I have been in the Viridian Forest for four days, and 90% of the morning and afternoon of the day are spent training.

Pidegeotto, Slowpoke, and Shellder, who are in a period of rapid growth, can feel their growth every time they finish training.

The exhaustion of the body is not as good as the spiritual joy brought by the sense of accomplishment. After a short break, the three Little Brats are passionately devoted to training.

In four days, Pidegeotto and Slowpoke both improved to Level 1, reaching 2Level 6, which is level with Shellder.

This is only the first stage of the experience plan. The training items are also training to help the three pets lay a solid foundation.

Without deliberately improving their strength, Pidegeotto and Slowpoke have been upgraded to Level 1 in four days. This upgrade speed is still very good.

“Level 1 has been upgraded in four days. Although it has a lot to do with the usual accumulation, I believe that after the foundation is strengthened, the speed of later strength improvement will not be too slow. One month of experience will Raising Level to 30 is not an impossible task.”

For this, Liang Ren is very confident in himself and the three pets.


“Slowpoke, it’s okay to be careful, but don’t be too shackled, feel free to increase the water ball boldly, and when you reach the limit, draw the stream water and use the same The water is released at the speed of speed.”

Two days later, after a heavy rain, the dust-washed Viridian forest became more and more fresh and bright.

I’m used to Liang Ren taking three Pokémons for training on the grass by the stream.

Stantler, who often comes to drink water, is no longer as afraid as at the beginning. Although he is still far away when he comes to drink water by the stream, he will not panic when he is watched by Liang Ren. get away.

The creek that stretches out from the depths of the forest is winding and criss-crossing.

Poliwhirl and Poliwag, who live by the stream, are bolder than Stantler, sitting directly on the rock on the opposite bank of the stream, looking curiously at the Liang Ren team that is training.

It rained two days ago, and the water level of the creek rose a lot. Compared with the clear before, it looked a little muddy at this time.

A turbid yellow water ball with a diameter of more than five meters is suspended in the turbulent stream two meters above Sky. The turbid stream is attracted by a transparent water pipe, and it rolls up a water column with thick legs hua hua Into the water polo.

The water polo has reached the limit that Slowpoke can control. Hearing Liang Ren’s instructions, Slowpoke doing three things at the same time.

While drawing water and Confusion lifting, separate a mind control to draw a water drill from the top of the water polo, and then release the excess water to keep the size of the water polo in a stable state .

doing three things at the same time, the difficulty of training suddenly increased a lot, Slowpoke also felt the pressure again, in recent days, the speed of the control has slowed down, and now it can clearly perceive Speed ​​began to increase.

The same goes for Shellder and Pidegeotto. They are used hundreds of times a day. The proficiency of the three abilities of Mist, Poweder Snow and Hail, like Shellder’s strength control, is continuously enhanced and improved.

Mist and Poweder Snow have improved their proficiency from intermediate rank to Top Rank. Hail, whose proficiency reached Top Rank originally, has also improved a lot under the intensive training of the past few days.

Liang Ren is not in a hurry to train the Ability of the Top Rank. Shellder is the most complete Ability structure of the three pets. It not only has auxiliary Ability, but also has many attack methods.

From the lowest ice particles, Icicle Spear, Poweder Snow, to the formidable power, Icy Wind, Aurora Beam, Avalanche, and then to the unique Ability that ordinary trainers can meet but cannot find: Ice Beam , Blizzard, Sheer Cold.

Since the fortuitous encounter in the Cerulean cave and the swallowing of shedding body and exchanging bones, Shellder seems to have accepted the mysterious inheritance, and the ice attribute ability has been fully understood by it.

These ice attribute abilities have their own changes, but they are much simpler than unfathomable Psychic Type Ability.

Shellder doesn’t need to rush to practice top rank Ability. Through basic ice attribute abilities such as Mist, Poweder Snow and Hail, you can exercise Shellder’s control of the power within the body Ice Type. When practising the Ability of the Top Rank, the speed of improvement must be Norman in one day.

The peers compete with each other, and Pidegeotto’s progress is also not small.

In the past, I used to practice Basic Abilities’grabbing’ by piercing the claws every day. With a solid foundation, the training of the dragon claws has become a lot easier.

The same is true for the training of Itachi. As a Normal Type Ability without Attribute changes, it is called a whirlwind knife by trainers of many other regions.

The Whirlwind Knife and Air Slash have many similarities. The former is a shotgun group attack, and the latter is a single attack.

Pidegeotto, who has trained Air Slash proficiency to the Top Rank, is very familiar with the whirlwind knives (scythes).

Not only did I get started very quickly in the early stage, but now I am practicing deeply, and there is no feeling of stagnation at all, let alone bottleneck.

Preliminary accumulation is enough. The past few days combined with the intensive training of the’three-speed’, directly breakthrough from the intermediate rank to the Top Rank in one fell swoop.

Nowadays, except for Whirlwind, Roost and Mirror Move, Ability or intermediate rank, all other moves, Pidegeotto, are brought to the point of perfection.

Training continues continuously. After another two weeks, the water polo that Slowpoke can now control has reached six meters in diameter.

Sky holding a water ball suspended in the creek, one side draws water and injects it, the other side controls the release of the water, and once again, Slowpoke has to squat to maintain Calm Mind.

Today, two weeks later, Slowpoke has moved from sitting Calm Mind on a rock by the creek to the water polo. If the Psychic saw this scene, he would be speechless in shock.

What kind of control is this! ! If it is an Alakazam or Gardevoir that has evolved to its final form… it is also possible, the key is just a Slowpoke with water and Psychic double Attributes.

Liang Ren, who is in shorts, a small vest, rolled up his trousers and bare his feet, sits on the blue stones by the stream and soaks his feet. He looks up at Slowpoke who is sitting on the big water polo. What he laughed None said.

In order to achieve this level, Slowpoke’s hard work is beyond ordinary people’s imagination. Usually, if you exercise like this, a water polo will burst and then fall into the stream.

Using Psychic to control water polo is a very delicate task. Although it is very challenging, the potential of Slowpoke has also been tapped to the greatest extent under tremendous pressure.

Psychic is constantly getting stronger, and the control of power is becoming more and more proficient. The Ability, which was previously not well mastered, can now also have the words at hand. The feeling of Fatong.

Two days of training, one day apart, I went deep into the woods to fight against Wild Pokémon. I have been in the Viridian forest for more than three weeks, and the three pets have made great progress.

The first to complete the level 30 experience goal is not Shellder, who has always been ahead of Level, nor Pidegeotto, who has improved Extrreme Speed, but at the Saffron City Psychic Festival, Level is still behind Slowpoke in the team. Not to mention it’s incredible.

“Well, today’s training is over. Come and rest. Let’s go back soon, otherwise the camp will be occupied by those guys again.”

Put on the slippers After swinging twice in the cool water, Liang Ren shouted to the three pets who were still training.

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