“What’s the matter? What’s the excitement? Tell us about it.”

Make us happy.

Ye You looked at Haunter and tried his best to act as if nothing had happened, but the small eyes were full of gossip.

Tell you to soak up girls on the Internet every day and taunt me every day!

“I was beaten!” Haunter said angrily.

“Oh, what then?” Ye You nodded, continuing to look forward to the next plot.

Haunter doesn’t need to say this, he can see it too.

Haunter’s status is a bit wrong.

But it’s nothing big.

So this is not the focus of Ye You.

The point is, why are you beaten?

Snatch someone else’s girlfriend?

“What then? Is this not enough? I was beaten! Your Pokémon was beaten! Shouldn’t you be angry?” Haunter cried.

“Yes, you have to be angry, you have to fight back, but you are so active and you have to train, it’s not like being beaten up. In this world, some Pokémon are better than you, don’t you know that ?” Ye You said.

“But I think I’m pretty good now, and the one who beat me is a Ghost Type Pokémon.” Haunter gritted his teeth.

“Oh~” Ye You nodded, showing the sudden affection, the love and hatred of Ghost Type, “but why did you fight? You went to the cute house!”

Up to this point, Haunter, who had been resentful, lowered his head rarely, and whispered: “Seeing that it is also a Ghost Type, it feels fun, did I go and say hello? But it has a bad temper, so he started doing it all at once. , I can’t fight it!”

“So it was because I didn’t make a molestation, I was beaten instead. You deserve it!” Ye You said.

“I was beaten, and you still said cold words!” Haunter angrily said.

“What’s the matter? I usually let you train, you play games for me, and now I’ve been beaten, who is to blame?” Ye You still said coldly.

“You, you…” Haunter looked at Ye You furiously, then turned his head.

You big pig’s hoof, it really changed. I was not allowed to play in the finals. Now I have been beaten, and you still talk coldly.

I want to break with you.

“Really angry?” Ye You looked at Haunter.

Haunter turned his head and ignored Ye You.

“Oh~ Then you continue to get angry, I will rest first. You train yourself.” Ye You got up, ready to leave.

You are not my girlfriend, you want me to coax you?

Change gender and come here again.

Haunter is still stunned with Ye You, but when he hears the door opening, his expression panic, no, this guy really doesn’t train me.

Let me train myself, what joke, I can train myself, why do I need you?

And that many Unique Ability cooperates, let me check the computer and learn?

Fuck you!

I still want to play games online!

At the moment, Haunter drifted to Ye You when the rain turned sunny, and said: “Design a training plan for me, I want to beat it.”

“Shoulder shoulders, no strength “Ye You can’t speak.

“I’m coming~”

Haunter changed his hands into human hands and gave Ye You a massage.

Ye You’s mouth is slightly raised, and you brat has today.

I’m almost proud, Ye You said: “Let’s talk about it, the Pokémon who beat you, what Pokémon is, have you seen it?”

“Never saw it, It’s definitely not Kanto’s Pokémon.” Haunter said.

“Is there a Trainer or Wild?”

“Wild. There is no Trainer.”

“What are the characteristics?”

If you only talk about heroes by race, he would be easy to guess, but in fact it is not the case. Which race does not have one or two breakthrough Species Strength geniuses?

Like Xiong Ma, Alola’s first War God, flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, floating through the skies or escaping through the ground, hand-dismantling up to beating monsters, the battle strength is strong enough to burst, but the Species Strength is only 500.

Moreover, after some Trainers die, their Trump Card will leave the descendants of Trainer and return to nature.

There are many powerful Pokémon.

Without the hints of Unique Ability and Attribute, Ye You can’t guess it either.

“Yes, it has two appearances, one is in the shadow in the shadow, and the other is fighting with me. Although the overall size has not changed, the head has turned green.” Haunter said. .

“Your head has turned green? Is it male or female?” Ye You raised his brow, Pokémon whose head would turn green?

“Be serious.” Haunter dissatisfied.

“Okay, go on, I then think, what are the characteristics of your Pokémon, and then I will design special tactics for you.” Ye You said, fighting with all his strength, his head will turn green, which means There are two forms.

In the absence of human Help, there are not many Pokémons that can freely switch between the two forms.

Normal is still a big brother.

Like Giratina’s normal form, origin form, Lunala’s normal form, full moon form.

However, there are two forms of Ghost Type, Wild and Alola, and it can defeat Haunter. The identity of this Pokémon is also ready to be revealed.

“Also, it likes to hide in the shadow and steal my energy.” Haunter said.

“Hiding in the shadows is also a normal operation of your Ghost Type, which is nothing. I ask you, does that Pokémon like Close Combat?” Ye You said.

“I like it very much,” Haunter said.

“That’s right, it should be Marshadow.” Ye You said.

“Marshadow, is this guy hitting me?” Haunter said angrily.

“Marshadow, what Pokémon?” Vivi looked at Ye You strangely, she had never heard of it.

“The only Pokémon in the world that has both Ghost Attribute and Fighting Type. The strength is extraordinary, probably on the same level as Kanto’s Mew, but Mew free and unconstrained, it can be changed into any kind of Pokémon. Respected and loved by everyone, Mew itself is also a lively Pokémon. Marshadow and Ghost Attribute are not as likable as Mew. Normally, they are also relatively timid and like to hide. But if you get offended, you can also Amazing power will explode.” Ye You said here, looking towards Haunter.

What did you do?

“I don’t have one, I want to be friends with it.” Haunter said loudly.

“Wait a moment, tomorrow I will make a special training plan for you.” Ye You glanced at Haunter, completely unbelieving.

To be loud at this time is a guilty conscience.

But I didn’t care. No matter what I did, Haunter was beaten by Marshadow fiercely and learned a lesson.

“That’s it.” Haunter said.

“That’s right, in addition, your game time will be reduced in the future. I will redouble your exercise and let you evolve. Your current strength is not enough and you need to evolve.” Ye You said.

Haunter’s strength is more than enough for ordinary Alliance tournaments, but it is not enough for champion Alliance.

Evolve Gengar, attack Elite, join hands with yourself, or fight the champion.

It’s just Haunter evolving Gengar, unlike in the game, you can connect and evolve by swapping each other.

If that’s the case, then all Haunter and Kadabra in Trainer’s hands are Gengar and Alakazam.

After all, connected to the exchange machine, can be seen everywhere, every Pokémon Center has it, and it’s free to use.

Needs diligent practice.

“No problem.”

Haunter had high morale in his eyes and flew out to exercise Ghost Attribute Unique Ability under Moonlight.

Ghost Attribute is a bit dark and can gather more at night.

“It’s rare to see Haunter being so serious?” Vivi looked at Haunter.

“So it is necessary to be beaten!” Ye You said.

“We only grow up through setbacks. But Haunter is a Ghost Pokémon, and you don’t need Rest. You want Rest. Don’t you have to fight Totem Pokémon tomorrow?” Vivi said.

“Okay.” Ye You turned around, picked up the computer and left.

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