Pokemon: Starting from the different color Lalulas

Chapter 436 An unexpected battle (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Late at night, the rain still shrouded Spike Town.

I have to admit that at that time, Xu Qiansu had an abhorrent thought in his heart of 'relying on my agile skills to secretly get a piece of underwear', but because he respected Ma Li very much, he quickly put this thought away and He reflected on his bad idea and then silently praised himself:

I am worthy of being able to resist the temptation of Miss Mary's underwear and silently reflect on myself.

"When you have that kind of thought, you don't deserve to be called a human being." Ma Li's expression had a hint of coldness, she crossed her chest and moved farther away from Xu Qiansu, saying with disgust.

Appeared! Mind-reading has been passed down from generation to generation in Miss Mary's family! From this point of view, this plan was doomed to fail from the beginning.

Koga Ninja scratched his head. To be honest, he couldn't understand the conversation between his trainer and Xu Qiansu... Doesn't his trainer like Xu Qiansu very much? Why do you always scold him? Can't figure it out.

It feels that it is too stupid.

Xu Qiansu turned her head and looked at Ma Li, "As the saying goes, you can't tell the truth but the heart. Why is Miss Ma Li so harsh on me?"

"Are you unwilling? In fact, you are already secretly happy, right?" Ma Li asked.

Miss Mali is very demanding when faced with him, and she seems to show an unexplained preference for the person she likes. This is of course gratifying, but...

"I'm not flirting." Xu Qiansu retorted.

"I'm not trembling, but you must be perfect from the inside out." Ma Li said decisively in a calm tone... Xu Qiansu felt more and more like Maria's mother.

"Are you my mother who is in menopause and imposes her own expectations on her children?" Xu Qiansu asked.

Ma Li looked sideways at Xu Qiansu coldly, then suddenly smiled, with a shallow smile, and said: "I can't put my own expectations on you, okay?"

The curtains were tightly drawn, the lights were not turned on in the room, and she was wearing soft private clothes. Ma Li sat on the edge of the bed, her slender and perfectly proportioned legs pressed together. Even in such dim light, her pale The green eyes are also shining, and the skin is white and crystal clear.

Her clear and clear voice, accompanied by the girly fragrance on the tip of his nose, reached Xu Qiansu's ears, causing his heartbeat to speed up uncontrollably for a moment.

These are undoubtedly love words used by Miss Ma Li to express closeness and admiration... When has she been able to say such words to Xu Qiansu casually?

Xu Qiansu didn't know clearly, but he secretly thought that something was wrong. If he continued like this, he would only become obsessed with Ma Li, and he would do anything as long as he could make Ma Li smile.

Sooner or later he will be conquered by Mali.

Xu Qiansu held the Vine Snake in one hand, stood up, and said, "When did Miss Ma Li become so frivolous when she said such thought-provoking words casually?"

Xu Qiansu used the words Ma Li often taught him before refuting.

"You don't like it?" Ma Li used the words Xu Qiansu used to refute her to refute Xu Qiansu.

After that, the two laughed again.

Ma Li smiled happily, her big bright eyes narrowed... She rarely smiled like this.

She was always elegant, independent, noble, and strong... She would neither smile like this, nor run back to Spike Town as if to escape, leaving Xu Qiansu to chase her here.

Xu Qiansu looked at her out of the corner of his eye, wanting to ask her how she was thinking...but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't finish them.

If Ma Li had an idea, she would never hide it from Xu Qiansu.

There was no need for him to do anything extra.

At this moment, there was only a "creak" sound, and the lightly closed door was opened.

Xu Qiansu and Ma Li turned their heads and looked... The light in the living room slipped in through the crack of the open door.

It's a lily root doll.

"Ah..." Vine Snake's big eyes suddenly turned into dead fish eyes. This was another grass-type Pokémon with poor IQ.

Lilygen doll stood alone outside the door, holding a leather ball three times her size in both hands, her petite body with some bruises... She raised her little face and looked at Xu Qiansu, and then shouted "Sunshine~Sunshine~"

There were so many bruises on her body, but she didn't seem to be in pain at all... Her eyes were bright and she stared at Xu Qiansu, then she picked up her short legs and ran towards the room.

Then he stepped on a pair of... pale pink underwear, so Lily Gen's foot slipped, and he fell to the ground with a squeak. The ball rolled to Xu Qiansu's feet, and the pink underwear also followed Lily. With the strength of the doll, it flew backwards and then slowly floated down.

Ma Li's pretty snow-white face immediately turned red, and then she stared at Xu Qiansu with eyes colder than Kyurem's frozen world, "What are you still standing there for? I'm going to call the police."

Look, no wonder the Steel-Armored Crow said she couldn't understand the thoughts of female Pokémon... Even though Miss Marli was not a Pokémon, her moods were also so changeable.

She took the underwear out of the closet and threw it on the ground. She even asked Xu Qiansu to help... But now that the matter was resolved, she began to complain that Xu Qiansu saw her underwear... But in fact, Xu Qiansu not only looked at it, but also touched it. Pass……

Ma Li's eyes became colder.

Xu Qiansu did not dare to neglect and kicked the ball out of the room. Then she turned her head and glanced at Ma Li, "See you tomorrow, Miss Ma Li."

Then he quickly picked up the lily root doll, walked out of the room, and closed the door.

After Xu Qiansu left, Ma Li breathed a few sighs of relief. Her eyes swept across the messy ground, and then she saw a movement in the center of the pile of clothes.

Ma Li frowned lightly, and then she saw the pickpocket cat getting out of it. There was a pair of poor-sized underwear hanging on her head, which pressed down her fluffy ears, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. He kept patting the underwear on his ears with his paws.

The living room was filled with dim lights.

"Why are you injured?" Xu Qiansu sat on the sofa, put the Lily Root doll on his lap, applied plaster on his hand, and then gently rubbed it on the Lily Root doll's bruises.

Saying that, Xu Qiansu glanced at the stairs again... It must have been that the Lily Root doll fell several times while climbing the stairs...

But Lilygen doll obviously didn't understand what Xu Qiansu was talking about. She was like a rebellious cat, struggling on Xu Qiansu's legs.

Vine Snake stood on the table, glanced at Lily Root Doll coldly, and then snorted. He couldn't figure out how this Grass-type Pokémon, which was not well-behaved and obedient, was weak, and had an insufficient IQ, could ask for Xu Qiansu. like.

Although she obviously has so many shortcomings, Xu Qiansu still treats Lily Root Doll like this... she really likes her appearance!

I knew Xu Qiansu was a lily root doll addict!

The corners of Vine Snake's eyes suddenly twitched, and he felt annoyed in his heart. He simply turned his eyes away and looked around for a few times. Then he hooked the chandelier with his vine whip, flew into the kitchen, took out a piece of cake and bit it.

When she came back, Xu Qiansu had already finished applying the medicine to the lily root doll. But Lilygen doll stopped struggling at this moment... She lay on Xu Qiansu's lap and actually fell asleep.

"Tch." Vine Snake looked away from the Lily Root doll, but met Chaomeng's gaze who was sitting cross-legged in the living room.

Chaomeng had been resting in the living room. When he heard the movement, he opened his eyes and took a few glances.

"What are you looking at?" Vinevine Snake asked.

Mewtwo glanced at this Pokémon that had lost to Cresselia with a slightly puzzled look, thinking, "Have you taken gunpowder?" So angry...

The Vine Snake stretched out a vine whip from its neck and pointed at the Lily Root Doll, "Did you inflict the injuries on her body?"

Mewtwo raised his eyebrows, "Are you looking for trouble? How could I be interested in fighting such a weak Pokémon? She injured herself by falling."

"That's it." The Vine Snake nodded slightly, then glanced sideways at Chaomeng, thinking that it would be a bad idea to blame it wrongly, so he broke off a quarter of the cake in his hand and threw it to Chaomeng, "Here you go. half."

"Half?" Mewtwo reached out and took it, looked at the cake in his hand, and then began to wonder if this grass-type Pokémon was as stupid as the Lily Root Doll, and couldn't even do arithmetic...

It smelled the cake with its nose and thought it would be okay to try it, so it swallowed it in one gulp. Then it squeezed its hand and felt that it was covered with cream. It was sticky and uncomfortable, so it licked the cream clean.

Vine Snake thought Chaomeng also liked eating cakes, so he hid far away and looked at it warily, protecting the cake in his hand.

Mewtwo, like the Steel-Armored Crow, couldn't understand the thoughts of the Vine Snake... It was really baffling.

But what does this have to do with it? It's not like it wants to be friends with these Pokémon.

Thinking of this, Chaomeng closed his eyes again and took a nap.

The next morning, the night rain from last night had passed, and the air was filled with refreshing moisture.

Lillie went down the stairs, planning to prepare breakfast. She turned her head and said to Mewtwo, who was sitting cross-legged in the corner of the living room, "Good morning~ Mewtwo."

Mewtwo opened his eyes and didn't understand why Lillie wanted to talk to it, let alone why she said such meaningless words... But Lillie would say it to it every morning.

So it closed its eyes again and ignored Lillie.

Lillie didn't care about Chaomeng's indifference. She just knocked on Xu Qiansu's door, but when there was no response, she asked, "Has Mr. Xu gone out for his morning jog?"

Don't talk to me anymore... Chaomeng thought silently in his heart and nodded slightly.

By the way, after Xiaoyou learned that Xu Qiansu would run every morning, she thought that Xu Qiansu, who had never been active in training, was so self-disciplined to do such a thing... Morning running must be the secret to Xu Qiansu's strength. I set five alarm clocks in a row and decided to go for a morning run with Xu Qiansu.

Lillie nodded, and then asked: "What do you want to eat this morning?"

Mewtwo decided to completely ignore Lillie and don't respond no matter what she said, otherwise it would be endless.

But Lillie laughed softly and walked to the kitchen with brisk steps.

In less than three days, she will leave with Xu Qiansu to travel together... Finally, she can no longer live such a boring life, which makes her feel quite good at the moment.

After a while, Mary also walked downstairs and prepared breakfast with Lillie.

Lillie's cheerful mood calmed down a little... She wanted to leave here, but that didn't mean Xu Qiansu wanted to leave... The source of all this was Ma Li.

It would be great if Ma Li could also leave together.

So after Lillie hesitated for a while, she asked: "We are leaving...does Mary want to come too?"

Ma Li was not surprised that Xu Qiansu was about to leave, so she shook her head gently, "I have no such plan."

"You haven't thought it through yet?" Lillie asked doubtfully.

Ma Li nodded.

Lillie sighed softly and wanted to persuade Ma Li and Xu Qiansu to travel together, so she thought about it a little and said, "If you can travel with us again...he will be very happy."

Mary shook her head, not intending to discuss this issue with Lillie.

She had already said she would not leave... Except Xu Qiansu, no one could make her do it again.

The streets of Spike Town are covered with water. Because of the rain last night, Spike Town is shrouded in a layer of light fog in the early morning. The light of neon lights dyes the fog colorful, giving it a unique fantasy style.

Xiaoyou was panting, her white face was rosy after exercise, and sweat was dripping from her forehead. She said breathlessly: "This, this is too tiring..."

"You've been running with me for more than a week, and you're still not used to it?" Xu Qiansu looked as usual, handed over a bottle of water, and said casually.

Xiaoyou drank all the water Xu Qiansu handed him, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief, pursed his pink lips, and said: "The first time you ran, you only ran three thousand meters! But now you Run six thousand meters!”

"The first time I ran 3,000 meters was because you could only run 3,000 meters. Now I'm running 6,000 meters because you can run 6,000 meters." Xu Qiansu wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked up. All around, answer.

Xiaoyou flattened the empty water bottle and threw it into the trash can. He glanced at Xu Qiansu from the corner of his eye, thinking that he could comfort people...

She quickly shook her head, swept away the distracting thoughts in her mind, and asked curiously: "What about you? How many meters can you run? I have been running with you in the morning for so long, and I have never seen you look tired."

"You will know when you progress enough to see me tired."

"Isn't this the same as not saying anything!?" Xiaoyou vomited, while reaching out and pinching the collar, and couldn't help but tease it to keep himself cool.

Xu Qiansu was noncommittal, and he and Xiaoyou walked side by side towards Miss Ma Li's house.

He wanted to jog back, but Xiaoyou was currently exhausted. If he continued running, he would probably have to carry Xiaoyou home.

Xiaoyou glanced at Xu Qiansu from the corner of his eye again, and finally couldn't help but said: "You said you wanted me to progress to the point where I can see your tired look... but you are leaving, right?"

"There are still three days." Xu Qiansu nodded.

"Is the script finished?"

"It just needs polishing." Xu Qiansu nodded.

"How long has it been! It's amazing...can I see it?" Xiao You asked curiously.

"If you can understand."

"What!" Xiaoyou got angry, "I'm not as smart as Ma Li, but I'm not stupid either... I also like watching movies. I've watched every movie by Karunai."

"Are you a fan of Karunai?" Xu Qiansu glanced at Xiaoyou.

"I just don't understand. She obviously wastes a lot of time on movies, but she is still so strong...so I care about her a little." Xiaoyou was no longer angry, and she answered honestly.

"No one can say for sure about talent." Xu Qiansu shook her head, not intending to delve into the topic, so she answered casually.

But Xiaoyou really cared about it. She took a few steps forward quickly, then turned around. While walking backwards, she looked into Xu Qiansu's eyes and said hopefully: "What about me? In your opinion, my talent as a trainer is How about the score?"

"As long as you continue to work hard like this, within two years, you will be able to defeat Alchemy Emperor and become the strongest in Galar." Xu Qiansu replied.

This isn't him encouraging Xiaoyou... that's the fact.

In the original work, Xiaoyou defeated Dan Emperor in just one year...but to be conservative, Xu Qiansu only said it took two years.

But Xiaoyou didn't think so. She thought Xu Qiansu was comforting and encouraging her. Her face couldn't help but blush, and then she said: "I'm not that powerful...Compared to me, you are more likely to defeat Dan." Emperor, right? After all, I still can’t catch up with you, and you still have two legendary Pokémon, Cresselia and Mewtwo.”

Xu Qiansu shook her head, "I have no obsession with defeating the Alchemy Emperor."

Alchemy is the strongest trainer in Galar, and he is the object of admiration for countless young trainers in Galar... Basically every new trainer will aim to defeat Alchemy.

Xiaoyou blinked, but did not ask the reason. He just hesitated and then said: "Then, when I defeat Dan Emperor in the future, can you fight with me once?"

Xu Qiansu turned her head to look at her, not expecting Xiaoyou to say such a thing.

Xiaoyou clasped his hands together and said sincerely: "Please!"

She saw that Xu Qiansu was not very interested in Pokémon battles, so she used this tone.

Xu Qiansu thought for a while and then said: "I have a friend in Alola... His name is Xiaozhi. He has been traveling for more than five years and has conquered nearly a hundred Pokémon. If he uses his full strength, he will definitely not be better than any other Pokémon." He is even better than the Four Heavenly Kings and can even compete with the league champion... His personality is very similar to yours, how about I introduce you to him?"

"No!" Xiaoyou refused directly, with a firm tone, "No, Xiaozhi, I want you!"

"No, I already have two girlfriends." Xu Qiansu replied.

Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment, then his face instantly turned red, and he retorted shyly: "You clearly know that I didn't mean that!"

Xu Qiansu was amused by Xiaoyou's reaction. He shook his head slightly, and then said: "You misunderstood me. Although I am really not interested in Pokémon battles, I will not be afraid of fighting... If you challenge me, I will definitely not refuse.”

Xiaoyou touched her little face that was still a little hot, and then her eyes lit up. She was about to say, let's fight now, but Xu Qiansu suddenly stretched out her hand, held Xiaoyou's wrist, and pulled her over. .

"Yeah!" Xiaoyou exclaimed cutely. Just when he was about to ask Xu Qiansu what he wanted to do, he heard a lazy voice from behind.

"Xu Qiansu...what if I challenge you?"

Xiaoyou was stunned. This voice was so familiar to her... Every night, she was thinking about the owner of this voice... thinking about how to defeat him.

Xiaoyou looked back and saw Nie Zizheng standing lazily in front of Xu Qiansu with his hands in his pockets... If Xiaoyou had continued walking forward, he would have bumped into him.

That's right, it's Nie Zi.

During this period, Nie Zi seemed to have disappeared. Xu Qiansu had never seen him... but she didn't expect that he would suddenly appear here to stop Xu Qiansu.

Xu Qiansu narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Nie Zi, and said: "I have no idea of ​​challenging the evil gym at the moment... It would be better to say that I only have two badges, so I am not qualified to challenge you yet."

"It doesn't matter what happens to that kind of thing." Nie Zi, who suddenly appeared here, stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his neck, looking sideways at Xu Qiansu, "Since you are a trainer, you should understand that as long as you want to fight, Then you can fight at home, in a restaurant, or in a swimming pool... Of course the reason for fighting is the same."

Before he finished speaking, Nie Zi sighed again and shrugged helplessly, "Yesterday, that troublesome woman Olivia suddenly called me and entrusted me with a troublesome task."

Olivia? Roz's secretary...Xu Qiansu was a little surprised.

"As long as you can defeat me, I will give you the qualification to directly challenge the Champions League final." Nie Zi said quietly.

Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought seriously for a while, and then he realized what he was doing and said in shock: "Doesn't this mean that Xu Qiansu only needs to challenge an evil gym!? A badge is enough. Eight!"

Nie Zi nodded slightly towards her, then looked at Xu Qiansu, and put his hands into his pockets, "That's it... After all, I am also the gym leader, and I must fulfill my duties, but I want to resolve this matter quickly... so I came to fight. Right? How about we solve it within half an hour before you go back for breakfast? "

Xiaoyou looked at Xu Qiansu with slight horror... This, this Xu Qiansu had been staying with her recently, but how could he get such treatment inexplicably! ? She had never heard of this kind of treatment that only required one challenge to the gym!

It was as if one day he suddenly learned that his good brother who grew up wearing the same pair of pants was actually a billionaire.

At this time, Gardevoir, who had been silently following Xu Qiansu, couldn't stand it anymore. She took a step forward and looked at Nie Zi, full of hostility... This guy looked like he could deal with Su Su so casually. She is very angry.

Xu Qiansu frowned, was Luozi trying to please him?

But it doesn't seem to count. After all, the condition is to defeat Nie Zi... Nie Zi is the Four Heavenly Kings, is he so easy to defeat?

Having the strength to defeat Nie Zi would be treated well in any area.

While Xu Qiansu was thinking, Nie Zi urged: "Your Pokémon are all ready to fight... As her trainer, you won't show any cowardice, right?"

From the perspective of provocation, Nie Zi's move was really not very good... but it aroused the anger of Xu Qiansu's Pokémon.

They wondered why this man was so rude, didn't he just want to fight? Come on then! They are just the Four Heavenly Kings. They have been fighting Pokémon at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings every day recently, so they are not afraid of you.

Xu Qiansu glanced at her Pokémon, and then nodded... If the Pokémon want to fight, let's fight.

Nie Zi smiled and said, "As a man that Ma Li likes, he must be courageous."

The two then came directly to the battlefield.

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