Proof of the Sun King

: Letter from Vlad von Carstein, Prince of Death

To Karl Franz, the most noble and solemn, the Grand Duke of Brunswick, the Grand Prince of Rick, the Elector, the Emperor of the Eleven Provinces of the Reich and the heir of Charlemagne's holy heritage from the mountains to the sea (or he , considering we are entering a period of uncertainty beyond our comprehension).

Your Excellency, I have no doubt that you would not want to read a letter like this, because it was written by me, and the moment you see the signature you will be tempted to throw it into the fire, and I urge you to resist ——I never communicate like this lightly, and there is no urgent reason to start such a war.

Now your astrologer will tell you what is within the reach of all rational minds - that the order of the world is changing, the great guardianship left by the Old Ones has crumbled, and the remaining primordial power is at stake, thousands of The power that has stood still for years begins to die, while other things spread at an unreasonable rate.

Can anyone doubt the fact that the Gods of Destruction put aside their ancient quarrels and act in unison? If so, what doubt is there to doubt their ultimate victory? The great heroes of the past are no longer with us, and we live in an age of soul scarcity.

However, not all is lost, there is another way. Only one soul can stand strong in the storm of chaos: my master, who has broken the ancient banishment and tried to return to the world, and the arrogance, pride, and conspiracy of my children have brought a breath of life to the world, and that is I, across death and time, the deity has returned from the underworld, stronger than the last time, more magnificent than the last time, after gaining some of the master's power, I have proved many times that I am the enemy of chaos, and so are you.

We have fought side by side several times, and you have seen it with your own eyes.

The duel in which your great ancestor ended him still reverberates through the years, and yet if you wish to see the forces of order prevail in this moment, you must welcome him now.

I am the Lord of Death, Lord von Carstein, Emperor Sylvania, the forerunner of a greater soul, and now I am willing to put aside past differences for a while, temporarily give up my title of Emperor, and serve you . My army is already on your side, although you may not know it yet. They will fight alongside you again, if you agree to my proposal. Generous gifts are motivated purely by mutual need.

There have been disputes between the living and the dead, but we are more like each other than the rotten darkness far away, who intend to turn the world into a howling vortex of eternal melting, and we know order, command and Stoic guidelines. A future is taking shape, the foundations of reality are once again consolidated, the weak are protected, and the power to rule is stronger than ever. This is not the future your pastors are accustomed to pray for, but the very existence of humanity itself. I assure you, this is the best result that can be hoped for right now.

Make no mistake, Your Majesty (or his lieutenant), this is your choice: Alliance, or Oblivion. Just as your proud savior Ludwig swallowed his proud choice and united with Tegris, the great wizard of Ulthuan, who was regarded as a witch for his ignorance, so we must, in our own time, make Tough choice.

I will not ask for anything but my birthright: Archduke and Elector of Sylvania, the existence of this province has been unjustly denied for too long, I can swear to the world that I get The way of the Elector's Marquis is in accordance with all the laws of the Empire, I justly received the Electoral Marquis from Otto and married his daughter Isabella, I was supposed to rule the people, I was supposed to be crowned in Brunswick , you foolishly refused this favor, but now I have let go of it and decided to apologize for the catastrophic consequences that preceded it.

I demand legal power and the same status symbols as everyone else in my class: Runefang (you must be able to convince the dwarves to make another one for me, right?), a seat in the Imperial Council, the ancient immunity of customary law, and the formation of maintain the power of the army. I ask you only for a superfluous favor: give me a chance to search for the resting place of my love in Rickland, if the world will be rebuilt, then I must find her before all things are remade, she is my only one ,my everything.

I understand that the mutual enmity between our two peoples will make this proposal difficult to accept fairly. While I have no doubts about it, in this realm you will see the prejudices and deep-seated grievances of the ancient past, you will find us with the same symptoms, and you will understand what is at stake. Besides, after all, I didn't take a prior requirement for this title? Or is the power of conquest worthless in this degenerate age?

I'm sure this letter will reach you after all, even though everything is so chaotic at the moment trying to crush us to the ground, when you read this, I'm already on the march, following the necessary route through Sri Lanka Tyre to Brunswick, and when I arrive I will be commanding a larger army than the last time I camped outside your walls.

I sincerely hope that I will not come too late, at least that way you will have a chance to make the right decision under the clear sky without any worries.

Until then, I am still, as I have been, your loyal and everlasting servant.

you are faithful

Vlad von Carstein

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