Primordial Sequence

Chapter 87 Reasons

The audience under the execution platform was silent, and the nobles in the audience were trembling with fear. Camus looked at the rebels who were tied up with ropes and showed a pity expression.

"Why are there only 4 people? Are there only 4 people left in the resistance army?"

"They're all dead. These are the leaders. We were going to get some information out of them, but it's a pity that they were too tough."

Seeing Fiona's pity expression, Camus picked up the wine glass and looked at the execution platform.

"It's boring. There's no point in living for losers."

Fiona rubbed her eyebrows, "What about you? A fragmented investigation team, what is the meaning of its existence?"

Camus showed a sunny smile, "The meaning is not important. What is important is what Captain Munro wants. I owe him a few lives, so I will do what he wants to do."


Following the shouts from the audience, the four rebels fell from the high platform. The sound of their necks being broken could be heard far away. Camus took away their souls and prepared to rent a house. He had nothing to do with anything.

"I'm leaving first. If you need anything, come to me. Thank you for your information."

"You're welcome. Information comes at a cost. Good luck."

Kamuo waved his hands and walked away, humming softly as he walked.

"When the mountain flowers are in full bloom, the roses alone will overwhelm the others."

Fiona was stunned. What did this mean? Haven't you heard it yourself?

After walking a long way, Camus stopped a carriage and drove towards Golden Oak Street, preparing to choose a good place to open a divination house.

Paladin Real Estate Agency

Looking at the sign above his head, he pulled up his hat and walked in.

"Hello sir, do you need to see the house?"

Kamiu looked up at the tauren man and nodded.

"I want to rent a room nearby, preferably on two floors. The location must be good. Do you have a suitable house?"

"The Tauren's eyes lit up when he heard this. This is a rare big business."

"Sir, you can sit on the sofa and choose. Here is the house information. You can take a look first."

Kamiu nodded and took the information, looking at the listings above.

Kamiao flipped through half of the book and saw a very nice house. It was in a prime location and had just the right size.

"This building is okay, what's the price?"

The tauren looked confused and said, "Sir, you'd better change to another house. This... house is a bit strange."


"Yes, it's just a little strange. The previous residents said they would hear little girls singing at night, but that's not the case at all, so you'd better move to another building."

Kamiao's eyes lit up when he heard this. Could it be an evil spirit? Today is really my lucky day.

"No, just this building, please take me to see it."

" you really stop thinking about it? People have died there."

"Has anyone died? That would be even better. This is the building. It's perfect."

The tauren was stunned when he heard this. Is this a normal person? He was told that people would die, and yet he was still so excited. Is he a lunatic?

"Sir... why don't you look at other things?"

"Come on, stop talking nonsense, okay? You are chattering, do you have any professional motivation?"

Niu Renren twitched his lips, took out a key and walked in front. This fool was busy going to die, so don't stop him. He had already warned him.

Dozens of minutes later, the two arrived at their destination. It was a gray-white house with three floors. The door of the house was locked with a rusty iron. The door of the house was Golden Oak Street. The location was indeed good.

Looking at the dust on the steps, Camus looked up at the window and opened the Eyes of Truth. She saw streaks of gray resentment shrouding the house. A cat was squatting on the roof, and its gray pupils were looking at the two of them. .

"Mr. Camoo, why don't you find another building? You will die."

Seeing the tauren's uneasy look, Kamius shook his head, "How much does this house cost?"

"If you rent it, it's 8 gold coins a year, if you buy it, it's 120 gold coins."

Kamiao was very happy when he heard this. He originally planned to rent it, but he didn't expect such a good house to cost only 120 gold coins.

"Let's go through the formalities. Here are 120 gold coins. I want them."

The tauren's face was very ugly. After looking at the house with some fear, he quickly completed the excessive procedures.

After he got the money, he handed Camus a key and said, "Sir, I advise you again, you will die."

"It's okay. Thank you for the introduction. I'm very satisfied."

The tauren smiled bitterly and looked at Kamius shaking his head. Tomorrow's newspaper will report another death here.

Seeing that the Niu Rentou was gone, Kamuo exchanged the real name of the resentful spirit with an ordinary soul and Tianming, and opened the door with a relaxed expression.


As the iron lock fell to the ground and made a crisp clanking sound, dust was scattered all over the floor, and the dusty room opened.

"Huh? Not bad. The first floor will be used as a reception room, the second floor will be used for work and rest, and the third floor will be used as a utility area."

I saw an oil painting of the banks of the Rhine hanging in the middle of the first floor. The corrosion of time made the paint discolored and looked a bit strange. The air of the house was filled with the smell of corpses and the musty smell of furniture. Next to the oil painting was There was still some ashes in a black fireplace, and there were some moldy books on the cabinet by the window. There was a cabinet underneath, and some light was shining through the gray window, which looked a bit eerie.

Smelling the smell, Camus glanced at the sofa. There were some clothes thrown on the dusty sofa, and there were a few dried dead mice on it. This was where the rotten smell came from.

Looking up, there were several holes on the wooden stairs going up to the second floor. Some rags were still hanging on the holes. The plants on both sides had already withered, and some spider webs were hung on the dry branches.


As soon as Kamiao took a step, he heard a clear clicking sound. He lowered his head and saw that it was the tinder tree seeds he had seen before. It seemed that it was an enchantment.

"Oh, won't you greet the guests when they arrive?"

When there was silence for a long time, Camus curled her lips and walked upstairs?


Long-term corrosion has made the stairs a little fragile. When people step on them, they make a "beep-beep-beep" sound. Camus walked halfway and bent down to look at the opening of the stairs. There were only touches of dried dark red around the opening. Looks like something bad happened here.

"Jingle Bell"

Suddenly, there was a sound of bells coming from behind. Camiao turned around and saw a music box in the corner, which was gently rotating and making a sweet sound.

"It's the music box again. Nothing good will happen every time you meet him. Please ring it slowly. I have to check my house."

After going upstairs, we entered four rooms. From the open door, we could see that they were two bedrooms, a study room, and a bathroom. Because they had not been taken care of for a long time, they were covered with dust. It looked like they needed to take good care of themselves. A lot of hard work.


As a ball rolled down from the third floor, making a regular thumping sound, Camus looked up at the third floor in the darkness.

"Third floor? Are you giving me guidance? I'll wait and see."

After saying that, Camus went up to the third floor with an expressionless face. As the door on the third floor opened, a thick stench surrounded the tip of his nose. Camus saw the dead mice in the middle of the floor through the light coming from the window. , the fat white maggots were trying to move in their suppurating carrion. Camus pinched his nose and looked around, and found that this was a storage room filled with all kinds of old furniture and toys. There was also a circle of white candle wax on the ground. It looked like some kind of ceremony had been held here.


The sound of a cat meowing from the side startled Camus. When she turned around, she saw a pair of shining eyes. A cat was squatting in the darkness, looking at Camus, and made a protesting meow.

"Hey, good afternoon, did you do these mice? As a cat, you must save food. Look at these mice, they have all turned into thick water. What a waste."


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