Primordial Sequence

Chapter 68 People with high IQ

The early morning bell woke up the sun, and the slowly rising sun shone on the faces of several people as if coating them with a layer of gold powder. The captain looked at these energetic young people and grinned.

"How wonderful."

"Dong dong, Captain Munro, the president asked us to assist you."

Hearing the door ringing, Munro opened it, and then three aliens with unique personalities walked in. A scarred tiger man carried a big sword on his back, and a werewolf with a severed hand squinted at a few people. A blind tabby cat man coughed a few times with his hands behind his back, panting hard.

Seeing him like this, everyone in the room became nervous, and their hands unconsciously pressed on their weapons. Kamiu didn't know what to do and could only be careful.

"Mr. Sid, are you okay? Or? You don't have to go?"

Sid coughed and hurriedly took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth. Looking at the bright red color in his hand, his eyes dimmed.

"Just let me die on the battlefield to save you from taking action, hahaha... Killing here and there, but I didn't expect that I would become one of them."

The captain took a look and walked over and patted West Germany on the shoulder, "Maybe we are all the same, let's do what we need to do."

Sid looked into Captain Jingjing's eyes and didn't say anything for a long time. Suddenly, he straightened up and threw the bloody handkerchief aside. .

"You are like me, so let's fight for the last time. Sequence 8 soldier, Joel Sid was ordered to join the team."

"Sequence 8 soldier, Tigerman Buluo was ordered to join the team."

"Sequence 8 soldier, werewolf Ange was ordered to join the team."

The captain looked out the window and faintly uttered one word, "Let's go."

Hearing this, Camus touched the pistol in his arms and followed closely. In this battle, he was only responsible for long-range consumption and handling some special incidents, so the sword was handed over to Akali.

"Camoo, wait."

Kamiao stopped when he heard the words, turned around and saw that it was Kaxiu who held a black bundle and handed it over.

"This is the material you want. The black market is in chaos. It's not easy to help you get these materials together."

"Thank you, Ka Xiu, how much does it cost?"

"Ah? These are worthless things. If the black market hadn't been in chaos, these things would be very simple. Let's leave quickly. The captain and the others are gone."

Kamiao quickly put the materials into his arms and chased after him last time. Let’s talk about the thank you when he comes back.

on carriage

Unexpectedly, Camus and Susie were sitting in the same carriage again. Looking at Susie, who was covered in silver, Camus pulled down the curtains.

"What happened just now? Is there something wrong with that West Germany?"

Susie took off her mask and looked at Camus deeply with her red eyes.

"I told you about aliens, right? Mr. Sid can't hold on anymore. His vitality has been absorbed too much by unknown existences. He is about to mutate. You look like he is very old, but in fact he is only 27 years old. ”

"Unknown existence?"

Susie looked at Camus meaningfully, "An indescribable weirdness that will torture your nerves crazily and take away everything from you. When your willpower is weak, it will control your body and make you become For a monster, although I said that the chance of mutation will be very small, some sequences that can contact the soul are not among them. For sequence two, there are too many indescribable monsters to be seen. Some weird things will destroy your will and torture your soul. , sooner or later you will receive the favor of the devil's words."

After hearing this news, Camus calmly took out the elementary space theory he took from the table. After drinking the magic potion, what is supposed to come will come. It is better to find a way home early. This damn world is small. I don’t want to accompany you anymore.

Seeing that Camus wasn't worried at all, Susie couldn't help but wonder, "Aren't you scared?"

"Afraid? I was quite scared before. Do you think that thing in this world is not weird? Come if you want. We'll talk about it then."

"Oh, Camus, you have a good attitude. It seems that I am overthinking it. Have you ever thought about doing something in the future?"

Kamiao was stunned. He had been busy from beginning to end, or just living an ignoble existence, and he really hadn't thought about this problem.

"Is it okay to study?"

Susie looked at Camus arrogantly, "If you can pass the exam and still have time to learn professional knowledge at a later stage, then there will be no problem. Which major do you want to study?"

"History, everything in this world is known from your mouth. I want to truly understand this world."

Susie's three-petal mouth moved, "The threshold for the assessment of history is modern history. If you have carefully read The Steam Revolution of the Fourth Era and memorized some important knowledge, you can give it a try."

"So simple?"

Susie smiled strangely, "Easy? It took me one year to pass the exam. As for you? I estimate it will take three years, which is still the fastest."

"The Republic of Drav is a newly established kingdom. It has only been more than 200 years since its establishment. But I have to tell you that it has been more than 7,800 years since the beginning of the Fourth Era. During this period, many major changes have taken place. Just the various countries of the Fourth Era. There are probably more than 200 thick volumes of history, which is not much.”

Kamiao was dumbfounded when he heard this, "Damn it, pretend I didn't say it. Who told me about studying and who am I in a hurry?"

Susie looked at it and sighed heavily, "The struggle of poor students. How many people do you think Caldecott University of History recruits every year? 2 people. Only 2 people enter the university every year. History is the most difficult subject. Other subjects You can try it.”

"How about astronomy?"

"Astronomy? You can try astronomy. There are only so many stars anyway, and you don't need to work hard to find new constellations like other Sequence Threes. The admissions season will be in exactly one month, so you can try it."

Kamuo's eyes lit up, mainly because he had just looked at space theory and failed to find the existence of the earth. He could only start with astronomy, hoping to find the earth.

"Well, that's really good news. I hope he doesn't have such a high threshold for history."

"Is it a threshold? Astronomy is inseparable from mathematics, space science, star mechanics, and star runes. You don't need to advance to Sequence Three, so you only need to learn mathematics and space science. The threshold is indeed very low."

Camus grinned, "I hope I'm not that bad. Why do you suddenly have such an idea? What will you do next?"

Susie rubbed her brows, "You also know about the captain. Who will lead the team after he leaves? Casca joined the team because he wanted to repay a favor. Do you think he can lead the team with his personality? Kaxiu joined the team in the hope that he can lead the team. Aurora will get the magician's potion or information in his hands, and the cursed shadow of the sequence floats above his head, telling him to dedicate himself to others. He is not in the mood. I need to study and have no time to lead. Do you think Akali can lead the team? As for you..."

Speaking of this, Susie pointed to the scenery outside the window and put her hand on her chin, "You are as selfish as Casca. From the last time you raised objections, I know that your heart is not here, and you have no idea of ​​selfless dedication. You You should have recovered your memory, right? Do you want to return to the Moon Elf clan?"

Camus looked at this bunny girl who was inexplicably frightened towards him. She had high EQ, high IQ, and was an extremely violent Sequence 8. Fortunately, she was not an enemy.

"Maybe the captain has some considerations? He knows the team's situation better than we do. Maybe you are a good candidate."

Susie laughed at herself, "Kamiu, do you know? When I paid the price, I knew that I was no longer a person, but a monster. Are you really willing to just silently dedicate yourself to these civilians? This is the mission. We don’t even have enough money for the subsequent potion materials, what should we do?”

"Sometimes I feel very conflicted. Whenever I see innocent civilians being brutally harmed, I feel really sad and want to kill these cultists, but when I think about having to fight monsters with my life all the time, I also have to think about the follow-up. How to get the potion, and the shadow of mutation, I am very afraid, what if I really die one day? I still have my sister, she needs me."

Kamu looked at Susie who was squatting on the ground holding her knees, and understood her feelings very well. Isn't it the same for him?

"It's going to be okay, we're not there yet."

Susie shook her head and looked at Camus with red eyes, "Have you ever had any doubts, Camus? Why do we extraordinary beings kill each other? Where did the price we paid go? How did the aliens come? I doubt that the devil Medicine is a trap, a huge trap.”

Kamuo smiled faintly, "Not only have you thought about it, but I have also thought about it. Do you want to go to the top and have a look?"

Susie raised her head and looked at Camus blankly, "I know, but you still drink Sequence 2 magic potion?"

"Do I have a choice? Do you think I have a choice in that situation? If you don't drink, what if you don't help me? Or can't help me? I don't want to test human nature. I'm afraid. If it really comes to that point, can you save me? It’s just me.”

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