The cub has grown up and knows how to repay others. It's really touching!

Such a good cub must not be scolded!

As a result, his facial expression was distorted, and in the following time, Meng Jiuzhao received a lot of thanks one after another...


When the stolen goods piled up into a hill, Meng Jiuzhao deeply understood the true meaning of the pressure...

Chapter 121

For Kantas, when the neighbors are not around, secretly go to the neighbor's house to pry bricks~steal tiles~

This is very common.

Most of the Kantas are not as good at counting as Meng Jiuzhao, and even if they throw a stone or two, they will not notice it at all. When they lose five or six dollars, they start to wake up. If they lose more, they must find the culprit!

While the other Kantas were looking for the prisoner, the accomplice Meng Jiuzhao was selling off the stolen goods.

It's not a problem to have so many stones, it's too blatant! Since he didn't know how long he was going to live here, and since everyone else was building nests, Meng Jiuzhao decided to build a nest himself.

Nesting is not difficult for anyone in the Washi tribe.

Although the conditions here were more difficult than when they first arrived in Vash, it was not difficult for Meng Jiuzhao.

After calculating the number of stones in his hand, Meng Jiuzhao decided to use them as the floor. First, it was stolen goods, and it would be a guilty conscience to use them as walls. Second, if these stones were used as isolation layers, the ground would be warmer anyway. ?

As for the wall, Meng Jiuzhao said that there is no need to worry.

They used the backpack given by their father again, and Louis took the backpack out, broke the ice, and filled the backpack with ice water. When he flew back, the water inside was frozen into a lump of ice with a regular shape. , the size is regular, it is better for building walls!

Louis was helping to move the bricks, and Meng Jiuzhao was busy building the walls. While they were busy, the other cubs were not idle, so it was fine if they came to help him from time to time. Two of them were even tirelessly helping him steal stones. yuan.

He clearly wanted to scold them, but when he saw the expectant little eyes of the cubs, he...he softened.

In the future, if I have a cub myself, I might be the father who spoils the cub. Sure enough... Should the child be educated by his wife in the future?

Speaking of wife, do you really want to find a wife in this place in the future? However, if you don't find a wife, there will be no cubs! The furry Kantas is really cute~\\\\(≧▽≦)/~

However, since he is not a real Kantas, how can he give birth to a furry little boy? Sure enough, should the important mission of laying eggs still be given to Louis...

As his mind flew farther and farther, Meng Jiuzhao, who was thinking wildly, didn't notice that danger was approaching.

When his body was shrouded in a huge black shadow, Meng Jiuzhao thought it was Qiao Qiao who came to give him stolen goods again. Before turning his head back, if he refused, he couldn't help but blurt out, thank you, it's already a lot, don't give it any more. I'm stoned..."

It's over." Before he could finish speaking, Meng Jiuzhao's smile froze on his face.

A huge adult Kantas is standing behind him at the moment, the head of Kantas is holding Jojo in his claws, and Jojo is biting a stone in his mouth...

This... is the standard posture of getting everyone's loot!


The bitter master came to the door--

The bitter master Kantas is very strong. It can be said that he is the strongest kantas on this ice field. As early as the first day he came here, Meng Jiuzhao carefully observed every kantas here, and then Come to the conclusion that everyone should not provoke this one.

How did I tell you~ I told you not to provoke him~" Meng Jiuzhao was about to cry without tears.

We listened to you~ When he was there, we never dared to approach him~ Every stone was picked up secretly when he was gone! "With his neck still in each other's paws, Jojo felt that she was wronged.

Meng Jiuzhao was completely speechless.

You, what do you say? We can return all the stones to you..." In the land of reproduction, everyone is an opponent, even if the other party eats himself, it is not an exaggeration, Meng Jiuzhao spoke weakly with the idea of ​​​​relieving things.

The words went out, but the other party didn't respond for a long time. Just when he looked up at the other party uneasily, the other party made a move that startled him.

He lowered his head, and Kantas' nose was close to Meng Jiuzhao's head.

All the hairs stood up, and the heartbeat accelerated. Just when Meng Jiuzhao thought that the other party decided to eat him out of anger, the Kantas turned his head away.

Are you... the bald boy of the Black and Bai family? "

This sentence was asked by Dragon Roar. He was too familiar with the pronunciation of the names of the two fathers in Kantar, so Meng Jiuzhao immediately recognized the names of the fathers!

In Kantas' roar, he actually remembered many proper nouns by pronunciation, and he didn't quite understand the true meaning of them.

Name, Meng Jiuzhao had occasionally heard Louis call him that, so he vaguely believed that this was also the way Kantas addressed himself, but he did not understand the meaning of the name——

So, tragedy happened.

yes! I am bald! "Realizing that he might not be eaten, Meng Jiuzhao admitted.

Just this sentence, at this moment, the name of this tragedy is destined to accompany Meng Jiuzhao all his life.

At this moment, Meng Jiuzhao obviously didn't realize this. He carefully observed the other party's expression, and after confirming that the hostility in the other party's eyes had been removed, he began to scrutinize the other party's identity.

Excuse me, did you recognize me by the smell of my dads? "Sure enough, even if I leave home so far, even if I take a hot bath that can remove hair, my father's smell is still firmly wrapped around me, protecting myself...

Thinking of his father, Meng Jiuzhao burst into tears for a moment.

However, the Kantas in front of him seemed to appear specifically to attack him, and just after Meng Jiuzhao's question blurted out, the Kantas slowly shook his head.

Hooho-" It's not your dad's smell, it's the smell of poo.

ah? The smile on Meng Jiuzhao's face froze again.

Growing up so big... He has always been a clean and good cub, the smell of poop... How could it appear on him.

You smell like poop. "For fear that Meng Jiuzhao's blow was not enough, the unfamiliar Kantas made another stab.

At this moment, Louis also flew back and threw the backpack with ice cubes on the ground. He stood in front of Meng Jiuzhao, who was lost.

what's wrong? "Louis tilted his head and asked Meng Jiuzhao silently with his eyes. Although his expression was very calm, his muscles were already tensed. Once A bald said that he had been bullied, Louis would immediately rush over to fight him." in the end.

Is this another cub of Black and White? Hearing that the other party not only knew about him, but also knew that there was another cub in his family, Meng Jiuzhao was really curious about the other party's identity this time: you must know that there is only one cub in the average Kantas family.

I am Grunsa, brother to your father. "Under Meng Jiuzhao's curious gaze, the other party finally revealed his true identity, and as the voice fell, he released the claws that shackled Qiaoqiao, and at the same time turned into a human figure.

The humanoid Gu Lunza is a handsome man who is not inferior to Blake. With long straight platinum hair and blue eyes, Kantas looks like a spirit in a storybook.


If he can put on pants.

Silently handed a small leather skirt to Gu Lunsa, Meng Jiuzhao took this as his first gift to his uncle.


Still the smell of poop. Putting on the leather skirt, Gu Lunsa's topic once again brought up a topic that Meng Jiuzhao was reluctant to bring up.

Blake still has the habit of putting Dad's poo in his backpack! With his sigh, Meng Jiuzhao's face turned pale, hurriedly ran to his backpack, opened it, and after rummaging inside for a while, he finally found the beep-beep-

Ahhhhh~~~ Dad, why do you put grandpa's poo in your backpack! ! ! ! At this moment, Meng Jiuzhao's inner Kantas roared wildly.

Along the way, he has been sitting in grandpa's beep, eating the food next to grandpa's beep, and wearing clothes stained with beep...

Does Dad have a cleanliness addiction or not... This is really a question...

This is a good habit, I also recognized your dad and them by the smell of poop. ” Gu Lunsa’s pleasant voice continued to ring in his ears, the angel’s appearance, the spirit of the voice, but there was no pressure to talk about disgusting topics, his essence was still head Kantas.

However, being able to meet the uncle here is really an unexpected harvest!

The cubs are all grown up. "Looking at the two cubs of his younger brothers, Gu Lunza seemed to be remembering something. He could still remember how they were just born: one was bald and the other was furry, but both were only a little big, and now one of them was At the other end was Kantas, who was almost as tall as him.

Gu Lunsa's eyes left Louis and fell on Meng Jiuzhao again. It seemed to compare the appearance of Meng Jiuzhao in his memory. After a long while, he slowly said, bald... still so bald. "

Meng Jiuzhao no longer had any hope for this uncle whose words were astonishing.

Gloucester! We found Grandpa! "Meng Jiuzhao decided to share this good news with his uncle.

Yeah? Black and Bai must be very happy..." The man's expression finally changed a little when he mentioned his grandfather.

After the eggs are laid this time, we will go home immediately. Do you want to go back with us, Gu Lunsa? "It's okay not to mention going home, just

To mention going home, Meng Jiuzhao was scratching his head.

talk later. Before that, though, we need to talk a little bit about the stone. "Gu Lunza is still the same, his expression is light, people can't guess what he is thinking.

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