

Ryan rode Grape II and galloped past the front like lightning.

"Berhemond, attack the left flank."


"Laun, attack the right flank."


"François, Callard, follow the king's flag and charge with me!"

"Follow your orders!"

"The knights charged first, the mounted infantry took cover from the flanks, the dwarves and the wood elves followed, and the elite infantry and the old guard stayed at the last to follow."


A series of orders were issued, and the crusade of the knights lined up at a very fast speed, and the attendants also brought his war mount for Ryan, the Great Griffin Imperius, and Ryan turned over and stepped on the griffin. Imperius stretched his wings vigorously.

"Knights, my brothers, after a long journey, we have finally arrived here." Lane's voice passed through the sea of ​​clouds, and the king of knights laughed loudly: "Now, the things left to us are extremely pure, my brothers. , you have all seen, the opposite is the famous Nurgle army, their number is several times ours, their strength is also several times our strength, I know that many people have been very tired after coming all the way, I have already told you I have asked a lot, a lot, but today I still have very high requirements for you, just because we are Brittanian knights! We are obliged, and we take it for granted!"

"For the lady!" The knights burst into cheers: "It is my duty, of course!"

"We are the best knights in the world, let us prove it now!" Ryan watched the Pegasus knights take off one after another, and the enthusiastic and frenzied smiles on the faces of the 30,000 heavy cavalry, listening to the explosion of mountains and rivers The roar, he felt satisfied after waves: "Knights, where are your lances pointing?"

"Where the king points, we will point!"

"Knights, have you ever been afraid!"

"My Lord is here, no fear! No fear! No fear!"

The exhilarating cry penetrated the The figure of the fairy in the lake appeared in the cloud, the goddess smiled admiringly at her brave knights and shed tears, she meditated on the divine power Surging, the sun shines on the earth, on this day, every soldier of the jihad has been blessed by the goddess.

The lance team was ready, Ryan looked at his people with great pride and sadness. The Sun King knew very well that many people would die here today.

But those young faces, those brave, passionate and vivid souls, will forever shine with gorgeous heroism in this decaying and decaying world, which is immortality.

"Then let us rush to the throne of Charlemagne, the walls of Brunswick, follow the king's banner, follow me Ryan Maccador in this ultimate chivalrous battle, let us stab with our lances Through Chaos, let us slay evil with our long swords, let us teach Nurgle and these **** under his command, what is the fear from Britannia!"

"This is the last war, let us unite until death, until the end, until the end of the world!"

"Forward! Forward! Forward!"

"For the lady! For Britannia, for the ~Old World and all civilizations, knights, follow the king and use our courage to break through the darkness!"

"Until the end of the world!"

"Go forward, son of Brittany!!!"

"Beep~Beep~" The horn group sounded.

The land of the old world boils again with the sound of the hooves of the son of Brittany.

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