Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 112: , Duke Griffin

PS. Thanks to the book friend "nickname is not filled in" for the reward, thank you very much. ..

Toyas Swabian, general of the Iris 'Flower' Guard in Marienburg, was holding the letter from the dwarves and was reading it aloud in the House: "Lorek, king of dwarves, believes that the target of this army of greenskins is human beings! He wants us to prepare early. , the dwarves may not be able to intercept, the greenskin may hit Marienburg!

Everyone in the House has a serious expression, and they have been dealing with dwarves for a long time, so the imperial people naturally know the way dwarves speak.

If the letters from the dwarves say they can easily handle it themselves, then the dwarves have the upper hand, or at least evenly matched.

If the letter sent by the dwarves vaguely states that the dwarves and the greenskins are evenly matched, it means that the dwarves are already at a serious disadvantage, the battle situation is already very dangerous, and to what extent... There are many professional scholars and secretaries in the empire who can learn from the dwarves. The wording of the letter, the strength of the writing, and the degree of wrinkling of the paper.

But now the news from the dwarf king Lorek is that the dwarves may not be able to stop it, so it can only indicate one situation, that is, the dwarves are very pessimistic about the battle situation, they can do nothing, and ask for human assistance from the side.

All MPs here understand that.

"The only good news for us is that this green-skin army is gathering very slowly, and we still have a lot of time to prepare for the battle," said Seagod Archbishop Audrey.

The assembly of the green-skin army has a characteristic, that is, there is a quite long process from the initiation of the assembly to the end of the assembly, when a green-skin warlord initiates a big waaagh! , it will of course attract many greenskin tribes and other greenskin warlords to join, but in this case, the warlords will not obey anyone, including the goblins.

So a "big 'bum' fuck" is inevitable, only through a civil war, this big waaagh! Only then will a real leader be produced. This process is long, and Marienburg still has enough time to prepare.

"What's the use of preparing for battle? We claim to have more than 10,000 mercenaries and 8,000 cavalry, but you all know how many people and their combat effectiveness are in Marienburg's Iris 'Flower' guard." Said, he clenched his fists: "There are only more than 2,000 people who can really fight, and the rest are security patrols and mercenaries."

Several members of the House of Representatives nodded their heads, and Baron Greymeier continued: "The horses face the 'spring' ploughing, and it is difficult for us to recruit a sufficient number of troops."

"You can't count on mercenaries at this juncture, they may not fight to the death for this city." Viscount Casanova also said.

"The dwarves can't protect themselves, they won't provide us with more reinforcements." Another councilor also responded.

"If the high 'elves' are willing..." a member of the council asked sexually, and the high 'elves' ambassador Taimag immediately shook his head, his tone was extremely contemptuous: "Our soldiers are few and only in It will appear when defending the city, and it will never send reinforcements."

"Can't defend the city! Absolutely can't defend the city!!!" The Archbishop of Fortune Church said subconsciously, and his views were approved by everyone.

Marienburg's prosperity must not be affected, it is in the vital interests of all.

There has always been an option, but no one has taken the initiative to say it, but after all available options have been ruled out, they know that there is only one reliable option left.

In the end, Schultz had to say these words. The Grand Duke of Marienburg sighed. He interlaced his fingers with his hands and leaned his elbows on the sandalwood table: "Ask the Empire for reinforcements... Everyone, get ready, we His Majesty the new emperor may not ask for a low price."

"As of now, that's all there is to it." Seagod Archbishop Audrey also sighed.

After the decision was made, there was no need for a quick horse. A simple letter was instantly sent from the House of Marienburg directly to the Imperial Palace of the Human Empire in Brunswick.

Today, however, Emperor Karl Franz Friedrich is not at the palace.

In the west of Rick Land, the Griffin Knights are stationed, Griffin Cliff.

The dense forest extends deep into the mountains, and the distant mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist. Footsteps in February have taken away most of the snow in the woodland, but the tops and slopes of the mountains are still covered with snow until the white 'color' clouds are deep. place.

At the top of the mountain, there are many powerful creatures with wings on their backs flying freely in the sky. They spread their wings and continuously pass from low altitudes to higher altitudes, swearing their sovereignty over this sky.

This legendary creature is the griffin of the whole continent. It has the body and claws of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, and the back half of a lion-like body has yellow-brown 'color' beast 'hair'. The general head to the forelimbs are all covered with golden 'color' eagle feathers. The powerful creature has both a huge size and agile and sharp movements. Every movement of it is balanced and 'fine'. But this high level of grace does not hinder the fighting of the griffins, nor does it become their weakness. Instead, griffins don't just shred their foes with their mighty claws and sharp beaks, they are extremely skilled and surprisingly efficient fighters. Although highly skilled, griffins basically do not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but when hunting or defending their territories, they will not have the slightest pity and hesitation. They are fierce and ruthless, but not brutal.

Griffin can be regarded as one of the most intelligent beasts. If captured at an early age and properly trained, they will become extremely loyal mounts, and if well trained, they can even be taught to perform a wide variety of many commands. Because of this, Griffins have become the first choice for many heroes when choosing a mount, whether in Ulthuan or the Old World.

The emperor's mount "Death Claw" is the largest griffin in the old world. Under the emperor's example, many electors also honor that they have a griffin in their beast pen. However, to capture and obtain a griffin recognition is extremely difficult.

Therefore, the Knights of the Griffin, as the strongest knights in the empire, its existence greatly deterred the surrounding forces. This knights, as the finale force of the empire, was personally established by the savior Ludwig after the great holy war. Ludwig Xi selected 100 of the most 'elite' knights to form the Griffin Knights. Afterwards, in the north and south of the empire, the terrifying strength and the finalized effect of the Griffin Knights showed that Ludwig's Looking ahead, the Empire needs such a force that can instantly decide the outcome of the battlefield.

More than 150 years after the establishment of the new empire, the number of the Griffin Knights has grown to 300. Not only did the Knights not decline in quality due to the increase in the number of people, but they became stronger due to the selection of outstanding talents from the entire empire. Today, nearly 30 knights of the Griffin Knights have become real "Griffin Knights", and the remaining 200 knights are also riding half-griffins to fight.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor came to the Griffin Knights' resident site today - Griffin Cliff. This resident site is located in the territory of the Duke of Griffin. If there is no accident, Karl Franz will be in the next two days. will spend here.

The emperor's entourage is not much, only seven or eight fully-armed battle court guards and Rick's guards follow far behind, this place is relatively safe, the emperor himself is also a strong person, so they follow behind with confidence, it is said that There is a laugh, let the emperor walk and 'shoot' hunting in the forest that exudes cold.

Accompanying the emperor was a tall man, he was wearing a set of dark gold 'color' plate armor, the golden 'color' Griffin Knight badge decorated every corner of his body, and the radiant 'flower' pattern Telling the extraordinaryness of the plate armor, the three holy seals show that it has gathered the blessings of the three major churches of justice, life and magic. The value of this plate armor is only the treasure of the dwarves in the body of the emperor, which Ludwig personally wore.” Silver 'color' seal" full body armor can be shoulders.

The man has long black hair and a handsome face. His eyes are blue like the emperor's, indicating his pure Aachen blood. The Griffin real silver holy sword is hung around his waist. A white 'color' dragon-skin cloak swayed behind him. He looked in his thirties, and his fluent Gothic language was extremely pure: "My Majesty, this rebellion will not let us Dispatched, the knights have some opinions, they feel it is time for the griffins to go out for a spin."

This person is the Duke of the Griffin of the Empire, Ivan Ferdinand, the Grand Commander of the Knights of the Griffin.

Karl-Franz walked on the forest land that was frozen very hard. The emperor breathed the fresh air and enjoyed a moment of tranquility. Hearing Duke Griffin's complaint, Karl-Franz laughed: "I If the Griffin Knights are still to be dispatched, then why do I need to be the emperor."

This sentence is a word of punishment. Duke Griffin is not very easy to accept, he can only laugh: "That is natural, those nobles who rebelled 'rebellion' are naturally not His Majesty's opponents."

Karl Franz led his army back to the capital of the empire immediately after he annihilated the barbarian landing army in the north of Nord. After returning to the capital of the empire, His Majesty the Emperor publicly declared that all the nobles who refused to accept the conscription in this war against the northern barbarians were rebellious. , they will be punished by demotion, reformation or even complete confiscation of the fief.

Many nobles who were dissatisfied with the emperor shouted. They raised the flag of rebellion openly in anger, declared disobedience to the emperor's rule, and sought the support of other electors. They even demanded re-election of the emperor.

However, the result disappointed the rebel nobles. Due to Karl Franz's great victory on the Nord coast, the candidates recognized the emperor's strength. Facing the rebelling nobles' request for help, The candidates were collectively silent and stood on the sidelines.

So Karl Franz led the army back to Brunswick and did not disband the army at all. Taking advantage of the winter slack time, the soldiers could serve for a long time. The emperor directly led the army everywhere to suppress the rebellion, and the rebellious 'rebellious' nobles could not react in time. They were defeated, killed or captured one after another. Karl Franz quickly solved the rebellion with **** means and stabilized his rule. The fiefs of the rebel nobles were directly confiscated, and the emperor took part of the territory as It is used to enrich the treasury, and the other part is allocated to the nobles and generals who responded positively to the war.

So everything was happy, except for those traitors who were suppressed and lost their lives and territories, but no one cared about their lives and lives, and everyone had a comfortable Winter Veil Festival.

The new emperor's sophistication of mind, ruthless means, and excellent talent can be seen.

Karl Franz came to the Griffin Duchy this time because he had his own considerations in mind. He knew that after a series of victories and rebellions, he had finally established himself as emperor, but he wanted to realize his ideal of commanding the entire empire. , he must win more support, and the Order of the Gryphons is one of its most important forces.

The three major knights in the old world are the Holy Grail, the Griffin, and the White Wolf. However, these three knights have strong independence. Needless to say, the Holy Grail does not have the order of the lake **** 'witch' or even the lake fairy. The direct order of the 'female', the Holy Grail Knights did not accept any command, and they did not withdraw like a king of knights. Although the White Wolf Knights were better, they also paid more attention to the orders of the White Wolf Archbishop.

In the same way, the Knights of the Griffin only owe their allegiance to the position of the Emperor, not Karl Franz. Therefore, the Emperor came to the Griffin Duchy in his spare time after the Winter Veil Festival, intending to 'friend' the Duke of Griffin. flow.

The current Duke of Griffin is named Ivan Ferdinand, who is in his nineties. He is a friend of the Emperor and one of the strongest men in the old world. The head of the Griffin Knights is A late bloomer, he has been instructed by famous teachers since he was a child. Whether it is swordsmanship or riding equipment, he is a world leader. He not only received military education, but even entered the Imperial Academy of Engineering for further studies. At the age of twenty-nine, he went to the Roof of the World Mountains. Learned a lot of knowledge and rich practical experience from dwarves.

It was not until he was nearly sixty years old that Ivan was named an imperial general and started his military career. After the death of the old Griffin Duke, as the first heir, he successfully inherited the title of Griffin Duke, and took the title of Griffin Duke. Active on the battlefields of the Empire as General Griffin and Grand Commander.

Although he is in his nineties, Ivan shows no signs of aging. As a holy knight, he can live for hundreds of years. In terms of total lifespan, he has only just entered his youth.

This kind of strong person is the object that the emperor must win over.

The emperor himself was born in the military and had received an excellent military education. He was also a powerful man of rank. He bent his bow and arrow, and the 'fine' beautiful bow presented by the high-level 'spirit' immediately flashed the luster of magic. The feather arrow 'shooted' a straight line and killed an elk, the elk fell to the ground wailing.

In the sky, a huge gryphon howled and flew over the heads of the emperor and the Duke of Griffin, it was Karl Franz's mount Deathclaw, the largest gryphon in the old world, it also came here today My sire, good archery. The Duke of Griffin slowly approached and smiled: "It seems that the variety of 'color' for the evening banquet will be more abundant, and this is all thanks to His Majesty. "

"Won't my chief give me a 'show' hand?" Karl Franz asked Death Claw to pick up the elk and send it to the rear, teasing the duke, the emperor was in a good mood.

"I'll forget it. The responsibility of the griffin is to spread its wings and soar in the sky. If I encounter a hippogryph or a manticore, I'm willing to take action." Ivan smiled and shook his head, showing that he didn't want to do it.

The emperor's eyes moved, he knew that the Duke of Griffin was expressing his dissatisfaction to himself, and the nobles who participated in the northern war and the rebellion in the territory had all benefited. Only the Griffin Knights took the initiative to ask for battle, but the emperor refused to quell the rebel 'rebellion' emperor. Don't let them dispatch, these empire's strongest knights naturally have ideas.

"Sometimes the griffin can fly as low as the 'chicken', but the 'chicken' can never fly as high as the griffin, my duke." Karl Franz noticed that Rick's guard was sending him The letter came to him, so he patted Ivan on the shoulder, and then took the letter from the hand of the Rick guard.

The emperor's words moved Duke Griffin. He actually understood why the emperor refused them to fight. After listening to this sentence, some of the dissatisfaction in his heart also dissipated.

Ivan thought that this emperor was indeed excellent, and perhaps the empire under his hands would be prosperous like never before.

"Oh! I really want what I want." Karl Franz read the letter of help from Marienburg, and 'handed it' into Ivan's hand: "It seems that the lucky goddess always looks after you, mine Duke."

"What happened?" Ivan took the letter.

"A huge army of greenskins is gathering at the Gint mine, and Marienburg is asking us for help!"

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