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After the end of this lap, Hideshi just returned to the dormitory and received a telephone number of the branches.

is some topics that do not have any nutrition, what is the feeling of ACADEMY?

I know that the branches after five minutes have said something useful.

Director of the branch: “Hideshi classmates, because you are my special trick, I know your strength, but other students don’t know.”

“A class of students is some Heaven’s Chosen Child, which may be a bit dissatisfaction with you, you take a little.”

Hideshi: “I will, I listened to this topic.”

“I will not be able to pay with them, but they are too much, I will definitely give them a deep lesson.”

Hideshi said this, although the clouds are clear, the branches are still a powerful Imposing Manner.

Secretly Thought: Sure enough, this guy can have such a achievement.

After hooking the phone, Hides took a shower, just gave Beedrill, they prepared to rest.

After got it, I saw it at 9:30, and there were some time.

he sat at the desk and took the textbook out.


2nd day is no matter, Hideshi has visited ACADEMY in the morning, and the remaining time he stays inside the room.

This time I quickly arrived at the beginning of the school. Hideshi washed behind the backpack.

Check tube academy This opening ceremony is held in Great Gifts.

hideshi is now wearing a black red school uniform, which is the school uniform of the checkboat academy, a lot of uniforms that are better than next-door police Academy.

Now the Moved Towards Grand Auditorium is this new life, Hideshi is 14 years old, height 175, it can be said in a group of people is a Crane IN A Flock of Chickens.

Soon he came to the big auditorium, the entire auditorium surrounded by the audience.

can see the middle stage in the middle, there is a brand in the audience of each layer, and a few classes are written.

is at 1st Floor, and each seat is attached, is it so rigorous?

hideshi finds his position to sit up, and then a group of people next to see Hideshi is a face of a face.

Because they don’t know Hideshi, I have never seen him at all.

The most critical is that Hideshi is also specially examined, although not said that the results can be sitting in front, but by a stranger suddenly sitting in their own youngster will definitely be very unhappy.

There are several people who have already begun to secretly discuss who hideshi is.

hideshi eye view of nasal nose and nasal nose, not affecting the outside world.

This is more and more people who come over time, and more and more people have seen Hideshi.

Some people look at Hideshi, look at Hideshi, ready to be optimistic.

then hideshi saw the green haired man living next door, he also saw Hideshi, and the feelings changed in a moment, very uncomfortable.

After he came, he sat in the right side of Hideshi, two people were separated, and Hideshi also knew his name, big and.

After a while, there are two people come over. Hideshi noted that the two people came to see their eyes Celestic, that is, envy and not cool.

Guess these three people should be the strongest power in a class.

is that, after all, in his eyes are Brat.

If you dare to find your own trouble, he doesn’t mind giving them a deep lesson to let them know in the Wider World There Aref.

is very fast, and he is not far from a Middle-Aged Man with Black Eye.

There is a powerful Imposing Manner, and Hideshi knows this is a powerhouse.

The man is sitting down after seeing hideshi.

Then the opening ceremony, the two rows of the most in front of the audience are leaders, and Hides has seen the Director of the branch.

The next opening ceremony is a Middle-Aged Man, a Middle-Aged Man, a strong, a face.

He is the dean of the examiner, although the Level is high than the branches, but Hideshi feels that his strength should have no branches.

is what he knows, it is a feeling.

The next thing is very bored, what is the thing, Hideshi is early.

finally ended over an hour, he is also SIGHED IN Relief.

then the middle-aged Teacher stood up: “Everyone went to the classroom.”

The group of people left the gods to the classroom.

Hideshi is on the road, suddenly someone came over.

“Hey, hello”

hideshi turns the head to see the person who speaks, this is a very beautiful Girl.

looks some live wave cute, there is a pair of big eyes and red hair.

is what she said, Hideshi replied: “Hello.”

girl continued: “Hello, I called Mi, I haven’t seen you before I have admitted to school.”

hideshi said with a smile: “My name is hideshi, I didn’t participate in the enrollment assessment, it is the branch director to recruit me.”

Mi Said with a smile: “It turned out that you came in the back door, but you can let the branches will come in, you are sure to be particularly very powerful.”

When communicating in two, some students around them are also talking.

Hearing Hideshi said that he is the branches, and the look is different.

Some is surprised, some are envious, and there is no precaution.

One of the students also said that Hides did not exist: “Say it is good, it is coming in the Director of the branch.”

“Maybe it is to give your own face, who knows how much it is.”

He said that the Mi’s face changed, and looked at the look of Hideshi.

hideshi said with a slight smile: “Nothing”

and asked: “Who he is?”

Mikoke Said with Curled LiPs: “His called, rattan, this admission to the last one of our class.”

hideshi listening to said with a smile: “It turned out to be the last one, listened to him, I thought it was the first place.”

Mi listen, laugh did not speak.

and rattans can’t bear it, directly taunted: “My last one is better than you open the latter.”

hideshi shook the head did not speak, he feels very meaningless, this guy has no brain.

Continue to entangle it will not be a person who has no brain as him.

So hideshi did not care about him, but the rattans did not want to end.

I want to continue to provoke, the result of the big and direct Opened the mouth and said: “Vaçone is closed, I don’t know?”

It does not dare to speak when the rattan is listening, and some hate Hides is no longer speech.

is still quiet, and everyone will return to the classroom.

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