Primordial Sequence

Chapter 80 Reinforcements

In the early morning, drizzle was falling in the gloomy sky, and the light mist splashed on Camus' face. Camus opened her red and blue eyes and stretched out refreshed.

"Wow, what a nightmare. Knowing that I am missing a soul, I came all the way to give it away. I am so touched."


Suddenly there was a whining sound outside the window. Kamius looked back and saw a dozen airships flying over the sky. The airships also had the national emblem of the Drav Republic hanging on them. They seemed to be reinforcements from the army.

"Reinforcements? Well, this is good news."

Camus rubbed his eyes and stood up. After washing himself, he got dressed and walked to the Adventurer's Guild.

golden oak street

Some citizens appeared on the wet bluestone road, and some of the shops on both sides of the road were opened. A steam bus appeared in Camoo's eyes, and a group of policemen were posting reward notices.

Kamiu raised his eyebrows, "That's right. The turmoil did not involve this side. It seems that the situation is good, which is a good thing."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way. Citizens, if you see the person in the portrait, please report it to the police station. If it is true, you will be rewarded with 20 gold coins."

Listening to the police's announcement, Camus looked at the portraits on the drawing paper, memorized their abilities and sequences, squeezed out of the crowd and left. After taking a few steps, Camus heard someone calling him.

"Mr. Elf, Mr. Elf, wait."

Kamuo was stunned. It seemed like there were no elves around except himself, right? After looking at this person, Kamius suddenly realized.

"Dear Mr. Police Officer, do you have a problem with me?"

The person in front of him was Director Teach, whom he had met once before, and he looked at her with excitement.

"Dear sir, we need your help. The criminal elements in the city are very active at present, and you are short of manpower, so..."

Camus frowned, "Mr. Teach, I don't think a group of thugs and criminals need our help. If you have any difficulties, you can go to the Adventurer's Guild to issue a mission, or find the branch leader, he can help you."

Tiqi grimaced when he heard this, "Mr. Moon Elf, the branch president of the Adventurer Guild and the Light Priest of the Sun Church were killed yesterday. Those thugs fled in large numbers. The calm you see is only superficial. The entire Kaidi The people in Keshi are panicked, and no one is in charge of the overall situation. The ordinary criminals are fine, but some extraordinary criminals have also appeared, and there is nothing we can do. "

Kamiao's face darkened when he heard this. Even the branch president died in the battle? The matter is indeed serious, but does it have anything to do with me?

"Sorry, I can't help you. You'd better find someone else. Maybe you can find those nobles. I believe they have no shortage of extraordinary people."

Tiqi was stunned. Aren't these people messengers of justice? How could you refuse?


Kamuo shook his hand and said, "I think the new president will arrive in Catic City soon. You can find him then. We don't have time, and it will be the same in the future. These nonsense have nothing to do with us."

Tiqi's mouth opened wide when he heard this. If they didn't help, no matter how many people he had, it would be in vain. Extraordinary people were not something ordinary people could arrest.

"Sir...please help us."

Kamuo looked at him with a sneer, "I'll help you, who will help us? Let me tell you, we must not only be on guard against mutations at all times, but also find ways to get the potions behind. The era of exchanging lives for money has passed. Our captain They all died in the battle. I won't let my team members take risks anymore. We don't owe anyone, and we have no obligation to help anyone. Maybe you can ask the army for help. I think they can spare their hands." After saying this, Camus turned around. He left without giving Teach a chance to speak.


Tiqi watched Camus leave, raised his hand, but still didn't say a word. After several minutes, he walked back dejectedly.

"Director, when will they be dispatched?"

Teach shook his head, "Let's go to those politicians, they are unwilling to help."

The girl policeman was stunned, "How is that possible? The Adventurer's Guild cannot ignore this. Captain, did you hear it wrong?"

"Well, go find Councilman Brody. He is the last person who wants Caddick City to be in chaos, unless he doesn't want to be the mayor."

Kamuo looked at the lifeless Adventurer's Guild in front of him, and also saw the injured people coming in and out of it. After yesterday's battle, even if he won, it would be a miserable victory. The Extraordinary members of the Adventurer's Guild had been reduced by at least half. The commander was killed in the battle.

"Good morning, Camus."

As soon as Camus turned around, he saw Susie holding a piece of bread in her hand, holding a pile of books in her arms, and looking at him with a smile.

"Good morning, Susie, you look like you're in good spirits."

"Well, I slaughtered a fat sheep yesterday. I can't catch up with the price even if I do ten missions."

Kamiao's eyes flashed, and he silently mourned for Gauris. It seemed that the price he paid was indeed not small.

"Kamiu, 100 gold coins. He paid 100 gold coins to refine the potion. These liars are really rich."

The corner of Camus' mouth twitched, "Congratulations. As expected, doing the mission is a dead end. We have to think of other ways out. Let's go up."

The two went upstairs and smelled the aroma of coffee from a distance. When they opened the door, they saw Kashu lying on the sofa sleeping. There was a cup of steaming coffee on the table, and Akali was doing it. Difficult yoga, as for Casca should learn promotion knowledge in the ninth district.

"Hi, good morning. It's great to see you, although the weather doesn't quite match my mood."

"Good morning, Captain Camus"

Ka Xiu immediately got up when he heard Camus' voice and rushed to Camus.

"What happened last night?"

"Well... something big happened in the underground black market. I peeked out where there are Masters of Sequence Thirteen Stage Three Changes and people from the Rose Sect."

"Stage 3? Rose Sect? Oh... I am really lucky, thank you Camus."

Susie looked around and said, "Where's Casca? Isn't he here?"

Camus shrugged, "He went to learn promotion knowledge. Maybe the next time we see him, he will be the ammunition expert in stage two."

"Oh, taboo goddess, you are so enviable. Is what you said yesterday true?"

"Of course, I will help you with the potion."

"How's your potion going, you two?"

Susie's rabbit ears immediately stood up when she heard this, "My potion is ready. I plan to practice my close combat skills to an advanced level first, and then I will advance to the next level after understanding the mysteries of Qi."

Akali wiped the sweat from her head and stood up, "Captain, I have learned all the knowledge about promotion, but I don't have enough money to buy potions."

"It's okay. I'll go to the Bounty Department to collect the bounty later. Let's discuss what to do in the future today. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Susie stretched her body and said, "You are the captain, just say it."

Seeing several people looking at him, Camus rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then slowly raised his head.

"You basically have the Phase 2 potions. As for the Phase 3 potions, I can help you. What I mean is that we will no longer do quests. We will break away from the Adventurer's Guild and live for ourselves."


Everyone was stunned when they heard the news, "That's good, that's good, but what about the Rose Investigation Team?"

Camus nodded, "Who said that after leaving the Adventurer's Guild, we are no longer the Rose Investigation Team? I can guarantee that I can help you find the follow-up formula, trust me.

"The purpose of our previous missions was to make money to buy potions, but as you know, you can't buy stage three potions with money. Continuing to do missions will be meaningless."

"So...what do you think?"

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