

Sabrina uttered an emotional agitation, and all around the plaza, the citizens holding grapefruit, one by one There were cheers.

“Confusion weightlifting, telekinesis shooting, Psychic tug of war, each trainer can only send one Psychic Pokémon, each project has three opportunities to try, and the entry of the score is based on the best of the three .”

“Now everyone releases today’s protagonists!” Sabrina said, and she also took out a baby ball from her pocket.

“peng peng peng peng……”

For a while, the peng peng sound of the baby ball opening on the whole sacrifice square, like firecrackers, keeps ringing, which makes this The sacrificial celebration has a more festive atmosphere.

“Kadabra, Sulip, Espeon, Exeggutor, Jynx, Xatu, Meditite, Sucker Magic Puppet, Starmie…”

The Psychic Type Pokémon is extremely rare and rarely seen. At this time, it was like the Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, and it was everywhere at first glance, but the Slowpoke held in Liang Ren’s arms was indeed a unique and unmatched extremely eye-catching existence on the sacrificial square.

“I believe that many of the people here today are participating in the sacrificial celebration for the first time, so before the competition officially starts, let me show you how to do the three competitions.”< /p>

“Alakazam, I beg you next.” As the principal of today’s ritual activities, Sabrina’s every move has attracted the attention of thousands of people on and off the court.

“Alakazam, a symbol of wisdom and courage, please respond to my fetters and show the power of breakthrough all-Mega Evolution!!”

Seeing everyone on and off the field are focused On herself, Sabrina did something that surprised Liang Ren speechless.

The Yellow two-footed fox shape beside him, with brown armor on his shoulder blades and chest, holding two spoons of Pokémon in his hand, walking forward, suddenly a dazzling white emerges from his body light.

“Is this Mega evolution?” Liang Ren looked at Alakazam, whose body had been completely wrapped in the light of evolution, said in amazement.

Mega evolution requires special evolution Key Stone and key stone to induce the bond between Pokémon and the trainer, and then complete the evolution.

However, Sabrina gave a complete order without using any Items. Could it be that Alakazam could complete the mega evolution by himself?

Silent sacrifice, Holy Tree and Totem pillars showing Divine Vestige, Mega Evolution without Items, I have to say that today’s sacrifice celebrations have happened too many things that broke his inherent perception.

“Fu——” The light of Yao’s evolution dissipated, and Alakazam, who showed his figure again, has changed a lot.

The brown armor turned into a purple robe, the long yellow beards turned into a snow-white, fluffy beard, the sharp horn on the top of the head and the red oval gemstone on the center of the eyebrows.

The former thick legs and feet are now much thinner, and the two feet are clasped together, like sitting cross-legged, the whole body is suspended in midair more than one meter above the ground.

Originally, there were only two spoons, but now it has become a full five. Under the influence of Confusion, they are suspended neatly and evenly over the head, and Sky moves in rhythm.

“Gosh, it turned out to be Mega evolution!!”

“I remember that Mega evolution does not need Items? Why…”

“… …”

For Sabrina, Alakazam, who completed the mega evolution alone, the other trainers on the Sacrifice Square behaved more shocked than Liang Ren.

“peng~ peng~ peng~”

Seeing the surprised expressions of the trainers on the square, Sabrina did not explain anything. At this time, the people at the Fighting Gym had already lifted three A huge target and a dozen stone locks came to the square.

“Telekinesis shoots, let Pokémon stand at the starting point, the distance of the target can be adjusted by the staff, there are three chances to shoot the target.” Sabrina said again.


The three targets on the Sacrifice Square were placed at 50, 100, and 150 meters respectively. See Sabrina here for the end of the explanation to complete the Mega Evolution cross-legged suspension Alakazam in midair, Psychic surging in his eyes.

In the tube set by the staff on the side, a wooden pole like a javelin, Levitate, stood up and hovered beside the starting line where Alakazam was.

“xiū xiū xiū ~”

With the help of Psychic, three javelins fired quickly, hitting the center of the three targets impartially.

“The three shooting results are 50m ten rings, 100m ten rings, 150m ten rings, according to the selection of the best score, Alakazam telekinesis shooting score is 150 meters ten rings.”



“For Confusion weightlifting, the stone lock must be two meters above the ground for 3 seconds. Alakazam lifted the stone lock by 300 kg, 500 kg, and 1000 kg respectively, so the final result of Confusion weight lifting It’s 1000 kg.”

“Confusion tug-of-war competition, PK for catching pairs. Gardevoir, come out.”

The demonstration of weightlifting and shooting was completed, and the third project Psychic tug-of-war, Sabrina released another Pokémon.

“Psychic tug-of-war adopts a three-game two-win system. Pokémon on both sides can’t influence each other. Use Psychic to grab one end of the rope. After the referee’s signal is given, they start to work hard, and the first team to pull out of the river wins. /p>

Sabrina finished explaining, Alakazam and Gardevoir’s Psychic tug-of-war in the square was also divided.

Gardevoir in a white dress is indeed very attractive, but Alakazam is Sabrina’s initial Pokémon, and it is currently undergoing Mega Evolution.

The stretched thick rope was grabbed and pulled by both Psychic. Gardevoir didn’t hold on for ten seconds. The red cloth tied in the middle of the rope was pulled to the river on Alakazam’s side. The outside world.

“So now, the celebration game officially begins, who is the first one to come first?” Alakazam exited the Mega Evolution state and took Gardevoir back into the baby ball. Sabrina asked everyone loudly.

There is no draw like a formal event. Except for Psychic tug-of-war which is a PK form, the first two events are in the form of display and simply score higher than anyone else.

“I’m coming.” This is not a formal event. Under the warm atmosphere of the festival celebration, every trainer has an eager desire to show himself.

Sabrina tone barely fell, a square-faced robust man in the crowd stood up, and next to him was an Exeggutor.

“Come 50 meters first.” Amidst the cheers of the citizens off the field, the robust man shouted to the Fighting Gym dísciple where the target was set.

“Exeggutor, it’s up to you.” The square-faced robust man said to Exeggutor beside him.

“Nah wash…Nah wash…”

Although he has drooped his eyelids and looks silly and very spiritless, as a Psychic Type Pokémon, there is no one Pokémon is really mentally retarded.

Responded to my trainer, the bright blue Psychic surged in his eyes, and the javelin flew out of the tube Levitate next to it, and then hovered beside Exeggutor.

“xiu ~”

After seeing the staff set the target and gestured here, Levitate pierced the air with a whistling javelin next to Exeggutor. Get out.

“Peng” only heard a bang, and the javelin in the center of the target trembled.

“Ten Rings.” The sound of the gym dísciple from the opposite side echoed in the ceremonial square, which drew a lot of cheers from off-site citizens.

“I will challenge 80 meters this time.”

The morning sun leaves the horizon at around six o’clock, and the time has shifted to more than nine o’clock in the morning. The sun has risen to mid-air. With a little temperature, the competitive game in the square is going on very lively.

square-faced robust man ran out of three challenge opportunities, and his best score remained at the 90-meter eight-ring.

Continuously, a trainer stood up. Infected by the warm atmosphere, Liang Ren stood out from the crowd without showing up after Kida Shinichi finished the challenge.

“Sent a Slowpoke to participate in the competition? It seems that this young man is probably thanking you for your patronage and focusing on participating.”

“If you don’t understand the situation, don’t talk nonsense, and advise you to be free Go to the Stadium to watch the game. This boy and his Slowpoke are terrifyingly strong.” Liang Ren walked to the middle of the square with Slowpoke in his arms, and suddenly many people outside the stadium made unfavorable voices.

Of course, such arguments did not last long. Soon citizens who knew Liang Ren overwhelmed these unfavourable arguments.

Although he is not a big Celebrity trainer, Liang Ren is well-known in Saffron City Stadium.

“100 meters.”

“Slowpoke, it’s up to you.” I didn’t care about the audience’s comments off the field, and reported the distance to be challenged to the Gym Senior Brother who placed the target on the opposite side. Later, Liang Ren said to Slowpoke confidently.

“This is too big. Now the best score is only 110 meters and nine rings. This kid will challenge 100 meters as soon as he gets up.” Although I heard that this boy is not simple, but When Liang Ren directly challenged the 100m, he still aroused considerable discussion.

Liang Ren is not angry with the people outside the court to question, and then just use facts to hit his face. The long-term telekinesis target training training and the absorption of 10 special attack Attribute coins every day are not done. Useless work.

Fatty claws, a javelin flew out of the tube, the target on the other side of the square was set, and the javelin suspended in front of Slowpoke shot out with a swish.

The “peng” javelin hit the bullseye, and other contestants on the square, as well as citizens outside the field, suddenly opened wide.

“100-meter ten-ring.” The Gym Senior Brother across the square gave Liang Ren a thumbs up and reported in a loud voice with pride.

In fact, the 100m is just a warm-up. Liang Ren performed very plainly for this result. After all, during the previous training, Slowpoke had a better result.

“150 meters.” In the surprised gaze of other players and citizens, Liang Ren reported the farthest shooting distance of a game so far.

“It’s hard to believe that a Slowpoke has such a strong Psychic and is so proficient in Psychic control.”

“Although Slowpoke has a Psychic Attribute, it’s just Deputy Attribute, this…”

With the first 100-meter ten-ring performance, and the second time when Liang Ren reported to challenge the 150-meter, the outsiders did not show any doubts. There is also a hint of expectation in the expression.


The javelin shot out again. When I saw the javelin, it was already trembling and stuck on the bullseye on the opposite side of the square.

“150 meters with ten rings.” The smile on the face of the Fighting Gym Senior Brother grew stronger, his tone was unabashed pride.

“My day, this young man has set a record.”

“150 meters ten rings, how strong is this Psychic.”

“One more chance, how many meters will he challenge this time?”


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