“there is always someone stronger, don’t think that you will be complacent when you enter the privileged class. Innate talent is not equal to strength.

Two days after school, I found out that we are in the class. I didn’t even go to a class. Are you planning to go to a normal class next month to experience life? Go back one by one, reflect on it, and disband!!!”

The election for class committee is over. The squad leader of the theoretical student is Weiyang Shimamura, and the squad leader of the combat student is Liang Ren.

“I wanted to take the opportunity to beat the students in the class.” Hearing Sabrina’s words, Liang Ren thought to himself.

There are actually people in the class not going to class. Liang Ren is indeed a little surprised at this situation.

But this is normal. A group of thirteen-year-old youngsters, everyone is as self-disciplined as him, it is not realistic, after all, he is a man for two lives, and a youngster has an adult heart in his body.

“Liang Ren, you are really cruel.” After coming out of the gym, Daisuke complained first.

“Knowing that my strength has to be challenged, you just owe you panic.” Liang Ren said in a sentence.

“Let’s go to the Pokémon Center to recover.” As for Liang Ren’s strength, Kida Shenyi was also secretly surprised.

Slowpoke’s use of Psychic is even more proficient than his Ralts, especially Teleport, but also a Major Perfection. I have to ask him when I have time.

“Let’s go.”

There is a Pokémon center in the school. From this point, we can see how much the Alliance attaches importance to the Saffron City intermediate rank school.

After the four people in the dormitory went to the Pokémon Center to recover, Daisuke and Shin Kida went back to the dormitory to play games. They had to accompany their family to participate in a commercial exhibition party in the evening, and Liang Ren did this. Bian took Pokémon out for a night run.

“Pidegeotto, Slowpoke and Shellder please.”

“Compared to~”

Pidegeotto is much stronger than similar figures and has a broad back. There is no problem with Slowpoke and Shellder. Moreover, Slowpoke can also use Confusion to reduce the weight of himself and Shellder, otherwise he would not be able to hold this Little Fatty.

Gray sports vest, Black knee-length shorts, and sneakers, Liang Ren stood on tiptoes and jumped a few times at high frequency to raise his heart rate and stretch his muscles at the same time. Put on the earphones. One person ran around the boulevard on the outermost periphery of the campus.

Pokémon trainers have the nickname of adventurers. If you want to take risks everywhere, you not only have requirements for Pokémon’s strength, but also the trainer must have a strong body.

Before he was so keen on learning all kinds of Pokémon knowledge that he neglected physical exercise, but now that he is aware of this problem, he will naturally try to make up for the shortcomings in this area.

Fortunately, teenagers are just when they grow up fast, take in enough nutrition every day, and then strengthen exercise. Liang Ren believes that his physical fitness will quickly increase.

Privileged students are very free. After three days of class, Liang Ren has almost found the rhythm of campus life. I feel deeply about this.

There is a section on the school’s official website called Digital Campus, which contains audio and video materials for every course in the school. Liang Ren can even start learning in advance at night when nothing is wrong, or if something is delayed. In class, you can catch up with the teaching progress in this way afterwards.

After discovering this feature, Liang Ren made a lot of changes to his study plan, and the schedule was too full, leaving Pokémon less time for exercise.

He is now rapidly raising his age through learning. Pidegeotto, Slowpoke and Shellder are also in a period of rising strength. At this time, reducing exercise is not worth the loss.

So he has to find a balance among them, and he is going to Saffron City Stadium this weekend to hit ten consecutive victories.

After being promoted to a star trainer, there will be a difference between’qualified’ and’matching’ in the Stadium battle.

When the time comes, you can take Pokémon to the Stadium to participate in the match every night, so you don’t have to be cautiously, for fear of losing your record if you lose a game.

By fighting professional trainers with higher combat literacy, Pidegeotto…the three will increase their strength faster under pressure.

When the three pets become stronger, he can even go out for a short trip, to the Viridian forest, Yuejian Mountains…These places where a large number of Wild Pokémon inhabit.

Of course this is his relatively long-term plan. At the moment, he still has to do it step by step, with his feet on the ground, just like he is exercising at night, stepping one foot in front of the other. , Persevere, even the distant goal can be achieved.

“The Song of Meowth”

blue silent night

I think about life by myself

The worm is rolling in the grass, Tweet

It looks delicious

Tonight, I won’t eat them

The moon is so…round

So round

Rounder than anything round in the world

Somewhere in the vast universe

There is another me! !

On the hillside grass like me

Are you playing the guitar?

Are you singing Meowth’s song?

It’s so lonely to be alone.

What are you doing right now?

I want to call other people.

————< /p>

Listening to the melancholic singing from the earphones, Liang Ren not only didn’t feel negative in his heart, but became more powerful, because Pokémon who sang this song was originally the most inspirational example.

“Hey, Liang Ren, I met you again.” A young girl’s hearty greeting overwhelmed the singing in the earphones. Liang Ren looked up and saw that he could meet every morning exercise Classmate Rei Anbe.

Because they are roommates with Casey, the two have also gotten acquainted with each other. Unlike other girls, Rei Ambe, who came from Fighting Gym, looks heroic because of regular exercise. , With a different kind of charm.

“Rei Ambe, Barrang, you are also running at night.” Liang Ren laughed.

“Ballang and I come out to exercise every night, but Liang Ren, you, tonight is the first time.” Seeing Liang Ren’s greeting, Abeli ​​said with a hearty smile on her face.

“I didn’t exercise much before and my physical fitness was a bit poor, so I wanted to exercise more so that I could go out to travel later.” Liang Ren didn’t feel sorry, laughed in response.

“Well, Liang Ren, do you want to go to my gym to do karate training. This is much more effective than running.” Rei Abe and Barrang slowed down and said next to Liang Ren.

“Is this okay?” Liang Ren asked uncertainly. There are a lot of apprentices and dísciples in Gym, but Gym Leader doesn’t accept them all.

“Don’t worry, can’t the privileged class students apply to study at a gym every semester? If you want to learn karate, let me tell my father, you’ll be sure to make an all-out effort Coaching you.” Abe Rei said straightforwardly.

“Then I will apply to Sabrina Teacher next week. There are a lot of things this week. I’m afraid I can’t get away.”

“Okay, when the time comes, I will go back and follow My dad said it.”

“By the way, the guy Shinichi Kida, didn’t he do morning exercises with you in the morning? I didn’t come out at night.”

“With Daisuke Playing games in the bedroom.” Liang Ren didn’t know why Rei Abe suddenly asked Shinichi Kida, but they usually quarrel when they meet each other. There is probably a story. After all, they are both from Celadon City, and maybe they were classmates before.

“hmph, I don’t know how motivated the weak man.”


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