Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1309: , Britannia General Mobilization

It was quiet in the conference hall.

Quiet as ice.

As Callard's voice echoed in the hall, everyone in the Supreme Command looked at the Knight King Ryan, who was sitting in the middle with his eyes narrowed almost at the same time.

Defending one's home and country, and defending the land is the fundamental spirit of chivalry.

Punish evil and promote good, and promote justice, this is also the fundamental spirit of chivalry.

Now that the empire has taken the initiative to send out a signal for help, Ryan's attitude as the king of knights is extremely important.

How will he choose?

All eyes were on Ryan.

The old Duke of Berhemonde had a look of excitement on his face.

The father-in-law, Francois, frowned slightly, but nodded slowly.

The knight queen Suria looked far and wide, and looked at Devon Hill, who was standing not far behind Ryan.

Morgiana showed no expression, she was just waiting for Ryan's decision.

Bellia obviously had a hesitant look, as if he was considering his tone.

Katalin couldn't hide her excitement and anticipation. Maybe this will be the first step in the recovery of the country?

Lane was standing here. Under the light of the chandelier, the King of Knights' eyes were scattered. He looked beyond the gate, and the sky was still blue in Britannia.

"And Brittany will respond!" Ryan's unparalleled voice spread from the hall to the entire field of Curona, and the king of knights nodded: "Pass my order, Britania's national mobilization!"

"Yes!" Everyone stood up.

"In the name of the Lady of the Lake's chosen champion, I announce that the new holy war of chivalry has begun. All the knights and armies in Brittany have assembled except for the necessary defenders." Ryan pointed his finger at on the map.

"Lord Belhemond!"


"I'll give you three weeks to convene all the troops of the Central Principality and go to the Montfort Castle to concentrate!"


"Mr Francois!"


"Also give you three weeks to assemble the knights of all the southern principalities and do what you can. After three weeks, you must arrive at Montfort Castle, where the knightly crusade will be assembled."

"Yes!" The old man didn't say more.

"Send someone to find Lawn!" Lane's orders came one after another: "He will assemble the army of the Northern Principality! Prepare to go to Montfer Castle!"

"Yes!" The attendant went out.

"Lane, we don't take the coastline, do we take the axe to bite the pass?" The knight queen Surya looked at the map.

"The Poseidon Fleet has confirmed that the entrance to the sea at Marienburg is impossible." Ryan pointed his finger on the map: "Then the only chance is the passage of the axe to bite the pass!"

"I'm going." Surya clenched the Holy Sword and Angel Alliance at her waist: "Devonhill must go too."

"I will, Mom." Ryan's young son stepped forward, his red trousers dazzling.

"We'll all go." Sister Wood Elf Twilight also took a step forward.

"Okay! My family will go." Ryan thought for a while, then ordered: "Aurora and Teresa stay in Curona, responsible for creating false information, Morgiana, quickly order in the name of the lady, call All Holy Grail Knights and find His Royal Highness the Green Knight, Callard, you go to Musilon and mobilize Musillon's army!"


"Send the order to Baldur-Crimson, the dwarf lord of Norsca, and let them lead the dwarf army to gather in Montferr, and send the order to the great forest of Athel Loren, and ask the king of the forest, Orion, if he is willing to join us in the wild Hunt!" Ryan's orders came one after another.

"Boom~boom~boom~" the ancient bells echoed in Curona.

The order to gather the army was issued, and everyone knew that another battle was imminent.

The gate of the palace opened, Knight King Ryan and Queen Surya walked side by side, and the capital's knight brigade and old guards slowly drove out behind the king and queen.

The new Holy War of Knighthood has begun!

The army was just gathering, and two dwarf mustaches appeared in front of Ryan.

Son of the Hammer of Bellegar, Thor Green the Hammer, Jr. and his good friend, Jed the Honest.

"Uncle Ryan." The mustache, who is older than Ryan, looked serious: "We're going with you too."

"You?" Ryan got off his horse when he saw this. He held his helmet and said softly, "Forget Jed, Hammer, you are Bellega's only son."

"Because I'm my father's only son, I need to fight even more, Uncle Ryan." Little Thorgreen said seriously: "I want to be worthy of my name, my surname, you see, I have a horse, a horse Hammer, can I pledge my allegiance to you?"

Ryan glanced at the pony standing behind little Sol Green. It was a pony no more than 1.2 meters tall, but it was unexpectedly strong. A dwarf with short legs could not ride a horse, but he could get a small trailer to hang on Pony. pull.

"Dad." Devonhill was hesitant to see Ryan, and the younger son said behind him: "The moustache will always grow into a white beard, just like a pony always..."

"There will always be a day when the pony pulls the cart, right?" Ryan glanced at his young son and the Twilight sisters beside him with a half-smile.

Devin Hilton was a little embarrassed, but he insisted: "Dad!"

"Ryan!" Suria was not happy anymore. What kind of bad habit is her husband making fun of his son?

"Okay." Ryan finally nodded, and he took out the goddess of nemesis towards the little Solgreen and Jed: "Little Solgreen, I named you and Jade the Musillon Ranger Knights, the titles are Hammer and Jade respectively. Honest!"

"Yes!" The two mustaches responded excitedly.

Three days later, the assembled Kurona army gathered together, and the gorgeous knight road army that stretched for thousands of meters, led by the king and queen of knights, was ready to go to the axe and go to the empire to fight a great holy war.

Looking at the incomparably gorgeous multicolored burqas of the knights, hundreds of flags, the tricolor flags raised high, the Lion family's coat of arms, and the lion flag of Brittany, Ryan thought of him silently in his heart. task.

Thirty years have passed, so this moment is finally coming.

If Brunswick were to fall, the morale of the Empire would be devastated.

Once the Empire falls, our connection with the dwarves will be cut off, and it is almost impossible to win the final victory in a separate battle.

Brittany is full of plains, and it is impossible to stop the army of Chaos here.

So whether Brunswick can win this battle will determine whether the old world survives and whether I can fulfill my father's mission.

Ryan looked at his people, looked at the knights who came here admiringly, looked at their open helmets, showed hopeful eyes, and had infinite confidence in him, the king, when he heard the Sun King launched the national general mobilization order. After that, Curona was boiling, and almost all the knight families and free people were ready with weapons and horses and volunteered to participate in this ultimate chivalrous battle.

Everyone was waiting for what he had to say.

"My people, my compatriots, my brothers and sisters!" As everyone hoped, Ryan said, "Please listen to me!"

"The world is changing, and the end has come to the world. In the past three years, we in Britania have ushered in one victory after another from south to north. In the name of the lady, we have defeated a Another enemy!" Ryan shouted loudly, using his psionic energy to strengthen his voice so that it could spread across the fields of Corona: "But it's not enough, it's not enough!"

"As we have seen! We are not the only ones in the world who are suffering and suffering, this is not a war between nations, this is not an ordinary war! Just like the great jihad 180 years ago Experienced like that, this is a war that decides the life and death of the old world and the whole world!"

"Estalia has fallen, Tyrell has been destroyed, the empire is riddled with holes, and the land given to us by the lady has been tested. Now, I want to tell you, the ultimate test, the ultimate chivalrous The battle has come, the fire of the end is on the horizon, the demons of Chaos have appeared many times in the mortal world, the army of destruction from the north is advancing south, my brothers, my countrymen, ladies teach We must be loyal to the people, to the faith, that's why I called you, we will launch an ultimate chivalrous expedition! The glorious era of chivalry will finally come!"

Thousands of knights and their squires, and tens of thousands of freemen soldiers stared intently at Ryan's face. If someone else was like Ryan who talked about the oracle of the fairy in the lake all day, they would definitely think that the other party was a no-brainer. No-knock liar, but that's Ryan! It was the god-chosen champion of the fairy of the lake, the great sun king, and even Ryan Malcador who single-handedly rebuilt the faith for all after the truth of the goddess was revealed!

"Now, we are about to go to the Empire for the ultimate chivalrous battle, the last holy battle of the chivalry." Ryan slapped the pure-blooded elf warhorse Grape II's ass, paying close attention to everyone's reactions.

Sure enough, doubts and hesitations appeared on the faces of many knights and nobles.

This is not difficult to understand. For all knights, defending their homeland and the country is the first priority. The same is true of knighthood, and the same is true of interests. The feudal aristocracy binds the army, population, and power through land, even on the opposite side of the mountain. In the empires that used to be of the same origin, the cultural gap between the two sides is also very large. From common language to writing, from architectural style to customs, the Bretons believe that the imperial people are "beggars without chivalry spirit" and the imperial people Think of the Bretons as "chivalrous men and turtles on the opposite side of the mountain".

If it weren't for the efforts of Ryan and Karl Franz in the past few years to maintain, and the mutual assistance of the two sides, this gap and estrangement would only be greater.

"I understand your confusion, and I also understand your thoughts. From the moment we formed an alliance, when we faced difficulties, the empire seldom supported us, but we supported the empire again and again. You all know that the empire has its own The army, they have their own monarchs, why do we always help them?" Ryan continued: "You are all right, in fact, if you refuse to follow me to support the empire, refuse to follow me to participate in this battle. The great ultimate chivalrous battle, I will not punish you, no one has the right to punish you, laugh at you, no one will say you are cowardly, no one will think that you have made a shameful decision, I swear as the king of knights ,will not have!"

"But, everyone, I want to say but." Ryan slowed down his voice, and the king of knights said affectionately: "If we think about it carefully, we can know that when we can enjoy peace and tranquility, when we are enjoying Can we really stay out of it when we are in the sun and wine, when we revel in our victories?"

"The hour has come, and no one can be spared, my brothers, my countrymen! The flames have risen from the horizon, and the storm of disease has descended upon this land, when you laugh at the impotent resistance and When you fail, have you ever thought that the imperial people are dying, they are dying for us!"

"Now, let us wake up from our dreams, let us recall our vows, we will prancing horses and whipping, we will persevere and fight to the end, we will cross racial and cultural barriers, we will cross the moat of the Grey Mountains, We will decide the fate of the old world in the Empire, and I assure you all, the glory will exist in the Empire, and everyone is eligible to become a Holy Grail Knight! Where is the oath of the knighthood? Please speak with me!"

The crowd boiled and some kind of fire was lit.

Devonhill was the first to call out, answering his father's call, and the knights and nobles responded immediately, scrambling to chant, then the squires and commoners, until the chorus.

"I swear to be kind to the weak

I swear to be brave against rape

I swear to fight against all mistakes

I swear to fight for the defenseless

I swear to help anyone who asks me for help

I swear I won't hurt any woman

I swear to help my brother knight

I swear to be honest with my friends

I swear I will love to death forever! "

The oath of chivalry reverberated in the crowd, from the trickle to the rivers and lakes, from the sea to the tsunami, and people began to shout Ryan's name.

"Ryan! Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!"

"Ryan, our Sun King! Please order!"

"We swear to follow until the ends of the earth, until the end of hell!"

"The world is our home!" Ryan held my lord high in the sky, and the king of knights accepted the cheers of the crowd: "Don't be cowardly, don't lose courage, don't be afraid, because I, Ryan Macado, will always be with you!"

"The road ahead is long, the enemy is stronger than ever, and I assure you that many of us will lose our lives, but have we Bretons ever been afraid? Yes, the most precious thing in a human being is life. Life It belongs to us only once. A person's life should be spent like this: when he recalls the past, he does not regret for wasting his time, nor is he ashamed for being mediocre, when the years When the soul echoes, when Years later, when someone asks what the Bretons did at the end of the day, when the destruction came, our descendants will proudly tell them that we let the Brittany flower Bloom again in the old world!"

The roar, the cheers, the sound of the squires hitting their breastplates with their iron gloves, the drum noise of the Freedmen's sergeants passed from one side of the field to the other, and the knights drew their swords and waved their flags in response to their great king.

"For the lady, for Britannia!" Ryan could feel a raw joy and blood rising from his body.

Are human beings vile?

Yes, human beings are really mean, arrogant, jealous, angry, lazy, greedy, gluttonous and lustful, the history of mankind is full of atrocities and murders in the name of justice.

Are humans great?

Yes, human beings are really great. In backwardness and ignorance, splendid cities have sprung up in the swamps, splendid civilizations have glowed from the shadows of the Black Forest, and scattered small tribes have become millions. The empire of the population, the power of virtue and example forged a firm belief, and when the elves continued to decline and the dwarves continued to abandon their fortresses, only human beings, with an amazing vitality that is the envy of all races, and united again and again, have created the present. Miracle.

This is human!

So complex, so intoxicating.

In the midst of Shanhu Long Live, Ryan raised his arms in response to the cry of his people.

He came into this world for this very moment.

With the sound of horses' hooves, Jin Duanjue, Ryan took the lead, Morgiana and Suria were by his side, dozens of Holy Grail Knights and thousands of Brittany Knights followed closely, and the mighty army drove out of the city. go.

The ultimate chivalrous battle begins, and the cavalry of Brittany will once again free the world from the shadow of chaos.

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