Pokemon: Starting from the different color Lalulas

Chapter 298 I am the real iSu! Not little Heizi!

Xu Qiansu and Lillie walked into the Pokémon Center. In the clean and bright hall, the caretaker was standing obediently behind the counter. When he saw Xu Qiansu and Lillie, he stretched out his little hand and called out softly.

"Moon mourning~"

As Xu Qiansu approached the counter, she raised her eyes and looked around.

In the lobby of the Pokémon Center, there were several monitors, showing the battle that Xu Qiansu had just played... the one between Gardevoir and the cunning Tengu.

There were quite a few trainers holding their Pokémon, looking up at the display screen intently, trying to learn something from Xu Qiansu's battle.

They were not very old, only about ten years old, and the Pokémon in their arms were all Pokémon such as Rabbit and Chickadee. They were obviously 100% new trainers.

There were also many older boys and girls who were also watching with great interest.

Obviously, during the short period of gym challenges, live broadcasts will be played to warm up... and since Yaluo has never used his main Pokémon in gym challenges, the battle between Xu Qiansu and Yaluo , should be played repeatedly in Caolu Town...

Xu Qiansu looked at her for a moment and then looked away. He looked at the stewardess and asked, "Where's Miss Joy?"

"Moon mourning~" The caretaker stretched out her little finger and pointed to the infirmary behind the counter, then squatted down, rummaged under the counter, and took out a box of snacks under Lillie's curious eyes.

The carefree waiter put the snacks on the counter, pushed them forward, and then pointed to the rest area in the hall, meaning to ask Xu Qiansu and the others to wait there... It obviously knew Xu Qiansu and knew his Shanai Duo and Vulpix.

It's not blind. Xu Qiansu's battle video is still on the screen.

"So gentle~" Lillie couldn't help but gently touched the little head of the nurturing servant.

Ai Guanshi narrowed his eyes, and then patted his chest, meaning, I, Ai Guanshi, am very powerful~

Xu Qiansu and Lillie were not polite. They took the snacks and found an empty sofa to sit down.

The Vine Snake jumped lightly from Xu Qiansu's shoulders onto the table, nodded its chin and stared at the small box of snacks. Then it stretched out its vine whip and took out a pack of biscuits from inside, unpacked it, and took small bites.

The little marsupial was still sleeping on Xu Qiansu's shoulder... Xu Qiansu picked her up and put her on his lap, reaching out and caressing her back.

Xu Qiansu then took out another high-end ball and pressed the button. With a soft sound of steam spurting out, Soraya appeared on the table.

She shook her little head, stretched out her hind paws and lightly scratched her big ears, and then raised her little face to look at Xu Qiansu, "Huh?"

I was asking Xu Qiansu if he had won the battle.

Xu Qiansu reached out and pinched her fluffy ears before smiling, "Of course I win."

"Uh-huh~" Soraya squatted on the spot, squinting his eyes. His fluffy and soft tail was wrapped around his four paws like a scarf. Only the tip of his tail was swaying... Every move was compared to that of a fox. , more like a cat.

"Bocha?" Vine Snake glanced at Soraya, then grabbed a bag of small cakes with a vine whip and handed it to her.

The relationship between Vine Snake and Zoroa is quite good... who knows that during the Cleansing Period, she and Zoroa were the only Pokémon who stayed by Xu Qiansu's side.

Soraya blinked, then stretched out his little head to bite the small cake, and then looked at Xu Qiansu.

Xu Qiansu reached out and took the small cake, unpacked it, and then fed it to Soraya.

Soraya licked it first, and when her taste buds felt a burst of sweetness, she took a bite and chewed with squinted eyes.

Lillie took off her white sun hat and placed it on the sofa. Then she leaned her elbows on the table and looked at the Pokémon on the table.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Qiansu's battle scene on the screen suddenly stopped. After a ten-second commercial, it switched to the live broadcast of the current battle in the Caolu Arena.

However, the battle field that was in a mess was as if it was brand new from the factory, with no trace of the battle just now.

In the picture, Miss Mali and Yaluo stand opposite each other across the battlefield...Miss Mali's gym challenge has begun.

During the switching of the screen, the scene in the auditorium is shown from time to time... The audience is lively and excited, but... a person with a red non-mainstream Mohawk and a punk-style black and red jacket occupies the audience Most of the seats.

They were both men and women, holding banners such as "Mali is the strongest", "Mali is the cutest" and "WEMARNIE". They cheered and cheered loudly with saliva splashing around. Many people stood up and stepped on their bodies. On the chair in front of him, he was holding an electric guitar, and there was a stereo plugged in next to him, playing rock music that had no meaning and sounded very loud... and he was also shouting and cheering.

"Eh?" Lillie opened her mouth slightly. With her experience and literacy, it was really difficult for her to appreciate the aesthetic style and behavior of this group of people. But the key point is that when Xu Qiansu fought before, there were still normal people in the audience. , how come a mere ten minutes have passed and a major change has come to the audience?

Where were these shouting teams staying before?

Lillie blinked, and after a long while she looked at Xu Qiansu and asked in a subtle voice, "Are they fans of Ma Li?"

Xu Qiansu waited for a while before slowly nodding, "Yes, they also have a professional team name...Screaming Team."

"It feels...it doesn't match Ma Li's style..." Lillie faltered and held it in for a long time before she said this.

Needless to say to Lillie, Xu Qiansu himself felt a sense of disobedience. Although he often called himself the 'Captain of the Screaming Team', when he actually saw the Screaming Team, Xu Qiansu felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Miss Ma Li is such a beautiful, poisonous, but virtuous girl, she actually has such a group of fans, but part of the reason for this is Ma Li's brother, Nie Zi.

He himself is a rock musician with a very punk style.

Huh? As the Four Heavenly Kings of United, Cattleya also has a fan club, right? They don't know what it looks like.

The screen on the display screen was switching and moved to Ma Li's body.

The lens is located diagonally sideways to Mali, shooting from top to bottom... This should be the scene captured by Rotom.

In the picture, Ma Li turned her face sideways and looked up at the camera.

Her light green eyes are as clear as the clear autumn sky, her expression is peaceful, and her pretty face is delicate... She is really a girl who has no blind spots whether in front of the camera or in real life.

"Look over here, look over here!"

"So cute~ It makes me want to join the cheering team..."

"I also……"

"Stop daydreaming. I heard that the shouting team is all insiders."

"What's the meaning?"

"The people inside are all from Spike Town. They are all from the same town. Why do you, an outsider, join?"

"Spike Town? What is that place?"

"The location of the Evil Gym...you can't Dynamax there, so it has no sense of existence."

"But Ma Li is so cute. Is she looking at someone in the camera? It means 'for you, I also want to win' or something like that. So youthful~"

"It can't be you anyway."

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

The Pokémon Hall was a bit noisy for a moment.

"Mari is so popular." Lillie couldn't help but say.

Xu Qiansu didn't answer. He raised his face and looked at the screen.

Ma Li looked away from the camera, then took out a poke ball, and then tossed it, "Go, Morubeko."

As the blue light flashed, Morubeke stood on the grass.

Arlo's Cunning Tengu, Beautiful Flower, and Rich Dragon were all injured and couldn't play again in just ten minutes, so he used White Puff...a grass-type Pokémon that looks like a dandelion.

Although White Puff is the Pokémon that Yaluo uses to fight new trainers, it cannot be that weak. Facing Ma Li, who is more like a child of a noble family than Xu Qiansu, Yaluo obviously plans to use some real strength. ability.

But there is nothing to say about the outcome. The winner will definitely be Ma Li.

While Xu Qiansu was looking at the screen, he saw two people standing not far away, looking at him and whispering.

"is it him?"

"It should be."

"what to do?"

"Go find him!"

"But Boss Nie Zi told me not to find fault with him..."

"The boss also said that he would be tested."

"What should we do?"

"What should I do? Do you have nothing else to say besides this?"

"Oh...then what should we do?"

"……follow me."

As they spoke, the two of them quickly came to Xu Qiansu's table. The first person clapped his hands on the table, making a muffled sound, which attracted the attention of many people in the Pokémon Center hall. However, at this moment, the Gym Challenge More important, so they just glanced curiously and returned their eyes to the display.

"Huh?" Xu Qiansu raised her eyebrows slightly and turned her head to look. They were a man and a woman. They were estimated to be around twenty years old. They were dressed in ordinary clothes. There were elf balls hanging around their waists, but their faces were painted with red paint...

"Eh?" Lillie was obviously startled. She hugged her white sun hat and moved to the sofa, further away from the two people.

"Hey! Are you Xu Suqian?" The strong-looking woman raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Xu Qiansu." The tall and honest young man couldn't help but remind the woman from behind.

The woman's face couldn't help but blush, and she immediately turned back and glared at the man, meaning at this moment, why are you talking so much?

But the man obviously didn't understand.

Xu Qiansu looked at the two of them up and down...it seemed like they were coming with bad intentions, but their IQs were not very high.

So he nodded gently, "What's the matter?"

His voice brought the woman back to her senses. She turned her head again, looked at Xu Qiansu, stretched out her thumb, pointed at herself, and then pointed at the man behind her, and said fiercely: "I am a member of the shouting team, he is My brother is naturally also in the cheering team...I heard that you are very close to Miss Ma Li?"

Screaming team? If the cheer team isn't cheering for Miss Marli at the Grass Arena right now, what are they doing at the Pokémon Center?

But are these two people here to cause trouble? Do you think he is too close to Miss Mary?

Seeing this, the carefree waiter quickly turned around and ran into the infirmary to find Miss Joy.

Xu Qiansu thought about it and felt a little dumbfounded.

He has always been low-key, and his sense of presence is not very strong. He really didn't expect that one day he would encounter something like this.

So he nodded gently again, "Miss Ma Li is my best friend...so what do you want?"

His tone was calm, neither scared nor angry.

"That's good." The leading woman nodded slightly, then touched her lower back and took out a Poke Ball, "Let's have a Pokémon battle!"

"Not interested in."

"..." After a short moment of silence, the woman reacted and asked in shock, "Why!? Don't you like Pokémon battles!?"

"I don't like it." Xu Qiansu really began to wonder if this woman was not very smart... Why does she feel like a Rockets comedian?

"..." The woman was silent for a while, then she put her hands in front of her lower abdomen, lowered her eyebrows and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Then there will be no fighting..."

"Ah? Didn't you say that Pokémon battle is the easiest way to understand a person and the easiest way to develop friendship!?" The young man looked at the woman in disbelief.

"Shut up!" The woman glared at the young man, then she looked at Xu Qiansu, murmuring for a while, then took out a small notebook from her backpack, put it on the table, and stretched out a Holding the book with one finger, he pushed it forward and said hesitantly: "Well, actually, I am your fan. Can you... sign it for me?"

"Huh?" Xu Qiansu was stunned. Aren't his only fans the Miss Joys in the iSu forum? Moreover, most of the Ms. Joys mainly make fun of them.

"Ah?" Lillie couldn't sit still. If they were here to cause trouble, it wouldn't matter. Xu Qiansu couldn't possibly be afraid of them... But why did a fan suddenly appear?

"Aren't you a cheering team?" Xu Qiansu was silent for a while, and then asked in confusion.

"It's both a cheering team and iSu..."

Is this ingredient a little too complicated?

"What are you doing!?" Miss Joy's voice suddenly came from the side. She walked quickly, her gentle face showing a bit of sternness.

She came to the table, looked directly at the woman, raised her eyebrows and scolded: "The Pokémon Center prohibits picking fights and causing trouble. Violators will be directly blacklisted and will never come to the Pokémon Center for treatment in the future!"

Although Miss Joy had just come out of the infirmary, she could not help but look towards Xu Qiansu, so she directly acquiesced that the woman and the young man were looking for trouble.

"Ah? No, it's not..." The woman looked at Miss Joy for a few times, then tilted her head and asked softly, "I am iSu, aren't you Miss Joy too?"

"Huh?" Miss Joy's stern face froze instantly.

Hiss - iSu is quite a niche, belonging to Miss Joey's inner circle, and the only three people in it are Zhulan, Mary, and Lillie, who are not Joey...

This woman actually knows this, which shows that she is really a fan of Xu Qiansu...

Miss Joy blushed and realized that she had misunderstood. She lowered her eyes at the small book on the table and immediately urged Xu Qiansu, "Hurry up and sign, and then come to the infirmary."

After saying that, she quickly turned around and walked into the infirmary. Apparently, she felt a little embarrassed that iSu's identity was revealed in front of Xu Qiansu.

"Please, please sign for me..." The woman took out a ballpoint pen from her backpack and put it on the small book, saying softly.

Just sign it... Although Xu Qiansu didn't expect that he would have fans, he wouldn't take a bad attitude towards this fan who was almost nervous to death.

He took the notebook, signed his name, immediately put the pen and notebook on the table, then stood up and said, "I have something else to do, you can do it yourself."

After that, he greeted Lillie and walked straight to the infirmary.

Whether it's a fan or someone looking for trouble, it doesn't matter what kind of thing it is...it can't compare to Gardevoir and Vulpix at the moment.

Lillie took her hat, bowed slightly to the two of them, and quickly followed Xu Qiansu.

The woman giggled while holding the notebook.

"It turns out that it's so easy to get a signature... Then sister, wouldn't your bad attitude just now be annoying?"

"you shut up!"

Xu Qiansu walked into the infirmary, followed closely by Lillie.

Gardevoir was bandaged all over and was sitting obediently on the bed. When she saw Xu Qiansu walking in, she quickly got out of bed, ran quickly to Xu Qiansu, and called out softly, "Gardevoir~"

Xu Qiansu reached out and touched Gardevoir's bandaged forearm and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Gardevoir said: Don't treat me like a child like a little marsupial. It's just a mere injury and it doesn't matter at all.

Xu Qiansu laughed dumbly, and then looked at Vulpix again.

Vulpix also woke up at this moment... She didn't have any bandages on her body. She was just lying on the bed with an intravenous drip. At the same time, there were many sophisticated instruments connected to her body... Obviously she couldn't move around casually.

Xu Qiansu walked over, sat by the bed, put the little marsupial on the bed, and then reached over. Vulpix raised his little face and licked the palm of his hand, indicating that he was healthy and nothing was wrong.

According to the remaining power of Ho-oh in the Six-Tails body, it is difficult for the Six-Tails to do anything.

While Xu Qiansu caressed Vulpix's little head, she raised her eyes to Miss Joy and asked, "How is it?"

"Although Gardevoir's injury is a bit serious, he can recover as before after just two days of rest..." Miss Joy sat on the table, flipping through the medical examination sheets for the two Pokémon, and answered without turning her head, "Six Tai is special, her recovery speed is extremely fast, and she can fully recover within a few hours... But, well... there are no Galar particles left in her body at this moment."

"What's the meaning?"

"Generally speaking, after a Dynamaxed Pokémon, there will be some residual Galar particles in the body for a period of time, and it will take at least a day to escape... but there are none in Vulpix, which is obviously abnormal. ." Miss Joy explained softly.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Xu Qiansu asked.

"The few remaining Galar particles will not cause physical damage to Pokémon, so this incident can only be considered an anomaly... At this moment, I can't say whether this is good or bad..." Said, Joey The young lady thought for a moment and then said, "There are no samples. If you are willing to let Vulpix become extremely giant again, let me diagnose it carefully before I can draw a conclusion... Of course, if you are afraid of any risks, you will never let Vulpix go to maximum size again in the future." It would be great if the tail pole becomes giant."

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