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Sense to Buu’s angry emotions, there seems to be an Evil Ki swelling, Goku eyebrow raised, I think it’s a play, so I add another fire: “Buu, the one who grabbed your pudding is Babidi, and he wants to seal you forever. !”

“Buu hateful Babidi!”

Following Fat Buu’s angry roar, a cloud of hot steam suddenly spurted out of his head, but not at all stopped after the spurt, but he held his head in pain.

“It’s his Evil Buu within the body coming out!”

Seeing this, Goku motioned the crowd to disperse. He stepped forward and put his hand on Buu’s shoulder, encouraging: “Buu, don’t lose to Evil Buu who is within the body, first fight for strength, and then drive him out of Go ! “

In the original work, when Evil Buu separated, he took away a lot of power from Buu within the body, so that in the subsequent battle, Fat Buu was not the opponent of Evil Buu at all.

Wu wu wu ……

Another burst of steam sprayed out, and the emotional fluctuation caused the evil body of Buu within the body to wake up early. At this moment, Buu was fighting the evil body for the last time.

This is a tug-of-war of strength. Goku can only encourage Buu on the sidelines, but can’t really help him.

After a while, Buu’s complexion became very ugly, the steam above his head gathered more and more, and finally there was another jet of steam, Fat Buu fell on his knees as if he was unstretched, gasp for breath.

“Look… the top of Buu’s head!” Son Gohan pointed to in midair and said.

Everyone looked up and saw a slightly black air mass condensing in midair, and then gradually formed a thin silhouette.

“That’s… Evil Buu, pure evil Evil Buu!” Goku looked at the silhouette of in midair, whispered.

Evil Buu’s clothing is very similar to Fat Buu’s, but one is bloated and round, the other looks like malnourished, almost can be described as skinny, two are one fatty and one thin, one representative is innocent and kind, the other It is cruelty and destruction.

Goku stood in front of Fat Buu, faced Evil Buu, and said to everyone: “Everyone, help take care of Fat Buu. He is very weak now. I will deal with this Evil Buu!”

From the comparison between the two Buu Ki, the power of Evil Buu or Fat Buu is much stronger. It seems that the winner of the tug-of-war of power is still Evil Buu.

As if he understood Goku’s words, in midair Evil Buu opened his big mouth and made a series of horrifying laughter.

The laughter was not over yet, Evil Buu’s figure stepped forward without warning, his body moved towards the downwards and dived rapidly, Goku’s eyes were serious, and he jumps up suddenly.


Evil Buu’s fist strikes were at the place where Goku originally stood. For an instant, the ground was like a piece of glass that had been punctured by a baseball.

Son Gohan picked up the weak Fat Buu and retreated far away with everyone. Since Goku was the first to fight, Broly and Vegeta will not intervene.

Evil Buu failed with a single blow, he raised the head cold looking towards Goku, and then with the strength of the recoil, jumped again and moved towards Goku attacked again.

“Drink Ah!”

Goku lightly shouted, and a raging golden flame suddenly burned all over his body. He waved his hands towards Evil Buu.

Bang! bang! bang!

In the sky, there was a thunderous loud noise instantly, and the figures of Goku and Evil Buu continued to shuttle.

Evil Buu’s attack is not that fierce, but strength and speed are the strength of Ascended Super Saiyan 2. Only Goku of Super Saiyan Transformation 1, and Buu hand to hand combat for 100 rounds, has gradually fallen behind.

When Vegeta in the distance saw this scene, be eager to have a try moved towards Goku shouted: “Kakarot, can you do it? If it doesn’t work, change me!”

In midair Goku and Evil Buu drew a distance, and then held them tightly, said solemnly: “It has been a long time since the power of Super Saiyan 2 has been released. Let you see today!”

After speaking, Goku let out a long series of low growls, and in an instant an aura containing as far away as the vast Galaxy rose up, and the surrounding “crackle and rattle” flashed with stout blue lightning and golden aura burning all over. Suddenly it was in jet state, becoming fierce and terrifying.

“Uh, uh…really strong gas, this guy Kakarot…what realm does his strength promote to!” Vegeta dumbstruck looked at Goku in midair, also in the form of Super Saiyan 2. Compared with Goku, as different as Heaven and Earth!

Even Broly’s face is a little dignified. If you simply compare Ki, after Broly body transformation Legendary Super Saiyan, his Ki’s interest definitely surpasses Goku a large margin, but at their level, the comparison of Ki is just a reference.

At this time, Broly is facing Goku, completely have no Ki’s leading superiority, replaced by a deep restraining fear, as if encountering a life enemy, a slight negligence will be consigned to eternal damnation .

The Ki around Goku gradually stabilized, with a circle of white eyes in his dark-green, falling on Evil Buu, indifferently said: “Let you wait a long time, Buu!”

Bang! !

No one at the scene could see Goku’s movement clearly. He seemed to disappear out of thin air. The next second he appeared in front of Evil Buu. The peak of fist was wrapped in unimaginable formidable power and hit Evil Buu’s shriveled abdomen heavily. .

With a huge muffled sound, Evil Buu’s body was pulled and stretched like an rubber. He was clutching his abdomen, his face was full of unfathomable expressions.

Majin Buu has a special body structure, like plasticine, it has no fixed shape, even if it is crushed by a bomb, it can be reassembled without damage.

But Goku’s this fist, with the destruction of a planet, hit Buu, directly injuring Buu from the energy level, making him the first time sense of heart-piercing pain.


Evil Buu let out a strange cry, and then a gloomy energy beam burst out. At such a close distance, everyone present didn’t even have time to react.

Time seemed to have been slowed down by a few 10x. Everyone watched as the energy beam in Evil Buu’s mouth was about to hit Goku. The latter’s mouth curled up with a faint smile, then his body sank and his neck twisted slightly. The terrifying beam was almost Wiping Goku golden’s hair, it disappeared in a flash!

Boom! Rumble! !

The energy beam fell on the wilderness behind everyone, and immediately sent out a shocking explosion. Even the sturdy Sacred World of the Kai was collapsed by this energy attack on the ground, horrible to see.

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