Pokemon: Starting from the different color Lalulas

Chapter 471 Midsummer, Moonlight, Snow (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

[Dear Miss Ma Li, the neon lights of Spike Town, the densely packed high-rise buildings that block the sky, and the unique cyberpunk atmosphere of Spike Town, hello, this is Xu Qiansu in July. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a month has passed since I came to Qingxu from Galar. 】

The night sky is lonely, with vague black clouds, and the stars and the bright moon hang in the curtain of the sky.

Xu Qiansu was sitting alone at the table in his room writing a letter. The window was open, and the refreshing evening breeze blew through the curtains and blew on his body, which was very pleasant.

Soraya curled up and slept on Xu Qiansu's lap, with his fluffy tail in front of his face like a pillow, his sleeping face looking charming and innocent.

[This year’s summer is extremely hot. Even though I live in Yanmo City, a summer resort in the Johto area, I often feel depressed, depressed and irritable. 】

[I don’t know if this is because of the temperature or because someone is missing from my side. 】

[Miss Ma Li, what do you think is the reason? 】

[I think it’s the latter. 】

[...After all, the little marsupial has been away from me for a month. 】

[After Xiaochun met Reshiram, he hurriedly took the small marsupial to the Dragon's Den. 】

[She really doesn’t want to go, and I don’t want her to go either. 】

[But the reality is this, we always need to make some choices we don’t want to make. 】

[I wanted to tell Xiaochun how to take good care of the little marsupial, such as the taste of food, what position to hold her in so that she can sleep peacefully, etc. But after I thought about it for a long time, I suddenly realized that the little marsupial is not picky about food, clothing, housing and transportation. Only he is very curious and likes to take a bath. 】

[Although she is young, she has never had any annoying problems, and she has always made me worry-free... I have always thought so. 】

[Until later, the second week after the little marsupial left, Xiaochun sent me a letter. 】

[In the letter, Xiaochun talked about some of the current situation of the little marsupial and the details of her relationship with the little marsupial. 】

[It was then that I discovered that the little marsupial was just very well-behaved in front of me. 】

[For example, she can fall asleep in any position only when I hold her. 】

[For another example, she will be obedient only when I give her a bath. 】

[As I write this, I don’t want to continue talking, lest I make you laugh. 】

[I just hope that the little marsupial can come back to me as soon as possible. 】

【I miss her very much. 】

Xu Qiansu paused, and then continued to write:

[The air quality in Yanmo City is very good. After all, it is located deep in the mountains and old forests. However, because there are too many people coming to escape the summer heat and enjoy the cool air, and since I last appeared in the live broadcast, people recognize me basically every time I go out. This is not a request. Taking a group photo means asking for a fight, or you have other intentions. 】

[This may sound arrogant, but I don’t do this for a living, so to be honest, it’s annoying. 】

[When I took Miss Dale here to live, I thought Miss Cattleya would be furious, but in fact she was not. 】

[She always gives people a surly and violent image, but she always treats me tenderly. This contrast makes me more and more obsessed with her day after day. Every day I see her, I can't help but want to be with her. Repeat in your ear I like you. 】

[Through this, Miss Dale can also concentrate on healing Reshiram. 】

[As a legendary Pokémon, Reshiram has a good temper and lets us toss him around like a doll. 】

[It’s just that he never spoke, and he didn’t even make much eye contact. To this day, I can’t figure out what he was thinking, and I have no idea why this happened to him. 】

[But that’s not important... I just healed Him on a whim, and He gave me a considerable reward for this—a feather stained with honey. 】

[It’s very beautiful and feels good in the hand. I’m thinking about making it a bookmark. 】

[So when he recovers from his injury, I don’t plan to continue to meddle in his own business and control him... I just let him go. 】

[However, as time accumulated, I still discovered a few small details. 】

[For example, he is a mysophobic and spends a lot of time preening his feathers every day, which is somewhat similar to Miss Cattleya. 】

[He likes food with strong taste, such as spicy food. When it was brought to him for the first time, he showed a rare look of eagerness. 】

[Maybe in His long life, not many humans prepared such spicy food for Him? 】

[For example, at night, He will be more docile than during the day. Perhaps it is because He, as the Yang dragon of Tao, is more familiar with the ‘Yin attribute’ phenomenon at night? 】

[His injuries are almost healed, so he should leave within the next two days. 】

[Miss Dale left Cuixue Town for a month for this reason, and it’s time to go back. 】

[But from my selfish point of view, I hope she can stay here. 】

[As soon as Reshiram recovered from her injuries, I immediately asked her to leave. It seemed that she was like a tool who came and went when called. I definitely don't think of her like this, but I don't want her to think too much about it. 】

[Secondly, the power within Kyuubi's body has not yet been completely mastered. Miss Dale can check her body at any time, which makes me feel relieved. 】

[Thirdly, Qingxu's wild Pokémon also fell in love with her. Every time they got injured from fighting, Miss Dale would treat them. 】

[I will talk to her. 】

[Secondly, regarding the filming of the movie, I originally planned to go to the Carlos area, but Karuna took the initiative to come to Qingxu. 】

[We were supposed to talk about business, but ended up playing games all night under the influence of Zhulan, which made Miss Cattleya very dissatisfied. 】

[However, there was no delay in getting down to business. Her filming team has already started preparations. I heard that Lu Lina is also working hard on her acting skills. 】

[Karunai likes Qingxu very much, and she once vaguely revealed in her words that she asked me to help her build a villa in Qingxu. 】

[Kalu Nai and I are not familiar with each other, so I put the question to Zhu Lan and asked her to consider it. 】

[I cut down all the trees in a ten-mile radius to the west of the manor to use as construction timber, and planted large fruit trees there instead. 】

[Now there are only saplings there, and you can only see plain fields there, but wild Pokémon like it very much, and you can always see them there. 】

[While I was dealing with Qingxu and Reshiram's affairs, the Pokémon were training steadily with the help of Miss Zhulan, gearing up. 】

[They seem to have considerable expectations for the Champions League in November, but as far as I am concerned, it is really distressing. 】

[With Roz’s character, he will definitely operate behind the scenes and let me fight Little Master Caidou as a gimmick to gain traffic. 】

[I think I will win, but after the battle, little Master Caidou will definitely think in his heart that it is only natural that his disciple is better than his master, and he will use this as a reason to comfort himself. 】

[But no matter how good the idea is, she will still feel uncomfortable in her heart, and she may even cry quietly. 】

[I have never seen the way she acted awkwardly, but I imagined it to be cute. It reminded me of the night we had a big fight in the Kalos area. 】

[Speaking of Little Master Caidou, she asked me to send her the Giant Wristband three weeks ago, seemingly to improve it. 】

[Can the Extreme Wristband be improved? How to improve it? I just heard that the accompanying meteorite was used. 】

[Now that it has been sent back, the appearance has changed from pure white to black, which is not ugly at all. 】

[The improved effect is actually not difficult to guess, so I won’t say more. 】

[Little Master Caidou must have put in a lot of effort to get the accompanying meteorite from Rozi’s hand for me to use. 】

[It feels really good to be cared for by such a little master. 】

Scarlett's clear voice came from outside the room, calling him to come down to eat.

[It’s time to have dinner, let’s stop here. 】

[Although there are still many things I want to say, it is most appropriate to talk to you in person. 】

[I hope you can reply. 】

【Xu Qiansu. 】

Xu Qiansu put down his pen, leaned on the back of the seat, reached out and gently stroked the soft hair on Zoroa's back. After a while, he turned his head and looked to his side.

In front of the window, there is a pot of flowers, which has now grown into light yellow flowers, swaying in the wind, graceful and graceful.

Xu Qiansu was lost in thought for a moment, then slowly looked away, picked up the pen, and added another sentence at the end.

[Shizhi sent me three pots of flowers in front of the coffee shop. One of them is evening primrose that Rongyue and I planted ourselves, and it has bloomed now. 】

After writing, Xu Qiansu closed the letter and closed his eyes. After a while, he picked up Soraya, turned off the lights, opened the door and left.

The room became dark, with only the moonlight falling from the window falling like water across the room.

Two nights later.

It was a muggy night.

The lights of Yanmo City are bright, but the forest outside the city is pitch black, with no room for any light except the moonlight.

At first, only a trace of colorful light could be seen in the night sky. In the blink of an eye, the light spot expanded instantly, revealing an aurora that looked like it was drawn with a pen in the night sky... It was Cresselia.

Xu Qiansu and Dale were going to do a final check on Reshiram at this moment.

"His injuries have healed. If nothing is found this time, we don't have to go to Him again!" The strong wind roared, and Dell had to hold her pink hair with one hand and said loudly into Xu Qiansu's ear. .

Xu Qiansu nodded slightly and said nothing.

"When this matter is settled, it's time for me to return to Cuixue Town!" Del said loudly as he glanced sideways at Xu Qiansu's profile.

"Let's talk about this another time." Xu Qiansu spoke this time, and he had to answer loudly before his voice could reach Del's ears.

Dale didn't say much after that.

She kept laughing.

When we arrived at the top of Reshiram, there were many differences from before.

It was piled with many tableware used by Qian Su to cook for Reshiram, equipment and various medicines used by Deir for treatment, and even a tent used for overnight stays.

The tent was left behind when Reshiram suddenly fell into coma, and Dale and Xu Qiansu had to spend the night here to take care of him.

Reshiram scared the two of them so much that Xu Qiansu almost called Xiao Chun out of the dragon's lair.

But later it was discovered that Reshiram only seemed to be in a coma after he recovered a little from his injuries and began to concentrate on healing himself.

Xu Qiansu scolded Reshiram at that time and thought that Reshiram should at least remind him.

Reshiram turned a blind eye to Xu Qiansu's scolding, perhaps because he couldn't hear.

He should be trying to find a way to repair his missing 'dragon spirit'. As for whether he succeeded, Xu Qiansu didn't know.

When the two arrived, Reshiram opened his blue eyes and turned his head to look, with some doubts appearing in his eyes.

Xu Qiansu and Daier rarely come over at night.

Xu Qiansu walked closer, thought about it for a moment, then pointed at Reshiram and made an 'OK' hand sign, "This is the last checkup. If there are no problems this time, you will be fully recovered...and you can leave." Here it is.”

Saying that, Xu Qiansu pointed at the night sky again.

Reshiram looked towards the night sky in the direction of Xu Qiansu's finger. After a while, he looked away and looked at Xu Qiansu.

Xu Qiansu knew that Reshiram understood what he meant.

Dale sat down on her knees, released her escort, and expertly inspected Reshiram.

Reshiram lay on the ground, folded his two front paws, rested his chin on his chin, closed his eyes, and remained silent and expressionless.

Xu Qiansu sat cross-legged next to him without speaking.

After a while, Xu Qiansu spoke.

He said: "I heard that you are the legendary Pokémon that represents the 'real', and Zekrom, who is opposite you, represents the 'ideal'..."

Reshiram opened his eyes and looked sideways at Xu Qiansu. There was no wave in his eyes.

"Generally speaking, 'ideal' is the best, after all, 'reality' is too cruel."

Del turned his head and glanced at Xu Qiansu, then changed his position and continued the inspection.

"As a legendary Pokémon, there should always be some special power. The 'reality' you represent is too conceptual, and I can't figure out your ability... I'm actually quite curious, but I don't think you will be interested in me because of it." If you’re curious, show it to me.”

Xu Qiansu was silent for a while, then turned to look at Reshiram. After thinking for a moment, he continued: "But you can suffer such serious injuries. According to Xiaochun, even part of your soul is missing... It was Kyurem who did it. ?”

Reshiram and Xu Qiansu looked at each other and still didn't speak, but the atmosphere seemed a bit more solemn.

"I heard that Zekrom and Kyurem were split from an ancient dragon thousands of years ago, and Kyurem was transformed from the remains of that ancient dragon. They think about you all the time. The two merged into one again and returned to the Dragon of Tao period."

"I'm not sure what will happen after merging into one... What will happen to the original consciousnesses of your three Pokémon? Should one be chosen as the leader? Or will they all die and give birth to new consciousnesses?"

Xu Qiansu said to himself. At this point, he paused for a moment, then came forward and narrowed his eyes slightly, "You, could it be because you were devoured by Kyurem, but you don't want to die just like that in your heart, so you fight He broke free from it desperately, but there is also a part of the 'dragon spirit' left in Kyurem's body, right?"

Reshiram and Xu Qiansu looked at each other.

According to Xiaochun's guess, Reshiram actually couldn't hear these words.

But no one knows exactly what it is... Reshiram is always so calm and calm.

Reshiram and Xu Qiansu looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked away and lay down again.

No matter what Xu Qiansu said, no matter what Xu Qiansu did, he was like a piece of wood and didn't respond at all.

Xu Qiansu sighed lightly, knowing his character well, and asked: "If my guess is correct, when you return to the Hezhong area, you will still be hunted down by Kyurem, right? Don't go to Jieluo Mu Alliance? Or is it that Zekrom also wants to transform into the Dragon of Tao that he once was, so the two of them are chasing you together?"

No matter how Xu Qiansu asked or how he expressed his innermost guess, Reshiram never responded.

Xu Qiansu looked away, leaned back slightly, and leaned against Reshiram's neck.

Soft and white hair mixed with Reshiram's natural fragrance flowed into the tip of his nose.

Reshiram didn't react even to such an intimate and disrespectful move.

Xu Qiansu said, "I'll help you heal your wounds. Why don't you agree to something? Otherwise, you will always be in debt and may not have clear ideas."

Reshiram closed his eyes and ignored Xu Qiansu.

"It's midsummer now. According to the common sense of heaven and earth, it won't snow. This is undoubtedly 'true'..."

And you have always been cold and indifferent to me, and I also have a temper... In this way, you come to do what Zekrom should have done..."

Reshiram opened his eyes, twisted his head, and looked at Xu Qiansu who was resting on his neck.

"...Come and make some snow, and let me see your ingenious power as a legendary Pokémon."

This is undoubtedly a joke, not to mention that Reshiram himself is a dragon with fire attributes. Even if he is a 'real' existence, he will not do such things that are against the laws of nature.

As Xu Qiansu said, even if this thing is to be done, it will be done by Zekrom, who is the 'ideal'.

Reshiram stared straight at Xu Qiansu, with a rare hint of distress in his expression.

Xu Qiansu laughed, caressed Reshiram's soft feathers, and then turned to look at Del.

Dale nodded gently, "No problem... He has already recovered."

Xu Qiansu stood up and patted Reshiram gently, "Let's go, it's time to leave."

Reshiram was still staring at Xu Qiansu. After a while, he slowly stood up. His ten-meter-tall figure was like a hill. Standing like this, even the moonlight was blocked.

Xu Qiansu and Daier looked up at Him.

Reshiram finally leaned down and touched Xu Qiansu with his forehead.

This was the first time Reshiram showed intimacy to Xu Qiansu.

Then he spread his wings and waved lightly, and the strong wind blew, forcing Xu Qiansu and Daier to close their eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, there was no shadow of Reshiram in front of him.

"He's really gone..." Dale clasped his hands and placed them on his lower abdomen. He looked up at the night sky and said with some dissatisfaction: "I thought He would stay. I stayed here like this, even if it wasn't for Him. To heal, I came here just to see my friends...but He actually left like this..."

After saying that, Del looked away from the night sky and looked at Xu Qiansu, "You didn't tell him to run away, did you? You have been asking about his past, no wonder he left."

Xu Qiansu shook her head slightly, then smiled at Del, "He left because he wanted to complete the request I made."

"Huh?" Dale was slightly startled, his eyes full of curiosity.

Xu Qiansu turned her head to look at the night sky, and Dale also looked at it. Then Dale's eyes were lost in thought, her pink lips slightly parted, "Is it snowing?"

Looking closely, countless feathers as white as snow and as light as catkins slowly fall from the night sky, densely packed and layered. The moonlight shines from the sky, and the white feathers reflect the glimmer of crystal water.

Falling Rain Town.

A little girl in a nightgown was still holding her Eevee and Dendenbug, lying on the balcony railing, looking at the night sky boredly, dreaming in her heart of the day when she would go on a trip after she recovered from her illness.

After a while, her cute almond eyes suddenly opened, and she raised her little face high to look at the night sky.

Ibrahimovic noticed something strange about her and couldn't help but look up curiously.

But before Ibrahimovic could see what was going on, the little girl stood on tiptoes, held Ibrahimovic high above her head with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Ibrahimovic! Look, look! This is you The snow I’ve always wanted to see!”

The little girl's voice was a little hoarse, perhaps because she was too excited, and it was choked at the end.


It rarely snows in Luoyu Town, which is a rare occurrence in several years.

But at the beginning of July, in the height of summer, clear and heavy snow drifted in the wind.

So everyone here saw snow.

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