Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 124: , a new journey

PS. Next, there will be a part of the 40K plot. Readers who are not very clear can watch it patiently. I will try to describe this plot as plainly as possible. . .

The interior of the banquet was quiet, and everyone was watching the change.

The crowd gathered around, but most of them gave Julius a bad look. In any case, it was not something a noble should do at a banquet, and Julius was a little impulsive.

Only Ryan calmly found the Archbishop of the Ocean Church: "Your Excellency Audrey, I think there has been a very big mistake in the House of Marienburg. The 'chaotic' corruption of Baron Ed'mon's body has obviously not been purified. On the contrary, He was committed to spreading his depraved ideas."

Before Archbishop Poseidon could answer, Schultz appeared, and the Grand Duke of Marienburg said in an angry voice: "I said at the time that I would deal with Edmund sternly, but none of you agreed. Look at him now. What happened?!"

The members of the House of Representatives mourn their misfortune and are angry. The reason why they advocate not punishing Ed 'Mon' is also because these big businessmen have some unclean things in their hands. Who knows what will happen someday? Broken things implicate them?

The favor of the old Earl of Huron is one aspect, and it is also one aspect that they are out of self-preservation.

Ryan focused on Ed's remarks, and then he said to everyone at the banquet:

"I would like to ask you gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, what do human beings rely on to survive on this continent, and what do human beings rely on to prosper, what this Mr. Edmund said Cherish life? Is it relying on the prudent protection that Mr. Ed 'Meng' said? Is it relying on him to smear and powder on his face, can he scare away the army of Chaos?"

No one dared to answer yes, and no one dared to speak for Ed 'Mon'.

Because this guy has touched the absolutely wrong area, maybe some nobles have this idea in their hearts, but at this juncture, they must have a clear-cut stand, and even everyone must be firm.

"Absolutely not!"

"Humans have come to this day by war, courage, and faith."

"He's a Fallen!"

"Destroy him!"

The people at the banquet began to denounce Ed "Mon", and when Ivan, the Duke of Griffin, also asked the members of Marienburg about it, everyone in the House knew what they had to do.

"We will give the Empire a 'confession', and the souls of the fallen must be thoroughly purified in flames." Ed Mund had been beaten unconscious by Julius' rage fist, and his nose was also beaten. It was broken, so the councillors of the council "friendly" helped Ed 'Mont' make a decision that he would be burned at the stake and that the title of Baron Huron would be inherited by someone else.

The result of this treatment was justifiable, so Duke Griffin nodded in agreement.

"His Excellency Julius, Marquis of Winford, although we can understand your mood, we cannot accept your aggressive behavior, and we hope you can remain calm elsewhere." Julius, who acted, was also punished. He was invited to leave the banquet, and the Kingdom Knight walked out without saying a word.

The title of the Empire is Baron-Viscount-Count-Duke-Elected-Emperor, and the title of Britannia is Baron-Earl-Marquis-Duke-King. Generally speaking, the first heir of a large noble is this noble title. The second level, so both Julius and Suria can call them Marquis.

In addition to the hereditary and irreplaceable titles specially sealed by dukes and emperors, Ludwig stipulated that the titles of military nobles will be reduced by generation, so most nobles serve to ensure their status, and Britania is even more so, so far It is rare to hear that there are great nobles in the knight kingdom who cannot ride horses and hold lances.

Seeing this, Ryan also left the banquet with Julius, followed by the Holy Grail Knight Jules and his sister Suria, the 'female' knight trotted out with a long skirt, high heels making a clicking sound : "Brother, it's my fault! Brother, wait for me."

"Come here! Julius!" The Holy Grail Knight Julius was angry, he called Julius over and scolded him in the face, Julius just bowed his head and silently endured.

The night of the early 'spring' was still very cold, and the 'female' knight was very anxious when she saw this, and even blamed herself very much, she said, "Your Excellency Jules, it's all my fault..."

Who knew that Eulers and Ryan said at the same time: "This is not your problem."

"???" The two Holy Grail Knights looked at each other, and then Eulers said to Ryan, "Tell Miss Aintree."

"Cough cough~ This is not your problem, Miss Suria." Ryan coughed, sorted out the language, and then said, "Yuli's starting point is good, he doesn't want you to be polluted by that fallen person, but he method is wrong.”

"Wrong method?" The 'female' knight raised her head and looked at the man in front of her.

"First of all, he underestimated your judgment. He thinks that you may be influenced by that guy's depraved remarks, but I can actually tell that you are not influenced by Ed's remarks. Yuri is too impulsive. ." Ryan frowned, and then continued: "And then, he shouldn't go and beat people directly. From this point of view, he goes against the teaching of the 'lady', he just cares too much about you."

"It's because my brother cares about me that I..." The 'female' knight had nothing to say, Ryan just shook his head: "Everyone is responsible for what they do, he is already a twenty-six-year-old kingdom knight, If you do something wrong, you are wrong, there is nothing you should share the responsibility for, you know it well, and Yuri also knows it."

Surya stopped talking, and the meaning of Ryan's words was obvious. Everyone is an independent individual and should be responsible for their own actions. The 'female' knight did nothing wrong in this matter. It was Julius who was at fault. The anger got over his head, so he made the wrong way to deal with it.

"Your Excellency Ryan, please don't take it to your heart, my brother just cares about me, he is not that kind of person." Suria in turn said kind words to Ryan for her brother, and the 'female' knight apologized softly.

"I know, the relationship between your brothers and sisters is really good." Ryan 'showed' a smile: "I understand."



After the farce of the night passed, Ryan returned home. The three 'maids' at home had already packed up the things in the house. Ryan didn't have a lot of things, and he still had a space ring.

He ended up sitting in the living room of the house at 53 Amber Avenue, Marienburg, for a while.

In October last year, he and Teresa came to Marienburg, in pursuit of Belt.

After that, he went through a series of events, one battle after another, and there were many battles of wits and courage with many people in many places. Others also slack off, relaxed briefly, and then fought against the greenskin army in this battle. The big battle was a perfect ending to his trip to Marienburg.

There are a lot of things waiting for him next. He has never forgotten his mission. He knows why he came here. There are too many secrets in his heart, but Ryan knows that all this cannot be rushed. He has gone from the adopted son of a Nordic hillbilly lord to the Holy Grail Knight of Brittany, Baron Jean, and his limelight is now unrivaled on the mainland, with many 'bards' telling his stories, his The heroic feat has been adapted into poetry by many artists, and even the ambassadors of the higher 'elf' came over to have a drink with him today and expressed their congratulations from the higher 'elf'.

It is time to embark on a new journey. Although Marienburg is prosperous, it is not a place to live for a long time. He is going to the country opposite the gray mountains. His identity is destined to be difficult for the empire. Then go to Britannia. Bar! There are opportunities of their own there.

The house will be 'handed over' to Schultz, the Archduke of Marienburg and Ryan, who will cooperate with Ryan's actions.

Early the next morning, Ryan packed up his things. He had already customized a big carriage. This big carriage could not only carry goods, but also hold his three 'maids'. The three 'maids' except Ai Other than Miria, they were basically incapable of fighting, so it was better for them to stay in the carriage.

At noon, the Brittanian army, who had finished eating, officially embarked on the journey back to their hometown from Marienburg. Although Marienburg was not far from Brittany, it would take more than ten days to travel.

The ranger knights were quite surprised to see Ryan's 'maids'. They didn't think that there were too many of Ryan's three 'maids', but they felt that there were fewer. These days, which knight's house has few 'maids' of? They were surprised that the 'maid' actually had a dark 'elf' spirit.

All the way south, the early 'spring' season is full of busy peasants. Every year's 'spring' ploughing is the most important moment, whether the year's harvest is good or not. The lack of sufficient troops had to seek reinforcements from Brittany.

It took a few days to pass through Fort Ryman and Collerson, who had fought before, and the knights entered the Pale Sisters Mountains.

Today they will camp in the mountains.

"Rangers! Come with me a few!" There were people coming and going in the camp. The knights loudly ordered the serfs to camp and cook. At the same time, the rangers continued to follow the knights to investigate the enemy's situation. Seeing too many enemies, a small group of bandits often turn around and run away when they see this army, so this road is considered quiet.

Lane's tent and Holy Grail Knight Eules' tent were in the innermost and safest place. The knights expressed their respect for the two Holy Grail Knights in this way. Lane's tent was slightly larger, about fifteen square meters.

When Ryan completed the inspection, the sky was already full of stars, and when he pulled up the curtain of the tent, he smelled a strong fragrance: "What is so fragrant?"

"It's toast! Mr. Lane." Emilia delivered the baked bread to Lane's hand, and then took out a tin box: "This is roast 'chicken'."

"Master!" Miranda and Orika also lowered their heads and said, the dark 'elves' were not quite used to their own situation.

"Well, it's been hard work all the way." Ryan nodded to his three 'maids' with a smile. In the wild, they changed back to their normal clothes, cold-resistant cotton coats and leather 'pants' boots, in the early 'spring' weather. It was still cold, especially when passing through the mountains, and during the day you could see the snow-capped Pale Sisters.

After simply eating dinner, several people had nothing to do in the dark night, except to sleep well, and Ryan arranged for the dark 'elves' to sleep next to him out of concern for Orika, Emilia and Miranda slept on the other end of the tent.

Not long after lying down, an extremely strong throbbing and psychic shock stinged Ryan's nerves, and the Primarch frowned in pain, struggled to get up, and covered his head with his hands.

"What's wrong? Master?" The camp outside was silent, only the sound of flames burning and the voices of the vigil knights and soldiers. Olika was awakened by Ryan's actions, and the sleep of the dark 'elves' has always been shallow.

"It's okay, you continue to sleep, I can't sleep, go out and have a look." Ryan pressed Olika's shoulder and said warmly.

The dark 'spirit' was a little weird, but she knew she couldn't do anything, so she could only nod her head and continue to sleep.

Lane changed his clothes and walked out of the tent, alarming the knights who were vigilant: "Mr. Lane? What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I want to go out for a walk." Ryan was preoccupied, he could feel his blood and bones were resonating strongly, and his psionic energy and 'spirit' were constantly reminding him that something big was happening, But like a group of 'mysterious' fog, nothing can be seen clearly.

The Primarch looked up at the starry sky, the night sky was full of stars, and the boundless starry sky showed brilliance and splendor towards Ryan.

"It seems, what happened?" Ryan muttered to himself.


Travel through the eternal giant warp storm, through countless galaxies and the cosmic void.

Milky Way, Solar System, Holy Terra.

The human empire created by the Lord of Man, the Emperor, is facing yet another crisis of demise.

The 'Gate' of Cadian has fallen.

This planet has always guarded the "Eye of Terror", the link between reality and the warp, and with the total destruction of the "Gate" of Cadian, even more darkness has descended on the entire galaxy.

The Empire has never seen such a warp storm in its history, terror slams hundreds and thousands of planets, their last desperate calls are received before all communications - even interstellar channeling - go ~ Billions of clerks and curators search for answers. They delved into records of long neglect and even opened the oldest cellars. No explanation or consolation was found, just some filtered pairs. The storm of destruction had torn apart the galaxy during the Horus Heresy, but humanity has only been divided as it is now once: the Age of Strife. Its few statements are frustrating for scholars. Little is known about that nightmarish era, but the surviving fragments describe a period of the end of history, when humanity was all but wiped out and the few survivors were enslaved or degenerated into savages. That is the end of Ming.

The beating 'chaos' almost cut the galaxy in half, the endless 'chaos' chaotic demon army poured out from the eye of fear, and countless star districts sent signals for help... Even complete silence, the other half of the galaxy has even been Completely lost contact.

In these dark times, in these desperate times, humanity has no choice but to pray to their supreme Emperor for redemption.

But at this time, a terrible news from the Mechanicum almost drove the entire Terra Supreme Council and the Inquisition insane.

The mysterious machinery that carried the Emperor's rotten body stopped working, completely, stopped working.

Endless darkness pervades the hearts of all, and even the most pure and devout bishops of the Imperial State Church are enveloped in the deepest and most terrifying fears.

Has our Lord of Nothing, our God-Emperor, abandoned us?

No, according to the Astral Whisperer's report, in eleven thousand years the light of the Star Torch from Holy Terra has never been brighter than it is today.

The long and 'fierce' meeting fell into silence, and finally, the supreme lords who controlled the empire made a final decision, the most desperate decision.

They asked to enter the palace to face the Holy Spirit.

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