Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1305: , Ryan returns

PS: The second update! Ask for a ticket!

The news of Orion's fall could not be transmitted to the old world for the time being. After discussing for a while, Alaros and others decided to send the ashes of Orion, the king of the forest, and the body of Dais, the lord of the Starlight Furnace, back to Ai by the roots of the age oak. Soloran Great Forest, set off immediately.

Alaros suddenly realized a problem, Ariel is Ariel after all, Ella Ruili is Ella Ruili, even if Ella Ruili has merged with Ariel to become the incarnation of Isa, the two cannot be equal after all. No.

Thinking of this, the wood elf hero was really disheartened. He refused Ela Ruili's retention and decided to return to the big forest with a small number of wood elf remnants to give Orion and Dais the final glory, praise and a decent honor. The funeral, Ela Ruili did not stop Alaros, she just told Alaros that the unity of the three essences is inevitable, when Ela Ruili, who is both the Queen of the Eternal Queen and the Queen of the Wood Elves, chooses to marry Malekith At that moment, the throne of the three essences will be unified after all.

This is that the three essences belong to the dark spirits, and the three kings of the Phoenix King, the Witch King, and the Forest King belong to Malekith.

Alaros reserved his opinion on this. The wood elf hero suddenly felt that he didn't know what to do now. Tyrion is not a good thing, Malekith is not a good thing, and it seems that it is not a good choice for him to join either side. , Now Alaros only has the admiration for Lilith and the last bit of loyalty to the incarnation of Isa.

Araloth was gone, and Ela Ruili announced to the whole of Ulthuan as the Eternal Queen: The Eternal Queen announced that she named Tyrion as the "enemy" and announced that she would soon marry the Phoenix King Malekith.

Things on the elf's side came to an end temporarily. Hearing that Ella Ruili finally decided to marry her, and the ecstatic Malekith was no longer fighting, Lothern immediately began to prepare a grand wedding. The seriously injured Terry Ang and Morassi were also forced to withdraw from the Inner Ring Kingdom, regrouping their army and subduing the regent's interior, licking their wounds to prepare for the next attack.

The elves have temporarily entered a short-term truce.

Lane and others also returned to Brittany.

"A human god-king who was born in the rough, fighting against the four gods of Chaos alone in an eternal warp storm." Caldo Diego, the supreme mentor of the Grey Knights, saw the world of the Primarch, and Diego suddenly remembered him Past battles - He once fought alongside a human **** who was born in the rough.

"That's right." Ryan brought Caldo Diego to his training room, and he began to cast spells to expel the curse of chaos from the Grey Knight Supreme Master. This curse made Diego unable to stay in the main material universe for a long time. , cursed by the Demon Prince Muka the Reborn.

It sounds strange. Although the Grey Knights are particularly restrained and aimed at Chaos in theory, the Tzeentch Demon and all kinds of Chaos Witchcraft often have miraculous effects against the Grey Knights. Kaldor Diego, as the Supreme Mentor of the Grey Knights, slays Chaos. In the realm, although the Four Chaos Gods condoned and patiently waited for him to fall, Diego had no doubt that he had the combat power of the Primarch, which was probably equivalent to the strength of Chaos Warmaster Abaddon.

However, the two sides are reversed. Abaddon can always achieve his goals after repeated defeats, but Diego can't solve his own curse after winning every battle.

"It will take me some time for the curse on you." Ryan said coldly to Diego, who was sitting in the middle of the training room and took off his armor: "You will stay here during this time, it won't take too long."

"Understood." Diego didn't say more, he sat there and closed his eyes.

Ryan began to set up a magic circle, and dozens of ancient saint runes were branded into the ground. After arranging everything, the primarch injected enough spiritual energy, closed the door, and came out from inside.

The knight queen Surya and the female speaker Veronica were standing at the door.

"Is that your heir?" Suria was very interested in Diego, and the knight queen said softly: "I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person, and someone older than you. offspring."

"This is a talent. He has fought against demons in the Chaos Realm for hundreds of years." Ryan nodded first, then shook his head again. When the primarch faced his wife, his expression was not so cold. He smiled: "Madam, How's it going?"

"The situation is very bad." Surya told Ryan the latest news.

Just a few days after Lane left, the High Command of Brittany tried to confirm several facts, but the results were not good.

The situation in Marienburg is unknown, and there is no response to any calls. Frederick, son of Admiral Boderick who was killed in the battle, tried to lead the Poseidon fleet to approach Marienburg to find out the news, but did not get a response. In the distance, a large amount of silt and marine derivatives blocked the originally wide channel, and the Poseidon fleet could not move forward. Federmond tried to send two small boats to carry the reconnaissance team, but no one came back.

Roads were also unavailable, and Nurgle's rotting flora and creep had completely blocked the road to Curona.

It is not clear what is going on in Marienburg at present. The opinion of the Supreme Command is that Marienburg is still holding on. After all, after hearing the description of the local big trench merchants in Marienburg and the dozens of fortifications and Marienburg. After evaluating the team's legendary mercenaries and three land-cruiser killers, most people agreed that Marienburg was not that easy to fall.

In the letter for help sent by Marienburg, the upper and lower chambers also expressed their determination to stick to it. They even called themselves "Jagged Capitalists" and said they would fight to the last soldier. The Jagged Capitalists vowed to live and die with the city.

Therefore, after discussion, the High Command of Brittany, under the auspices of Surya, was inclined to maintain the Marienburg.

Marienburg is still there, but the other two big cities in the Empire are not so good.

Middenheim is the first fortified city in the old world, and defense is not a problem. Although the city has only a population of 250,000, it has a regular army of more than 50,000 in the Midden Command. Perhaps the weapons and equipment are not particularly sophisticated, but these The army was experienced, morale high, and fought bravely.

However, when Imperial Hunter Marshal Marcus Wolfhardt hoped that Boris Todbringer would take the initiative to rescue Nord and Marienburg, he was categorically refused by Todbringer.

The Elector had been visited by ambassadors from Uthuan the night before, and Boris had promptly dismissed them.

It can be saved, but it's not necessary.

Boris insisted that he could not send troops from the center of the forest to the northern road, because he was very close now, and he would kill his old enemy - Kazzak - One-Eyed, which would completely end the threat of the Beastmen tribe. Todd Bullinger insists that invasions from Norsca are not uncommon at this time of year, and the weather on the coast is getting worse.

Hunter-Marshal Marcus Wulfhart told Elector Boris about the doomsday prophecy and the invasion of the three-way Plague Army, painstakingly describing what he saw as the Chaos Heavy Armored troops riding southward. Huge scale, but Boris Todbringer has made up his mind.

Boris insists that the end may be happening, but Middenheim will stand until the end, and the key to fighting the end is killing Kazzak-One-Eyed.

Kazzak - One Eye must be killed.

Be sure to kill Kazzak - One Eye.

There is only one target, that is Kazzak - One Eye.

As long as he can defeat Kazzak-One-Eyed, it doesn't matter what Chaos Eternal God chooses Archaon, what the three Groot brothers, what Gotrit-spitting or the three maggot cavalry brothers.

As long as Kazzak-One Eye is resolved, everything will be fine. Without the help of the "Chaos Emperor's Army" of the Beastmen, Chaos will not be able to turn the tide.

Boris is so convinced that his mind is full of the idea of ​​how to go to the Black Forest to find out his old enemy and kill it, without thinking too much about anything else.

The hunter marshal of the empire has yet to talk about it. Boris's eyes have become extremely dangerous, and he seems to be thinking about whether Marcus is a "Spy of Chaos", whether he has received money from the "Chaos sect", and asked him to "mess up the empire's right to wrong". What good do you have?" "I don't think our White Wolf City is good, is it interesting to exaggerate the strength of our opponents?".

Since his wife was forced to commit suicide and both sons died in the assassination, the elector of Boris has begun to be a little bit stunned. The hunter marshal had to give up entanglement with Boris and retreated towards Brunswick with his hunter camp. .

Then Middenheim is absolutely impossible to count on.

To make matters worse, it is said that Tara Bayheim has also fallen. This news has been partially confirmed by MI7, but the whole process is unknown, and no one knows how Chaos easily broke through Tara Bayheim. A self-closing "crater absolute defense circle".

How did Chaos break the wizarding path?

Why did the garrison fall after only a few days?

How many people survived?

None of this is known. In the vision of the Knight Kingdom, most of the empire is now a "fog of war".

"Why are things in the empire always so bad?" Ryan shook his head again and again after listening. He said to Surya, "Does the High Command currently have any plans?"

"Several attempts to rescue Marienburg proved impossible." Surya took Ryan's cape, and the knight queen walked with him: "It's still under discussion, in which Father and Berhemond are not involved. Hope to send troops, the situation is too bad, they think their priority is to protect their homeland."

"Any news from Brunswick?" Ryan asked.

"No, there is no news, our messenger can't reach Brunswick." Suria shook his head again and again: "It seems that only the axe bite is still open, but it is said that there are also a large number of mutant creatures and green skins on the road."

"Where are you?" Ryan looked at Veronica.

"My telescope can't communicate with the Imperial Academy of Wizards, only the Great Alchemist Galt." Veronica said quickly: "Your Excellency Galt is now in Sol Territory to defend against the attack from Wintertooth Pass. Rat Man, he said he didn't know very well, only that the Nuer army went to Brunswick under the leadership of the baroness and the baron."

"Fengtian Jingdi..." Ryan suddenly felt a chill on his back, and the Primarch thought that he was my good son, just don't let Jingdi hit my head.

Also, why hasn't the Empire come to us for help? Didn't the little maid and the eldest son go to Brunswick?

So how do I convince the knights and nobles to go all out? The way of knighthood is very particular about being famous, otherwise everyone would definitely want to stay at home first.

With so many thoughts, Ryan immediately remembered something: "Suria, go get Talleyrand."

"Okay." Surya hung Ryan's clothes beside her, the angel alliance on the knight queen's waist shone, and the holy halo shrouded her whole body.

Ryan placed the artifact my lord on the gun rack in the room, and he said to Veronica, "Follow me during this time, the situation outside is complicated, don't run around. "

"Okay~ I'm going to take a bath first." Veronica complained to Sulia: "Nurgle Garden is really disgusting, so dirty, and sticky, I don't think I can eat at night."

"Really?" Surya half-smiled, and the Queen of Knights said casually: "But I arranged a Brittanian feast in the evening, a full set of 13 dishes that Morgiana cooked meticulously, specially for your victorious return. Take the wind and wash the dust, if you don't like it..."

"No... I like it very much!" Veronica immediately made a big change in her face, and the female speaker said with a smile, "I'm just talking casually talking about it."

Surya glanced at Veronica. She had a good relationship with the female speaker, and Veronica could not threaten her. The knight queen arranged for a servant to call Talleyrand.

"Speaking of which, my dear, why did you cast it into a gun?" Veronica glanced at the divine weapon that my lord is here, and the female speaker deliberately changed the subject: "Don't you like the combination of hammer and sword? A heavy hit to break armor, and a piercing group to attack high damage is suitable."

"Warhammer? Dogs don't even play!" Ryan said half-jokingly.

"Hey, hey, you used to like Warhammer very much, why are you stepping out of the pit now?" Veronica complained that the female speaker was very concerned and interested in Ryan's changes.

"It's not that I stepped out of the pit and stepped back. The main reason is that there is not enough material for the seeds of destruction, and I can't smelt such a big hammer, and now I don't need the armor-piercing ability, and the goddess of nemesis and my lord are enough here. Ryan then laughed and teased, and the Sun King stood up: "Let's go, let's take a shower."

"Us?" Veronica took a step back in fear.

"Yes, us!" Ryan showed eight teeth.

After a shower with splashes in the bathroom, Ryan placed Veronica, who was so tired that she could barely breathe, on his lap. The head maid, Sylvia, entered the door and informed Ryan that Talleyrand was coming.

"Let him wait." Ryan asked Talleyrand to wait outside first, and then said to Veronica in his arms: "Want to see this lame man with me and listen to his high speech?"

"Of course, I'm your chief female courtier!" Veronica said unconvincingly, her eyes flashing with caution: "And I have to wear that flower wedding dress!"

"Okay~ okay~ okay, it's all up to you, who made you my Veronica?"

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