Primordial Sequence

Chapter 63 District 9 2

"Mr. Kamuo, for the powerful extraordinary beings of Sequence Six, it is only a matter of time before they build such a steel wall fortress. When you see the "Floating City", the crystallization of Sequence Six, you will be filled with emotion."

As he entered the large steel gate, a sound of noise and shouting echoed in Camus' ears. Some shops were busy selling seafood, dry goods, clothes, food, etc.

"This is the trading area. There are goods and seafood from around the Republic of Draf. Do you need to buy anything?"

Kamius shook his head and continued to follow Casca. After about thirty minutes, the two squeezed out of the crowded trading area and saw the circus, opera house, tavern, and the nearby circus. Scantily clad girls.

"This is the entertainment area. There are various entertainment venues for you to relax. Do you need to play?"

Seeing the direction Casca was pointing, Kamu looked at his half-smiling face and happily uttered a word.

"Of course I have to go, I think I should ask twenty girls to help you entertain, no less than one."

"Oh, that's a bit expensive. Are you sure you want this?"

Camus smiled and looked at him, "Of course, Mr. Casca, reproduction is the nature of life, and I will not stop you from such a great project."

Casca looked at the bulging scenery and shook his head regretfully.

"It's a pity that the face is really not to my liking. Next time I will take you to a high-end place. You will not want to leave."

Kamuo nodded seriously, "What you said makes sense. How far is it?"

"We still have to pass through two universities to get there. The trading area is no longer crowded here. We can take a carriage there."

After a while, the two arrived at the university district. They saw the buildings with intellectual characteristics and the students full of hope, and they also saw the slogans "Racial Equality" and "Amendment of the Law" held by students on both sides of the road. Kamius fell silent.

"Are these students involved? This is not good news."

Casca smiled and looked at Luyao Mechanical University, he was once a part of it.

"The cultists don't have the guts to come here to make trouble. They are really energetic students. Let them make trouble. Only those who like to toss are like students."

"Sir, wait a minute, take a look at our brochure."

Hearing someone blocking the car outside, Kamius opened the curtains and saw a sheepman student in a black suit holding a brochure and telling the driver about "fairness". When he saw the curtains opened, his eyes lit up and he came over. , when he saw Casca, his mouth opened wide in shock, and the brochure fell to the ground.

"It's you, Senior Casca. Oh, my God, I actually saw the legendary figure from Mechanical University."

Casca glanced at Camus helplessly and showed a stiff smile.

"Oh, what a missed place. Good morning, dear schoolgirl."

Hearing the excited screams of the sheep girl, a group of people gathered around. When they saw that it was Casca, they covered their mouths in excitement.

"The ninth apostle is actually Senior Casca, the researcher who was specially recruited by the institute."

"Oh, I can't believe it."

When Casca saw more and more people outside, his pupils shrank and he got out of the carriage with a smile on his face. He even kicked Camus before getting off.

Camus helplessly held her forehead, is she so stingy?

"Dear juniors and juniors, aren't you going to class?"

"Senior Casca, what do you think about amending the law?"

Casca pondered for a moment and said with a righteous expression, "I agree with your ideas very much. Please stick to your ideas. I believe that you will gain something if you put in the effort. I believe you will definitely do it."

"Oh, you are indeed Senior Casca. He is truly my idol. I will learn from Senior."

"Senior Casca, this is our brochure. Can you give us some advice?"

Casca took over the brochure solemnly, "Of course... the advice is to stick to your ideas. Dear students, I am going to the research institute. I will carefully observe your ideas. I wish you good luck."

After saying this, Casca quickly sat back in the carriage, breathed a sigh of relief, and put the manual aside.

"Hey, I didn't expect you, Casca, to be from the alien side. This is not your style."

Casca raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Didn't you go through school days? Now they are simple-minded and have their own ideas. If they are sure about it, they will not look back. If I refute them, I don't have to leave today."

Casca looked at Kamius with a half-smile, "Besides, you are a foreigner, so what does it have to do with me, a celestial being? Ideas are always ideas, just their fantasy of longing for something beautiful, let them toss about it. Anyway, they are in no danger in the territory of District 9."

Camus spread his hands, "All success is developed from ideas. No one expected this to happen. The current task is to deal with the group of people behind the scenes who are promoting this matter. As for what happens next, just It depends on the attitude of the major organizations. I think the "negotiation law" will definitely be changed after the incident, unless the country wants to change its owner. It is just a pity for these civilians who are being taken advantage of by both sides. "

"Oh, you can see it?"

Kamuo smiled and said nothing, "Do you really think that these people in power can't see the situation clearly? Whoever can rule the bottom is a stupid person?"

Casca rubbed his neck and said, "We'll see. Life is meaningful if there is fighting. But it's best to stay away from these conspiracies. The mechanical drawings are enough to give me a headache."

"Two gentlemen, the foundry area has arrived."

The two got off the carriage, and a wave of heat hit them, and the sound of continuous clinking echoed in their ears. A group of dwarves with thick brown hair were struggling to forge weapons by the furnace in the foundry area. Their faces were full of sweat, and their explosive muscles looked very powerful. A pile of black iron armor was placed by the pond not far away. A human employee saw the two get off the car and hurried over.

"Dear gentlemen, what do you need?"

Caska pointed at Camus, "I brought my friends to buy some good weapons."

The human saw Camus's pointed ears and silver-white hair. Although his eyes were blocked by glasses and he couldn't see clearly, he must have seen the moon elves, so his eyes lit up.

"Master Gangluo is studying that the "Sword of the Elf" in the Second Age is looking for moon elf blood. He said that it can be exchanged for magic equipment. Do you need me to take you there?"

Caska's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he grabbed Camus and followed behind. Gangluo is a dwarf with magic power, which means he can forge magic equipment.

As they entered the forging room, a group of dwarves were chatting happily, and the working atmosphere seemed to be very good.

"Oh, we are finally done. Let's go for a drink in the afternoon, Newt?"

"Hehe, the Mechanical Dragon King will not take away the drinking time that belongs to the dwarves. See you at the Dwarf Tavern in the afternoon."

As they went deeper, the temperature became higher and higher. The scorching temperature distorted the air. The soles of their feet were a little hot through their shoes. Camus was sweating like he was in a steamer.

Just when the two were almost going crazy with the heat, they heard a heavenly voice that was about to collapse. The human employee pointed to a room and ran out quickly.

"That is Master Gangluo's foundry. Good luck to you gentlemen."

Camus didn't care and rushed over to knock on the door. If he stayed any longer, he would be dehydrated.

"Master Gangluo, I'm here to buy magic equipment."

With a creak, a dwarf with brown hair, a red face, and a muscular body opened the door with a wine jug. When he saw Camus, his eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, Moon Elf, this is really not easy, what do you need?"

Camus wiped his sweat, "Master Gangluo, I heard from the servant that you are looking for Moon Elf, so I'll give it a try."

Gangluo shook his head, "I don't need ordinary Moon Elf blood, I need the blood of the Moon Elf royal family."

Camus nodded, "I am the Moon Elf royal family, let's go out and talk, I can't stand it here."

After saying that, Camus turned and left. He was dry in the mouth and his throat was inflamed, and he was almost unable to bear it.

Gangluo hurriedly pulled the door and followed the two of them.

"Huh, it's too hot. This is the first time I found that water is such a good thing."

The two sat on the ground, wet all over, burped, and rested for a long time before standing up.

Gangluo looked at the elf with dark glasses, a little uncertain. "Are you really a Moon Elf royal family?"

Camus grinned, "It's genuine, let's talk about the price."

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