Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1318: , Bergenhafen Night

The city of Bergenhaven stands alone in the forest of Nurgle.

There are poison ivy everywhere in the city, hooking buildings, binding the city walls, and taking root on the ground. There are many fleshy lumps in the town that are vaguely melted and stitched together like people, and many fleshy lumps can still be seen as human figures. , but some people whose meatballs are plural units are melted together, and it is difficult to identify them.

After the crusaders entered the city, they were shocked by the sight in front of them, followed by nausea and discomfort. Morgiana, the witch of the lake god, immediately ordered the Holy Grail Knights to take out the blessed salt, and the prophets of the lake **** took out the use of the holy grail. Torches smeared with "holy oil" on the remains disinfected the city and cleaned up corruption.

At the same time, the Plague Five who have saved Helmgart, Bergenhafen and Ubetheric many times are waiting nervously for Ryan's meeting, even though this group of people has known Sun King Ryan many, many times - Macado's name, but it was the first time that he received him.

"So, our plan was successful? The chivalrous brothers across the mountain really brought an army to save the empire, wow, how many, I think there are about 100,000 people?" Marcus Krubber sighed said.

"The Bretons are our old ally of Eslai." Ranger Kerillian checked her equipment: "I just didn't expect Alaros to come too~"

"This is good news, in these dark times, we should seek any help we can, whether it's a chivalrous brother across the mountain, a dwarf, an elves or anything else, as long as it can help." Victor -Saltspire muttered: "I always thought the church was too conservative in this regard."

"The son of Belgar, the famous King of the Eight Peaks, actually served under the Sun King." The dwarf ranger Badin-Goreksh was thinking about other things, he recalled: "The Eight Peaks is probably one of the very few dwarf kings who really reclaimed themselves. In the battle of the homeland, it is said that the Sun King and Baelgar, the king of the Eight Peaks, are brothers all day long, otherwise there is no reason to hand over the sole heir to the Sun King."

"Oh, Budding, don't think I don't know." Kerillian laughed, "Little short legs, that Hammer's surname is probably five levels higher than yours?"

"So what?" said the dwarf impatiently. "You don't understand."

"Ah, fire, fire." Sienna, the bright fire witch, shook her head again and again: "I met with the female speaker Veronica. I was a group of wizards with her, and now I am already like this."

Sienna's face is wrinkled, she is already an old woman in her forties, it is hard to imagine that she is a witch who debuted with Veronica, Veronica is now twenty years old, and she is in her thirties. Year-old charm, forty-year-old bearing.

But Sienna is wrinkled like an old fur coat because she likes to abuse magic. This is also the drawback of Tigris' cultivation method. It is then severely affected and the body changes irreversibly.

Without more chatting, the tavern owner Franz Lorner called: "Come on!"

Two teams of old guards came in from outside, and then three Grey Knight veterans, Sun King Ryan, strode in in Chinese clothes: "Five heroes who saved Helmgart, it's an honor to see you here. "

Wu Xiaoqiang hurriedly saluted Ryan, and at the same time they couldn't help staring at Ryan.

"Look, I, Ryan, are the same as you, with one nose, one mouth, two eyes, and two ears." Ryan said with a smile: "If you have anything, just say it."

Ryan's approachable appearance made Wu Xiaoqiang relax a little, and then they told Ryan a terrifying truth.

It turns out that the root cause of Bogenhaven's problem is a Chaos Rune Sword - the Blight Reaper. The good news is that the head of the Warhammer Sanctuary in Bogenhaven, Father Clausman, locked it up, but the bad news is that the Sanctuary has been Destroyed, Father Clausman has also turned into a twisted mass of flesh and blood. At this time, everyone took this Chaos Rune Sword and did not withdraw, and this thing would hardly be destroyed.

The seal of the sealed Sanctuary has been broken, Nurgle's vines penetrated into the seal, and the Chaos Rune Sword is about to be free.

"It turns out, I understand." Ryan didn't say more. Under the guidance of Wu Xiaoqiang, he came to the seal of the Warhammer Sanctuary of Bogenhafen. When Ryan raised his hand, a psionic lightning blasted the seal.

On the far wall, the Chaos Rune Sword Plague Reaper was sealed here. The wall was already covered with poison ivy, and two poison ivy touched the blade of the Chaos Rune Sword. Ryan didn't hesitate, he immediately stretched out his hand, before the crowd. Amid the screams and blocking sounds, he pressed his hands on the surface of the blade and slammed it with all his strength.


A crisp sound.

Everyone's eyes were shattered.

I saw that the Chaos Rune Sword, which made the empire exhausted all the tricks to no avail, shattered.

Chaos Rune Sword shattered.

The rune sword shattered.

The sword is broken.



Ryan directly used his incomparably domineering and unreasonable demigod strength, the combat power of the second echelon of the Primarch, and brought the pure purification spiritual energy to the limit, and directly used the Chaos Rune Sword, which symbolizes the power of Nurgle. Break it by hand!


The rune sword that was broken into two pieces emitted thick yellow-green smoke at the break, and the unknown material gap continued to flow out black blood as if it was injured.

Come to the loving father, mortals~ come to the father.

Daddy will give you endless...eternal love.

come to daddy...

"Your Majesty, this?" Brittany Marshal Raymond said in pain, covering his head.

"Go!" Seeing this, Ryan immediately took out the divine weapon, my lord, here, the spear pierced the ground, the silver iris banner pierced the ground covered with black blood with the spear tip, and the psychic energy began to surge, as if a dam had burst.

Nurgle's voice faltered, began to retract, and a thin hiss broke out in the air.

Ryan frowned, his psychic power continued to rise, and he boiled over the ground regardless of all the laws of nature. The clear spring that purifies the turbulent flow washed over the surface of the cracked rock mass, swaying white mist repeatedly, and then crashed into the ground. Finally the entire sanctuary is filled.

A torrent of roars that could not be contained rushed out. The boulder was moved, and the storm of psionic power flooded the Warhammer Sanctuary, which was corrupted and condensed by the plague, and the poisonous moss entrenched in the librarian and the column began to smoke, and they succumbed in front of Lane's psionic power, The silver flames ignited Nurgle's vines, and large clouds of smoke leaped into the sky. Under Ryan's will, the Gray Knight Primarch burned the filthy forest like a pouring out of strong acid. The carrion-like stench wafted out, and the smell was acrid and pungent.

"Ahhhh!" Nurgle, who was preparing a special thick soup in Nurgle's garden, only felt a pain in his back, and the fat figure several hundred meters tall twitched and shouted, and the fat grandfather's one movement was thousands of maggots, tens of thousands of worms. Only the Nurgling trembled together.

Nurgle was really angry this time, and the fat grandfather shouted angrily: "Ryan, again, it's you again! You, take it away from me, yes, bride, and destroy me, weapons, I don't have any. , you are so unfilial, son!"

"You give me, wait, give me, wait, wait for me to boil this pot of soup!"

"I'm going to slap your **** myself!"

"You wait!!!"

The echo of the loving father resounded in the warp, back and forth, and could not be calmed down for a long time.

…………I’m a younger sister and there is a dividing line for your good juice…………

After dealing with everything outside, Ryan ordered the Brittany Mujahideen to prepare for a five-day rest in Bogenhafen, not because he didn't want to rush to support Brunswick immediately, but had to wait for the logistics material transport team The arrival of the empire, looking at the current state of the empire, is obviously unlikely to be able to provide sufficient logistics for Brittany.

Forced marching without logistics is simply courting death. Ryan ordered to wait until the logistics arrived, and then prepare to help Brunswick in one breath.

Wu Xiaoqiang was too surprised to speak, and Ryan didn't pay much attention to them. He first arranged for François and Raun to be responsible for camping and coordination, and then ordered Marshal Aman Rick to clean up the deep pit in Bogenhafen , ordered Marshal Raymond to be responsible for clearing the post, and ordered Karad to preside over the cleaning of the area near Hemgat. After arranging everything, Ryan himself returned to his red and blue king's golden dome.

All the furnishings in the golden roof tent have been arranged, and the floor is covered with thick carpets. Ryan stretched out his hand to open the tent, and a strange smell came from the room.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Veronica, the speaker of the sorceress' meeting, was sitting opposite Queen Katarin. There were some snacks on the table, including bacon, smoked fish, and a bright red one from Ruschi. Big peppers imported from Forgan in the Isthmus.

"Lane, you're back." Veronica saw Ryan appear, and the female speaker's sweet apricot eyes glowed.

"What are you doing?" Veronica was wearing a crystal-grained floating silk evening dress today. Under the skirt was Ryan's favorite black suspenders, glossy ultra-thin stockings, and a pair of black pointed-toe high-heeled shoes. The lace stockings just exposed. The slits of the dress skirt are infinitely tempting.

"We are tasting the popular snacks in the Veronica Council." Tsar Katarine's face was not good, but she was not looking at Ryan or Veronica. She was breathing in small sips, with a glass of ice beside her. Goat's milk, holding a small piece of pastrami in both hands, tearing at the shredded meat with white teeth: "That's right, it's a little... spicy! Ah, it's not acceptable, just force it."

"Spicy? You said this thing is spicy? No way?" Veronica was puzzled. The female speaker picked up a small piece of bacon, took a bite, and chewed it twice. The female speaker's sweet almond eyes were full of tears. Confused: "Isn't this sweet?"

"Sweet? What are you kidding? It's obviously spicy," Katarin emphasized.

"It's obviously sweet." Veronica put down the bacon: "Honey, would you like to try it too?"

"Change it?" Ryan didn't eat it, but took out a small dried fish from the second cloth bag and signaled Katarin to taste it.

"Ah! This one is even hotter!" Catalin's hot tongue stuck out, and the queen tsar quickly grabbed the goat's milk and took a sip: "Wow, do you Brittanians usually eat such spicy food? ? It's killing me!"

"Is this spicy?" Veronica also picked up a small dried fish and put it in her mouth. After chewing it twice, she became even more confused: "Are you making fun of me? My Majesty Catalin, this Isn't it sweet? It's fresh and sweet, not spicy at all."

"Impossible!" Catalin was anxious, and the tsar grabbed the big red pepper on the table: "Would you try it?"

"You try it first." Of course Veronica refused.

"Okay, I'll try it... ah~~~ha~ha~ha~" Katarin took a bite, and her facial features were tangled together, so she stood up straight, and then felt disrespectful and reluctantly sat down.

"Is it spicy?" Veronica took the chili in a funny way and took two bites: "Isn't it sweet?"

After speaking, Veronica ate the whole chili in a few bites. The female speaker said that there was no pressure: "It's obviously sweet, not spicy at all, fresh and sweet."

"I, I won't tell you!" Katarin was furious, and the queen tsar gasped for a long time before she said angrily: "Also, you are not allowed to laugh!"

Ryan was already laughing and laughing beside him. Where did you, an ice witch, have the courage to be more spicy than Veronica, a flame witch? Don't you know that flame witches are not sensitive to pain due to the long-term control of Akshay's wind, so most of them are particularly spicy?

Veronica put her hands on her hips, extremely proud.

Smelly Bichi, dare to fight with me?

Katharine was furious, she glared at Ryan, as if blaming him.

These two days are suitable days, it is easier to get pregnant. Katalin specially drank the potion and waited for Ryan to come to the door, but Ryan was busy with military affairs and was with Surya, Veronica or Morgiana when he was free. At the same time, I just didn't come to her, and Katarin was also trapped in the absence of Aurora and Teresa's cover, and it was too cheap to invite herself, so she could only find an excuse to ask about the marching plan to come to Ryan. .

Veronica, of course, saw it, the female speaker set up a little bit to make Katarin look good.

"Okay, Veronica, Her Majesty Catalin is here as a guest, so don't play tricks on her too much." At this moment, Suria's voice came from inside, and the knight queen moved towards Katalin laughed, but her tone was unmistakable and firm, and there was something else implicit in it.

The knight-queen's long curly blond hair was loosely scattered behind her, and the ends were tied with brown ribbons. There is a black headband on top, and a sky-blue gold-edged ribbon is attached to the left side of the head, exuding a unique vitality.

In contrast, the expression on Surya's beautiful face is very calm, her blue eyes are as pure as the sea of ​​Osuan, and the breath under Qiong's nose is also very stable, only the pink lips. With a slight curvature, it is completely the appearance of a big room!

The queen's bumpy figure is wearing a brown off-the-shoulder sweater, and the two white flowers on the chest are magnificently squeezed out of the deep groove, which kills Katalin and Veronica in seconds~www.wuxiamtl. com~ The slender jade hands were painted with champagne-colored nail polish, and there was a golden double-headed eagle wedding ring on the ring finger, which made Sulia look like a lady.

Underneath the knight queen's plump full moon was wrapped in a black hip-packed skirt, and the knight's Pegasus-shaped belt on the bee's waist also lost its function due to the proud line of the female knight.

On those slender legs, a pair of black satin dark and shiny back-stitched pantyhose outlines Knight Ji's tall legs, the tight muscles on the black silk thighs and the plump calf on the calf. It made Ryan salivate, and the black glitter suede high-heeled shoes under his wife's small and exquisite feet made Suria's height even more tall. Catalin.

The female tsar was immediately embarrassed and politely thanked. She compared herself and Suria a little in her heart, and then shook her head and sighed. Ryan's wife was truly stunning, and she thought she couldn't compare.

"Let's stay for dinner at night." Suria had insight into Katarin's thoughts, and the knight queen knew it in her heart: "Chef Morgiana! Give me a thin noodle, Her Majesty the Tsar of Kislev?"

"Okay...good." Catalin was even more embarrassed.

"Lane, come here." Seeing that the effect was achieved, Suria waved slightly, signaling her husband to come to the inner tent.

"What's the matter?" Ryan recovered and took the initiative to take his wife's hand.

"There is new news from the lady's side, about the current situation of Osuan." Suria pulled Ryan into the inner tent and said in his ear:

"The maelstrom is about to be completely liberated. On the day of the evil moon, the magical eight winds that were imprisoned in it will escape to find their hosts. We must also be prepared. With the disintegration of the maelstrom, the chaotic demon is in The mortal world will no longer be limited."

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